When you are rich, there is Rheinmetall; when you are poor, there is Rheinsteel!

Chapter 244: We are about to reach the land! (Second update!)

They wanted to hear how Lin Yu would solve this problem.

If this method works well, he can learn from it, take it back and use it in the city.

Now is the time for development. The development of every city has its own pains.

These pains include long-term pain and short-term pain, and they also have the same pain, which is the problem of resource allocation for investment and development.

Why should all the investment be shoveled into the next door area?

Why are all those factories built in the next town?


Lin Yu acted very calmly when stared at by these big eyes. He stood up calmly and calmly wrote an English word on the blackboard behind him.


Pressing this word with his hand, he turned around, looked at the mayors in front of him with a smile, and asked:

"Does anyone know what this English word means?"

No one answered.

The people present knew that this was an English word, but after spelling it out, they found that it should be a place name. They found that it still did not match the names they were familiar with in their memories, so these mayors chose to shut up and remain silent.

Seeing their expressions, Lin Yu's lips showed a hint of a conspiratorial smile.

In the Chinese translation industry, one thing that is very bad is that it pays attention to honesty and grace. However, this kind of honesty and grace will become very awkward when translating some proprietary vocabulary and place names.

If a stranger is not very familiar with these place names and words, it will be difficult to figure out why they are translated into this name.

"This is Detroit, America's city. This city has the reputation of the city of cars. In the last century, this city gave birth to the famous car brand, Ford."

"It was from here that cars became an industrial item in everyone's hands."

"Since the 1920s, the cars manufactured here once accounted for 50% of the world's cars."

“It’s a dream place for countless people.”

"But now, the city is run down, and in a way, the city has become a dead city."

"The reason is the cars."

"Because of cars, this city has become America's Car City. Because of cars, this city's car manufacturing industry is under siege from Japan and South Korea, as well as the car manufacturing industry in Europe."

"It's so hard to recover."

"Why is this? It's because everything they do revolves around car production."

"Steel processing is for cars, circuit manufacturing is for cars, paint production is also for cars, in short, everything is for car services."

"Auto orders were cut and they died immediately."

"This is the problem we are facing now. I want an industrial chain, but what I want is a stable and multi-faceted industrial chain."

"Our steel mills must be able to manufacture a variety of special steels, not just one type of special steel."

"The same goes for our other parts suppliers."

"Shipbuilding is just one of the products in the integration of our industrial chain."

"After the industrial chain is completed, we only need to adjust one or a few of them and add a few things to produce new products."

"This is the industrial chain I want, rather than one city monopolizing everything, and then standing on the wind, taking advantage of the east wind, flying up, and shouting there."

"Finally, the east wind died, and the pig fell down and died."

"Lying on the ground, he was still there screaming like a ghost."

"In order to avoid this situation, I want to have absolute dominance over the cooperation, and this dominance will not change due to personnel adjustments."

"I will give everyone thirty minutes to think about it. If everyone here feels that there is a solution, then we will continue to talk. If you feel that there is no solution, please."

After finishing his words, Lin Yu raised his right hand and pointed at the door on the right.

The meaning is clear.

Seeing these actions, the expressions of the mayors present changed instantly. They turned around and started discussing quickly with the secretaries sitting behind them.

Soon, most people came to the conclusion that this was not in the interests of their city.

It’s true that you need the Golden Phoenix, but there’s no reason to keep your head down and be small.

Moreover, strictly speaking, Rheinsteel is a department within the system like them. If there is a quarrel later, there will be no benefits.

What's more, there are people from Su Province mixed in here.

As we all know, cross-provincial exchange projects are the most difficult to implement. Who knows what may happen next.

Time passed little by little, and finally, someone stood up and became the crab eater.

Without any hesitation, he turned around and left.

As the first person left, the second person also got up and left.

After a while, the only people present were Liancheng, Xucheng, Langya, Richeng, Qindao, and the host Lanling.

Looking at the remaining people, Lin Yu did not speak, but continued to focus on his electronic watch.

While waiting, the people from Richeng and Qindao also got up and left.

Langya's men also stood up, and just when Lin Yu thought he was leaving, the man straightened his clothes and sat down again.

Time passed quickly, and when the countdown ended at the last second, Lin Yu stood up, clenched his fist, held out his right hand, and said:

"Since the three of you have chosen to stay, it means that you have no objection to my idea. In this case, I will start arranging the work."

"First of all, I need 10,000 mu of land in Liancheng, which is the minimum amount. Mayor Hao Jianshe, can you do it?"

"Yes, we have a lot of industrial land indicators." Hao Jianshe nodded, picked up a pen and wrote down his work in a notebook. After writing, he looked up and asked:

"Are there any more specific requirements? For example, the location of this piece of land."

Sorting out the map of Liancheng in his mind, Lin Yu said a location: "Starting from the west embankment of Liancheng Port, it extends westward to Xishu, and then south along the coastline, with a depth of about 700 meters."

"After this circle, the area is about 10,000 mu."

"Subsequent traffic planning can go all the way along the southern edge of the shipyard and finally reach the port."

"In this way, whether it is material transportation or personnel exchanges, it will be very convenient."

Recalling the location that Lin Yu said in his mind, Hao Jianshe felt sincere admiration for Lin Yu.

The location that Lin Yu mentioned is close to the sea, and it is a rare limestone geology. Except for the eastern area, which has a mountain more than 100 meters high, the rest of the place is almost flat.

In the early stage of building a shipyard, it is only necessary to level the western area of ​​this land to build the factory building.

Then, the eastern mountain will be blown up, and the rocks that fall down can be used to fill the sea and fill the part of the shipyard in the sea.

In addition, he also solved a planning problem in Liancheng City.

In 2000, Liancheng issued a new century plan.

In that new plan, the development language of this large piece of land is facing the sea, with spring flowers blooming.

It means that it is going to be built into a sea view house.

However, when they invited developers to prepare to negotiate the land, the developers refused.

They said that the land was not good.

Now it’s good, taking out a whole piece of land is considered to solve a problem.

Go back and get the relevant report ready, and it will be done in about half a month...

It depends on the ability of Mr. Lin in front of him.

After solving the land problem, Lin Yu set his sights on Xucheng and Langya.

Langya is a very unlucky city because they are only 6 kilometers away from the nearest sea, and it is these 6 kilometers that make Langya lose the sea.

As for Xucheng, this city is more interesting. From ancient times to the present, it has been a place that must be seized by military strategists and a place of four wars.

Moreover, he was the original big brother of Huaihai Province. Unfortunately, his big brother is now Jinling.

Lin Yu opened his mouth after exchanging glances with the mayors of the two cities:

"You two have a large machinery factory at home, and it is a large industrial machinery factory. We need all kinds of large machinery, especially lifting machinery, to build shipyards and manufacture ships."

"In the future, our country's infrastructure will also need a lot of machinery."

"My requirements are very simple. There are two ways of cooperation. The first is that we, Rheinsteel, provide technical support and decide the development direction. Your cities will not intervene in management, and then distribute profits according to equity."

"The second is to sell the machinery manufacturing company in a package. If my information is correct, both of you should be considering this matter recently."

"If you think it is feasible, you can go back with this condition and have a good talk with the people in your city. If you finally come up with a result, just give me a call."


After he finished speaking, the two people opposite him showed a trace of entanglement on their faces.

Lin Yu's words were not groundless. Although Xucheng's engineering machinery company has always been profitable, the entire Su Province is now in a big sale trend, that is, all enterprises or public services that require official funding and maintenance are thrown away.

In this way, the invisible hand of the Great Saint Hayekha can control the market.

And Xucheng Engineering Machinery Company is also within the scope of the sale.

It is the word "sell" that needs to be put with an ellipsis.

As for Langya Engineering Machinery Company, although it has been listed in Hong Kong, the problem is that the company's technology is very old and has no core technology.

On the surface, it looks like a very good factory, but in fact, many important parts need to rely on imports, which leads to a very low actual profit margin.

For example, last year, the sales volume was about 1 billion, but the profit was less than 30 million, less than 3%.

And for a long time to come, this factory needs to continue to invest funds and resources, and Langya City can't afford it.

Therefore, Langya Machinery Manufacturing Company has only two choices, first, sell.

Second, introduce foreign companies and exchange shares for technology.

Langya City chose the second option, and the target was Volvo.

After hesitating for a long time, the mayor of Langya City slowly locked his eyes on Lin Yu and asked: "Director Lin, can you guarantee that Langya Machinery Factory will be revived?"

"No!" Lin Yu answered decisively, and looked into the other person's eyes. He explained calmly: "I can't guarantee something that is not under my control."

"Even if it is under my control, there is a saying that plans cannot keep up with changes."

These few words made the two people who were waiting for the answer determined. They stood up at the same time and stretched out their right hands to Lin Yu at the same time.

The two saw each other's hands again and smiled at each other. The person from Xucheng took back his hand first, indicating that the person from Langya should shake hands first.

After Lin Yu finished shaking hands with the mayor of Langya City, the mayor of Xucheng came over and said softly:

"The city has indeed recently been preparing to sell the machinery manufacturing company."

"At the same time, I will fully convey your opinions to the city, Director Lin, but I cannot guarantee the final result."

The words were very sad. After saying this, the mayor from Xucheng left without looking back.

After him, the man from Langya City also left. Lin Yu, Wang Jianguo, and Hao Jianshe were the only three people left in the huge conference room.

The three of them looked at each other for a while, and finally, Wang Jianguo spoke first.

He said with a wry smile on his face: "Let's go. I'll be the host tonight and invite you two to have a meal together. It's like we don't know each other until we fight."

"I won't go. I still have to ask for someone." Lin Yu politely declined the kindness and chatted with the two for a while before leaving the conference room and walking to another small conference room.

In the small conference room, more than 50 people from the satellite research team all crowded together and watched eagerly as Lin Yu walked into the room.

As soon as his butt touched the stool, the leader of the satellite research team, Yang Huan, who also graduated from St. Majiagou Vocational College and was half of Lin Yu's senior brother, immediately came over.

This senior brother has just passed his thirties, but he already has the hairstyle of a strong man, and his head is particularly bright under the fluorescent lamp.

Realizing that Lin Yu was looking at his head, Yang Huan raised his hand, slapped Lin Yu's hand away, and said quickly:

"People, give me people, if that doesn't work, go and recruit my teacher. Anyway, you have signed that damn Seven Heroes Alliance Agreement, so go and recruit people."

"As far as the current progress is concerned, the general design drawings of the satellite have been completed. If you recruit my teacher and his team, then I can guarantee that we will be able to come up with the first satellite in three months at most. satellite."

"In a month, we can complete ground testing."

"In another month, we can launch directly. If it can meet our needs, by the end of that year, we will basically be able to complete the Samsung network."

"The rest of the work can be done slowly."

"So, shake people quickly."

"By the way, the rocket research team's factory will be here next month. You have to be prepared. You have to stand behind those people and whip them hard with a whip."

"According to your plan, our satellite will have to be launched using the Aerospace Group's rocket at the beginning. The cost is a bit high at the beginning, so we must get our own rocket out as soon as possible."

"So you have to follow closely behind the rocket research team and let them speed up their work."

"By the way, you have to whip them hard with the pole at the Dongda Men's Vocational College. Their wind tunnel construction speed is a bit slow, but very slow."

At the end of the story, Yang Hua even started dancing, looking like she hated iron but was afraid that Lin Yu would really go to trouble those two groups.

Seeing his senior brother's anxious look, Lin Yu raised his right hand and kept tapping the other person's shoulder to reassure him.

Important person, he is professional!

But before that, I have to get some money.

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