Tel Aviv, Mossad headquarters, Ellis looked at the information fed back from the European branch, and his whole mind was numb.

Because during this period of time, he had been investigating the information of the equipment manufacturer. To this end, he risked his life and traveled across the battlefield looking for suspicious explosive fragments.

Taking these materials, he wrote a report of 20,000 words, and then persuaded the director to coordinate people from the European branch to assist in the investigation.

But these bastards from the European branch took his information and waited for a full week before sending him a reply.

And the reply content was very simple, with only a question mark.

On the A4 paper spit out by the fax machine, there is only a question mark the size of a grain of rice.

The moment he saw this question mark, the guys from the European branch seemed to appear in front of Ellis' eyes.

They sat around in front of the information they gave them, chattering for a long time and then threw it aside casually.

It wasn't until they repeatedly urged them that they pressed a question mark on the computer keyboard.

Click to send!

At this moment, he felt that all his courage and courage had been fed to the dog.

At this moment, Ellis felt like his whole body was burning up!

He grabbed the A4 paper in front of him, tore it into pieces, and threw it over his head. Only then did Ellis feel that the anger in his heart dissipated a little as he watched the pieces of paper falling like snowflakes.

He took out the report he had written before and walked towards the director's office angrily.

Knock on the door.

After waiting for a moment, he walked in and said, "Director, the European branch has responded with a message, only a question mark."

"This is a serious dereliction of duty. I think these people must be eliminated. Also, I hope you can come forward and borrow the American intelligence system."

"Strictly investigate the origin of the two code names GB/T and Rheinsteel."

"This is a responsibility to our frontline warriors."

After listening to his indignant words, Director Rotz spread his hands helplessly and replied: "The tasks are different, so the various departments should not interfere with each other, even if there is someone behind you."

"As for America's intelligence department, I'm sorry, the Americans are a little crazy during this time and have shut down intelligence sharing."

"You go back and write a new report saying that the Palestinians have run out of weapons and can launch another attack and submit it again."

"This is all God's will! Do you understand?"


Under night.

America is stationed at Kuwait City Naval Base.

A speedboat quietly left the base and headed towards the Iranian waters under the cover of night.

After the entire ship was completely submerged in the night, Captain Toth took out a photo and a map from his arms and showed them to the team members with the help of a flashlight.

"This person's name is Kasha Mikhail Leotolovsky. His name is fake, but he looks like a Russian. According to our informants, this person came to Khomeini Port a week ago. ”

"Wanted to sell an intelligence piece to the Iraqis."

"Perhaps the Iraqis are prepared to engage in prostitution for free, or perhaps the Iraqis feel that the information is not valuable."

"In short, this information has never been released."

"But this morning, when he was negotiating with an intelligence broker, the content of the intelligence was revealed."

"In the end, these fragmentary information fell into the hands of our informants."

"According to the informant's information, this intelligence should come from our Central Command in Washington."

"And our mission is to catch this damn Russian, get this information, and finally find out the person who dares to sell the information and kill them."

"As for our enemy, it is most likely the Iranian Security Bureau. Their equipment is not as good as ours, so there is no need to worry."

Putting away the photo, the captain brought the map to the team members, pointed to the Shatt al-Arab River on the map and said:

"Our informant is connected to Khomeini Port and he will provide us with trucks to leave."

"Catch the person, find the information, and immediately take a truck across the Shatt al-Arab River from land, enter Basra, Iraq, and then change your identity and leave."


After the team members nodded to confirm that they understood the mission of the operation, Toth turned off the flashlight. In the dark night, there was only the sound of the speedboat engine.

Starting from Kuwait and arriving at Khomeini Port, the straight-line distance is less than 150 kilometers. After seeing the outline of Khomeini Port, Toth turned off the engine, took the people, and slowly rowed to the shore.

On the beach on the shore, a Toyota pickup truck was parked on the roadside. The rusty body made people wonder whether the car could start.

As they approached, an Iranian walked out of the bushes on the roadside and cursed: "Damn it, you are twenty minutes late. In just twenty minutes, a big accident may happen."

"Let's go!"

When others got into the car, the Iranian stepped on the accelerator and sped towards Khomeini Port.

On the other side, several Russians were also making arrangements intensively.

In front of them, there was a map of Khomeini Port.

The leading Russian pointed at the map and said:

"Alexei, you are leading a sniper team to provide cover. Pay attention to the heavy firepower of the Iranian Security Bureau."

"The remaining people, together with me, must get the intelligence. After getting the intelligence, they will immediately drive east to Pakistan and return home."


After assigning tasks, a group of people took out their disguised weapons and set off towards the target point.

Khomeini Port Handel Street, where the Khomeini Port Branch of Iran's Security Service is located.

Under the darkness, the security personnel on duty stood on guard posts and dozed off.

Suddenly, a black shadow broke through the glass and fell in front of him.

Seeing this thing that suddenly flew in, a group of people were so frightened that they fell to the ground habitually, but soon they realized that it was not a bomb.

One of them boldly stepped forward and carefully opened the note. There was only one sentence on the note: "There is a top-secret information, which is traded on Menis Street."

It was very unexpected information, but all the intelligence personnel present decided to kill the wrong person rather than let it go, and go to see what was going on first.

Mayness Street.

Tot and the others were squatting in an alley. The informant pointed to the small building in front of him:

"The person you are looking for is inside. This person comes out every hour, always on the hour."

"The current time..." After saying that, he lowered his head and looked at his watch. It was 57 in the morning.

"Three minutes left!"

Three minutes later, the main door of the small building opened, and a stout Russian man walked out.

This man walked out of the small building and wandered around, holding a toothpick in his hand and picking his teeth constantly, while his eyes, like searchlights, kept scanning the surroundings.

Seeing him, Thoth immediately retreated, barely able to avoid the glare.

Then he took out the mirror and stuck it out from the corner of the wall. He continued for several minutes until the Russian returned to the small building.

Seeing this scene, Toth asked the sniper team to find a place to snipe, while he and his men continued to stay on guard.

After waiting for the signal that the sniper team was ready, Toth waved his hand: "Action!"

The door was gently opened, and after passing through the entrance hall, the five Tots separated and began to inspect the rooms on the first floor.

"There is no one in the living room on the first floor. It's safe."

“The bathroom is safe!”

“Kitchen safe!”

"Target is two..." Before his teammate could finish his words, a burst of gunfire sounded like exploding beans in the stairwell.

The sound of the gunshot was rapid and explosive, and spread far and wide in the dim night.

It's AK47!

The teammate who had just stepped onto the stairs was hit head-on by a 7.62mm bullet. In just two or three seconds, his whole body and body armor were beaten to a pulp.

"Suppressive fire! Grenade! Flashbang!"

The teammate moved very quickly, holding the trigger with his right hand and firing bullets at the stairwell wall wildly.

Rough construction techniques and wooden materials make the walls of the stairwell not bulletproof at all.

The gunfire upstairs was completely suppressed.


With a loud roar, Toth pulled out the flash bomb from his chest, pulled the string, waited for two seconds, ducked, and threw the flash bomb from the stairwell to the upper floor.


After the dull explosion, he took the lead and rushed up the stairs.

However, just halfway through the rush, a deafening explosion came from upstairs.

He himself was blown away by the huge explosion and fell down the stairs.

After rolling twice on the ground, he ignored the pain on his body, got up as quickly as possible, and rushed upstairs.

At the same time, he just hoped the Russian upstairs wasn't dead.

After the explosion, the second floor was in a mess, with fragments of furniture scattered everywhere.

The window to the south is open, and there are still traces of someone stepping on the window sill. Under the window sill is a huge box that looks very heavy.

The huge shoe prints on the box indicate that the fleeing Russians used this box as a stepping stone.

Toth quickly came to the window sill, just in time to see the figure stumbling forward on the street. In this man's hands, there were two boxes.

Further ahead on the street, there were several cars rushing towards this side, with machine guns mounted on the fronts of the cars.

Iranian Security Service.


At this moment, Toth didn't care about the requirements of the mission. He raised his gun and shot the fleeing Russian in the back.

The running man fell to the ground and rolled several times on the ground without any movement.

The box in his hand also flew out at this moment and rolled forward.

The two teammates who were guarding outside the small building saw this and ran towards the box as fast as possible.

What's in the bag is simple.

Toth was about to be proud when a gunshot suddenly rang out in the distance, and then he felt a pain in his chest, as if someone had punched him suddenly.

He fell backwards, and at the same time, the voice of the sniper team came from the earphones.

"There are other people here! Damn it, they're Russians! I know their way of fighting, turning into ashes! They also brought snipers to grab this information!"

"We're stuck with them!"

"Let's go!"

The body fell heavily to the ground, and the severe pain also made Toth wake up from his fugue state. He lowered his head and looked at his chest. The ceramic insert on his chest had been broken.

I put my hand into my arms and touched it. It was okay, only a little skin was broken and two ribs were broken.

Standing up despite the pain, Toth came to the window sill again, but the scene that caught his eye made his scalp numb.

On the street outside the window, there were two more groups of people.

One group was Iranians driving pickup trucks and they had heavy firepower, while the other group was obviously Russian.

The two sides were exchanging fire recklessly, and his two teammates happened to be sandwiched between the two groups, taking bullets from both sides.

One of them has been beaten into a bloody hole.

Another one was struggling against the wall, while the intelligence they fought for with their lives was lying straight in the middle of the road, under everyone's eyes.

The silver-white metal box looked a little pale under the light, and in the paleness, there was a little bit of mockery.

The culprit, the Russian, had disappeared.

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