As soon as the cameraman jumped into the tunnel, the others looked at him eagerly.

The old man calmly raised his camera and said proudly: "I took all the photos. The tank was smoking and burning, but the remaining soldiers were not very clear."

"There was a lot of smoke and dust, so I didn't take a clear photo."

Everyone present breathed a sigh of relief after hearing these words.

It's okay to take photos. If there is no evidence after the battle, it will be embarrassing.

Not only can I not explain to the leader, but I can't convince the people below to overcome the psychological barriers and go into the tunnel with them.

At this time, Rahman suddenly stuck his head out and asked with a strange smile: "Are you still not leaving? Are you waiting to be killed by others?"

After cursing, he turned and walked deep into the tunnel. Not long after, he came back with two bombs and fishing lines.

Use screws to fix the bombs on the wall of the tunnel, hang them with fishing lines, and hang the other end of the fishing lines on the floor.

As long as the floor is lifted, the bomb will explode.

The first trap is done.

Rahman took two steps back and fixed the second bomb on his head with screws, and a thin fishing line from top to bottom.

After setting up the two traps, he turned around and looked at the people who had not left behind him, and asked curiously: "Aren't you running here to die?"

After that, he was the first to run away.

But... his speed was still not fast enough, and he was still left behind by Arabila.

Back to the place where the rockets were placed, Rahman took down the bombs on the wall and set up two more trigger traps, and then left with the last bomb with satisfaction.

Coming out of the bathroom, he ignored the stench of the bathroom and used the last bomb on his body to make a disgusting trap in the bathroom.

As long as someone dared to come, this bomb would be triggered, and there were only two results waiting for the other party.

Be blown to death, or be blown all over.

After doing all this, he nodded with satisfaction and followed the other people to leave.

After evacuating from the ruins, several people quickly found a very suitable lookout point, took out binoculars, and looked at the Mei Lao San that they had hit together.

In the telescope, the tank that was being taken care of was emitting thick smoke. Next to the tank, there were a dozen medical soldiers gathered together to rescue the wounded on the spot.

And farther away, a dozen soldiers were cautiously approaching the small building where they had just stayed.

These soldiers pressed their bodies tightly against the wall of the small building and frantically poured mines into the house.

After a series of explosions, the soldiers ran in a line and rushed into the small building.

Two or three minutes later, a loud noise came from inside.

Seeing this scene through the telescope, Rahman frowned and put down the telescope, turned to look at Arabila, and whispered: "Which desert did you pick up that booklet from?"

"Why do the writers know that the overall quality of these Israeli soldiers will deteriorate?"

"I remember they were not like this last year?"

"At that time, they knew about infantry-tank coordination, and knew that battlefield rescue needed to avoid gathering, and they knew to pull scattered soldiers."

"Why did it become like this this year?"

Rahman's words also made others focus their attention on Arabila.

More than half a month ago, Arabila came back from China and brought a booklet with him.

It was written in Arabic.

He said he picked it up from the desert.

The leader believed it.

The others also believed it with a pinched nose.

Arabila put down the telescope, without any extra words, only a calm word: "The next place."

After that, he bent down, carefully left the observation point, and disappeared behind the ruins.

The other people followed one after another, and soon disappeared.


On the other side, next to the tank attacked by Arabila and his men, soldier Michel held a gun and observed the surroundings aimlessly.

While observing, he was also calculating how long he would have to serve as a soldier.

He was a new soldier, just two months into the army.

Then, this month, he received his salary. How can we say that salary? It can't be said to be the level of being rich and powerful, but at least it is the level of being buried in the earth.

The little salary he got was not enough for his living expenses last month.

He served in the army for two months, not only did he not bring any income to his family, but also made the family spend an extra expense.

This made the already poor family even worse.

So, at this moment, Michelle felt that holding the gun in his hand for one more minute was torture.

He couldn't imagine how big a bill would be waiting for him when he returned home after serving three years of compulsory military service.

And more importantly, he didn't know whether he could go back alive.

Thinking of this, Michelle looked back at the medical soldiers next to him.

These people gathered together and were rescuing the dead and wounded on the ground.

They were surrounded so tightly that they couldn't see the situation of the people inside at all.

After more than ten minutes, these medical soldiers finally stopped and carried the stretcher away at the fastest speed. As for the people on the stretcher, it was impossible to tell whether they were dead or alive.

Shaking his head and throwing away the messy thoughts in his mind, Michelle continued to patrol nearby.

Two hours later, an armored vehicle arrived late, the rear door of the armored vehicle opened, and several soldiers got out of it.

At the same time, they pulled out iron chains from the vehicle and fixed them to the tank. The armored vehicle began to roar, dragging the still smoking tank and slowly heading north.

Michelle, who had been patrolling, also received an order to cover the armored vehicle's retreat.

After receiving the order, he moved closer to his teammates as quickly as possible, and then his five-man team lined up in an untidy team and followed closely behind the armored vehicle.

They moved towards the north, and the sun set towards the west.

When the last ray of sunlight disappeared in the sky, they finally returned to the camp.

After a simple wash, Michelle couldn't wait to rush to the canteen. If there was any happiness in being a soldier, it might be when it was time to eat.

Looking at Michelle and his team who came, the chef didn't have a good face.

Grab the cake on the plate, cut a slit with a knife, then pick up the clip next to it, put vegetables and meat in it, add ketchup, and finally pour a little soup on it.

Put this front-line battlefield meal into his mouth, eat two bites, Michelle felt that there was nothing to miss in this world.

Want to die.

Want to die very much.

Don't want to stay here at all.

This damn place is simply deadly.

While eating the cake, the door curtain of the canteen was lifted.

Two officers who looked very decent appeared at the door, looked around, and walked steadily to the dining table where Michelle's team was.

One of the officers took out the folder under his armpit, opened it, frowned and looked at it for a while, closed the folder, and shouted loudly:

"Sixth team, before you went on duty this morning, we did not receive your prayer records."

"Now you need to enter the prayer state immediately and pray sincerely."

"As supervisors, we will supervise you here until you finish praying."

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