Explosions went off one after another!

It severely stimulated Arabilla's little heart!

At this moment, he had an impulse in his heart, that is, to cry hard for once!

After getting these things, they can also experience the pleasure of having enough ammunition!

But reason told him that crying was of no use!

It’s business now!

Crying leaves a person with a weakness!

After calming down his expression, he stretched out his right hand towards Lin Yu and said in a very soft voice:


Lin Yu stretched out his right hand and shook it with Arabilla: "You're welcome!"

"If you want to thank me, buy more equipment!"

"After all, I am very materialistic!"

When I heard about buying equipment, the Arab blood flowing in Arabilla's veins was activated!

"Dear friend! Your equipment is very excellent. It is also the equipment we need very much and it suits us very well!"


He stopped talking, stared at Lin Yu intently, with a look of regret on his face, shook his head slightly, and spat out the next words!

"But! These people under your command have never been on the battlefield, and holding these weapons is just a demonstration!"

"So I think we have to put some pressure on the price first! What do you think?"

As soon as these words came out, the two people next to him had different expressions!

Luo Ping's old face turned dark instantly, and his eyes gradually became filled with murderous intent!

As for Lin Yu, he burst out laughing, and then beat his thigh crazily with his right hand, as if he heard something ridiculous!

Finally, he came to Arabila, patted her shoulder hard, then held down her shoulders, and forced Arabila to face Luo Ping!

Let the two look at each other!

One gaze is full of murderous intent, and the other gaze is cunning!

In a head-on collision, Arabilla was defeated in just one second!

That look was so cold, so cold that it didn't look like a human look at all. Moreover, unlike those beasts, that look had no other meaning, only pure murderous intent!

And indifference!

Just like the people looking at him in front of him are not of the same species!


How could someone have such eyes?

At this moment, Lin Yu's voice sounded: "Mr. Arabilla, since you think there is something wrong with our weapons when displayed by us people!"

"Then let's do this! I think those people following you have good martial arts values!"

"Pick out two and compare them! How about it?"

Lin Yu asked these words with a smile, but when this smile fell in Arabila's eyes, he always felt that this smile was a little inconsistent, a little bit malicious!


To lower the price!


Half an hour later, a group of people stood under the viewing platform, clearly divided into two groups!

On the left are seven people from Arabilla, and on the right are people from the Rheinsteel Security Department!

The two groups stood face to face. Lin Yu raised his hand and pointed: "Come on! Mr. Arabilla, you can pick a few at random!"

"Competition event, 150-meter fixed half-body target, one minute, 10 targets, hit the abdomen, 0 points, hit the chest, 5 points, hit the head, 10 points!"

"150-meter moving target, 10 targets, one minute, the target will move laterally, the shooting surface is only 100 meters, the scoring rules are the same as the fixed target!"

"Moving shooting moves the target. The target moves 100 meters laterally. The shooter moves 100 meters on the 150-meter line. The time is one minute! The scoring rules are the same as those for fixed targets."

"As for the gun, there is a brand new Type 56 semi-automatic rifle. You should have used this thing before!"

Looking at the person opposite and then at the people around her, Arabilla took a deep breath and pointed her finger at Luo Ping, but then quickly moved away from him and pointed at the young people next to him!

Although these young people look tall and thick, from the looks of things, they are all relatively young!

Six people were selected. Finally, Arabilla pointed her finger at Lin Yu: "Mr. Lin! How about the two of us, as leaders, join in on this competition?"

His words were calm and unquestionable!

However, after speaking, he did not see any annoyance on the faces of the Rheinsteel group!

Instead, I found that these people's faces had expressions of fun!


Lin Yu responded casually and turned towards the table with firearms next to him!

Pick up a Type 56 semi-automatic, take it apart, check it again, and put it aside gently!

In a short time, all the guns on the table were inspected!

"You first or me first?" Lin Yu asked Arabilla, his eyes full of teasing and provocation!

In order to grab other people's attention before, you can lower your attitude!

Now it’s about money!

You need to change your attitude!

Arabilla came to the table slowly, picked up a gun, and opened it!

Load a round, aim far away, and fire!

Seeing the bullet hit where he aimed, he nodded with great satisfaction!

"The firearms are in very good condition, very good! How many are there! I want them all!"

Lin Yu rolled his eyes and didn't answer the question!

This gun is a waste for you!

Feeling bored, Arabilla picked up the gun and three bullet bridges, and walked to the side!

In the distance directly in front of him, a target has been placed!

Loading the bullets, he didn't hesitate for half a minute, raised the muzzle of the gun, aimed at the target and fired ten bullets!

The target fell!

Then it was the moving target!

The diesel engines set up on both sides of the shooting range started, driving a huge winch, which pulled the rope and dragged the target slowly!

Arabilla aimed for a while, put down the muzzle with a gloomy face, inhaled and exhaled hard, and then raised the gun!

Bang bang bang!

Ten bullets hit three targets!

And his score was 85 points for fixed targets, 90 points for moving targets, and 30 points for moving shooting!

The total time was 1 minute and 54 seconds!

He nodded his chin proudly at Lin Yu, and then asked several other companions to go on stage!

These people's shooting skills are better than Arabilla, and their overall scores are also better than Arabilla!

After registering their scores, Lin Yu walked towards the long table where the guns were placed!

At this moment, everyone in Rheinsteel showed an expression of watching a good show!

Standing next to the long table, Lin Yu picked up a Type 56 semi-automatic and loaded the bullets!

Slowly came to the shooting point and raised the gun!

Bang bang bang!

Fixed target 100 points!

Moving target 100 points!

Moving target 95 points!

Total time, 1 minute and 14 seconds!

The results and time are better than all the Arabs!

While these Arabs were shocked, other people from Rheinsteel came on stage!

These young people with immature faces, the moment they got the gun, their eyes instantly changed and became extremely determined!

The Arabs present were stunned!

They really couldn't imagine how someone could use one eye to see the road, one eye to see the target, and shoot at the same time!

And the results are so good!

And watching all this, Arabila swallowed silently!

He was thinking!

If this is the kind of person, shuttling on the battlefield, shuttling in street fighting, what kind of enemy? Will they be their opponents?

And if you have such a soldier!

Wouldn't it be easy to capture?

After everyone finished fighting, he licked his lips, came to Lin Yu and said:

"Forget about close combat!"

"Are you selling your people?"

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