"Impossible, absolutely impossible. What kind of business can make a net profit of 200 million yuan a year? Do you know what needs to be deducted to calculate the net profit?"

In the meeting room of Lanling Municipal Government, the director of the Finance Bureau screamed after hearing the number Kong Hui said.

"If you don't know, let me tell you. First of all, his words basically mean that the two hundred million are all from products, that is, only operating profits."

"And operating profits are equal to operating income-operating costs-business taxes and surcharges-sales expenses-management expenses-financial expenses."

"We calculate that this finished product has a good response in the market, is unique, has a monopoly position, and has huge profits."

"According to the 20% net profit margin, we can easily conclude that if we want to get a profit of 200 million on this product, we need 1 billion in operating income."

"It is one twenty-second of our GDP last year!"

"It is one-quarter of our GDP in the primary industry last year!"

"One-tenth of the secondary industry and about one-eighth of the tertiary industry."

"Let me ask, in our city, are there such a highly profitable industry that can support a 20% net profit margin?"

"If the net profit margin is further reduced, then the proportion will be even greater. Of course, I am not pouring cold water on everyone."

"But as far as the industry I know is concerned, there is no such a highly profitable industry."

The analysis of the director of the Finance Bureau slowly cooled down the hearts of others.

As their hearts cooled, the people present took out cigarettes, put them in their mouths, lit them, and smoked one after another.

Before long, the meeting room with closed doors and windows was covered with a thick layer of smoke, with the scent of mint, wine, and jasmine.

Lanling City is located in the southwest of Shandong Province. It has coal, some minerals, and some industries, so the GDP of the secondary industry far exceeds the primary and tertiary industries.

But compared with other surrounding provinces and cities, it is a little bit behind.

Last year, Lanling was 22.648 billion yuan, and Langya in the east had a GDP of 61.79 billion yuan in 2001, and the secondary industry alone was as high as 29.31 billion yuan.

Ningcheng in the north, 61.301 billion yuan.

Xucheng, the thirteenth guardian of Su Province in the south, 71.571 billion yuan.

Liancheng, known as the thirteenth sister of Su Province, also has 26.929 billion yuan.

Each of these figures is a mountain on the head of the people in Lanling City, one bigger than the other, and one more difficult to attack than the other.

After a long time, the mayor put out the cigarette butt in his hand and said to the people present:

"In recent years, the GDP gap with surrounding cities has been widening. Now, this gap does not look good, but in two years, it will become a snowball."

"We must stop this situation from happening."

"Besides, everyone present is very young, so I won't say anything extra."

"Now, everyone come up with a plan."

"Whether to follow with great perseverance or not, make a decision today, don't waste time, discuss this matter clearly, and also discuss the next step of attracting investment."

As soon as the voice fell, the director of the Finance Bureau raised his hand and answered loudly: "I think we can follow!"

Once this was said, the others were confused.

Just now, you listed the information to explain the cause and effect and questioned whether the project was feasible. Now, you are still the one who said you want to follow.


Are you used to being a fence-sitter?

Gaining everyone's attention, the director of the Finance Bureau straightened his back calmly and continued, "It's still a cost issue..."


"So, you decided to go all in?" Lin Yu asked curiously at Lanling Railway Station, listening to Kong Hui's story.

"It's not all in." Kong Hui shook his head and counted on his fingers and said, "According to the calculation of the Finance Bureau, the maximum cost of trying now is five million."

"If it's two years later, this number will increase several times. It's better to suffer a short pain than a long pain, so we voted together to pass it."

"Besides, it's hard to say whether we will have a chance to try it in the future."

"By the way, why do we have to take the train? It takes almost a day and a night from here to Shenzhen, which is very uncomfortable."

Shaking the ticket in his hand, Lin Yu stepped into the station, and a voice came from behind him: "It doesn't matter whether it's uncomfortable or not, we have to take a good look at the ordinary people in this world."

"If we can make one dollar from these ordinary people, hundreds of millions of ordinary people together, that's several hundred million."

The entrance of the railway station is very noisy.

The voices of people selling small commodities, begging, soliciting customers, and pimping were chaotic.

But Lin Yu's words fell into Kong Hui's ears accurately.

He thought of a word.

A pile of sand makes a tower!

Perhaps this time's investment promotion can be done from this. After thinking about this, he hurriedly picked up his bag and caught up with the people in front.

"Wait for me!"


In Gaza, Rahman and others sat in front of a radio, which played Israel's internal propaganda broadcast.

"In this military operation, our soldiers bravely killed the enemy, fought hard, and defeated the enemy, raising the prestige of our country..."

As he listened, Rahman turned off the radio with a gloomy face and picked up the two notebooks in front of him.

In his left hand was the inventory of materials, the consumption ledger of materials used by each team.

In his right hand was the combat casualty record, commonly known as the war merit book.

The inventory of materials came from Juan and Mansell.

The casualty records come from team records, but are supported by photos.

Shaking the notebook in his hand, Rahman sighed, spread out several notebooks in his hand, and said calmly:

"I will now report the total battle damage."

“During this Operation Defense Shield, we lost 15 people and seriously injured 37 people. These 37 people who were seriously injured are still in Rafah Hospital, and 149 people were slightly injured. These 149 people who were slightly injured have now returned to the team. The main injuries were The injuries are all bruises and the wounds do not affect movement.”

"Weapon damage, 37 AK47s made in Peshawar."

"Five tractors and corresponding launchers, empty."

"These battle-damaged tractors were mainly due to the failure to evacuate in time after launch, or were blocked during evacuation, which ultimately resulted in casualties."

"We should take a warning from this!"

"The results of material use and killing were 150 rockets, a total of 139 rounds. The attack targets were mainly various camps of the Israeli army. The damage in this part cannot be counted."

"105mm tandem armor-piercing projectiles, 657 pieces, damage results, 12 armored excavators, 7 armored personnel carriers, 4 Mei Laosan tanks."

"The effect is very significant. It would cost at least five million US dollars to repair these scrapped tanks and excavators!"

“The benefits are huge relative to our costs.”

"There were 1,264 105mm personnel-killing explosive bombs. After detailed comparison, it was confirmed that 257 people were completely dead. The number of seriously injured and lightly injured people cannot be counted. The standard of death is to see people completely broken into pieces."

"This is the biggest loss for the Israelis."

"Behind these fallen personnel are families, and according to the latest data, all the kibbutzim within them have been wiped out."

"The lack of strong labor will inevitably lead to a decline in the living standards of these families. The combat effectiveness of newly grown people will also decline without the guidance of kibbutz veterans."

"Even if you are recruited into the army, your combat effectiveness cannot be guaranteed."

"As far as these data are concerned, their so-called Operation Defense Shield has completely failed."

"And we achieved absolute victory."

Listening to Rahman's words, the people present were not very excited, because this victory was almost inevitable for them.

First, Arabilla traveled to a foreign country to purchase enough equipment.

On the way back, I also picked up secret books in an unknown desert.

Back home, these stubborn guys abandoned their stubborn ideological cooperation.

Rahman led hundreds of combatants below, digging tunnels day and night, recording ground marking points, and training soldiers.

Juan and other logistics staff were also frantically processing various weapons, working day and night.

The battle really started, and everyone performed combat tasks strictly in accordance with the requirements in the cheat book.

It completely changed their previous sloppy fighting style.

It was with such preparation that they achieved this victory!

This is God's reward for hard work!

This is the inevitable result!

If they lose, it proves that they are really hopeless!

But they won!

It shows that they are not hopeless!

In the silence, Hagrid burst out laughing, followed by the others.

After a brief laugh, Rahman put down his notebook and warned: "Next, the Israelis will definitely fight back with all their strength, so everyone must pay attention to safety in the next time."

At this moment, the door of the room was pushed open, and Art stuck his head out of the door and whispered: "The leader lets everyone pass."

Several people stood up one after another and followed Art into the next room.

In the room, a middle-aged man was sitting in front of the window. On the window frame, there was a small radio. A sweet female voice on the radio was broadcasting the results of Israel's war in Arabic.

"We have seized a certain amount of food, countless weapons, countless armed personnel, and thirty armored vehicles..."

In tune with the sound on the radio, my head has been nodding lightly.

It was obvious that he was in a good mood.

The footsteps behind him startled the middle-aged man. He controlled the wheelchair with both hands and turned around slowly, saying with a smile on his face: "You are here."

When the footsteps stopped, the middle-aged man spoke again: "This victory is the biggest victory since the establishment of our organization."

"So, I want to use the prestige of this victory to do something else."

His gentle voice made Rahman and others prick up their ears. Their intuition told them that what the leader said next would be very important.

While they were waiting, the middle-aged man spoke calmly: "I want to change our strategy, combine our religion, and follow the mass line. What do you think?"


Everyone present fell silent.

Because most of them don't know how to follow this so-called mass line.

However, this does not prevent them from accepting the ideas of middle-aged people.

Arabilla was the first to raise her hand and said, "I agree. This will at least give us a better advantage in our next actions."

"I agree."

"I agree."


After the last voice of agreement, the middle-aged man began to arrange the next work according to his ideas.

"Rahman, you continue to dig tunnels. The military and civilian uses are separated and there is no need for communication."

"Art, take some young people with you to maintain order in Gaza City and ensure basic public order and morality."


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