After hearing Lin Yu's order, Hong Fu did not start digging immediately, but took out a map from his arms and marked the size on the map according to the route he had taken!

Then, he took a wooden ladder placed in the corner of the wall, stuck it on the wall, climbed up the wooden stairs with a shovel, and started digging at the soil above his head!

Soon, the loess layer was dug up, revealing the cooked soil above!

After digging the cooked soil, Hong Fu stopped and waved to the people around him. The person who had been following him immediately handed him a Luoyang shovel!

A short Luoyang shovel!

Aiming the Luoyang shovel at the soil layer above, Hong Fu slowly rotated the Luoyang shovel in his hand. As the Luoyang shovel rotated, the soil layer was also stuck in the shovel!

After repeating several times, a small hole appeared in front of him!

Throwing the Luoyang shovel to the person next to him, Hong Fu took out an iron cylinder from his arms, slowly stretched it out from the hole, turned around, lowered his head, and said to Luo Ping:

"5:00 direction, 54 meters away!"

Luo Ping raised his left hand, turned his body according to the position reported by Hong Fu, and nodded gently: "Dig!"

After receiving the words from Luo Ping, Hong Fu picked up the shovel again, and dug up all the soil above his head in a few strokes, revealing a 40-centimeter hole!

Afterwards, he retreated, Luo Ping and Lin Yu looked at each other, and one after the other, drilled out of the hole at a speed beyond ordinary people!

Behind them, was Arabila!

After all, he was also a veteran of hundreds of battles!

As soon as he rushed out of the hole, he saw Lin Yu and the others, who were ready to shoot, and their target was a huge turtle shell!

The turtle shell was so green!

Standing quietly in the middle of the ruins, it was particularly conspicuous!

Hearing the movement behind him, Lin Yu pulled the trigger without hesitation, and the trigger broke the rocket primer!

The primer exploded instantly, igniting the propellant in the rocket!

With a sharp roar, the rocket hit the target in front!


Just after the shooting here, Luo Ping handed over the second rocket!

But this time, Lin Yu did not fire, but handed the rocket to Arabila!

Smiled and said: "Come and shoot!"

Arabila took the rocket with both hands and was not busy firing!

He looked at the rocket in front of him, then looked up at the target in the distance, and finally looked at the hole where several people came out!

A smile appeared on his face!

Sneak attack!

This is called a sneak attack!

Suddenly drill out from the ground, fire a shot at the enemy's tank, and then drill back into the tunnel after shooting. If the opponent dares to follow, just like the old man said that day!

Fight in the tunnel!

Hit hard!

Hit a few more times, they will be afraid to enter the tunnel!

Moreover, the soil in Gaza is much easier to dig than this place!

Blow up the tunnel today, and you can dig a hole from somewhere else in two days. Perfect!

Very perfect!

Thinking of this, Arabila took a deep breath, and then slowly exhaled, as if he wanted to spit out all the grievances he had suffered over the years!

Repeatedly several times, he suddenly raised the rocket in his hand to his shoulder, aimed forward, and pulled the trigger!

The trigger hit the rocket primer!

This rocket, which has not yet been painted, rushed towards the "tank" dozens of meters away under the action of gunpowder!


It didn't hit. The rocket hit the ground in advance. After an explosion, a small pit was blown out!

Seeing the unexpected situation, Arabila was stunned!

He looked at the target in the distance, then looked at his hand, and finally, turned back to look at Lin Yu and Luo Ping!

Why can they hit it?

Why can't I?


Seeing his doubt, Lin Yu pulled out a rocket from behind Luo Ping, put it on the ground, and knocked it with his hand:

"This tandem explosive bomb is used at close range, in street fighting, against tanks with explosive reactive armor!"

"In order to be able to detonate explosives at a shorter distance! At the same time, penetrate the enemy's explosive reactive armor!"

"We cancelled the tail stabilizer! Added the front tandem part! Changed the fuse!"

"So, this rocket is heavier!"

"But the advantage is that even if you are 5 meters away from the opponent, as long as you pull the trigger, the rocket will fly out and hit the target to detonate!"

"The disadvantage is that it requires longer practice! Do you understand?"

"Of course, in order to sell this thing better, we made a ruler!"

As he said, Lin Yu took the launch tube!

At this time, Arabila discovered that there was a small horizontal protractor at the trigger position!

Very flexible!

Fiddled with the protractor with his hand, Lin Yu smiled and said: "Aim directly within 30 meters, the distance increases by 10 meters, and the angle increases by one degree!"

"Wait until this protractor is knocked down, and the level is basically practiced!"

As he said, he raised his hand and pointed to the target in the distance:

"The target is 53 meters away from us. You keep the protractor horizontal first, and then raise it 3 degrees!"

"Try it!"

According to Lin Yu's instructions, Arabila reloaded the rocket, half-crouched, first kept the bottom of the protractor horizontal, and then slowly raised it 3 degrees!

Lock on the target!

Pull the trigger!


The rocket dragged a white tail, crossed a distance of more than 50 meters in an instant, and hit the target that had been hit!

Hit the target!

Looking at the explosion, Alamira threw away the rocket launcher and jumped up!

This thing is very suitable for them now!

Take it back!

Must take it back!

He turned his head and wanted to speak, but found that Luo Ping and Lin Yu next to him had already left and were sneaking through the ruins!

He quickly followed!

Before he could speak, he heard Lin Yu say: "Let our Chief Luo show you a quick hit and run!"


As soon as the question mark formed in Arabilla's mind, he saw Luo Ping, who was walking in the front, suddenly stopped!

Then he raised his hand to make a stop gesture!

While making the gesture, his hand did not stop, and he was loading the bullet!

As soon as he finished loading, he suddenly flashed out of the ruins, pulled the trigger, and then flashed back!

The whole process did not exceed three seconds!

Looking at Arabilla's confused face!

Then, he was pushed to the front by Lin Yu, and he also saw what Luo Ping hit!

A disguised tractor!

The muzzle on the tractor was facing them!

Turning back belatedly, he asked Luo Ping, "Don't you need to aim?"

"Nothing special, just practice makes perfect!" Luo Ping turned his head and replied calmly, like a master who is always seeking to defeat the enemy!

Looking at that proud profile, Arabila whispered, "What is the name of this weapon?"

Lin Yu took the launch tube from Luo Ping's hand, loaded the last rocket, held it in his arms, and explained:

"Yasin 105mm rocket launcher! It can be equipped with tandem explosive bombs, thermobaric bombs, and anti-personnel bombs! Do you want it?"

"Why is it called Yasin!" Arabila asked in confusion.

Lin Yu put the rocket launcher on his shoulder, found a place, aimed, pulled the trigger, and turned back to say:

"You should know it very well! We grew up in adversity, so we admire anyone who stands up bravely in adversity to defend our country! Defend compatriots!"

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