Facing his gaze, Lin Yu opened his mouth and uttered two words: "Clothes!"

"A kind of clothes that is different from ordinary people like you, and different from your two different doctrines. This is a kind of clothes that seeks common ground while reserving differences!"

"This clothes represents responsibility, represents your thoughts of resisting America, resisting unequal rule, resisting tyranny, and helping the weak."

"Tell the soldiers that when they put on this clothes, it means they have to take on this responsibility."

"And the people who wear the same clothes as him are the people who bear the same responsibilities, comrades, brothers, and people who can put their lives and deaths in each other's hands."

"Similarly, it is also to distinguish from other people."

"It may be a little troublesome at the beginning, but later, once people start to compare, they will find that people wearing this kind of clothes are more Others should be better. By that time, you will be halfway to success. "

"On this basis, you can further strengthen and launch your governing program, and then you can take the opportunity to slowly absorb others. "

"By that time, your resistance will be easier, because no matter where you go, your reputation has been spread, and everyone knows that people wearing such clothes are good people, and people wearing such clothes to cause damage are bad people. "

"Wait until the day when the war is gone, the whole of Iraq will be your people, and then you can fully display your ambitions! "

"So, if I were you, I would choose to buy an extra batch of military uniforms, which are different from ordinary camouflage uniforms and are clothes unique to your resistance organization! "

"Do you understand?"

Listening to Lin Yu's words, Rhodes was also thinking.

He wanted to refute a few words, but after careful thinking, he found that what he said was right, because on the day he came, Kalim had already started training.

The people of several families got together and naturally divided into several gangs. Although the training was not left behind, it always seemed a little awkward.

I didn't know what the problem was, but after listening to Lin Yu's explanation, I suddenly felt enlightened.

They have no sense of identity!

Those who are training don't think that others are in the same group as themselves. They are only training in name. They look like they are in good shape, but in fact they are still a mess.

Such a team would be dead if sent to the battlefield.

They must first be made to think that they are one, and then trained on this basis, so that they can become real warriors.

His eyes slowly opened, and Ross whispered: "Then... help me adjust the list, add 10,000 sets of clothes, the style of the clothes... Forget it, I will find a factory to design it myself!"

"No need for this." Lin Yu added text to the list and explained: "Don't worry about this, we have a one-stop service here, and I have a garment factory under me. When the time comes, just one phone call will be enough."

"Let's make a few sets of clothes for you first, take a look, and we can make them if you like. Don't worry about this."

Hearing that Lin Yu still had a garment factory in his hands, Ross suddenly felt that he had been deceived, but he recalled the words just now carefully.

I think this makes a lot of sense.

Forget it. If this person made up these words and these reasons just to sell clothes, it would be hard for him.

"Okay!" After another response, Rhodes' finger fell on the list again, and he asked again: "Mr. Lin, see if there is anything else to add. Let's make it clear at once. Let's finalize the matter. We have to run the route here quickly."

"Well..." After a pause, Lin Yu turned his head and looked at the Arabs around him. He looked up and down and asked:

"How is your communication equipment? The enemy you are going to deal with is modern America. Their communication equipment is very advanced. A tactical team can call for helicopter support. What about you? Can the various groups communicate effectively?"

As soon as this question came out, Rhodes was completely asked. He smiled awkwardly, and then he said: "It's mainly landline phones. Although there are communication base stations near us, mobile phones are too expensive."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Lin Yu shaking his head like a wave drum.

Then there was a negative voice: "This won't work. Modern warfare is all about information. American reconnaissance planes are passing in the air, and ground teams are advancing. Their communications are guaranteed at all times."

"The minimum you need to do is to let your headquarters contact the team."

"I have a very cheap mobile phone here, 300 yuan each. Don't look at me with that suspicious look. The unit of this phone is RMB, not US dollars."

"I have paid special attention to your network. This phone is compatible. Do you want some?"

"You don't need too many. Each tactical team should be equipped with a mobile phone. Turn it off when not in use, turn it on when in use, and run away after explaining the information."

"You can even use this situation to fool the Americans, because they will definitely monitor those mobile phone signals."

"At that time, you can report some random information and let them listen a few more times. After they find the problem, they will not listen."

Looking at the smiling face opposite, Rhodes wanted to nod and agree, but reason stopped him again.

However, when he was about to say no, his instinct came back and told him to buy a cell phone, which was not expensive anyway.

300 RMB, less than 40 USD.

You only need two 120mm mortar shells to buy five mobile phones, and five mobile phones can equip five teams.

You only need to kill one American soldier to get your money's worth.

What's more, you can send mobile phones to ordinary villages, so that people in these villages can act as their eyes at any time and issue warnings as soon as they see Americans.

It will definitely be easier than running away to call for help before!

Just when he was hesitant, Lin Yu took out his Nokia, put it on the table, and continued:

"In fact, mobile phones can also be used as remote-controlled time bombs. If you don't know how to do it, I can teach you step by step."

"War is fought for resources, but more importantly, for people. Our ancestors left a saying, which is that if you save the land and lose the people, you will lose both the land and the people. If you save the people and lose the land, you will save both the land and the people."

"The more intense the war is, the more important people are reflected. It is better to make a remote-controlled bomb and put it on the ground to detonate it remotely than to hold the bomb and detonate it by yourself."


At this moment, Ross finally understood why his nephew said that. The young man in front of him could definitely read people's hearts!

If this thing can really be used to detonate bombs, then...it can be purchased in large quantities!

Licking his lips lightly, he whispered: "Then add...add 2,000 first!"

"After I transport it over, if it is useful, I will order more."

"No problem!" Lin Yu happily added 2,000 more mobile phones to the list, as well as the corresponding universal chargers and spare batteries.

After writing down these words, he handed the list to Rhodes again. After the Arab confirmed it, he picked up his phone and called Qian Jianguo in front of him.

"Uncle Qian, 120mm mortars, 1,000 guns, 100,000 rounds of corresponding shells, give me 10,000 rounds within 10 days."

"120mm rocket launchers, give me 10,000 rounds within 10 days, 5,000 rounds of anti-personnel shells, 5,000 rounds of tandem armor-piercing shells."

"Also, give me the phone number of Xu Feng at the garment factory, I have something to ask him."

"Remember, 10 days!"

After instructing Qian Jianguo, he hung up the phone casually, turned back and smiled at Roz, raised his hand and pointed to the gate: "Mr. Roz, please."

"Let's find a place to eat, I'll arrange the work, and we'll go back to Rheinsteel early tomorrow morning."

Dumplings on the bus, noodles on the bus, Lin Yu treated Roz to a meal of shaved beef noodles according to the customs of Shandong Province, which was quite authentic.

The slices of beef were clear and translucent, and you could see the people on the opposite side.

After dinner, Roz became interested in Lin Yu's factory. At his repeated request, Lin Yu took him to wander around the factory.

"This is our R\u0026D department. For now, our main job is to make mobile phones."

"Now you see these mobile phones are ordinary, but in two years you will know that we are still good at it."

"This is a drone. It's good that you have heard of it. If you have heard of it, then I don't need to waste my words."

"Now the technology in all aspects is not enough, just temporarily making a technical reserve. If one day our drone flies into the sky, then we will definitely sell it to you at a fair price."

"Why sell it to you?"

"Mr. Roz, I would like to ask a question, a bomb falling from the sky is more threatening to you, or popping up from the ground, or coming straight at you?"

These few words directly stunned Roz on the spot.

Iraq was established in 1958, and he was born in 1959, almost the same age as Iraq.

Therefore, Iraq's war history is basically his growth history.

He had seen many bombs and almost died several times, but God blessed him and he survived, and naturally understood what Lin Yu meant.

Bombs, after all, fell from the sky, posing a greater threat.

After figuring this out, his eyes slowly moved and fell on the disassembled parts in front of Huang Tianhai.

At this moment, Lin Yu's voice sounded in his ears again:

"This thing, in our design, is a little guy flying around with bombs on its back."

"But it's a pity that the technology is not enough now, and the various signal transmission functions are still a little lacking, and it will take a few years."

"In a few years, when the technology is mature, this thing can carry the 120mm mortar shells I sold to you, and perform a heavenly flower show on the enemy's head."

"Using this thing, ordinary people can also get an air force experience card, and it is a very effective air force experience card."

Air Force, two simple words, is indeed a daunting existence for many countries.

Iraq also has a strong air force, but it was once.

This air force, which was once known as the third best in the world and had hundreds of fighter jets, was beaten up and wiped out by the army led by America in the Gulf War.

Even the air defense force, which was once known as invincible, has not recovered until now.

If I have this kind of drone, I will definitely get more advantages when I fight with America.

Taking a deep breath, Rhodes pointed to the parts on the table:

"I... I want this..."

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