"Cheat yourself?" Arabila repeated this sentence, and slowly lowered his head!

The repeated voice became smaller and smaller!

Seeing this, Durby, who was temporarily acting as a translator, called out softly: "Uncle Arabila?"

Arabila did not answer, but raised his hand to stop the nephew from continuing to speak!

Then, the Arab man, who was over fifty years old, slowly stood up and bowed deeply to Lin Yu opposite him:

"Thank you!"

Very sincere thanks!

Lin Yu received the bow, still smiling on his face, and nodded calmly.

Unlike the two people who were playing a puzzle, Durby was confused at the moment. He looked left and right, and finally couldn't help asking a question!

"Uncle? Why did you cheat yourself first?"

Hearing this question, Arabila first took all the black pieces on the chessboard that ran to the red side to one side!

Stack them one by one!

Then he explained: "We are not a monolithic group! Sometimes, there will even be sabotage between the parties!"

"So, we must first deceive ourselves! We really have no soldiers left!"

"And our reserve forces are unwilling to join!"

"We have fewer and fewer people!"

"Only we ourselves believe it! In daily life, give the same positive feedback!"

"The information obtained by the Israeli intelligence organization shows that the resistance movement is vulnerable! There is no need to devote too much energy to this group of people!"

"In this way, we will have time to breathe and opportunities for development!"

As he explained, Dolby's eyes became brighter and brighter!

With breathing time, the electrical automation knowledge he learned will be useful!

At that time, whether it is building equipment production lines or teaching students, it will be very useful!


He slowly turned his gaze to Lin Yu, and just as he was about to speak, Arabila asked the same question before him!

"Where should we hide these people?"

After asking, the two looked at Lin Yu eagerly!

Lin Yu smiled slightly and pointed his finger at the ground!

"The area you control has no strategic depth, so the only route is to act underground!"

"Dig tunnels!"

"Use intricate tunnels to penetrate the area you control!"

"When you have nothing to do, send your people to neighboring countries for training. After the training is completed, bring them back and put them in the tunnels, digging tunnels like crazy!"

"As long as there are no problems within you, you can make a move when the Israelis have problems themselves!"

Looking at the smile on Lin Yu's face, Arabila felt an impulse in his heart!

That is to believe the man in front of him!

Do what he said!

But reason stopped him again!

The Palestinians have never done such a thing. If they fail, the loss is the lives of countless people!

They are all compatriots and must not die on immature tactics!

Moreover, this young man has been saying from the beginning that the Israelis will collapse on their own!

Where did he get the information!

Or, on what conditions did he make this judgment?

Looking at the face opposite, who was a dozen years younger than himself, Arabila licked his lips. He was thinking about how to ask without being impolite!

A secret and powerful intelligence system is the lifeblood of many people, and their resistance movement has been going on for decades, but there is no systematic intelligence system!

People like him are half!

After thinking for a long time, he still couldn't find a suitable reason, so he chose to go straight!

"I would like to ask Mr. Lin! What is the basis for your judgment? In other words, where did you get the information!"

After asking this question, Arabila spit out a breath of air fiercely, and the whole person collapsed on the chair, as if this sentence had exhausted all his strength!

On the opposite side, Lin Yu opened his mouth naturally, and just when he was about to explain, he swallowed the words back!

Most of the basis for his judgment was the announcement issued by the Israelis themselves!

But, the time is wrong!

That's right!

The Israelis posted this information on the official website openly!

In the future, it is easy to see this information. You just need to master some search skills, climb the ladder, and search on the Internet!

But now, he is not sure whether the Israelis have posted the information on the website!

After all, he has been busy since he was reborn and has no time to chat with people online!

Of course, there is no computer in Base 567!

After closing his eyes and thinking for a moment, Lin Yu suddenly opened his eyes and asked: "Do you know the military reform proposed by the Israeli Ministry of Defense? Is it the so-called reverse geometry?"

Hearing this, Duerbi's eyes flashed with clear stupidity. He hasn't been back to Palestine for a long time, so naturally he hasn't heard of this!

Arabila's eyes showed thinking. He had heard it, and then nodded seriously and replied: "I have heard it! It seems to go through the wall!"

After that, he was silent!

Because even they thought it was a bit too outrageous!

Then he laughed!

Seeing the smile on Arabila's face, Lin Yu laughed!

The reason for the Israeli military reform has to be traced back to the founding of the country!

At the beginning, their army's combat effectiveness was almost zero!

After being severely beaten by the surrounding countries, they began to seek help from the Jews living in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, asking these people to return to the Mediterranean and build a country together!

Jews in the Soviet Union lived in Soviet farms since childhood and systematically learned the Soviet way of life and fighting!

There are also a large number of Soviet veterans!

The Jews in Eastern Europe have also been affected by similar influences to a greater or lesser extent!

So, these people brought the Soviet farm model to the new Israel!

A grassroots mutual aid organization - Kibbutz!

The kibbutz takes care of all the processes for a person from birth to burial. Although they are not rich, everyone will not starve to death, and there will be no worries!

Moreover, kibbutz educates new young people that they fight for the country and are just!

In this kind of veteran-led environment, even with Israel's extremely low army salary, kibbutz has continuously provided Israel with a large number of combat soldiers!


Everything has a but!

The Soviet Union is cold!

So, the Israelis came to a crossroads in life, they were confused, and they started to think!

The Soviet model is out of date, and kibbutz are definitely not good. They must be cleaned up and banned!

We cannot use this rotten model!

Destruction is easier than construction. The Israeli Ministry of Defense cleared the kibbutz without much effort!

Then, the heaven-defying religious sect appeared!

Among them is the inverse geometry that defies heaven!

The so-called inverse geometry allows soldiers to imagine that the walls and buildings in front of them can be converted during war!

Convert from entity to non-existent state!

It can be seen through, can be passed through, and can shoot directly at the wall and hit the people behind the wall!

The soldiers were even required to move vertically between two floors!

And this kind of person is generally called a superman!

But people in the real world can't do this, so many Israeli soldiers carry demolition hammers!

After laughing, Lin Yu asked the person in front of him: "It seems that Mr. Arabilla already has the answer in his mind!"

Arabilla nodded and replied seriously: "Yes! Mr. Lin, I think we can cooperate!"

"But before that, I want to visit the factory you mentioned!"

Lin Yu nodded:

"That's natural, but before that, I would like you to go visit a scenic spot with me!"

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