Looking at the content of the invitation, Hao Jianshe clenched his fist unconsciously. Why didn't the first few words say "Respected Lanling Municipal Government"...

Such an invitation should be issued by Liancheng!

Look at the last signature, Rhein Steel Group.

Around March every year, each city announces its GDP.

In March, the thirteen guardians of Su Province announced their GDP in 2002, and Liancheng became the thirteenth sister without any surprise.

After being at the bottom for many years, people in the city tried every means to find additional growth points.

After carefully studying the GDP of the other 12 cities in Su Province, Liancheng found a new economic growth point.

That is the high-tech industry.

However, high-tech industries require enterprises.

So, they set their sights on the surrounding cities, preparing to dig a little bit of roots from other cities and slowly cultivate them.

And the neighboring Shandong Province is naturally the first object of research.

The GDP announcement of each city in Shandong Province in 2002 was made public as early as early March. In 2001, Lanling City ranked third from the bottom in GDP.

The GDP in 2002 was still the third from the bottom.

But compared with 2001, their growth was very fast and outrageous.

And they all grew in the secondary industry, which means that the secondary industry of Lanling City has been greatly developed.

There is development. As a neighboring city, Liancheng naturally conducted an investigation at the first time, and found that the GDP growth all came from one company.

It is Rhein Steel behind this invitation, or it should be called its original name, Shandong Province 567 Comprehensive Arsenal.

Just this one company has increased GDP by more than 2 billion. If this city can be pulled to Liancheng.

Then the title of Thirteenth Sister will have to fall to other cities.

The entanglement on Hao Jianshe's face was all seen by Wang Jianguo. He was very happy, and just when the waiter of the hotel brought the wine and food, he immediately picked up a bottle of wine and unscrewed it.

He took the bottle and poured it into the glass. When the glass was full, he gently placed it in front of Hao Jianshe, and at the same time, he said something sarcastic:

"It's just a satellite research center, nothing big, don't mind it, don't mind it..."



Time slipped away on Wang Jianguo's wheels, and a week passed in the blink of an eye.

At the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the Rhine satellite, the event had not officially started yet. Wang Jianguo, dressed in formal clothes, dragged Lin Yu and kept identifying people in the crowd:

"This is the deputy mayor of Liancheng, Hao Jianshe, my old classmate. We usually call him Hao Jian."

Hearing Wang Jianguo's loud voice, Hao Jianshe turned around slowly, and his contemptuous eyes stayed on Wang Jianguo for half a second, then fell on Lin Yu, looked him up and down, and decisively extended his right hand:

"It's true that hearing is not as good as meeting. I have always heard of Director Lin's name before, and I met him today. , indeed found that our factory director Lin is more handsome and more chic than the legend. "

"Wang Jianguo introduced my name just now, but did not introduce my position. I will introduce it again here. I am in charge of urban planning and construction. Compared with Lanling, our Liancheng has better location conditions and more relaxed policies. "

"Also, we are richer than Lanling City!"

The act of poaching people in public made Wang Jianguo very contemptuous. He raised his left leg and stepped between Hao Jianshe and Lin Yu.

The tit-for-tat appearance of the two of them also attracted the attention of others. With just one glance, they saw the young and handsome man next to Wang Jianguo.

And the name that they had heard many times also quietly emerged in their minds.

Wang Jianguo's purpose of inviting people was very pure, nothing more than showing off, showing off that he had a golden phoenix at home, and others did not.

And the purpose of their coming here was also very pure, to dig golden phoenixes.

Don't you like to show off? Take away your golden phoenix and see what you can show off?

You are still too young. You only know that wealth should not be exposed. Have you never heard that the golden phoenix should not be exposed?

Slowly, a group of people surrounded them, and then these people naturally formed a circle, which naturally excluded Wang Jianguo and Hao Jianshe.

"Director Lin is indeed a handsome man. Compared with you, those young people who brag about starting a business in front of us every day are simply the difference between stars and suns."

"Director Lin is so handsome and heroic. I wonder which girl has such good fortune."

"It should be everyone's blessing. For a man like Director Lin, the girls chasing him must line up from here to the urban area of ​​Lanling."

Everyone is not very familiar with each other, so as soon as they meet, they habitually start to flatter. Amid the flattery of these people, a slightly fat middle-aged man who looks like Maitreya Buddha when he smiles quietly handed out a business card and introduced himself to Lin Yu:

"Hello, Mr. Lin, I am the mayor of Qindao City in charge of attracting investment. This is my business card. Our Qindao has a superior geographical location, sufficient land and policies, and we also have a lot of subsidies."

"As long as Director Lin goes there and builds a satellite research center there, the door of our Qindao will always be open to you."

His words directly broke the defense of the people in Langya City next to him. The people closest to us didn't grab it, but you spoke first.

Is it interesting?

So, before Lin Yu could answer Qin Dao's words, others handed out their business cards and started chattering.

Outside the encirclement, Wang Jianguo heard the chattering voices behind him, and turned around abruptly, trying to get back into the crowd, but he found that these people were tall and strong, not inferior to him at all, and even gave him a jujube when he was trying hard to squeeze in.

These bastards.

The voices in the encirclement were very loud, and everyone was talking about their own conditions, trying to dig this golden phoenix away.

They must not succeed!

So, Wang Jianguo squeezed in even harder, and the people in the encirclement pushed him out even harder. Behind him, Hao Jianshe from Liancheng grabbed his belt with both hands and dragged him out.

They quarreled for a while, and on the stage, Qian Jianguo picked up the microphone and coughed lightly.

It was this cough that completely suppressed the voices of the people in the encirclement.

"Dear leaders and guests, thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to attend the opening ceremony of our Rhine Satellite Research Center."

"Now, please invite our chairman Lin Yu to come on stage and explain to everyone."

After speaking, he led the applause, and as he applauded, the others present also clapped their hands. The sedan chair is lifted by everyone, and now that it is lifted, there will be less psychological burden when recruiting people later.

Lin Yu walked across the crowd, walked onto the stage, picked up the microphone and tapped it gently, and said softly:

"Everyone can take the time to come to our opening ceremony today. On behalf of everyone in Rheinsteel, I thank you all."

"In fact, in addition to this opening ceremony today, I have another thing to say, that is, to unite the cities where we are present to create several industrial chains, so that we can ride on the east wind of joining the World Trade Organization."

"Soar above the nine heavens."

"For the specific details, we can hold a small meeting after lunch to carry out relevant industrial chain planning. If you are interested, you can go to our conference room after lunch and we will meet there."

"No need to say more, now, let's have the ribbon-cutting ceremony."

As his voice fell, the red cloth for the ribbon-cutting was also sent to the stage at this time.

When these people were in place, Lin Yu picked up the microphone again and said softly: "Please ask all leaders to come to the stage and we will cut the ribbon."

Handing the microphone to Qian Jianguo, Lin Yu walked to the steps at the entrance of the stage and took the scissors from the greeter. He gave a pair of scissors to each person who came up.

Soon, all the invited people stood on the stage, holding scissors in their hands. With just one word from Lin Yu, they could cut the red cloth in front of them.

At this moment, Lin Yu gently raised his right hand, and then slowly put it down. His action was naturally seen by others, and they didn't wait for them to ask.

On the left and right sides of the stage, the large red cloth covering the stage was pulled down.

As the red cloth left, the things covered under the red cloth officially appeared in front of everyone.

Four artillery pieces painted with desert camouflage paint, with black muzzles, were placed on the top of the truck cab, pointing straight ahead, revealing a chill.

It was Ruolei 01.

Seeing the huge size, everyone present couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Are these guys so arrogant? They can even drag out artillery?"

"Aren't they making satellites? How come they have artillery!"

"No, they're not going to tell me that this artillery is real, are they?"

"The purpose of dragging these four artillery out, aren't they trying to tell us that if we don't cooperate, they'll just use artillery to shoot us?"

"Fuck, I haven't seen artillery for many years, and now artillery has become like this?"

Amid their exclamations, the weapons test team climbed onto Ruolei, started the engine, slowly drove the artillery forward, stopped at the marked position, released the support legs, and picked up the shells and loaded them in full view of everyone.

"Fuck, they really want to fire artillery?"

"Don't fuck, that's a blank, only the primer, and after firing, there will be a flash of fire at the muzzle of the artillery, just listen to the noise."

"Just listen to the noise, I haven't seen artillery for a long time, damn, this power!"

Before the words here were finished, the weapons test team finished loading the shells, and as Lin Yu waved his hand gently, the four artillery fired at the same time.

Boom boom boom boom!

The uniform sound made people's ears hurt, but the people present were not afraid, but showed excitement. Some people even rubbed their hands constantly, as if they had some inappropriate thoughts about the cannon in front of them.

This is the nature of the Chinese. When a group of people gather together and see a piece of equipment that they can't touch normally, they will become very brave. If there were not so many people around, they would have touched it at this time.

Looking at these people who were eager to try, Lin Yu quickly asked people to finish firing the cannon and drive away.

The people in the weapons experiment group heard the hint and fired the air-blast bombs as quickly as possible, put away their supporting feet, and ran away as quickly as possible.

Seeing the cannon leaving, the people on the stage shook their heads one by one, with regrets on their faces.

Even the ribbon-cutting activities in their hands became boring.

Seeing their expressions, Lin Yu smiled slightly, picked up the scissors, gestured, and then gently cut the red cloth in front of them with everyone.

The ribbon-cutting ceremony was completed.

After the face-saving activities, the rest was to eat.

The atmosphere in the cafeteria was very lively. Everyone was holding a wine glass and clinking glasses, but no one was drinking.

They were all trying to persuade others to drink, because they were going to use this method to get others drunk, so that they could not attend the afternoon meeting and be eliminated.

"Why is your wine still steaming?"

"Why is your wine cold?"

In this malicious atmosphere, the battlefield moved from the cafeteria to the conference room of the research center.

Sitting down in the conference room, a group of people looked eagerly at Lin Yu who was sitting in the main seat.

Just now, this gentleman said that he wanted to set up several industrial chains. If he had all of them in his hands, he should be able to fight for the position of provincial capital.

Under the gaze of everyone, Lin Yu first cast his eyes on Liancheng's Hao Jianshe, staring at him for a while, and when he made him look scared, he whispered: "Mayor Hao, I want 10,000 acres of land by the sea."


Hao Jianshe blinked, tilted his head like an owl, and was stunned for a moment before carefully asking: "Mr. Lin, what do you want the land by the sea for?"

"In your satellite research..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Lin Yu.

Then, his explanation rang out clearly in the conference room:

"Ladies and Gentlemen, the first industrial chain I want to build is the shipbuilding industrial chain."

"At present, most of the large cargo ships in the world come from South Korea and Japan, and it is precisely because of this industrial chain that Koreans and Japanese are making a lot of money in the shipbuilding route."

"I dare to conclude that in the next ten years, with the intensification of international trade, the demand for large container ships, roll-on/roll-off ships, special transport ships, and even warships will rise sharply."

"If we start preparing at this time and promote the generation of related industrial chains, at most two or three years, once our technology matures, we can ship cargo ships like dumplings."

"A 300,000-ton cargo ship is worth tens of millions of dollars. If we build 10 ships a year, it will be hundreds of millions of dollars."

"Build 20 ships, that's billions of dollars."

"Everyone, don't you have any ideas?"

"Let me ask, why choose Liancheng?" A voice rang in the conference room. Lin Yu looked up and found that it was the mayor from Qindao.

"It's close, it's that simple."

After repeating this irrefutable reason several times, the mayor of Qindao sat down with a gloomy face, and next to him, the mayor from Weizhou stood up, spread his hands, turned around, and pointed at the people present.

Although there were not many people, only about 10, people from every city in Shandong Province were there, and there were also people from the province.

There were two people from Jiangsu Province next to him.

He spread his hands and asked, "There is only one shipyard, so many people, is it enough to share?"

As soon as this was said, the others immediately raised their heads and prepared to listen to Lin Yu's explanation.

Because it was not a question of whether it was enough to share, but a question of how much you take.

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