When Lin Yu saw Meng Chao for the first time, a kind smile appeared on his face, and he immediately went forward to meet him. Mei Feng, who was beside him, also smiled and followed him.

After shaking hands with Lin Yu, Meng Chao's eyes passed over him and Mei Feng, and fell on Huang Tianhai. After a moment, he pulled his eyes back to the front and asked Lin Yu:

"Mr. Lin, you guys are really fast. I went to your place this morning, and then the hotel said you checked out."

"I went to the Planning Bureau to ask Wu Tao, and he said you might go to the factory, so I rushed to the factory without stopping."

"In the end, I still didn't see anyone. When I asked people around, they all said that a group of people had just come here in the morning. So I found your marketing director and asked you about your arrival here, and then I hurried over."

"I should be glad that I rushed quickly, otherwise I would have to rush over again."

"By the way, what are you doing?"

After asking the question, Meng Chao's eyes swept back and forth between the three people, trying to see something from them, but he saw nothing.

Because all three of them had a faint fake smile on their faces.

Very polite, but with a unique sense of alienation.

"Let's talk about some technical issues. Director Meng can talk directly on the phone if you have anything to say. I'm always available."

Lin Yu responded casually, raised his hand and pointed to the pavilion next to him, inviting Meng Chao to sit down.

Meng Chao didn't move. He waved his hand and asked Mei Feng: "Dean Mei, can you help us find a reception room?"

Hearing this, Mei Feng's eyes lit up and raised his hand to the side: "Please come this way!"

Under his leadership, Lin Yu and others walked into his office, a very spacious office.

After arranging several people to sit on the sofa, Mei Feng continued to take Huang Tianhai to the side, where they enjoyed the scenery of the balcony.

At this time, Meng Chao finally took out a document from his briefcase and put it in front of Lin Yu.

"This is the condition given by the city after I went back yesterday and discussed it with the city for a whole night."

"Your shares remain unchanged at 70%."

"We want 30% of the shares, but on the basis of the original 30 million, we will give you an additional 10 million, which is 40 million."

"And our requirements are the exclusivity of cooperation and the use of funds at fixed nodes!"

"The details are in it!"

Pick up the document casually and read it quickly. In less than two minutes, he put the document down.

The core of the document is two points. The first point is that Shenzhen City must be given priority for subsequent share investment. Only when Shenzhen City clearly replies that it will not increase its shareholding, Lin Yu can find additional funds.

The second point is that Shenzhen City can pay the 40 million funds in full, but when using it, it needs to be used according to the nodes.

The first node, the equipment is installed and production begins.

The second node, the prototype is offline and testing begins.

The third node, the prototype is tested, mass production is carried out, and sales arrangements begin.

The fourth node, the sales volume reaches 10,000.

Each node can get 10 million.

Very common conditions, but also easy to circumvent, just like selling a house.

He pushed the document back to Meng Chao, and then went back with his response: "I agree to the conditions, when will the memorandum be signed, and the formal cooperation agreement?"

Hearing Lin Yu's straightforward agreement, Meng Chao also breathed a sigh of relief, then took out a notebook and opened it, studied it for a moment, and said: "Today is Tuesday!"

"This is a big project, and the mayor needs to come forward."

"It will take until next Wednesday, and several mayors will be free. At nine o'clock next Wednesday morning, after signing the cooperation agreement with you, the mayors can also visit other factories."

Hearing this, Lin Yu breathed a sigh of relief. With an extra fund, the financial pressure will be much less.

And bringing Shenzhen City on board will help future production.

He stood up with a smile on his face and stretched out his right hand to Meng Chao:

"Okay! I'll be at the factory next Wednesday, waiting for you all!"

"Okay! See you next Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock. Also, if Wen Dai comes to you for a loan, you don't have to pay attention to him."

After shaking hands gently, Meng Chao left the document behind and turned around and disappeared like the wind.

After several minutes, Huang Tianhai appeared in front of Lin Yu like the wind, and asked excitedly: "You got 40 million?"

"Are you really He Qingyang's apprentice? That old man went to get sponsorship, but he couldn't get any money at all. How come you get money so easily?"

Pushing Huang Tianhai aside, Lin Yu asked Mei Feng: "Where should we go next?"

Hearing the question, Mei Feng took out the notebook in his pocket and slid his finger along the notebook:

"The factory is there, the investment has been attracted, but according to your plan, there is still one thing that has not been obtained, that is, Shenzhen's policy on mobile communications."

"Then we need to continue to increase our weight and let Shenzhen continue to follow up."

"My suggestion is to produce the universal charger before next Wednesday and put it on the market at the same time."

"This thing is not difficult. For safety, I studied it yesterday and found that you can add a few capacitors to the motherboard of this charger to control the output power."

"And it is very coincidental that Lao Huang's unmanned helicopter has related power output technology."

"So, Lao Huang, this matter has to be done by you!"

Hearing that he had to do it by himself, Huang Tianhai's eyes suddenly lit up, he raised his head high, squinted, and asked disdainfully: "Charging management, right?"

"No problem, but where is the equipment?"

"Not sure!"

Hearing that the equipment had not been finalized, Huang Tianhai once again cast disgusted eyes on Mei Feng and mocked: "Tsk, tsk, the equipment has not been decided yet? You, Mei Feng, are really a lunatic."

After he disliked others, he pointed at himself with two index fingers and said calmly: "You have to come to me to purchase equipment. If you go to Mei Feng, you will definitely be cheated. He will be embarrassed, but I will be embarrassed."

Next to him, Mei Feng also joined in at this moment and said angrily: "He is really embarrassed."


Injection molding equipment factory.

“The price could be cheaper!”

“Boss, this price can’t be any cheaper!”

"This is a domestically made machine with a foreign brand on it. You are just putting a green onion in a pig's nose and pretending to be a elephant for me! The price should be lower!"

“It really can’t be any less!”

"You give me two units first, and then I will give you feedback on the laboratory data. Yes, you heard it right! Laboratory data, and then you give me 50% less on the price of these two units."

"What do you do?"

"Don't ask me what I am doing. All you need to know now is that I want two pieces of equipment, and then I will give you feedback on the laboratory data, which will allow you to better control these equipments. Do you understand? If you can understand, then this order Business can be done.”

"Up to 20%!"

“45% fixed price, don’t waste your time!”

"35%. The two devices together will give you a 35% reduction based on this, but you must ensure that what you feed back is laboratory data."

"Deal!" Huang Tianhai shook the boss's hand, pointed his head towards Lin Yu, and said very proudly: "Look, the veteran is taking action, one can take on two!"

Assembly line equipment factory.

Huang Tianhai put his right hand on the equipment factory owner's shoulder, and kept patting him on the chest with his left hand.

"Do you know what we are going to do? High-precision electronics, or a company that cooperates with the city government."

"I'm telling you, once you learn, twice you will become familiar. You have never seen this kind of assembly line, and you don't know how to do it. Now we will teach you step by step, teach you how to design, and teach you how to make it."

"As long as you debug the equipment completely once, do you have experience? Last time someone asked you to make the same type of equipment, would you be able to answer fluently? You can make money from them."

"Instead of being like us, where three people ask you three questions, and you leave three of us unaware."

"Now, the three of us will break it up for you, crush it into pieces, stuff it into your mouth, teach you how to make equipment, and teach you how to make money. Do you think it's appropriate for you to charge us a high price?"

"Yeah, isn't it appropriate to do this?"

"We are not bad people. We also know that everyone has difficulties when setting up a factory. You charge us a cost price and we teach you some skills. This is a mutual consent and a good thing for you and me."

"Oh, you don't know how to be a human being now. The cost price must be based on raw materials. Your workers are called learning skills. That's not called working hours. It's called learning hours. You have to pay tuition..."

Next to him, Lin Yu looked at this person who was even better at cheating than him, and quietly turned back to Mei Feng and asked, "Is he so good at cheating?"

Mei Feng spread his hands and asked, "Why else do you think he is the vice president here?"

After two busy days of finalizing the equipment, Lin Yu didn't wait for someone to install the equipment. Instead, he waited for an unexpected person.

Luan Yuelin.

He suddenly appeared at the door of the factory, taking pictures with his camera.

He almost had sex with Luo Ping. If Lin Yu hadn't happened to pass by, he would have had to eat at his table in the afternoon.

Passing a cup of hot water to Luan Yuelin, who had a black nose, Lin Yu sat down on the sofa next to him and looked at the man from the staff with curiosity.

Logically speaking, this person, under normal circumstances, would not appear in the outside world, let alone alone.

But at this moment, he took such an unreasonable action. There was only one possibility. Something happened that he didn't know about.

He appears here out of confidentiality.

After trying to understand this, Lin Yu asked aloud: "Is... America making some noise?"

Luan Yuelin, who was holding hot water in both hands and thinking about how to speak, heard this, a glimmer of approval flashed in his eyes, nodded, and responded:

"According to synchronized news from Russia, America's Third Pacific Fleet left Honolulu and headed to the North Pacific, which is the Aleutian Islands area."

"It is speculated that it is preparing to contain Russia."

"The news was synchronized from Russia?" Lin Yu asked in surprise. Russia actually synchronized the news with it?

This is almost a fantasy.

Unlike later generations who were hammered into recognizing reality, today's Russia still feels that it is the giant Soviet Union it once was.

He was still the boss in heaven and the second son in earth, and he didn't take his second uncle seriously at all.

This is not their usual style.

"What do they want to do?" Lin Yu asked once. However, after Luan Yuelin heard this question, he just shook his head slightly: "I don't know."

"However, our intelligence shows that the Pacific Seventh Fleet stationed in Little Devils left Yokosuka."

"Moreover, there is intelligence showing that a large number of American ships are gathering towards the Persian Gulf."

"The war you mentioned may be about to begin."

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