"Mike, shoot down the enemy's sniper and machine gunner, quick!"

After giving the order to the sniper team, Toth picked up the box by the windowsill, turned around and ran to the first floor. Before he reached the first floor, he heard the sniper team's reply in his headset, very anxious.

"We can't shoot them down. Those Russians brought snipers. We have to withdraw quickly. You withdraw from the 12 o'clock direction. We will cover you. Others have already surrounded us. If you go slower, we will all have to stay here."

Knowing that things were impossible, Toth did not force it. He found the right direction and took the remaining two people to run towards the outer area at the fastest speed.

When Toth arrived at the predetermined retreat point, the two teammates around him had disappeared, leaving only him covered in blood.

Throwing the intelligence box onto the pickup truck, he jumped on it. The informant in the car started the engine and ran all the way to the west with him.

Soon after the two left, the gunfire in Khomeini Port slowly stopped, and the three parties got three boxes.

The people from the Security Bureau did not dare to neglect it. They sent the box to Tehran as quickly as possible. With a little trickery, they opened the safe.

What appeared in the safe was an American combat plan.

A combat plan against Iraq using naval forces.

[Sea-based ballistic missile key strike plan]

The content of the plan was very long and detailed, so detailed that it was outrageous.

Soon, this intelligence fell into the hands of Iranian senior officials.

"We want to help Iraq? Are you kidding me?"

"We have to help. Iraq connects six countries. If America occupies this place, we will face endless troubles."

"How can we help? Mobilize troops? If we mobilize the troops, the pig-headed president of Iraq will definitely mobilize troops to fight back. I think it's better to let him die."

"Send this intelligence in its entirety. It would be best if they fight. If they don't, we can save some trouble."

"It can't be sent in our name..."

"Then send it in the name of Iraq!"

"No, send it in the name of the English!"


The Russians heading east to Pakistan also opened the box on the way. Inside the box was an air force intelligence.

[About the plan for targeted bombing and decapitation by stealth strategic bombers]

Seeing the name of the file, the group of Russians couldn't sit still. They read the file as quickly as possible and finally extracted the key points.

America has equipped a new type of stealth strategic bomber that can evade existing radar monitoring.

They are going to use it in this war to test the performance of this weapon.

At the same time, a bomb was mentioned in the bombing.

The new EGBU-28 guided bomb weighs 2,130 kilograms!

A bomb weighing several tons, if it hits the forehead, it will kill you.

After reading it, they just felt cold sweats running down their backs. They never expected that America, who couldn't hide anything, actually learned to hide things!

They couldn't help but ask.

If that kind of stealth bomber launched an attack on their country, could they withstand it?

Can radar find this kind of stealth bomber?

After a little hesitation, the Russian leader changed the plan: "When we arrive in Pakistan, we will contact the country and let the hackers in the country issue this plan in the name of England. The more people know about it, the better."

On the other side, Toth also swam across the Shatt al-Arab River and entered Iraq under the guidance of the informant.

Under the guidance of the locals, he did not spend much effort to enter Kuwait by land and return to the base.

When a group of senior officials opened the box, everyone was stunned.

Because inside was a combat plan from the Central Command in Washington, the Army's combat plan.

[Army Armored Forces' Plan to Attack Iraq from North to South]

"Who can tell me what's going on?" Albert, the commander-in-chief of the Kuwait base, looked at the people around him and asked angrily.

The others present were also confused.

This question should not be asked by you, the commander-in-chief, but by us, the subordinates.

Why did this operational command, which looks like the Central Command, appear in Iran and in the hands of a Russian?

The operational plan in this box is for the Army, so will the remaining two boxes be the operational plans of the Air Force and the Navy?

Facing the confused eyes of a group of subordinates, Albert knew that he had asked the wrong person. He simply picked up one of the documents, returned to his office, and called the Central Command.

"Have you prepared to fight Iraq? Didn't you say it was still in the plan?"

Hearing his words, the person on the other end of the phone was even more confused. It took more than ten seconds for the other party to react:

"Who told you?"

"Well, I have a very unfortunate news to tell you. That is, our people in Iran, from a Russian, snatched a combat command plan for Iraq from your Central Command. We snatched the army. According to the feedback from the on-site personnel, there are two more boxes. I suspect they are from the air force and the navy."

After speaking in one breath, Albert felt that his eloquence had made great progress.

But compared with him, the person on the other end of the phone was silent, with only the sound of things falling.

After a while, the person on the other end of the phone spoke again: "Would you believe me if I said this plan has not been completed yet?"

"I believe it!" Albert replied firmly. The next second, he stabbed the person opposite again:

"I know how efficient you are. I've probably created a new folder by now."

"I am passing the information to you now. You must figure out what is going on as quickly as possible."

After speaking, Albert hung up the phone, turned around and walked back to the command center, asking his subordinates to send the information back to the country.

While waiting for his subordinate to pass the information, he made himself a cup of strong coffee, sat on the balcony, and tasted it quietly. His intuition told him that something big was going to happen.

After drinking cup after cup of coffee until dawn, Albert couldn't stand it any longer and slowly closed his eyes. He was about to enjoy the rare tranquility in the morning when hurried footsteps woke him up.

"Mr. Albert, something big happened!"

Opening his eyes impatiently, Albert felt particularly irritated when he saw his secretary was out of breath. He decided to change his secretary to a mature and steady one in two days.

He had a sullen face and asked sternly: "What does it look like? Is the sky falling?"

"What's the matter? Tell me!"

The secretary quickly handed the folder in his arms to Albert and explained: "The two combat plans that I didn't grab appeared on the Internet."

"It's the combat plan of the Air Force and Navy, and it mentions our latest stealth bomber."

"Then according to the IP query, the release locations of these two plans are both in England!"

Albert blinked in hindsight, slowly moved his body, pinched the Jingming point with his right hand, and started massaging it.

My head hurts and feels messy.

After a few minutes, he regained his composure and then stretched out his right hand to the secretary: "Bring me the phone. I want to contact Central Command."

However, before the phone was picked up, the ring rang first.

When the call was connected, what came to me was a scolding.

"Albert, you loser, why didn't you get the information? If you had, we wouldn't be so passive!"

"Because of you, all plans now have to be advanced, and many deployments are not yet in place. If something goes wrong by then, you will be responsible."

"Also, make your own defense arrangements over there. Iraq may retaliate."

The curses were as turbulent as the waves, and Albert couldn't find where to go.

After a while, when the abuse subsided, Albert suddenly asked on the phone: "Is that intelligence really lost by your Central Command?"

This question caused the person opposite to fall into silence.

About half a minute later, the other party said vaguely: "This plan is an internal plan, but it was leaked for some unknown reason. Now we can only advance the plan."

Holding the phone, Albert didn't know what to say.

After being stunned for a long time, he asked: "Then the other party knows your plan, how can you fight?"

When asked about the key point, the person opposite was silent for a moment and explained: "They think we will definitely change the plan, so we won't change it and just change the time."

"The plan is March next year, but we plan to advance it to the end of July this year, and we can start when the Pacific Fleet arrives in the Indian Ocean."

"What the fuck..." Albert cursed, hung up the phone, then took the coffee on the table and walked to the balcony to continue in a daze.

Such quiet days will not last long.


Deep city.

Walking out of the train station, looking at the high-rise buildings and the bustling crowds outside the train station, Kang Shikai couldn't help but sigh: "This big city is just different. Look at this building, look at this road, and look at this car." , Hey, and these legs.”

In mid-June, the entrance to Shenzhen Railway Station was crowded with beauties wearing hot clothes. At this moment, the scorching sun seemed to have lost its effect on them.

Dazzlingly white.

They held various signs and kept walking through the entrance of the train station. From time to time, they shouted to the tourists in less than standard Mandarin:

"Pretty boy, where are you going?"

And Kang Shikai's eyes moved slowly little by little along with the movement of these long legs.


Lin Yu raised his hand and slapped him. At the same time, he handed over the sunglasses he bought on the train:

"Here, put on your sunglasses so that no one can see your eyes."

"It won't embarrass us either."

The sunglasses in front of him and the words in his ears made Kang Shikai turn around in hindsight.

Only then did he discover a very serious problem. In the group of people they came out, except him, everyone else was wearing sunglasses.

Sensing his movement, Luo Ping and others showed their big white teeth to him.

And a harmonious smile.

Seeing this, Kang Shikai understood why Lin Yu asked them to buy sunglasses on the train.

He put on his glasses calmly, and then turned his attention again to the long legs walking in front of the train station.

Very good, very good.

Others really can't see through their own eyes!

very good!

At this time, Lin Yu's voice sounded again: "Old Kang, be careful about your saliva and your image."

In an instant, Kang Shikai became very serious and asked Lin Yu with a serious expression: "Director, we don't need to come to Shenzhen to build a copycat machine, right?"

Hearing this question, Lin Yu pinched a orchid finger with his right hand and sang:

"The drunkard's intention is not to drink!"

Are copycat phones important?

Not important, the parts inside the copycat phone are important.

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