After the words fell, Lin Yu looked at the middle-aged man in front of him calmly. The two looked at each other for only two or three seconds before Kong Hui couldn't help but look away.

The conditions were a bit harsh, but fortunately, the conditions were obtained and both parties had made a bottom line, so there was at least room for further discussion.

Keeping the words in mind, he nodded and said in a deep voice: "I will go to negotiate and call you at the latest tonight."

"If there is no call tonight, then, just treat me as a fart and pretend that I didn't come today."

On the opposite side, Lin Yu nodded silently, and in his heart he had a higher opinion of this "young" director.

He was very decisive in his words and actions. Such a person is a practical person.

Leaving the meeting resolution that was not yet a formal document, Kong Hui dragged Liu Jun out and soon disappeared in the corridor.

Only after he got back into the car did he punch Liu Jun on the shoulder: "Your idea was a bad one!"

Faced with the criticism, Liu Jun rolled his eyes and argued: "Although the idea was a bad one, you completed your mission, didn't you?"

"Shame on you!"

Hearing Kong Hui's disgust, Liu Jun calmly rolled down the window and shouted outside: "There is a man here who was beaten by you in 1988. He said he wants to seek revenge on you. If you want to beat him, come quickly."

After that, he quickly rolled up the window, stepped on the accelerator, and drove out of the mountain.

Everyone along the way could hear his cheerful laughter.

Unlike him, Kong Hui, who was in the co-pilot seat, had only a sad face, staring at the scenery outside the car, and no one knew what he was thinking.


On the other side, just after sending the two away, Qian Jianguo went into Lin Yu's office. As soon as he entered the door, he couldn't wait to ask:

"What do you want these two guys to do? Especially Liu Jun, is he here to collect the electricity bill?"

Hearing this, Lin Yu couldn't help rolling his eyes, sat down on the chair, crossed his legs, and answered softly:

"It's the city. Knowing that we made a lot of money this time, they want us to make money with the subordinate factories."

"Well..." Qian Jianguo was silent.

If I remember correctly, many of the raw materials they purchased came from those subordinate factories, steel billets came from steel plants, and chemical raw materials came from chemical plants.

Hasn't this already made money with them?

Why do we need to bring them more?

He cast a puzzled look at Lin Yu and asked, "How are they going to make money? And what are you going to do?"

Lying on the chair, he yawned, stretched, and adjusted his posture. Lin Yu then answered:

"My idea is to pull them into our industrial cluster and make them our OEM factories, so that they can upgrade their industries with us. When the time comes, we will get specific technical requirements from customers and let them produce according to the requirements."

"We take the big head and they take the small head, which is perfect."

Knowing that it was the difference between the middlemen, Qian Jianguo was relieved. Anyway, someone had to do the downstream work, and it was the same for anyone. He could sell a favor to the city.

These days, favors are the most expensive thing!

But when he thought of the style of those factories, his head hurt a little.

At this time, Lin Yu suddenly asked, "The garment factory and the tractor factory are not profitable?"

Qian Jianguo rolled his eyes: "It's a long story."


The Merchants Bureau personally served tea to everyone present. Kong Hui returned to his seat, sat down, and looked at others with burning eyes.

He finally spoke after making the scalps of the several people present numb:

"Everyone, I'm sure you all know what the city discussed two days ago?"

"Then I won't beat around the bush today. I went to Rhein Steel this morning and exchanged opinions with Mr. Lin."

"His opinion is that you all absolutely obey, obey his command and arrangement, and upgrade the factory's technology and produce products."

"The city just gave me an opinion."

"Now I need to know your opinions. Don't say you'll go back and think about it. There must be a result today. There are only two answers: agree or disagree."

"By the way, let me say in advance that according to the city's resolution, those who disagree will be replaced."

"Now, tell me your opinions."

The serious and calm words made the others present look at each other in bewilderment.

You were asked to say both good and bad things, and to express your opinions of agreement and disagreement, but those who disagreed would be replaced. Doesn't this mean that you can only say you agree?


The people present were all old hands, staring at each other, winking at others, trying desperately to get others to speak first.

Kong Hui saw all their little movements. The "young" director of the Merchants Bureau did not speak, but kept playing with the pen in his hand.

After more than 10 minutes, he raised his head and swept his calm eyes over each person.

Finally, he fell on the notebook in front of him.

"Director Liao, please tell me your opinion first."

When his name was called, Liao Gang knew that he could not escape, so he sat up straight and said seriously:

"The steel plant absolutely supports the opinions of the city, and we have cooperated with Rhein Steel. We have been producing steel billets according to their requirements."

"If they can provide us with technical guidance, we welcome it with both hands."

"What's more, we want to make money from others, so what's wrong with listening to others?"

Liao Gang asked the last sentence while looking at the other people present.

His words made the other leaders feel uncomfortable as if they had eaten a fly, traitor.

For a little money, he sold his dignity, traitor!

"Chemical plant!"

Han Jin, the person in charge of the chemical plant, was winking at Liao Gang. When he heard Kong Hui's words, he immediately stood up and shouted, "Me too!"

Han Jin thought he was very smart after blurting out this sentence, but the others who heard this couldn't help but twitched their faces.

Drawing a hook behind the name of the chemical plant with a pen, Kong Hui slightly moved his eyes and fell on the person in charge of the garment factory.

"Garment factory."


"Change people! You sort out the work in your hands. Comrade Xu Feng will take over the work of the garment factory and the tractor factory!"

"Our tractor factory has already made profits!"

"Change people! Put your little profits and investment together, can it be called profits?"

"It can't even feed a dog."

"Prepare your work and hand it over to Comrade Liang Yun."

In a few words, Kong Hui decided the way for several people. He closed the notebook in his hand, stood up and walked out of the meeting room.

Back to his office, he picked up the phone on the table, found the number of Rheinsteel, and dialed it.

A voice came from the other end of the phone soon, it was Lin Yu's voice.

"Director Kong?"

"It's me, General Manager Lin. I have already persuaded the heads of several factories here. When are you free, let's get together and talk."

On the other end of the phone, Lin Yu turned his head and looked at the time on the wall. It was 4:12 pm.


Is the efficiency so fast?

They said they would give the news in the evening, but it's only 4 pm now, and they have announced the final result?

Are these people so crazy?

Lin Yu held the microphone and recalled the itinerary of the past two days. Then he said, "The day after tomorrow. I have to deliver the goods in the next two days. I will be free the day after tomorrow. We can meet and talk in detail then."

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