When you are rich, there is Rheinmetall; when you are poor, there is Rheinsteel!

Chapter 104: New friends, but old friends! (Second update!)

"At the same time, we should also advertise it so that people in other provinces and cities know what kind of city Shenzhen is."

"After the publicity, we can attract more talents and more high-level companies to settle in, forming a siphon effect on surrounding cities!"

"By that time, maybe Director Meng's title of Director will have to be changed!"

The cooperation memorandum and agreement have been signed, and Lin Yu did not hesitate to flatter.

It's just a few words, and you can get real money after saying it, and there are related policies, so why not do it?

Hearing his words, Meng Chao was stunned for a moment, then raised his right hand and pointed his index finger at Lin Yu:

"Haha! Then I will borrow Director Lin's good words. The contract and memorandum have been signed, and I will go back first. If you need anything, you can call me at any time."

"In this one acre and three points of land in Shenzhen, my old face can still be used."

"Then I'll trouble Director Meng! Xiaokang, come and take our Director Meng back!" Lin Yu stretched out his hand to call Kang Shikai over and asked him to drive Meng Chao back.

But before Kang Shikai came over, Meng Chao waved his hand, saying he had something else to do, and walked into the car. The driver stepped on the accelerator and disappeared.

As he left, the sound of firecrackers also came to an end.

After the prosperity, there was only garbage on the ground. With a gloomy sigh, Lin Yu picked up the broom and joined the team to sweep the floor.

After cleaning up the firecracker scraps, several people returned to the office again.

In the office, Huang Tianhai and Mei Feng each held a cup of tea, sitting on the sofa and drinking leisurely. When he saw Lin Yu coming in, Huang Tianhai said quietly without even raising his eyelids:

"You two are really bragging!"

"If you don't brag a little, do you think it will be easy to do these things?" Mei Feng responded disdainfully, turned his head and looked at Lin Yu, and asked:

"Have you finished the parts supply contract? Decide on the supplier as soon as possible. After the production line is debugged in two days, we can start."

"The sooner we get the mobile phone out, the sooner we can get the subsidy from Shenzhen City. With those subsidies in hand, we can basically start the cycle."

Lin Yu stretched out his hand and Chen Liang, who was standing next to him, handed over the contract. He was about to explain.

The phone rang.

It was an unfamiliar number.

He answered it casually, but the first sentence made Lin Yu frown.

"Hello, Mr. Lin. I am Mustafa Bamul Alamud. I am in Hong Kong now. I contacted your factory and they said you are in Shenzhen."

"I think we need to meet, okay?"

The Mandarin was a little awkward, but you can clearly hear that this gentleman is rich.

This question made Lin Yu fall into deep thought.

Mustafa Bamul Alamud was the name signed by Kalim at the beginning. The name of an Iraqi is composed of his own name + his father's name + his grandfather's name.

And this person, like Kalim, has a Bamul. In other words, he should be Kalim's uncle.

Calculating the time, it should not take more than 4 days for Kalim to arrive in Iraq with the batch of goods, including the time when this person left Iraq.

He should have left yesterday or the afternoon before yesterday.

And the biggest news these days is that America accused Iraq of using weapons of mass destruction.

It is foreseeable that America will take action in the near future.

So this "Mustafa" will appear in Hong Kong and contact himself.

At this time, a voice came from the phone again.

"Mr. Lin Yu? Is it okay?"

The voice that rang again also brought Lin Yu back to his senses. He quickly said to the phone: "Okay! Mr. Mustafa, tell me the time to pass the customs, and I will bring someone to pick you up!"

"Okay, that's it, we'll contact you later."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Yu turned his head to look at Huang Tianhai and Mei Feng, and said seriously:

"Lao Mei, within a week, you have to give me a prototype. If it performs well, our future business will expand."

"But, no information should appear on the phone. Chinese labels should be in English. "

"Lao Huang, drones, just follow the four-rotor drones I told you about. You should make a prototype for me first. Give me a little more time, 10 days. If it works well, maybe we can get some extra funds."

After giving instructions, Lin Yu kicked open the door of Luan Yuelin's dormitory: "Why are you sleeping? You are in your prime years, everyone is busy with life, why are you sleeping?"

After forcing Luan Yuelin to turn on the machine, Lin Yu dragged the middle-aged man in his forties out of the factory quickly, got in the car, and drove to the port.

Halfway, Lin Yu suddenly asked: "Lao Luan, do you have a driver's license?"

"No, what about you?"

"I don't have one either! Haha!"

Amid Lin Yu's jokes, Santana stopped in front of the port, waiting for the incoming guest.

At the Shenzhen Port, an Arab man with luggage slowly walked out of the port hall. Looking at the city in front of him, the man sighed.

After watching the scenery for a while, Roz took out his cell phone and dialed the number he remembered. Soon, under the guidance of the phone, he found the Santana where Lin Yu was.

"Hello, I'm Mustafa. Of course, you can also call me Roz. This is my real name."

"Lin Yu! Please get in the car." Lin Yu opened the back door, waited for Mustafa to get in the car, threw his luggage into the trunk, got in the car, stepped on the accelerator, and rushed towards Longgang.

"Mr. Rhodes alone?"

"It's better to come alone for this kind of thing. After all, as your old saying goes, it's called heaven knows, earth knows, you know and I know."

"It should be that if the king is not discreet, he will lose his ministers, if the minister is not discreet, he will lose his body, and if a few things are not discreet, harm will be done." Lin Yu smiled and replied. From the rearview mirror, it was obvious that the Arab behind him had fallen into a state of confusion.

Then, with a burst of hahaha, the car stopped in front of the factory.

After bringing Roz into the office, closing the door, and taking out his cell phone and turning it off, Lin Yu asked Roz seriously, "Why did you come here this time, Mr. Roz?"

"Let's be frank. I need some things." Roz said, unzipping his collar, taking out a crumpled list from his arms, spreading it out, and putting it on the table. Then he gently pushed it forward, and the list came to Lin Yu.

There were not many things on the list, only mortars, rocket launchers, and corresponding ammunition.

The number was large, with 1,000 mortars alone.

And the required shells were as high as 100,000 rounds.

In contrast, the number of 120mm tandem armor-piercing shells reached an astonishing 50,000 rounds, and he even asked for 50,000 rounds of anti-personnel shells.

The value of these few things alone exceeded 26 million US dollars.

Moreover, there were more supplies behind this list, mainly various guns and ammunition.

There were no clothes or medicines.

After estimating the value of this list, Lin Yu stood up, poured a cup of hot water for the Arab in front of him, and then asked: "I wonder how long the delivery cycle is this time."

"Delivery cycle..." Rhodes stopped talking halfway, lowered his head and thought for a long time, he raised his head again and whispered: "Give me 10,000 rounds of each ammunition first, 10 days cycle, I will ship this batch back first."

"First see if the road we stepped on is safe, if not, we will change to another transportation channel."

Hearing that only 10,000 rounds of each shell are needed for the first batch of goods, Lin Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

For now, Rheinsteel's production capacity is far from enough. If he is asked to produce 100,000 shells in 10 days, he can only seek help from Qian Guoheng and find two old factories to finish it for him in 5 days at most.

But if he does that, the money will be given to others.

Now only 20,000 rounds are needed in total, and the people of Rheinsteel can complete it in 8 days with overtime.

Money is always in your own hands, and you will feel more comfortable.

"No problem!" With a nod of his head, Lin Yu took the list on the table again, then took out a pen from his chest and wrote a few words on it.

[10,000 pieces of each type, 10 days. ]

After writing these words, he looked up at the person in front of him again and began to deceive:

"Mr. Ross, according to your purchase list, are you several families united together?"

Hearing this, Ross remembered what his eldest nephew said: That person seems to be able to see through people's hearts, you have to be careful.

Thinking of this, he hummed softly and explained:

"There is no way. Our area is an oil-producing area. During this period, the army defending against the Kurds in the north has been mobilized. We can only unite several families to protect ourselves."

Hearing this, Lin Yu leaned forward slightly and asked again: "Have the Sunnis and Shiites united together?"


After getting the response, Lin Yu flicked the list in his right hand lightly, frowned, and then said with regret: "Then I think you have to modify these supplies."

"You have to buy some other supplies, otherwise, you will still have problems in the end."

Looking at the young man opposite with a sad face, Rhodes subconsciously asked: "What do you mean?"

But as soon as he asked, a trace of regret appeared on his face again, because he just repeated what his nephew said in his heart, but turned his head and forgot it completely.

This trace of regret appeared on his face for less than 0.1 seconds, and he quickly covered it up.

Since it has been asked, it is better to die in one way!

After asking the question, Ross moved the chair under his buttocks, came to Lin Yu, pointed at the list, and asked again: "Is there a problem with my list?"

"The problem can be big or small." Lin Yu flicked the list again with his hand, and under Ross's curious eyes, he spoke again:

"I won't say much about the conflicts that have been passed down for thousands of years in your faction."

"Now that they are united, it is likely that Kalim will be trained."

"Military training, I don't doubt Kalim's ability, because he is a top student from the Army Command College after all."

"If you want to establish a qualified organization, he is still a little short, because there is still a lack of a sense of identity among you."

"This sense of identity can make them unconditionally believe in the person behind them when they are fighting, even if he is a Shiite."

Halfway through the words, Lin Yu stopped talking and turned to look at Ross, his eyes were very clear, as if asking this Arab, do you understand?

And Ross also cooperated very well, widened his eyes, and asked curiously:

"How to do this identity?"

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