This time, he was very lucky not to hit the pillar with his full force.

Looking at the dent on the wall, a strange smile appeared on the old face, which was... a gambler's smile.

He bet on the right position and won the bet.

Standing up straight, he waved his hand, called Michelle and the other four to his side, and pointed at the wall with his finger: "Smash it!"

Hearing the captain's arrangement, Michelle and the other four picked up the hammer and smashed it on the wall one after another.

Compared with smashing the empty outer wall, smashing the inner wall in the room is more uncomfortable.

The sound of the hammer hitting the wall echoed in the small room, shaking the ears one after another, which was particularly uncomfortable.

And the collision between the hammer and the wall also flew out more dust, and this dust, because of the actions of several people, soon spread throughout the room.

"Cough, cough, cough."

"Stop coughing. Hurry up and smash this hole with two hammers, and then go to the next room."

"The problem is that my nostrils are almost blocked. If I don't cough, am I waiting to die?"

"Hurry up and smash it."

Two minutes later, a hole that could allow an adult to pass through appeared in front of several people, and at the same time, a scene that made them even more desperate appeared.

Inside the hole was a small room, only four or five square meters, with a bed in the center, and a pink linen sheet on the bed.

Behind the bed was another wall, facing the hole.

Seeing this wall, Michel walked to the side, and through the door next to it, he saw the general layout of the house.

In the center of the house was a corridor, with three rooms evenly distributed on both sides of the corridor, and the one in front of them was the first room.

That is to say, behind the wall they had not yet smashed, there were two more walls.

At the same time, they had to smash the furniture blocking the wall.

After swallowing lightly, Michel turned around and told Press about these situations.

After hearing these words, several people present subconsciously lowered their heads and looked at their hands.

The hands that usually held the gun actually trembled in fear at this moment.

Press took a breath and looked back at the officer who walked in from the cave entrance and the people behind him.

The officer noticed his gaze, covered his nose with a handkerchief, came to the cave entrance, looked for a moment, raised his hand and pointed at the opposite wall and the bed, and shouted firmly: "Smash it open."

After giving the order, he turned around, took a ruler from the person behind him, and began to measure the distance between the two holes, as well as the deflection angle.

While measuring, he was recording the data.

At the same time, he was still asking Michelle and others how long it took to smash the first wall.

A few minutes later, he finished recording these data and came back to his senses, only to find that the hole in front of him had not been smashed open. He closed his eyes and let out a long breath. His face turned cold in an instant, and he shouted sternly:

"I'm telling you now, if you don't smash the wall, then go upstairs! Go upstairs vertically!"

While speaking, the officer took a step back, raised his hand and took out a ruler, and began to measure the height of the room.

The floor was not high, only about 3.2 meters.

But...humans can't jump that high, let alone smash it from below with a hammer!

Resigned to a sigh, Michelle was the first to carry the hammer, rushed into the small room, and started to smash the wall.

The wooden bed was smashed open by his two hammers and turned into waste.

After him, several people in the team quickly followed and smashed the wall together.

This time, their speed slowed down.

Because their hands really hurt.

This hole was smashed open, and as expected, there was still a small room inside.

After a short break, several people rushed towards the wall again with hammers like wolves and tigers.

The sound of thumps echoed in the room.

After smashing one wall, there was another one.

After smashing another wall, bright light came in from the hole.

It was the sun at noon, especially warm.

Seeing the sun, Michelle and his men were like crazy, and at the same time, they seemed to have endless energy.

The sound of thumps rang again, and in less than 30 seconds, a hole was smashed in the wall. Michelle couldn't wait to get out of the hole and bathe in the sun.

Feeling the scorching sun, he had a feeling that he was alive again.

Behind him, his teammates and officers also got out of the hole together, feeling the scorching sun, and they all felt as if they were in another world.

The officer opened the folder under his armpit and quickly recorded some data.

After the data was recorded, the officer came to Michelle and the others, squatted down, and said with a smile: "Take care of the three kids just now."

"Here, you have to remember one sentence."

"The ones who ran away are terrorists, and the ones who stood still are well-trained terrorists. Obviously, the three kids are!"

The team members turned and went into the house, while Press dragged the hammer and stumbled towards the building opposite.

According to the direction of the hole, they still need to pass through the building opposite.

And there are still many walls in this building.

Touching the rough wall with his hand, a word suddenly appeared in his mind.

No way to go.

He sat down slowly on the ground, took out the spray for wound disinfection from his backpack, and began to disinfect his hands.

When he just finished disinfecting, a shadow appeared in front of him. He looked up and found that it was the officer.

The two looked at each other, and the officer showed a kind smile. Under Press's gaze, he took out a watch from his arms, pressed the switch a few times with his hand, and adjusted the time displayed on the watch to 60 minutes.

After doing all this, the officer handed the watch to Press, patted him on the shoulder, and comforted him: "In one hour, you must move forward 200 meters."

At this moment, Press subconsciously widened his eyes and looked at the watch in his hand.

The 60-minute countdown that had not yet jumped was flashing in his eyes like a death warrant.

It took them about 40 minutes to smash these five walls and check the house at the same time.

And the distance to this house was less than 20 meters.

60 minutes, asking him to move forward 200 meters, this might as well cost him his life.

Press squeezed the watch in his hand, slowly raised his head, and said in a deep voice: "You know this is impossible."

The officer smiled indifferently, folded his hands in front of his chest, and said nonchalantly: "I know it can't be done, but this is stipulated in the regulations."

"The regulations are still in trial. If you don't produce evidence, it means that these regulations are completely unimplementable."

"Then after the trial period, what awaits you is the official version of the regulations."

"At that time, you must strictly perform the tasks according to the contents of the regulations. If there is any mistake, not only will you not get the pension, you will also have to compensate for the cost of weapons and equipment lost during the mission. Do you understand?"

After speaking, the officer raised his right hand and waved lightly. A person behind him immediately opened his backpack, took out a small camera from it, and came to the wall to take his place.

Seeing this, Press sighed lightly, called the team members, and started to smash the wall.

The Israelis were smashing the wall crazily, and Arabila and his men hid in the dark, watching them smash the wall silently.

"Are these people crazy?"

"No, they are not crazy. I remember that in ancient Chinese military books, there is such a rule, which seems to be called "fortifying the city and clearing the fields", which means destroying all the supplies that cannot be taken away by oneself to prevent the enemy from getting supplies."

"Then we must act."

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