When you are rich, there is Rheinmetall; when you are poor, there is Rheinsteel!

Chapter 63 Are you willing to go crazy with me? (Second update!)

Several people did not stay at the scene longer, leaving one person to continue to monitor, while the others evacuated as quickly as possible.

Entering tunnels from unexpected places and emerging from unexpected places.

Returned to headquarters.

He told the middle-aged man all about the test results of the past two days and the changes in the Israeli soldiers.

Sitting in front of him again, a group of people looked eagerly at the leader in front of them, waiting for him to issue battle orders.

Under their gaze, the middle-aged man rubbed the notebook in his hands without saying a word.

After a long time, he stopped, raised his empty eyes, looked straight ahead, slowly raised his right hand, and raised the red-covered notebook high.

His expression also became extremely excited.

Holding the notebook for a moment, he shouted, "Kids."

"Now, I'll tell you what I think."

"That is to abandon our previous unsystematic fighting style and completely and systematically adjust our behavioral habits."

"Try what's in the notebook."

"And the enemy's invasion this time is just an opportunity."

"You...are you willing to follow me crazy for once?"

"Crazyly venting the humiliation I have suffered in the past two years!"

The middle-aged man's words made several people present show expressions of reminiscence.

In the past two years, the Liberation Front has shown favor to the Jews, so these Jews have focused their attacks on the resistance and radical movements.

Then America and Europe follow up.


At this moment, Hagrid spoke:

"Chief, before you go crazy, I think it's necessary for Rahman to dig more normal tunnels. He always digs tunnels inside the toilet."

"It's so disgusting."

When he spoke, others also complained.

"The air inside the tunnel was originally turbid, but when we walked out of the tunnel, the smell came over and people were about to die."

Listening to their complaints, Rahman frowned and asked loudly: "If you were Israelis, would you go check such a smelly place?"

"This is called unexpected, understand?"

"I did exactly what was asked and completed it 100%."

They were still noisy, and the middle-aged man sitting in the middle raised his hand, interrupted them, and then said:

"Juan, Mansell, you take the people and are responsible for transporting the supplies."

"Rahman, you lead the people to fight back."

"Art, you are responsible for security and identifying traitors."

"Arabila, go find people from the Liberation Front and the radical movement and tell them that we are ready to fight back, but don't be specific about the content. Ask them if they are willing to join us. Do you understand?"

Arrange the tasks and the rest is execution.

After everyone left, the middle-aged man slowly pushed the wheelchair, feeling the direction of the sun, and pushed himself into the sun.

He raised his head and looked out the window with his empty eyes.


After leaving the headquarters, it took a day for Rahman to gather the people below and start arranging work according to the words in the booklet.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, the people below impatiently raised their hands and asked:

"Why do we need to discuss the intention of action? Wouldn't it be better to just kill people?"

"..." Rahman was speechless.

Seeing that he was speechless, others followed suit and asked, "That's right, isn't it normal to deceive people into going to the battlefield?"

"I still remember that in the beginning, I was deceived by you, Captain Rahman."

"..." Rahman didn't want to speak.

After staring at the talking compatriots and his subordinates for a long time, Rahman said softly:

"I can't say much, and I can't say anything nice."

"The only thing I can say is that I want you to live better. Only by living can you attack the enemy better."

"And what I just taught you can help us live better."

"One thing to remember is that our lives are more valuable than Jewish people."


"Understood, just do as I say."

"Rely on tunnels, bunkers, sneak attacks, and leave after the fight."

"Set off."

Looking at the back of Rahman who was the first to walk out, the captains of his subordinate teams scratched their heads and stepped to follow.

After carrying weapons and walking out of the stronghold, they followed the instructions, dispersed into small teams, got on motorcycles, and rushed to the North Gaza area.

Get into the unexpected tunnel they dug.


The Rady Squad is an ace squad formed by Rahman who brought together some of his most capable players.

Their task was to go deep into the front line and observe the composition of the Jewish team.

Walking through the makeshift tunnel, Radi kept repeating Rahman's words.

"Remember, our job is to observe the composition of the Israelis."

"It's not about killing people. If you can avoid exposing yourself, don't expose yourself."

As he muttered, the tunnel came to an end.

Along the ladder, several people got out of the tunnel. The exit of the tunnel was in a small house.

After squatting at the window of the small house and looking out for a while to confirm that the surroundings were safe, Ladi was the first to walk out of the room.

The other members of the team followed, and then the five of them began to lay booby traps in the surrounding houses.

However, the way he arranged it was very rough, and the rope used to pull the thunder was very thick.

The traces on the ground were not cleaned intentionally.

After all the booby traps were set, Radi took red paint from the tunnel and began to set them around the booby traps.

He painted insulting slogans on the originally clean wall and drew some expressions. Although the expressions he drew were a bit abstract, they all looked very worthy of a beating.

After doing all this, the few people separated and found a good position, quietly waiting for the prey to take the bait.

Time did not make them wait for long.

Two hours later, the Israeli team slowly appeared in their sight.

Walking in the front were three standard 5-man teams.

The distance between the three teams was kept at about 100 meters.

However, Adi soon discovered that the formation of each team was different from what they had seen before.

In the past, these tactical teams that they had dealt with were all in a standard search formation every time they searched, with one person in front, two people behind 10 to 20 meters, and the remaining two people kept a little distance.

In this way, if they were attacked, the two people in the middle and the back could scout the enemy's location in the first time, and then suppress and open fire to cover their teammates.

But the people in front of him were actually in a long snake formation, with one person in front and the remaining four people following crookedly behind.

The length of the entire team was less than 10 meters.

And these people all carried hammers on their backs.

Seeing all this, Radi carefully picked up the telescope and pointed the lens covered with mesh cloth at other teams.

Soon, he found something unusual again.

Some teams advanced in a standard search formation, and then walked stealthily, sticking to the corners if there were any, and half-crouching if there were no corners.

Moreover, the places they walked were all hard concrete floors, or flattened loess.

They didn't look at the soft places at all.

And some teams were in a long snake formation, walking swaggeringly all the way, looking more like outings.

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