The officer spoke very seriously, and the people present also listened very seriously, because according to the latest trial regulations, this is the work they must complete, and the priority is second only to the state of war.

Unless the enemy is about to attack, otherwise, they must complete the prayer first.

Even if they are eating, they have to put down the food in their hands and complete the prayer first as required.

Fortunately, this is a trial version.

Reluctantly putting down the pancake in his hand, Michelle followed his teammates, walked to the side, and began to pray under the guidance of the officer.

An hour later, the prayer was completed, and the officer signed his name on the folder in his hand with satisfaction, turned around and walked out of the cafeteria.

As soon as he walked out of the door, one of the officers lifted the curtain again and retreated in, admonishing: "I don't want anyone to be absent from the prayer activity tomorrow morning, that's it."

The team members got up one by one, returned to the table, looked at the cold pancakes, and wanted to curse.

Because the chef of the cafeteria had gone off work half an hour ago.

Now in the cafeteria, there are only these unlucky guys.

Picking up the bread on the table and stuffing it into his mouth, Michel followed the captain like a zombie and returned to the tent.

He was the last one to enter the door, pulled the curtain of the tent, and asked the captain impatiently: "Captain, did you do this before? Why does the army still need to pray?"

Michel's complaints made his captain Press roll his eyes. The captain did not reply immediately, but walked to the door of the tent, pulled open the curtain, and took a look outside first.

After making sure that no one was paying attention, he returned to the tent and whispered, "Don't ask questions like this again, understand?"

"Do what you are told to do, and don't do what you are not told to do."

"You must always remember one sentence, a soldier's duty is to obey orders."

"Even if you are asked to shoot a child!"

"Do you understand?"

Michelle nodded in confusion, and then immediately asked, "Captain, I see that you don't seem to be familiar with prayers. Have you ever prayed like this before?"


Pres took a breath, then slapped his forehead, revealing an expression that he didn't want to talk.

After sighing for a long time, he made exaggerated movements, opened his mouth wide, but roared in a low voice: "There was no such damn prayer before."

"Before, when we were not on a mission, we learned all kinds of military knowledge, reviewed previous missions, discussed subsequent missions, and found ways to improve everyone's shortcomings."

"Not these damn prayers!"

"I don't understand why I have to learn these things at all!"

"Also, think about what the hell is it that you can walk through walls?"

"If I can walk through walls, do I still need to be a soldier? Isn't it better to just rob a bank?"

Pres was furious, but roared in a low voice, which made Michelle very confused.

He wanted to ask a few more questions, but just when he opened his mouth and didn't have time to spit out a sound, Pres slapped him directly: "Sleep, there is a mission tomorrow."



In his sleep, the air raid alarm suddenly sounded.

Michelle jumped up from the bed reflexively, stretched his hands forward, grabbed the pants at the end of the bed, put them on his legs, and pulled them hard.

He put on his pants, and the next second, his hand grabbed the gun on the bedside.

Loaded the bullets and turned on the safety.

He didn't even have time to put on his hat, and he rushed out of the tent with his teammates and looked up to scan the sky.

"Is it an air raid?"

"Is it a rocket?"

"I don't know, I didn't see it, anyway, the air defense alarm was sounded."

In the chaotic voice, Michelle finally heard the whole story.

The radar found several rockets, but these rockets were not aimed at them, but at another camp.

The distance between the two camps is about 5 kilometers.

After figuring out that there was no air raid, the eyelids of a group of people suddenly became heavy, turned around, and continued to walk towards the tent cursing.

Just fell asleep, just fell asleep.

The air raid alarm sounded again.

The eyelids that were fighting opened again, and a group of people rushed out of the tent again. This time, they saw a bright spot in the southern sky.

The bright spot was very fast. Not long after the soldiers saw it, the bright spot fell out of their sight and exploded.

So, except for the soldiers on duty, all the other soldiers went back to the tent and continued to sleep.

Back in the comfortable bed, Michel squeezed and closed his eyes tiredly.

The next second, the shrill air defense alarm blasted in his ears again.


In the northern Gaza City, on the roof of a small building, Rahman hid in the dark, carefully observing the lights in the distance with a telescope.

He raised his thumb from time to time.

After raising his thumb for a while, he lowered his head and then used the weak light of the flashlight to write some words in his notebook.

And pay attention to the key points.

He was calculating the distance.

The combat skills in that booklet were very strong, but there was a certain threshold. Many people in the resistance movement could not read it effectively.

Therefore, the content of the booklet must be converted into content that they can understand.

After writing the text, he stuffed it back into his arms and picked up a hand-drawn map next to him.

The hand-drawn map was not very good, but it had some reference points well marked on it. Soon, Rahman found himself on the map and the direction of the lights in the distance.

Calculate the distance and pick up the phone:

"Car No. 4, elevation plus 15, azimuth 27 to the right, No. 3 charge three rounds at equal speed, one minute interval, each subsequent round azimuth 1 to the right, immediately evacuate to area No. 3 after shooting."

After the voice fell, Rahman followed the flashlight to check the time.

Five minutes later, the first rocket flew out, one minute interval, the second, and another minute interval, the third.

The rocket dragged the tail flame and fell to the target area. Although it was a little off, it was not a big problem.

Record the landing point and calculate the data, and a sound came from Rahman's phone.

"Car No. 4 is 5 minutes slower than the scheduled speed."

"Let them rest first."

In response, Rahman picked up the phone: "Car No. 5, initial elevation minus 2, current position left 39, charge No. 4, one round, and then evacuate to area No. 5."

Two minutes later, a rocket flew out of the building complex and fell into the distance.

Rahman was very happy that night.

In contrast, Michel was very unhappy.

He stayed up all night without sleeping.

It was just dawn.

Just as he was about to take a nap, several officers dressed very formally lifted the curtain of the tent and shouted sternly: "Fifteen minutes to prepare, then pray!"


The curtain was drawn, and the people in the tent got up with anger and took care of their personal hygiene.

Fifteen minutes later, a group of people sat in the tent and recited the prayer devoutly.

Half an hour later, the prayer ended.

The new mission officially began.

Look for those damn militants in the place where Palestinians live.

Bullets, drinking water, food.

Just as Michelle put these things on, she saw Captain Press coming over with five hammers.

"Here, take these hammers with you."

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