We have to lend you the money even if we are injured!

This sentence was so destructive that Liu Jun, who was pretending to be invisible on the chair next to him, jumped up from the chair.

His old waist made a loud burp because of this sudden movement.

Then, Liu Jun sat back with a scream and couldn't get up again.

Kong Hui, who was looking at Lin Yu, shuddered when he heard this. The glass cup slipped from his hand and fell on the terrazzo floor with a bang.

With his eyes lowered, he looked at the broken glass and tea on the ground. After being stunned for a while, Kong Hui slowly raised his head and looked at Lin Yu, asking in disbelief:

"What did you say?"

"I said, I will lend you one million, even if I am injured, even if I take the people from the 567 base out to beg for food, I will lend you the money."

"Uh..." Kong Hui was at a loss after getting confirmation from Lin Yu.

Borrowing money is not the purpose!

Taxes and industry are the purpose!

He glared at Liu Jun who was screaming beside him. It was all your bad idea. He sighed and opened the conversation.

"Boss Lin, in fact, our purpose is not to borrow money, but mainly for industry."

"After the beginning of this year, a large number of young laborers went south to the southeast and the coastal areas of South China."

"Although these people can bring additional economic income to our Lanling in the short term."

"But if it continues for a long time, our local industry will be unable to recover and will never catch up with the developed coastal areas."

"That will be very unfavorable for the future."

Next to him, Lin Yu listened to these words with a shocked face, and then poured a cup of tea for the director again and handed it to him, asking:

"Director Kong can see so far?"

After asking, without waiting for the other party to respond, Lin Yu turned and went out, took the broom on the corridor, and swept the glass shards on the ground.

After he finished his work, Kong Hui showed a trace of shyness on his face and said, "Actually, everyone is quite young."

"Oh——" Lin Yu said a long "oh".

Got it.

Young and promising.

He would not be the one who got in the way when everyone was carrying the sedan chair, but before that, he had to be clear about the score.

Lin Yu turned around and sat back at his desk, took out a new notebook and spread it out, raised his hand to signal Kong Hui: "Director Kong, tell me your plan."

"I... I don't have a plan." As he spoke, Kong Hui lowered his head and began to count the shortcomings of Lanling City.

"Since last year, I have been running around the coastal areas. The more I run, the more panicked I feel."

"Because we don't have any advantages, whether it's energy, labor costs, or other communication costs, we have no advantages."

"Besides, we are not by the sea and don't have transportation advantages."

"After the beginning of this year, I went to the south for two months. Compared with the year before, places like Shenzhen have undergone earth-shaking changes in two months."

"And we can't say that we remain unchanged. At least there is another layer of dust on the roof."

After telling a cold joke, Kong Hui stopped talking. Seeing that Lin Yu didn't pick up the conversation, he had to continue explaining:

"We have actually been thinking about doing something else, but after all the efforts, there is not much effect except wasting time and money."

"But, at this time, you!"

Speaking of this, Kong Hui Hui's eyes glared at Lin Yu like a furious King Kong, and his voice became louder:

"You! Lin Yu! At this time, you have completed an order, which is 1/226 of our city's GDP last year!"

"Add your previous order, and the proportion is even greater."

"We know that your business is a little bit niche, but there are still some not-so-niche businesses."

"You can actually take some of those not-so-niche businesses and then subcontract them directly to drive everyone to develop together."

"The steel mills, chemical plants, garment factories, and tractor factories under the city are very much in line with your requirements. I believe that under your leadership, they will continue to shine and make more money! Drive more employment!"

After the voice fell, Kong Hui looked at Lin Yu eagerly, hoping to get an answer from this young man.

Beside him, Liu Jun stopped calling, but tilted his ears and listened carefully.

After a few minutes, Lin Yu put down the pen in his hand, propped his elbow on the table, interlaced his fingers, slightly dragged his chin, lowered his eyebrows, and asked:

"Director Kong can make the decision? I mean, the owners of those factories."

"If you want to cooperate, you have to follow my requirements. My requirements may be nitpicking to these people. Are the people in these factories willing?"

"Are the city willing?"

"Or, if they are willing now, will they be willing in the future?"

"Business has losses and gains, and investment requires costs. The kind of thing that you invest today and see results tomorrow never exists in our industry."

"What if the fruit does not grow as expected? Who should take the blame?"

"If the number of fruits exceeds expectations, how should the profits be divided?"

"It's even more unpleasant. Today you say to plant fruit trees, tomorrow you say to plant corn, and the day after tomorrow you say to dig up and raise fish. Who should we listen to?"

"If these things are not made clear, in the end, it will be troublesome!"

"So, let me ask again, can Director Kong make the decision?"

Lin Yu said the last sentence more loudly, and even stood up, just to put pressure on Kong Hui.

But he never expected that after hearing what Lin Yu said, he slowly opened the briefcase beside him.

He took out a meeting resolution from it and handed it to Lin Yu.

With a glance, Lin Yu found that the document still had a file number.

[Lanling [2002] 007 Industrial and Commercial Development Conference Resolution]

His eyes quickly scanned the document, skipping the previous nonsense, and found the two words "but", and started to focus on the key points from here.

[However, our economic development is still mainly based on the development of scattered troops and guerrillas, with various industries developing simultaneously, which is called multi-point development, but in fact it is a waste of resources...]

[Therefore, it is recommended that the city area, relying on the opportunity of joining the WTO, focus on two or three industries to prevent biting off more than it can chew...]

After Lin Yu finished reading, Kong Hui spoke again: "The official draft of this resolution has not been issued yet. As long as Mr. Lin agrees, then all the words you just said can be added."

"Turn this resolution document into a real industrial guidance document."

"When the document is officially issued, everyone can implement it according to the regulations. By then, it will be more orderly!"

"I don't know..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Lin Yu raise his right hand and interrupted the rest of his words.

A few seconds later, Lin Yu spoke expressionlessly:

"If you want me to help them make money, it's very simple. Be my OEM factory, upgrade the industry according to my layout, and then obey my instructions unconditionally."

"Whether it's industrial technology upgrading or product manufacturing."

"If you have any questions, do it first and talk about it after you finish it."

"If they can do it, I will help them make money together. If they can't do it, they can die wherever they want."

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