The Mount Whitney amphibious command ship, hull number 20, is a Bluebridge-class command ship and the flagship of the Sixth Fleet of the United States. It is based in Gaeta, Italy.

The hull is 190 meters long, 32 meters wide at its widest point, has a displacement of 18,648 tons, a speed of 23 knots, and can accommodate 1,469 officers and soldiers.

There are multiple command centers on board at the same time.

The ship's powerful communication capabilities can provide encrypted communications with U.S. military forces anywhere in the world for various commands on board, and send and receive massive amounts of communication data.

On the bridge, Captain Kishu Nordla picked up the communicator and said to it with a smile:

"Dear General Hanks, are you sure that Colonel Ka is going to smuggle their 140 tons of gold out of the country?"

"You have to know that it's not a joke."

"If you are not careful, the gold will be gone, then it will be really gone."

At this point, Nordla laughed happily. If this is true, it means that Colonel Ka has violated the Libyan Constitution and transported Libya's gold out.

If this batch of gold is found, it can be swallowed up and pretend not to know.

Even if only a small part of it falls into the hands of the Navy, holding this gold, you only need to take it to the financial market of Wall Street, and mortgage it back and forth 10 times, you can get tens of billions of banknotes.

Finally, declare that the gold is fake, burst this bubble, and introduce two scapegoats, and this matter will be over.

At this moment, a gentle voice came from the phone, interrupting Nordla's fantasy.

"My dear Captain Nordra, the intelligence I got here is that there are 20 tons of gold, ready to go to Italy, and another 20 tons of gold to Iran."

"I never said that there are 140 tons of gold to be shipped out of Libya, don't make random assumptions, okay?"

"Also, this is an unconfirmed news. The one who gave you the order was the Central Command in Washington. I am only responsible for forwarding the order."

"Don't say that my intelligence is wrong when you don't find anything."

"It's not hard to guess what the Central Command is thinking. It's nothing more than trying to force Colonel Ka to see if he has enough courage."

"If he transfers his property and sends his family out of the country, then we will capture his family."

"Just like pulling out an earthworm, pinch the head and pull out everything little by little."

"So, don't let the Central Command down. I still have to prepare logistics. I'm hanging up."

With a click, the communication was interrupted. Holding the communicator, Nordra's face flashed a sneer. No gold was shipped out of Libya?

Is this news important? It doesn't matter. When the time comes, we can just drive the destroyer to the port of Tripoli and get it directly on land.

What the hell!

While Nordra was heading to Libya with an unimportant mentality.

At the Qatar Front Command, Hanks put aside those unimportant thoughts, stared at the Middle East map in front of him, and thought about which force in this land could take the equipment from Dena in his hands.

The batch of guns had just arrived the day before yesterday, and his quartermaster had just finished checking them. They were all first-class guns. If it weren't for the regulations that American soldiers must use AR series rifles, he would have wanted to replace this batch of equipment.

The AR series rifles are good in every way, but the parts are too precise and too delicate. In this small piece of land in the Middle East, the reusability is not good enough.

While thinking about who can take this batch of guns, he is more curious about how much stuff that distant ancient country in the East has in its hands.

At the same time, he moved his eyes slightly upwards to the country north of the Caspian Sea.

The Soviet Union, which was once in that land, is estimated to be able to stockpile more than this ancient country in the East.

These things are endless wealth. We have to find a way to get more of them and then sell them hard.

Staring at the map of the Middle East in front of him, Hanks was in trouble again. The most suitable buyers for this batch of equipment are the various armed elements in Iraq. These people can create bigger chaos with guns in their hands.

And bigger chaos means bigger profits.

But if too much equipment is given, it will be beyond one's control and very troublesome.

Don't sell it to them...

His eyes left Iraq and stayed on the beach for a moment. Hanks cast his eyes on Egypt without hesitation. Seeing the Suez Canal sign, he turned around and searched on his desk.

When he turned all the documents on the table to the ground, he found a seemingly insignificant intelligence in the messy documents. The intelligence only had a few short lines of words.

[The Bedouin tribes and Arab tribes in the eastern Sahara Desert of Egypt held a joint meeting to prevent possible chaos in Libya. 】

Seeing this information, Hanks slapped his thigh suddenly. He had been looking for him in his dreams for thousands of times, but when he looked back, he was in the dim light.

The Bedouins are a branch of the Arabs. They have always lived in the desert and mainly raised camels and sheep for a living. For thousands of years, they have always existed in the form of tribes.

They have united with ordinary Arab tribes. After the alliance, it is impossible to hit people with fists, so they need guns.

With weapons, there will be more demands, and with more demands, they will be dissatisfied with the Egyptian government.

At that time, the two sides will fight, and as long as they fight, they will have a reason to intervene.

They can also sell more equipment.

Ga Ga makes money.

Just right!

After making up his mind, Hanks took out his cell phone and started calling his white gloves, preparing to throw out the batch of equipment he had just received.


On the Shanghai Ring Expressway, even though it was the second time she came to this bustling city, Sonia still felt like she was in a dream.

Because this city looks no different from the cities in developed countries he has visited, and it even looks better than those cities in developed countries.

If you look carefully, it's probably because the city looks very relaxed, and the urban road planning is relatively spacious.

Looks more comfortable.

It would be great if Iran also developed like this.

Looking away from the car, Sunia turned her head and looked at Hassan, who had changed careers and completely become an external liaison specialist, and asked in a low voice:

"How long do you think it will take for our city to develop like this?"

The question was sudden, but very touching.

After hearing this, Hassan cast his gaze out the window and stared at the retreating city for a while. He cautiously raised his head and asked, "Fifty years?"

"I don't know!" Faced with the rhetorical question, Sunia quickly answered because he had heard the legend of this city when he was studying.

It is very poor, but after passing through it twice, this city seems not only not poor, but also very developed.

It’s not much better than some big cities in Europe and the United States.

Even Tehran back then was inferior to this city.

I don’t know when Iran will develop like this.

Santana made a turn in his mind and got off the highway at an on-ramp. The driver drove skillfully, finding every opportunity to cut into the queue again and again.

Just like that, after jumping in line countless times, the driver drove into a quaint village.

Park the car in front of a small courtyard with green tiles and white walls.

There are ponds in the front and back of the yard, and the small yard next door is more than a hundred meters away, with a wide view.

The small courtyard was quiet except for the big yellow dog tied to the door, its mouth drooped, silently watching these uninvited guests.

After getting out of the car, Sunia and Hassan looked around alertly, looking for possible firepower points and sniper points.

Because it's so quiet here.

However, they found no one. They only saw the lush flowers in the yard and the smoke rising from the tiles.

Looking at each other, Hassan walked in front and Suniya walked in the back. The two of them walked towards the gate of the courtyard one after the other.

Beside the gate, the big yellow dog calmly watched the two people approaching, looking harmless to humans and animals.

However, the moment Hassan and Sonia had just turned their backs, the big yellow dog suddenly rose from the ground, opened its mouth, and flew towards the two of them.

The next second, the thumb-thick iron chain tied around the big yellow dog's neck worked hard and forcibly held the big yellow dog in place, averting a human tragedy.

Under the sweet-scented osmanthus tree in the yard, Lin Yu, who was sitting on a stone bench and busy making tea, heard a dog barking and slowly raised his head to look at the two people walking towards him.

When the big yellow dog next to the iron gate saw Lin Yu's gaze, he immediately sat down obediently, opened his mouth, and kept wagging his tail, acting very happy.

When the two of them came to the front, Lin Yu raised his finger to the stone stool opposite: "Sit down."

After he finished speaking, his right hand pushed the tea cup to the opposite side: "Try the Mingqian tea from West Lake Longjing."

Sonia tested the teacup with his hand and found that it was a little hot. He stroked the outer wall of the teacup with his rough index finger, looked at the young man in front of him, and said:

"I came here this time to seek deeper cooperation with Mr. Lin. I wonder if Mr. Lin has any ideas."

On the other side, Lin Yu didn't react when he heard this.

He lowered his brows and thought for a moment, then raised his head suddenly and shouted to the kitchen: "Bring the snacks here quickly."

Just after shouting, the closed kitchen door was opened from the inside. Several strong men in aprons walked out of the kitchen and placed the snacks and cooked edamame peanuts on the stone table one by one. superior.

Then he walked out of the small courtyard without looking back and closed the big iron gate at the same time.

The yard became quiet again. Lin Yu raised his hand and pointed at the edamame in front of him and said, "Try some fresh edamame and peanuts from the greenhouse."

"This..." Hassan next to him was a little anxious. As soon as he opened his mouth, Sonia blocked the rest of his words.

The two of them picked up edamame and peanuts and stuffed them into their mouths. After eating for a while, Sunia said:

"I came here this time to seek in-depth cooperation between Rheinsteel and our Revolutionary Guard, both military and economic."

Across the stone table, Lin Yu threw a peanut into his mouth without raising his head and asked, "Would you old diehards from the establishment agree?"

"What about you?" Faced with the question, Sunia did not answer directly, but cleverly used rhetorical questions to test her attitude.

Putting another peanut into his mouth, Lin Yu responded calmly: "If they don't agree, I won't let you come to the Magic City."

"Investment is risky, but the risk increases with the increase in investment returns. It is impossible for me to invest in a project that is full of risks and no income."

"Tell me what you think."

Listening to Lin Yu's words, Sunia pulled the plate of edamame and peanuts on the table in front of her and pointed at the two plates:

"We now need construction materials, weapons, and construction technology, but we have no money, we only have oil."

"So, I mean, using dollars as an intermediary."

"You provide equivalent technical and material support, and we provide equivalent oil."

"This is good for you and for us."

While speaking, Suniya raised his right hand and put the edamame in the edamame plate into the salted peanut plate, and then put the salted peanuts into the edamame plate.

Let both sides reach a state of equilibrium.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yu simply reached out and poured all the edamame into the salted peanut plate, lowered his chin, and asked:

"Can you make the decision?"

Then he immediately answered himself: "You can't make the decision. You are only attracting the attention and joining of some young people at the moment."

"It didn't attract the majority of people, so you can't use the people to control the world."

Across the stone table, after listening to Lin Yu's self-questioning and answering, Sonya did not object, but nodded in agreement, reached out to take a peanut, peeled it, threw it into his mouth, closed his eyes and enjoyed chewing, and whispered:

"I read the book you gave me many times, and then I realized a truth from it."

"That is, if I want to make the Revolutionary Guard stronger, then I must get rid of my dependence on the Iranian economy."

"Because under Iran's economic system, our Revolutionary Guard is just an organization used to appease people's hearts, not a real fighting force."

"If we get rid of our dependence on the Iranian economic system and control our own economy, then we can be self-reliant . "

"Provide better living and economic assistance to our own people and those outside the Revolutionary Guard."

"Let them have enough food and clothing, and live in better houses."

"By doing this, we can attract more people."

"Finally, when our treatment is better than the normal national system, ordinary Chinese people will be proud to join the Iranian Revolutionary Guard."

"Those who join will fight more desperately for a better life and to protect this life."

"At this time, our combat effectiveness will be greatly improved, even greater than the current improvement."

"And when our combat effectiveness exceeds that of the National Defense Forces and our treatment also exceeds that of the National Defense Forces, Iran's superstructure will in turn rely on us."

"By then, our general trend will be established."

"But this idea is good, but there is a little trouble in that we lack the first pot of gold."

"Or, lack the oil to start the first step!"

After Suniya finished speaking, he cast his eyes on Lin Yu, his light blue eyes staring at the young man in front of him.

This young man, for him, is the best partner.

In fact, there are better ones, such as Saudi Arabia, but Saudi Arabia is a Sunni sect, which is considered a half enemy. If you cooperate with them, your foundation will be unstable and it is easy to get into trouble.

On the opposite side, Lin Yu ate peanuts and edamame without saying a word, and his handsome eyebrows slightly frowned, as if he was thinking.

And Sonia was not in a hurry, and also ate edamame and peanuts, as well as the braised tofu next to it.

Seeing that the two bosses were so unhurried, Hassan, who had been sitting next to them without saying a word, also joined the team eating edamame and peanuts.

Several large plates of snacks quickly disappeared without a trace under the actions of the three people.


Lin Yu spit out a piece of edamame skin, raised his whole face, looked at the two people in front of him, and said calmly:

"Your plan is good, and the chance of success is very high. I can help you get the oil for the first start."

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