After hearing what the captain said, Michelle and the remaining three teammates were stunned.

When the captain brought the hammer over, his butt was sticking out.

That means the weight of these five hammers is not small.

In order to ensure safety during the mission, soldiers going to the front line will try to load as many bullets, medicines and food as possible.

Because no one can guarantee whether they will collide with the main force of the enemy in the next second.

If they collide, will there be enough bullets?

If there are enough bullets, will the food they carry be enough?

So everyone's bag is full of things.

There is no room at all.

Now I have to bring a hammer, a hammer with a hammer.

Where to put it?

Such a long wooden handle, carry it in your hand? Or put it in the backpack?

Or put it directly on the gun?

Seeing that his teammates did not move, Press sighed lightly, leaving four hammers, and put down the backpack at the same time, took out some of the things in the bag, and put the hammer into the backpack.

But because this thing is too heavy, it directly presses a corner of the canvas backpack, which is particularly conspicuous.

And it was very hard to walk.

After putting on the backpack, the captain nodded: "Let's go."

As a last resort, Michelle and his teammates could only follow the captain's way, put the hammer into the backpack, and followed in a strange way.

After being transported by truck, they arrived at today's mission point-Northern Gaza Province.

After getting off the car, Michelle and his teammates also received clear mission requirements. Three teams were formed into a group, and each group was 50 meters apart. They lined up in a row to search the city ahead.

In addition, during the process of advancing, they must walk in a straight line. The position before departure and the final arrival position must not exceed one meter.

At the same time, the three teams in the same group must advance in parallel.

There is absolutely no distorted route allowed.

Looking at the requirements on the task list, Michelle's captain immediately raised a question:

"Did you take the wrong task list?"

The officer who issued the task heard this, without even raising his eyelids, and rechecked the team number and the task list number.

Under the curious gaze of a group of people, he nodded gently and responded with certainty: "I didn't take the wrong task."

"This is an order directly issued by the Ministry of Defense. What you have to do now is to execute it according to the task requirements."

When these words came out, everyone present showed an expression as if they had eaten a fly, and they were extremely uncomfortable.

The officer said two more words, closed the folder, stood aside, and quietly watched the three teams.

After standing there for a while, the fifteen people in the three teams all looked at the officer.

The officer smiled indifferently and responded: "I will supervise you."

Hearing this, the people present all looked at each other. In their backpacks, without exception, there was a hammer.

Seeing this hammer, they all cursed in their hearts.


After standing there for a while, Press sighed, put down his backpack, and took out the hammer from the backpack.

He took the lead and walked towards the street ahead.

When he walked through the simple blocking net made of wire, the idle Palestinians on the street subconsciously looked at these Jews.

Then, without any hesitation, they grabbed the children around them and disappeared.

In just two or three minutes, the wide street became as silent as the end of the world.

Michel followed Press and came to a building step by step.

This is a three-story house. The top floor is a bit shabby, and the lower floor is full of bullet holes.

Only the second floor in the middle looks OK.

Press stood by the wall, leaning on the hammer with both hands, staring at the wall in front of him, and muttering something.

Michel listened and found that it was a special prayer issued by the Ministry of Defense. It is said that after repeated recitation, people can pass through the wall.

Michel, who grew up in the kibbutz, sneered at this, but he couldn't stand the fact that this thing had to be tested, so he could only bite the bullet and recite these boring prayers.

As the captain recited, Michel also recited these prayers, and the remaining three teammates also recited the prayers together.

Several people stood by the wall and recited prayers for five minutes. The wall in front of them did not become transparent and illusory as the regulations said.

Michelle curled his lips, raised his legs, and walked towards the gate next to him, but as soon as he reached the gate, Press behind him picked up a hammer.

His body swung exaggeratedly, swung the hammer in a circle, and hit the wall hard.


A dull sound came back from the collision point, and the three laws of mechanics took effect. The captain used the hammer to exert a greater force, and the wall responded with a greater force.

In an instant, Press's resolute face immediately wrinkled into a bitter gourd.

The severe pain in his hand made him unable to hold the hammer.

He slowly lowered his head, but found that his knuckles had been shaken and bleeding.

He opened his hands and then clenched them.

This repeated several times before the pain in his hands was relieved.

He looked up at the place where he had hit, but happened to see a piece of wall skin slowly falling down. Behind the hole in the wall skin, there was no brick.

It was a whole piece of concrete.

He hit the pillar.


Cursing in his heart, Press moved one meter to the right with the hammer, then inhaled and exhaled again, swinging the hammer in a circle.

He hit the wall hard.

This time, the hammer still sent back force, but not as strong as before.

Behind the wall here, there are bricks.

He took a long breath, stopped, pointed at the small hole in front of him, and said, "Come here, smash this hole open."

At this moment, Michelle and three teammates stood blankly by the side, watching the captain's actions.

Now hearing the captain's words, several people quickly put down their backpacks, took out the hammers in the backpacks, came in front of the captain, replaced the captain's position, and smashed the wall.

Four people, four hammers.

It took a minute to smash a hole in the wall for people to pass through.

Fanning the smoke and dust at the hole with his hand, Press bent down and passed through the hole. After several seconds, a word came from inside:

"It's safe, you can come in."

Michelle was the second to get into the hole. As soon as he entered, he saw the captain holding a gun and pointing at the corner of the wall next to him.

In the corner, three children who looked only five or six years old hugged each other tightly, and three pairs of amber eyes were staring.

Moreover, those three pairs of eyes were full of doubt, fear, curiosity, and a bit of looking at fools.

The remaining three teammates entered the room one by one, and pointed their guns at the three children at the first time. Then, Michel walked over and checked the three children, but found no weapons.


Press nodded, put down the gun in his hand, and took the hammer in his hand again.

He walked back to the hole that was smashed open, turned around, turned his back to the hole, raised his right hand, stretched it straight forward, and raised his thumb to mark the opposite wall.

After closing his eyes and looking for a while, he walked to the opposite wall, and then swung the hammer again.


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