The conversation of Liu Liping's family was soon heard by the people around.

So, the saying that the family must buy a TV for the sake of the child spread like wildfire.

I don't want to buy it, but the living example of the factory director is squatting over there.

At that time, everyone familiar with him knew that the factory director at that time was a heroic man. Every day he was either reading, reading newspapers, or watching TV.

This... this is a living example!

Slowly, these words fell into Lin Yu's ears. After listening for a while, he always felt that this word seemed to have been heard somewhere.

After carefully recalling for a long time, he finally remembered a student he had taught.

The student had a good relationship with him. When the student's daughter was one month old, he went to see her once.

And the full-month gift that the student gave to his daughter was a high-performance computer. The excuse was naturally to cultivate his daughter's interest in scientific research.

The child was very easy to use at that time, but now...

He should have just put on open-crotch pants and couldn't be used. The other students, the oldest, should be in high school now.

None of them can be used.

Looking at those who use children as a shield to buy TVs, Lin Yu couldn't help but get angry.


This is a complete fraud!

He walked to Li Ping calmly, picked up the loudspeaker, and shouted:

"If you want your children to study well, you might as well buy more books and let adults study together to create that atmosphere."

"Children will learn with adults, understand?"

"You adults go home and play mahjong, curse, pick your feet, and watch TV every day. Do you still expect your children to learn and become talents by themselves?"

"Do you understand Meng Mu's three moves?"

"I am the factory director, listen to me, buy books!"

"Moreover, adults can get more bonuses and wages by learning knowledge and using it in work and production. This is a spiral upward behavior."

"By the way, buy two candies for the children after you give them the money. Eating two candies won't hurt anything, but it will let the children know that they will be rewarded if they do a good job. Do you understand?"

"In short, buying a TV is a dead end!"

"If you want to watch the news, I can let the radio station broadcast the news to you every day."

Under the stage, listening to Lin Yu's words, the women who were hypnotized by their husbands slowly woke up, grabbed the money, and shouted:

"Let's go! Buy books!"

After exposing the conspiracy of these adults, Lin Yu was in a good mood in an instant. He threw the loudspeaker back to Li Ping, turned around, hummed a song, and slowly walked towards home.

Go to sleep first, and wake up when you have something to do.


"Director, this is the current tractor of Lanling Tractor Factory, and the clothes of the garment factory!"

Turning his head to look at where Kang Shikai pointed, several red and green nylon clothes were draped on the disassembled tractor.

It can't be said that red and green are not good-looking, but red and green are very picky about design and people.

As for the style of these clothes, Lin Yu thought it would be more appropriate to call them raincoats.

He waved his hand irritably: "Send them to the guards and ask them... Forget it, hang them at the factory gate, whoever wants them can wear them every day!"

"What's the situation with their tractors?"

The repairman raised his head and held up the bearing in his hand: "The material is a bit brittle, and such brittle steel is generally not used here."


In the small meeting room of the Merchants Bureau, Liao Gang and others sat upright on their chairs, their bodies straight, staring at Lin Yu in the main seat.

Although he called himself uncle in terms of age and seniority, he was working now.

At work, you have to call your position! This is the rule!

In the main seat, Lin Yu put down the documents in his hand expressionlessly, did not speak, but crossed his hands to support his chin, and looked at the people present with a serious expression.

His cold eyes swept over the people, making people's scalps numb.

After a few minutes, he finally started talking:

"Director Liao, I have only one request for your steel plant. Upgrade the equipment, increase the output of steel bars and steel pipes, focus on the building materials market, and assist in some special steel markets. For special steels, you can make metal bulletproof plates."

"You can definitely grab the local building materials market. As for the neighboring city, it depends on your ability and quality. With these markets and our consumption, the steel plant will have no problem."

"Don't even think about entering the country and abroad. You can't beat those old steel groups. Raw materials alone are a problem. They are either next to the raw materials or can use ships to directly deliver the raw materials to the material storage area."

These simple words sounded like a June rain to Liao Gang's ears.

The pressure from the city in the past two years has been a bit heavy. This time, using Lin Yu's mouth to speak out the future development plan can also help him relieve some of the pressure.

He stood up quickly, bowed and said to Lin Yu: "Director Lin is right, let's find a place to drink tonight?"

"Lao Liao! Go to work!" Kong Hui shouted softly, turned his eyes to Han Jin and others, and waited quietly for Lin Yu's next words.

Under the gaze of everyone, Lin Yu's right hand fingers kept tapping on the table, making a sound like a horse's hooves running.

"Garment factory!"

A light shout suddenly sounded, and Xu Feng, who had just taken over the garment factory, felt nervous and sat up straight in an instant, like the most serious student in the class.

"I asked the people of Rheinsteel to look for your clothes in the market these two days."

"To describe it in one sentence, the primitive people ten thousand years ago probably didn't wear such ugly clothes. The most suitable place for your clothes is to make them into strips and use them as mops."

"Director Xu, I know you just took over, so I will give you a task, first change the pattern maker in your factory."

"Set up a marketing department and have people go to the market to take a good look at what the current patterns are. If you really don't know, go and copy!"

"First figure out your own positioning, men's clothing, women's clothing, or children's clothing!"

"No matter what you do, you must figure out your positioning."

"I'm looking for international customers here, but they also need to look good and sell well before they will buy, understand?"

"Clothes make people, and horses make saddles. If clothes make people ugly, what's the matter?"

Insults came out of Lin Yu's mouth one after another.

Xu Feng, who was being talked about, had a big square face and recorded these words expressionlessly.

He was going to give the original words to the people in the garment factory without changing a word.

Anyway, he had just taken office, so he was not afraid. He had plenty of time and mood to take it slowly.

Xu Feng recorded the text expressionlessly, which made Han Jin and Liang Yun, who were left, feel very upset.

Lin Yu saw the two people's restless appearance, and he just smiled and first looked at Han Jin.

"Director Han, your main product is relatively single. Once the sales of a single product are blocked."

"Plus the backward production efficiency, your benefits will be seriously reduced. This is the main problem."

"My suggestion is to add an additional workshop in addition to fertilizers."

"This workshop mainly studies high-strength tempered plastic materials."

"In the next ten or twenty years, we will need to use countless plastic materials, both high-end and low-end. No matter from which angle, it is not a problem to make a net profit of 100 million or 200 million a year."

"How to do it, you think about it yourself."

It is not a problem to make a net profit of 100 million or 200 million a year. This sentence directly stunned several people present.

In the quiet conference room, the sound of Kong Hui and others inhaling was heard, and the power was far greater than the electric fan next to them.

Because Lin Yu used the word net profit, not selling.

Selling 100 million or 200 million, many factories in Shandong Province can do it, but if you want to make 200 million, it is almost a fantasy.

Because there are many products with very low profit margins, so low that it is outrageous.

Of course, as an official, profit is not the most important thing. What is most important is the production brought by this part of the profit. If you want to make 200 million, you have to sell far more than 200 million goods.

And these goods cannot fall from the sky, they can only be produced in factories. The production of these goods requires a lot of raw materials and a lot of manual equipment, all of which can drive employment.

After writing down 200 million in the notebook, Kong Hui looked at Lin Yu and asked seriously: "Boss Lin, are you sure you can make a net profit of 200 million?"

"Easy, but..." Lin Yu changed the subject, and stared at Kong Hui with his clear eyes, making him sweat all over.

After several minutes, he continued, "This depends mainly on the city. You have to do it, and then you can make money, instead of sitting here and hoping for something."

"I know that when you go back to report, someone will definitely ask me to guarantee it, but I won't give any guarantees, because opportunities only come to those who are prepared, not to those who sit there and play dead."

After instructing Kong Hui, Lin Yu set his eyes on Liang Yun, who was also unlucky.

"As for Director Liang."

"Before 2000, our tractor workshop was still accepting your outsourcing work. At that time, your tractors were well-received products in Lanling and several surrounding cities."

"But I didn't expect that your products would have quality problems."

"If our people hadn't bought one and disassembled it, I wouldn't have believed that you would actually use planned scrapping on such a large part."

"You haven't figured it out yet."

"Your parts are not even tested before they are put on the car, right?"

"Go back and fire the people in your factory who should be fired, and change your mindset, otherwise, I won't lead you!"

"I will go south to Shenzhen in the next two days and will be back in about a month."

"After a month, I will come to inspect your work. If it is qualified, we will proceed to the next step of in-depth cooperation."

"If after a month, your basic skills are still not well-trained, then I'm sorry, I don't like to be a burden."

"Director Kong, what do you think?"

Hearing this question, Kong Hui knew that Lin Yu said these words to convey these words to the city himself, and one month was the time to adjust these works.

It is also an ultimatum.

His eyes fell on the notebook, and he smiled at the written rules and regulations, especially the 200 million figure.

In view of the 200 million profit, as well as the employment and GDP boost, the city will most likely agree with Lin Yu's idea.

Closing the notebook, Kong Hui breathed a sigh of relief and said to Liao Gang and others present: "You guys go back first, I will talk to others here, and there will be corresponding results in two or three days at most."

After Liao Gang and others left, Kong Hui looked at Lin Yu with curiosity and asked: "Mr. Lin, are you going to Shenzhen?"

"It happens that I will also go there in two days. How about we go together then? It will be easier to take care of you on the way, and with the Merchants Bureau to endorse you, many things will be easier."

After thinking for a moment, Lin Yu nodded: "Okay."

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