When you are rich, there is Rheinmetall; when you are poor, there is Rheinsteel!

Chapter 26: Sleeping on straw and tasting gall! (First update!)

The voice echoed in the small dormitory. Arabila opened his mouth and was about to refuse, but when the words came to his lips, he closed his mouth again!

He wanted to hear what this person thought!

After all, the situation in Palestine has reached the bottom, and no matter what he does, it will not get worse!

As long as there is a little bit of positive feedback, it will be an upward trend!

After a long silence, he bent down, picked up all the chess pieces that had just been swept away, rearranged the game, raised his hand and pointed at the chessboard, and said:

"Please tell me, Mr. Lin, how should we adjust our current strategy!"

"If you can convince me, cooperation is not impossible!"

As he spoke, he picked up the pawn on the right line and advanced!

A very stable move!

After this step, he looked at Lin Yu's face and looked at the young man curiously.

Chess is a leisure method he learned after coming to China. This activity can well reflect a person's behavior habits!

Impatient people like to move forward when playing chess!

Steady people like to take their time when playing chess!

As for the old silver coin, he likes to look five or even ten steps ahead before taking one step. Playing chess with such a person is the most boring!

And who is this Lin Yu?

Impatient? Or...

Arabila's eyes slowly widened. He saw a more radical way of playing chess than the impatient people!

Under his nose, Lin Yu picked up the black cannon on his right hand and went over the mountain directly!

He killed the horse on Arabila's left hand that had not yet gone out!

Seeing this move, Arabila did not pick up the car on his left hand and kill the cannon that went over the mountain!

Instead, he carefully analyzed Lin Yu's intentions, studied it carefully for a long time, and still picked up the car and ate the cannon that went over the mountain!

It's a waste not to eat it!

The subsequent moves also need three steps later!


Just after eating, Lin Yu's other cannon also went out!

The same operation!

Exchanged the red horse!

Then it was eaten by the red car!

Then, his two horses were sent to the red car as if on purpose!

Finally, it's the rook!

This round is a foregone conclusion!

As Arabila moved the rook into the center line, the wrong rook was made, and Lin Yu lost!

Putting down the chess piece, Arabila shook his head and said to Lin Yu: "Mr. Lin, you didn't convince me!"

"We are very poor, so every penny has to be spent on the blade, so, hug..."

Arabila's tone was very disappointed, a disappointment that could not see the future!

The human species, even if it has seen many disappointments, will rush towards that hope as long as there is a glimmer of hope!

Now it seems that Lin Yu is not that glimmer of hope!

Before he could say the word "apology", Arabila found that the face of the person on the other side was full of smiles, as if it was not him who lost the game just now, but himself!

At this moment, Lin Yu's gentle voice sounded: "Mr. Arabila, how did you get fed in this game?"

"It feels like killing all the time, is it good?"

It feels like killing all the time, is it good?

The voice of inquiry kept echoing in Arabilla's mind, shaking his head dizzy!

Taking a deep breath and forcibly stabilizing his mind, he focused on the chessboard, and at the same time, he was also recalling what Duerby said!

"Lin Yu is the top scorer in the college entrance examination in Shandong Province, science! After going to college, he has been relying on scholarships to pay tuition and living expenses!"

"He is also the champion of many design competitions! He is also the principal's last disciple, so you must pay attention!"



Slowly closing his eyes, Arabilla slowly raised his head and asked with his eyes closed: "Are you feeding the chess?"


Lin Yu admitted generously.

Then, he put the chess pieces back on the chessboard, but this time, the chess pieces were placed a little outrageous!

The two chariots, horses, soldiers, and cannons of the black side, as well as two pawns, went to the red side together.

The black side only had three soldiers left, guarding the general alone!

Tapping the chess pieces on the table with his right index finger, Lin Yu picked up the chess pieces on the table one by one and said calmly:

"This is what you are like now!"

"The black pieces that ran to the red side are your National Liberation Front! They are appeasers!"

"The remaining three soldiers are your resistance movement, radical front, and National Liberation Front!"

"The only thing you can do now is to endure hardships! Wait for the opportunity!"

Simple words made Arabila wake up from shock. He stared at Lin Yu and asked suspiciously:

"Is this the strategy you mentioned? If it's just to survive, then we don't need to do this at all! Just go home and wait for death!"

"Do you know the meaning of enduring hardships?" Lin Yu asked curiously. He was thinking about how to explain it so that the Arab in front of him knew the meaning of this word!

But after thinking carefully for a while, he found that these four words summarized too many things, so he chose to give up!

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Just then, the door opened!

Durbi walked into the room, sat down next to the two of them, looked at Arabila and explained: "Uncle Arabila, sleeping on firewood and tasting gall is a story from the Spring and Autumn Period of China between Gou Jian, King of Yue and Fu Chai, King of Wu!"

"Yue was defeated by Wu, and Gou Jian, the prince of Yue, became a slave of Fu Chai, King of Wu!"

"He tried every means to please Fu Chai, and finally let Fu Chai let him go!"

"After returning to his country, Gou Jian began to work hard to govern the country. He slept on firewood and hay at night. Once he was tired, he would lick the bitter gall hanging on the beam to remind himself!"

"In the end, Gou Jian took three thousand armored soldiers and swallowed up the State of Wu!"

"Later, someone discussed this matter together with Xiang Yu's revenge for destroying Qin, and there was a saying!"

"Where there is a will, there is a way. Breaking the cauldrons and sinking the boats, the 120 Qin passes finally belonged to Chu; those who work hard will not be disappointed by heaven. Sleeping on firewood and tasting gall, three thousand Yue soldiers can swallow Wu!"

"He is not waiting to die! Instead, he made the country rich during this period and trained three thousand armored soldiers!"

The voice was very soft. As he listened, Arabila lowered his head and began to think about Lin Yu's chess moves just now, and Gou Jian's attempt to please King Fuchai of Wu!

Soon, he found the similarities between the two things!


Both things were deliberately showing weakness to please in order to achieve a certain purpose!

At this moment, a ball of light appeared in Arabila's mind!

The light was getting bigger and bigger!

Finally, he suddenly raised his head, looked at the young man in front of him, and asked in surprise: "You mean, let us deliberately please the Jews? And then take the opportunity to develop?"

On the opposite side, Lin Yu rolled his eyes and said: "It's a sign of weakness! Not pleasing!"

"Other races are normal people! But the Jews are the exception!"

"Your pleasing will not be of any use, but will do harm!"

"What you have to do is to slowly collect people in conflicts again and again!"

"Let these people disappear from everyone's sight! Let the Jews think that you have no armed personnel!"

"This is very important!"

"When the Jewish soldiers lose their function, with their current messy military reform, all kinds of demons and monsters will come out!"

"This is a good time for you to accumulate strength and launch a counterattack!"

"And the most difficult thing is to deceive yourself!"

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