When you are rich, there is Rheinmetall; when you are poor, there is Rheinsteel!

Chapter 245 Let’s go! Move the gold! (The third update!)

As an arsenal, there is only one way to make money, that is, to produce a large number of equipment.

"Seize sunny days, grab cloudy days, drizzle as a good day, the moon as day, sunny day one day as two days, light rain hard work, heavy rain hard work, rainstorm drilling hole work, no rain desperately work, work hard, work hard!"

"Director, those are slogans on the construction site, we are a factory, you should not hang these slogans at the door of the factory."

"If I don't hang it here, where should I hang it? Hang it at the door of my office? It's a joke!"

Two days after the ribbon-cutting ceremony, in front of the equipment assembly workshop, Lin Yu, with his hands behind his back, kept directing the security department to hang slogans on the wall.

And Hong Fu from the production department stood behind him with a constipated expression on his face.

The assembly workshop is an additional workshop built after the start of the all-terrain fire support vehicle and artillery project.

Rhine Automotive Company and other production workshops produce vehicles and other parts according to requirements, and finally pull them here for assembly. After assembly, they will be sent to the weapons test site for factory testing.

If the test is passed, the Russian label can be hung, and then the vehicle can be loaded and shipped.

Therefore, the production speed of the general assembly workshop is mainly limited by the production speed of the automobile manufacturing company and other parts workshops.

The slogan should not be hung here, but should be hung somewhere else.

Especially when it is hung in the automobile manufacturing company, the production speed is too slow.

While Hongfu was complaining, the people in the security department had hung up the slogans and were asking Lin Yu for credit.

Facing their expectant eyes, Lin Yu made an eight gesture with his left hand, held his chin, and said coolly:

"Light rain makes big work, heavy rain makes hard work, and torrential rain makes holes. This slogan is two centimeters to the left, and the right half is two centimeters up."

Hearing this, several people in the security department stood on the ladder and slowly turned their heads.

These slogans are made of cloth, and the cloth is only pierced with sticks on both sides.

So the middle part of the slogan will droop naturally, because it is the magic of nature, which cannot be controlled by human power.

Two centimeters to the left, two centimeters to the right?

At this moment, a breeze blew, blowing the slogans hanging on the wall. The wind carried the red cloth and stuck it tightly to the wall, which looked very tight.

It looked very good to the naked eye.

"That's the effect we want! Let's go hang it at the door of other workshops." Lin Yu suddenly said, and turned around with his hands behind his back and walked towards the door of the assembly workshop.

When several people from the security department heard this, they quickly jumped off the ladder and chased after him with the ladder and slogans.

In front, Lin Yu was hesitating whether to post the slogans all over the residential area, and the phone in his trouser pocket rang.

He took out his mobile phone and saw that it was an unfamiliar number.

He answered it, but found that the person on the other end of the phone was Wang Kuan.

"Director Lin, I'm at the door of your factory. The equipment you asked Director Lu to help you coordinate has arrived. Where should I put it?"

Hearing that the equipment had arrived, Lin Yu instantly forgot about the work of hanging slogans, took his mobile phone, and ran quickly to the main entrance of the factory.

In front of the rusty iron gate, Wang Kuan leaned against the window of the red Jiefang truck, holding a cigarette in his hand and smoking it comfortably.

Seeing Lin Yu, he pulled the door with his right hand, and pulled himself into the cab with his arm.

He pulled Lin Yu into the car again, and then let the driver drive to the factory.

The Jiefang truck stopped at the intersection leading to the weapons test site, turned the direction, and turned to the leftmost road.

According to the sign, the end of the road is the training ground of the security department.

On the training ground, under Luo Ping's guidance, the people of the defense company and those fellow villagers of Dolby were torturing each other.

Hearing the sound of the truck, especially seeing Lin Yu standing next to the car, Luo Ping took a step, ran quickly to Lin Yu, stood at attention and rested.

"Report to the factory director, 127 people from the defense company are undergoing training, please give instructions."

"Let them come over and unload their equipment, and then call two more people to get the clothes sent by the garment factory and familiarize themselves with them."

"Understood!" Luo Ping nodded, put the whistle on his neck into his mouth, blushed, and blew it hard, and the people who were still digging pits and cross-country training in the distance swarmed over.

He ordered a few people to move the clothes, and the rest climbed into the car and began to unload the equipment.

The green-painted wooden box was opened, and the equipment that appeared inside made everyone present subconsciously stunned.

Because the gun that appeared was not the 56 submachine gun or 56 semi-automatic rifle they were familiar with, nor was it the 81-bar rifle with a similar color scheme.

It was a pure black gun.

The Palestinians next to him had seen this gun, and they had seen it in the hands of American soldiers.

And the people from the defense company had seen it in the news.


Taking a gun out of the box, Lin Yu found the parts, assembled the gun skillfully, held it in his hand, and kept showing it.

"This is America's classic gun, because the place you are going to is Sudan, which is not very peaceful."

"In addition, we cannot expose our own identities, so we can only use equipment from other countries."

"So, I helped coordinate this batch of equipment."

"The main equipment is 120 M4A1 carbines, using NATO standard caliber 5.56 x 45mm bullets. You must remember this and don't install the wrong bullets."

"The other accessories are in the box. You can choose to install them later. After installation, you will be familiar with them and replace them if they are not suitable."

"In addition to these guns, there are 12 SVD sniper rifles, which will be used by the best marksman."

"The rest are our own fire support vehicles, which you are already familiar with."

"So in the next few days, you need to be familiar with these guns."

At this point, he noticed that Luo Ping had brought people and brought clothes over. He simply walked over, picked up the clothes in the box, and showed them to everyone.

"The camouflage uniforms are made based on the American Army's OCP desert camouflage, and the colors are slightly different from theirs."

"Their colors are gray-green, and ours are sandy yellow, which is brighter."

"You will know the specific situation when you see it."

"Put on the clothes now."

Throwing the clothes into the box, Lin Yu stepped aside, and Luo Ping, who was standing next to him, took the people and went forward to get the clothes one by one.

Wang Kuan, who had seen all this, quietly came behind Lin Yu and couldn't help but give him a thumbs up:

"You are really vicious. You made me want to try it."

"Can you speak Arabic?" Lin Yu asked back.

This question completely stumped Wang Kuan. He whistled softly and focused his attention on the "American soldiers" who appeared in front of him.

Because of congenital nutritional problems, some people in Luoping's group were short. When they put on the camouflage uniforms, they always gave people a feeling that they couldn't hold up the clothes.

And the fellow villagers of Duerby next to them, after changing clothes, they became "American soldiers".

Especially when they put on the helmet and sunglasses, they were "American soldiers".

This is the effect that Lin Yu wanted.

After more than ten minutes, a group of people also changed their clothes. When they stood there, they were completely "American soldiers" in the world.

After watching for a while, Lin Yu said loudly: "Everyone, you still have two days to adapt to this batch of equipment. In two days, you will have to board the plane and go abroad."

"I won't say anything extra, come on!"

"Continue training."

After receiving the order, Luo Ping waved his hand and took these "American soldiers" to pick up the weapons in the box one by one, and began to disassemble, assemble, and shoot.

Seeing these people sweating profusely, Lin Yu did not disturb them too much. He turned his head and walked out of the training ground with Wang Kuan and his companions.

After returning to the office and serving tea to several people, he asked: "Did the old man ask you to bring news this time?"

On the sofa, Wang Kuan held the tea, sat up straight, and imitated Qian Jianguo's appearance, with a cold face and a muffled voice:

"Xiao Kuan, when you go there this time, tell that kid to take it easy. People outside are not like those at home. Be careful not to be cheated."

That look can't be said to be ten points, but at least eight points.

Lin Yu pulled a chair over and sat down opposite Wang Kuan, smiling and saying:

"Haha! Then please tell the old man when you go back. I am not the kind of person who will admit that I am unlucky."

"You still have to be careful. After all, you are abroad." After another reminder, Wang Kuan continued to drink tea with his cup.

Several people began to talk about this and that.

It was not until the afternoon that Luo Ping drove the Jiefang truck to the front of the administrative building.

After arranging Wang Kuan and the others, Lin Yu returned to the office and picked up the phone on the table. After searching for a while, he found Bamul's number and dialed it casually.

"Mr. Bamul, I have a message I'd like you to help spread."

"About five days later, 20 tons of gold will appear in the port of Brega in Libya, ready to be shipped to Naples, Italy. It is said that it is the gold that Libyan President Colonel Kadiz got from the Central Bank of Libya."

"Where did I get the news? Of course I made it up."

"The main reason is that I have a batch of equipment to be shipped to Iran, and recently I heard that most of Iran's ports have been attacked, so I need the Americans to divert attention."

"Do you need a batch of equipment too?"

"Sure, I recently got a batch of new models, mainly some fire support vehicles and 155mm self-propelled artillery."

"Do you want it? They are all equipment tested by the Lebanese, and the firepower is fierce."

"Okay, then I'll wait for Mr. Rhodes' good news."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Yu thought of a new reason, picked up the phone again, and called Awad.

"Mr. Awad, how are you? I heard that you were hit by rocket artillery in the palace a few days ago. Are you not injured?"

"Yes, I am indeed in trouble."

"I have a defense company in my hands... It is not here to take your bodyguard order. It is a partner of mine in Africa. There are some things that need them to transport back."

"The route I have planned requires me to pass through your country with equipment. I wonder if you can help me?"

"You will help me if I sell people?"

"Selling people is illegal. I only have a few people..."

"Okay, okay, when the time comes, I will bring the things and return the things, and the people will stay with you..."

"Okay, okay, I will hang up first, and I will arrange people."

Holding the phone, Lin Yu felt that he had lost more than he gained. At the same time, he also wanted to ask Awad, can't you bring your own people out for hard training?

To train hard, there are still two hard men among millions of people.

After complaining in his heart, he recalled Hassan's phone call and dialed it casually.

"Hassan, my dear friend, I'm sorry I came back late. I just missed your time."

"I have an unwelcome request, I want to ask you for a favor."

"Do you have an unwelcome request too? That's great, we can exchange."

"Please help me spread a message, that is, about 20 days later, there will be about 20 tons of gold, which will appear in Port Said. That is the gold that Colonel Kada got from the Central Bank of Libya, and the purpose is to send it to you Iran."

"Seeking your help!"

"Have you agreed? Then tell me your unwelcome request!"

"Commander Sonia is coming..."

"Tell me a time, I'll be ready here."

Putting the receiver to his ear, after listening to Hassan's words, Lin Yu frowned slightly, but soon relaxed again.

Sonia is coming, it's not a big problem.

And it's good for him to come over. There are many things. If you make it clear earlier, it can also avoid a lot of unnecessary trouble.

The route and false news are arranged, then the next step is to take action.

Time passed quickly, two days, just a blink of an eye.

At the Magic City Airport, watching the Saudi Arabian Airlines plane take off, Lin Yu turned around and walked out of the airport. Together with Tang Shouren, he drove to the northern suburbs of Magic City.

The next job is to paint a big picture for others.


Although America has been bombing wildly during this period, it has not launched a ground attack, so Colonel Ka can still lie leisurely in his underground air-raid shelter and drink coffee leisurely.

However, when the director of the Security Bureau, Tori, delivered a piece of news that did not seem very real at ordinary times, but now seemed very real, he exploded.

[20 tons of gold will be shipped from Libya to Italy. ]

[20 tons of gold will be shipped from Libya to Iran. ]

Because he really has gold, and it was robbed.

Although it is only 8 tons, maybe the person who robbed him has looted 12 tons from other places?

If all this gold is taken back, he can not only get back the lost 8 tons of gold, but also get an additional 12 tons.

When America retreats, he can rely on these gold and extra oil to make America suffer again.

He turned over and sat up from the chair, looked at Tori with a cold face, and whispered: "Take an armored regiment and bring the gold back to me."

"Ah?" Tori slowly raised his head, he was confused.

This... shouldn't the authenticity of the news be verified first?

Why did they go directly to the armored regiment?

Aren't you worried that the Americans will attack?

Although there were thousands of doubts in his heart, Tori behaved very well. He didn't ask, because his predecessor died because he asked too many questions.

With a nod of his head, the director of the Libyan Security Bureau bent over, slowly exited the room, and disappeared in the corridor.

Not long after, a reorganized armored regiment in the armored division guarding Tripoli turned around and headed towards Brega Port.

At almost the same time, in the Italian port of Gaeta, the USS Mount Whitney amphibious command ship of the Americas slowly set sail for the central Mediterranean.

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