After hugging Arabila tightly, Lin Yu patted his shoulder and comforted him: "Come on! My friend!"

"I am looking forward to the day when your place becomes quiet!"

"When that time comes, I will go there for a stroll!"

Hearing this, Arabila smiled: "Then I must strive to live to that day! Strive to plant the red flag all over the world!"

Lin Yu patted his shoulder again: "That day will come!"

"It's getting late, you should rest early, go back early, and build your motherland!"

"I should go back to sleep too!"

After saying that, Lin Yu just turned around and heard a sentence from behind: "Why did you choose us?"

He turned around and met Arabila's inquiring eyes!

There were only questions in the amber eyes.

Lin Yu turned his head slightly and whispered: "Because you sent Durbi to Saint Majiagou, it means you are seeking change! I don't mind helping you!"

"In fact, in addition to you, several other Arab countries, as well as South and North Sudan further south, are also under my investigation!"

"It's that simple!"

After explaining, Lin Yu turned around and continued to walk out.

Behind him, Arabila took a deep breath and shouted: "Thank you, my friend!"

The two walked out of the port together, one to the left, one to the right, and left separately!

Sitting on the truck of the security department, listening to the roar of the engine, Lin Yu slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep!

Accompanied by the sound of frogs, the truck was bathed in moonlight and rushed all the way to the northwest!

At noon the next day, it returned to Rheinsteel!

After giving Li Ping the order to withdraw the money, Lin Yu fell asleep directly!

He slept peacefully, but others were not so at ease!

After solving the survival crisis, many people's hearts became active again!

After all, people go up, water flows down!

Money builds the country!

After letting the few people at the door into the room, Tang Ying turned around and began to serve tea and water to these people, while being sarcastic!

"Hey! It is said that the rich have distant relatives in the mountains, and the poor have no one to ask in the downtown area!"

"By the way, why are there so many relatives today?"

Hearing her sarcastic words, the women present couldn't hold their faces, and some stood up, but when they saw the funny look on the faces of others!

They twisted their buttocks and sat down again!

You must not be the first bird to come out!

No one spoke, and Tang Ying was also happy to serve tea!

She poured tea into people's cups one pot after another without paying.

Finally, someone drank too much tea and couldn't hold it back!

"Teacher Tang! I heard from the grapevine that the factory director has a big move these two days! The child at home has graduated from elementary school and has not found a job yet, do you think you can..."

The man stopped talking halfway and turned to look at other people.

These people also looked at Tang Ying eagerly.

We have lived and worked together in this base for so long. Even if we have no merit, we have worked hard!

It is impossible to favor one over the other!

Putting the teapot on the ground, Tang Ying put her hands on her waist and asked coldly: "Can you tell me what the factory director's surname is now?"

"Also, you have only eaten a few days of full meals, and you are thinking of stuffing your useless trash in again?"

"Did I force you to graduate from elementary school? When I was teaching, I asked you to keep your children in school to study more!"

"One by one, you said that studying is useless, it is better to sell tea eggs!"

"My words were useless at the beginning, and now I tell you that my words are useless now!"

"Alright! Disperse!"

After scolding people and letting out a breath of anger, Tang Ying drove them away refreshed!

A few minutes later, with a bang, the door closed. She turned her head and walked into the bedroom with murderous intent, and caught Qian Jianguo hiding on the balcony of the bedroom!

"Tell me! What are you going to do about the jobs of the guys at home?"

After asking, without waiting for her husband to respond, Tang Ying grabbed the broom on the door and slowly raised it!

"This...this..." After a long time, Qian Jianguo didn't say a complete sentence. Seeing that his wife's broom was about to eat meat, he quickly raised his hand and shouted:

"This can be done from a worker!"

"The third child didn't graduate, and the eldest and second children graduated from high school, so they can only learn technology!"

"With me here, how can they not get paid?"

After getting the definite answer from Qian Jianguo, Tang Ying slowly put down the broom in her hand, threw it aside, and then squatted down and asked Qian Jianguo:

"What is Xiaoyu going to do? I've heard a lot from those gossipers! He has a bright future, so be careful!"

Qian Jianguo sneered at his wife's words.

According to the news from his uncle, the people in the staff department wished that the people from the 567 base would go to complain every day!

This way they would have a reason to catch Lin Yu and beat him up!

Finally, pull it out and use it!

Standing up and walking to the window sill, he responded calmly: "Xiaoyu, don't worry. What you need to worry about is whether you can scold others better!"

Hearing this, Tang Ying was speechless!

She couldn't scold!

The main reason was that she had been a teacher for many years and couldn't scold him!


A new day, a broadcast spread throughout Rheinsteel!

"Except for the people on duty in the security department, the rest of the people, gather in the auditorium! Give out this bonus!"


It is always a happy topic!

If you are not active in taking money, you have a problem with your thinking!

Thousands of people lined up and walked into the auditorium. As soon as they walked in, they were shocked by the boxes on the stage!

Red banknotes!

It was a new version of banknotes. It was issued not long ago and has not been circulated in many places!

It looks more exciting and more embarrassing than the old version of banknotes!

Under the influence of the banknotes, everyone sat down quietly, looking at Lin Yu on the stage, waiting for the factory director to issue the order to collect the money!

On the stage, Lin Yu glanced at his watch. It was exactly nine o'clock in the morning!

He nodded his head to Luo Ping who was guarding the door!

Luo Ping understood, turned around, closed the door and locked it!

Seeing this scene, the hearts of other people in the auditorium jumped!

Something is wrong, very wrong!

"Ahem! Since everyone is here, there is no need to wait. The rest of you are not active in collecting money, and you are definitely not active in working!"

"Li Ping, write down the name, and fire him!"

Looking away from Li Ping and falling on the other people in the auditorium, Lin Yu calmly opened the notebook and began to read the data!

"For this business, we deducted the cost and tax!"

"Earned 7.2132 million!"

"Profit margin 17.48%!"

"Everyone worked hard this time! So we decided to take out 500,000 from it and reward everyone!"

"Everyone's bonus amount is different, and some people don't have a bonus! Those who don't have a bonus, find out the reason yourself!"

"But before giving out the money, I have something to say!"

"In order to make the base have better development, and to make everyone make more money!"

"I am going to adjust the structure of the base now!"

"Director, that's me! I am also the highest decision-maker! I have the final say, all you need to do is follow my requirements Please, complete the task!"

"Under the factory director, there is the deputy factory director."

"As for the production structure of our factory, I have made some adjustments."

"It is divided into marketing department, R\u0026D department, production department, sales department, after-sales department! Purchasing department, finance department, security department!"

"Each department has one director and two deputies. The director manages the main work of the department, and the deputy manages the logistics of the department."

"The division of labor is clear. Don't get involved if it's not your business. Similarly, if there is a problem with the task you are in charge of, don't say you don't know!"

"If you want to say it, sit on the regret chair and say it!"

"The department's subordinates are divided according to the production team!"

"The team leader gets an extra subsidy! But he also bears the responsibility!"

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