The last secret book?

Arabila blinked, stretched out his hands hesitantly, and took the red notebook!

The cover of the notebook was red, and in the center, there was a hammer and sickle outlined by gold-plated lines!

Holding it in his hands, he looked at Lin Yu with doubts. The secret book was a unique thing in Chinese novels. As long as he got this thing, the protagonist could kill a lot and become a big boss!


Something that can be called a secret book is definitely not a simple thing!

What's more, it was given by Lin Yu!

From his contact with him, the thing that he called a secret book is definitely a good thing!

Resisting the urge to open it, Alamira held the secret book in both hands, bowed deeply to the person in front of him, and choked up to thank him:

"Thank you! My friend! Thank you for your trouble!"

"But... you also know that our situation is special. If copying it is useful, we would not have waited until now!"

"I know, so this is a modified version based on your actual situation! It can help you strengthen the ideological construction of the team."

Lin Yu rolled his eyes in response, raised his hand and pointed to the rest area of ​​the port: "Take a look first. If there is anything you don't understand, ask it on the spot, and I can help you explain it!"

"Let's go over there and talk!"

"Okay!" After answering, Arabila suppressed his beating heart, trembling hands, and turned to the first page!

The first page only had a few simple words written in Arabic: protracted war!

These words are arranged vertically, very charming, and look pleasing to the eye!

Looking at the familiar text, Arabila looked up at Lin Yu. Lin Yu spread his hands calmly and explained: "Revised version, in order to make you understand better, I asked Durby to translate and made an Arabic version for you!"

"By the way, when you go back, you can say that you picked this thing up in the desert!"

"Remember it!"

Listening to him, Arabila turned to the second page, which was the directory.

The directory only has two chapters.

Chapter 1: Fight!

Chapter 2: Talk!

He continued to flip back and turned to the beginning of the first chapter, and a prologue came to him.

[Reject large-scale military operations, break up the whole into parts, use the depth of the tunnel to launch an attack, and before the action, conduct a pre-war discussion to let the soldiers give full play to their subjective initiative and fully understand the intention of the action. ]

[Let them know why they fight, why they fight like this, and what are the benefits of fighting like this! ]

[Absolutely cannot learn from Western imperialism and use deception to deceive innocent people to go to the battlefield! ]

[Always remember one sentence, people are the foundation of a country and a nation! Every person is a valuable asset of the country!

Because they can pass on the fire! 】

After the prologue, there are various tactical arrangements.

In addition to the text description, there are also hand-drawn schematic diagrams.

Each one is extremely insidious!

For example, in one of the mine traps, the mine is buried first, and then a sign is inserted on it!

The sign is full of mocking content!

The enemy will definitely move the sign, and if the sign is moved, the mine will be moved!

The ending is... boom!


Arabila couldn't wait to turn to the second chapter and found that the preface of this chapter was only one sentence.

If you don't occupy the high ground of public opinion, the enemy will occupy it.

After the preface, there is no explanation, only the specific implementation process.

[Deploy a cameraman in the tactical operation, record all the tactical operations, and then publish them on the Internet! Note: Remember to wear a mask. 】

The follow-up is based on the requirements for the cameraman based on the tactical operation.

Including but not limited to mastering shooting, computer maintenance, network maintenance, translation, video editing and production...

It can be called a superman!

Arabila closed the notebook, raised a finger, and asked Lin Yu: "Do you know that with such a request! There may not be a single person in the entire Gaza Strip!"

Lin Yu raised his eyelids and responded calmly: "If you don't have it, go and learn it. No one is born with it!"

"In the current international world, Western countries and the capital behind them control 99% of the world's information propaganda channels!"

"And these information propaganda channels can be used by Israel under certain conditions!"

"So the result is that you are beaten by them every day, but in international propaganda, you are the unforgivable person!"

"But now, there is an Internet!"

"The nascent Internet is a lawless place, attracting a large number of young people to enter! ”

“If you seize the opportunity, you can deeply engrave your experience into the memory of these young people who still have empathy and justice!”

“This will be good for you!”

“But at the same time, I must remind you that in the process of propaganda, you must put aside your extreme ideas!”

“Don’t engage in decapitation operations and intimidation all day long!”

“You must establish the image of being a righteous army and resisting aggression!”

“The Israeli soldier surrendered, you should treat him, take a video during the treatment, and release it when it is ready!”

“As for ordinary Israelis, as long as he surrenders, give him treatment, then take a video, and finally release him!”

“You must be consistent in your words and deeds!”

“This will better score points in the eyes of onlookers! Do you understand?”

"By doing this, you can make more friends, and then your many friends will help you blame the Israelis!"

"Similarly, it can make the surrounding Arab countries see more of your potential value, and then give you more investment! You will also have more power to fight back!"

"Speaking of this, I would like to remind you one more thing. To enhance national cohesion, there is no need to engage in extreme thoughts!"

"You should even be very clear and draw a clear line between this extreme!"

"The best and easiest way for you to do is to build a public cemetery! Bury every compatriot killed by the Israelis!"

"Then set up a festival and some habits to mourn them!"

"Doing this is more useful than you preaching revenge ten times!"

"Do you understand?"

Listening to Lin Yu's words, Arabila sat down on a chair in the lounge, opened his notebook, and read it again from beginning to end very seriously!

He read very slowly!

Very carefully!

As the notebook turned pages, more and more ideas appeared in his mind clearly!

These ideas had appeared in his mind countless times in a flash of inspiration, but countless times, he felt like he was in a fog, trying to grasp these ideas, but he couldn't!

Now seeing these!

He understood!


is the real way they should go!

Not expecting to occupy the high ground of public opinion, but only expecting not to lose in public opinion, then they will be a hundred times better than now!

Wear down the enemy little by little, and when the opponent is weak, you can show your fangs and fight back!

Eat the opponent in one bite!

Close the notebook, put it carefully in your arms, and pat it with your hands!

Arabila opened his arms to Lin Yu in front of him, choking and said:

"Friend! We will always remember your help!"

"May Allah bless you, always healthy and long-lived!"

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