When you are rich, there is Rheinmetall; when you are poor, there is Rheinsteel!

Chapter 239 We stole the president's stuff! (The third update!)

After eating, Lin Yu estimated how much the four of them would eat. He took Tang Yuanshan's meal card and ordered four portions of mutton soup, plus a few freshly cooked steamed buns.

Then he slowly walked towards the administration building.

Tang Yuanshan still stood guard at his loyal stairway, watching Lin Yu carry the lunch box towards the conference room.

Returning to the conference room again, Lin Yu placed the mutton soup and steamed buns in front of Mendoza and others. Lin Yu gently raised his hand to signal them to eat.

When the other party started eating, he said calmly: "You guys eat slowly. After eating, I will send someone to take you to the train station, then take you all the way to Yanjing, and finally put you on the plane. "

"Business cannot be done without righteousness. I'll cover all your tickets, meals on the way, and air tickets."

After saying that, he leaned back on the sofa and continued to stare at the person in front of him with that playful and inquiring gaze, as if he was staring at a product.

Under such gazes, the four men in Mendoza swallowed the pancakes in their hands in three or two mouthfuls, then picked up the mutton soup and drank it in one gulp.

Before he put down the bowl, a paper towel appeared quietly in front of him, along with Lin Yu's words: "There's not enough left in the canteen, so we can take it away."

His calm words, accompanied by his gentle smile, seemed very harmless.

Putting down the bowl, he took the paper towel and wiped the grease from the corner of his mouth. He raised his eyes and looked at the young man beside him, and asked with cold eyes:

"Can you make the decision?"

Sensing Mendoza's change, Lin Yu sat on the sofa opposite again, crossed his legs, and responded lazily:

"It doesn't matter whether you make the decision or not. If you don't explain your purpose clearly, you can't prove your worth."

"I've said it from the beginning, I'm a businessman, and worthless transactions are not worth wasting my emotions at all."

"So... you can go back."

"By the way, if you see Colonel Troy, please tell him. Principal Tang said, don't introduce such a shady person next time."

After complaining, Lin Yu turned his head towards the door and shouted: "Xiao Tang, see the guests off."

Hearing his greeting, the security guard outside the door opened the door and walked in. The two of them took the same steps, almost exactly, and came to stand behind Mendoza. They raised their hands gently and said gently:


At this time, Mendoza raised his eyes, glanced from the two security guards, and finally landed on Lin Yu. After watching for a while, he stood up decisively and walked towards the door without looking back. When he saw him getting up, Andrea The three of them immediately followed.

As soon as he walked out of the door, Mendoza began to count in his mind:



However, until he reset the number to zero, until he stood in front of the elevator, until the security guard pressed the elevator button, the shout he was expecting still did not sound.

In the conference room.

After several people disappeared at the gate, Lin Yu stood up happily, packed away the big bowl of mutton soup on the table, and carried it out happily.

Humming a song, he jumped towards the elevator entrance.

When he arrived at the elevator entrance, the door of the elevator where Mendoza and the others were riding had just closed. The two parties could only look at each other through the closed gap of the elevator door.

Lin Yu casually pressed the elevator button and waited for a while. Another elevator arrived. He hummed a song, walked into the elevator, and pressed the button to go to the first floor.

When the elevator door opened, he immediately saw Mendoza walking in front. The big brother turned back three times every step of the way, and his eyes met Lin Yu's.

Lin Yu gave him a sincere smile, then quickened his pace, walked out of the administration building and headed towards the cafeteria.

When he walked around the cafeteria, returned the big bowl, and returned to the administration building, Tang Yuanshan stopped him in the lobby and said with a smile:

"It's just as you said, that guy is back again."

"Speaking of which, a normal person would have walked away after being manipulated like this by you. Why is this guy still here so shamelessly?"

"They are afraid of power but not moral. For now, if they want cheap and large-volume equipment, they have only one choice, and that is us. Let's shop around for a while and then go there." After leaving a sentence, Lin Yu hummed, He walked to the communication room next to the elevator, reached out and grabbed a newspaper, sat down on the nearest chair, and started reading the newspaper.

It wasn't until he finished reading a newspaper that he stood up, walked to the elevator, and went upstairs.

Appearing in the conference room again, Lin Yu had no smile on his face, only coldness.

Looking at the person in front of him with cold eyes, he asked calmly:

"My dear Mr. Mendoza, since Principal Tang is my elder, I give you one last chance, two minutes."

"Tell me exactly what you want to do."

This time, Lin Yu did not enter the door, but stood at the door, holding his hands and looking at the people in the room.

At the gate, the two security guards saw Lin Yu's actions and stepped back to keep a certain distance.

Sensing that the other party was not looking good, Mendoza took a deep breath and said:

"We need equipment, lots of equipment."

"Rifles, mortars, self-propelled artillery, rocket launchers."

"The number is very large, but now we are at odds with America. At the same time, our reputation in Russia is not very good, so we can only come to ask for your help."

Want equipment? Looking for help? Lin Yu sneered in his heart, this guy was still dishonest and still deceived him like a three-year-old child.

If you want to seek help, wouldn't it be better to go directly and openly to diplomatic relations?

There are no formal diplomatic channels, which means that this guy or the people behind him should cause trouble if they get this batch of equipment.

But it doesn't matter. As long as he deals with America, even if they are not friends, they are at least not enemies, not to mention that he is not doing it on his own territory.

He leaned against the door frame and changed his posture. He continued expressionlessly:

"Forget about the word help. You need equipment, and I am a businessman. You give me money, and I will give you enough equipment. We will pay for the goods."

"By the way, how much money can you pay?"

After asking this question, Lin Yu looked at the four people with a scrutinizing eye. Now that Colonel Ka is still alive, no one knows how much property he has.

But Lin Yu knows.

In the previous life, the Libyan war broke out, and Western countries acted in unison to freeze the assets of Colonel Ka and his family at the fastest speed. Among them, America froze 37 billion US dollars and England froze 12 billion pounds.

Other European countries followed up and froze countless assets and stocks of Colonel Ka's family.

In addition, the International Monetary Fund released data that the Central Bank of Libya holds about 143.8 tons of gold, and the Central Bank of Libya is completely controlled by Colonel Ka and his family members.

In other words.

Colonel Ka and his family have more than $200 billion in assets worldwide, and a large part of them are in cash.

Although Libya is the richest country in Africa at present, he doubts whether the people in front of him can take out the money.

The scrutiny is very sharp and makes people feel uncomfortable. Being stared at by such eyes, Mendoza always feels like ants are crawling on his body.

He pressed his hands on the conference table and thought for a while, then slowly raised his head, looked at the young man standing at the door, and said softly:

"1 billion US dollars!"


Hearing this number, Lin Yu took a step forward, his left hand naturally grabbed the door leaf, exerted force on his wrist, and gently pulled it, and the door closed.

1 billion US dollars, he didn't know this guy, so he could slaughter him unscrupulously, in other words, the profit was at least 50% or more.

50% of the profit, that is 500 million US dollars, with these funds, the shipyard that has been unsettled can be prepared to start.

The projects under construction can also be completed faster.

Suppressing the excitement in his heart, he looked at the four people in front of him expressionlessly and asked softly:

"What is the payment method? Wire transfer, remittance, or direct cash?"

The money has not arrived yet, and the transaction has not started yet, so there is no need to be excited.

This question made Mendoza's face appear embarrassed. He hesitated for a moment and said carefully:

"Well, according to General Zasif's idea, it is paid with gold and oil."


Gold and oil...

With a light cough, Lin Yu took a half step back, stretched out his hand to open the door that had just closed, and leaned against the door frame again.

Libya is located in the north of the Mediterranean Sea. In other words, all its ports need to pass through the Suez Canal. The nearest oil port to the Suez Canal in Libya is the northeastern city of Tobruk. From here, about 900 kilometers east, you can reach the Suez Canal.

Then on this 900-kilometer route, as long as the Americans make a little move, leave a small bomb, or just say that there are weapons of mass destruction on board, the ship will be detained.

He will be G.

And there is another important doubt, that is, this guy contacted Tang Yuanshan through Sudan.

Following this line, there is only one possibility, the so-called General Zasif, his range of activities is in the desert in southeastern Libya.

The capital of Kufra Province in the southeast region, Jawf, is a traditional farming agricultural area with no oil.

The oil is in Ajdabiya Province further north!

Thinking about these geographical knowledge clearly, Lin Yu folded his hands, looked at Mendoza with ill intentions, and said in a weird tone: "Your General Zasif should not have oil in his hands, right?"

"Then there is the so-called gold, there should be no, after all, in my memory, Kufra Province does not produce oil or gold."

For the last sentence, Lin Yu used Arabic. These familiar words fell accurately into Mendoza's ears, and he panicked.

Noticing his reaction, Lin Yu couldn't help laughing out loud. That's all he had.

Forget it, take out some money, buy a few train tickets and plane tickets, and send these guys back to save time here.

He turned around and was about to leave when Mendoza behind him suddenly said:

"Actually, we did rob a batch of gold, about two tons."

Robbed...robbed a batch of gold?

About two tons?


Lin Yu slowly turned his neck and looked at Mendoza in disbelief. Is the desert in North Africa richer than the desert in the Middle East?

The desert in the Middle East is nothing more than growing equipment, guns, ammunition and mortars, but your desert in North Africa grows gold directly, and it's calculated by tons?

Although he was shocked, Lin Yu's brain was also calculating quickly. During this period, the international gold price was about $325 an ounce, and one ounce was about 28.35 grams.

Two tons, that's 70,547.92 ounces, which is 22,928,074 yuan.

It’s just that the units need to be converted into US dollars.

A little less.

But who can resist gold?

After all, this thing is a strategic material, and it is shiny. It is shipped back to the country, mortgaged by several banks, and then operated with financial means.

You can get at least ten times the money!

Lin Yu clasped his hands on his chest and leaned on the door frame, whispering:

"If you only have two tons of gold, which translates into just over 22 million US dollars, you can buy a batch of equipment from me, but it is far from the 1 billion you mentioned."

"By the way, this batch of gold of yours is probably for robbing your president's hometown, right?"

"Also, your senior official Zashif, are you planning to take turns as emperor and come to my house this year?"

Opposite, Lin Yu's expression after hearing about the gold made Mendoza overjoyed. However, when Lin Yu said the last few words, the major from Libya could not laugh anymore.

He coughed to cover up his embarrassment. At the same time, his blue eyes looked around, seemingly looking for a way out. As he looked left and right, the three people around him also stood up and slowly formed a defensive formation.

Taking in all this, Lin Yu shook his head with a smile and raised his right index finger:

"You don't need to be so nervous. In terms of force value, the four of you bundled together are not enough to fight me alone."

"Besides, there are two people next to me."

After the words fell, the two people guarding the door for security sneakily poked their heads out, smiled honestly at the people in the conference room, and then backed away.

Their smiles directly suppressed Mendoza's thoughts. Then, the major from Libya sat back on his chair feebly and said softly:

"A few days ago, just after America announced the wanted order, a special team of ours went to Sirte Province for work."

"I met a strange convoy on the road. I didn't want to talk to him at first, but the people in this convoy were very arrogant and wanted to silence him immediately."

"So, our special team wiped out all the people in this convoy."

"Then they discovered the gold they were escorting. This special team did not dare to neglect. They escorted the gold back to Jiaofu as quickly as possible."

"During this period, the Americans were bombarding Tripoli wildly, and our General Zasif felt that the opportunity had come."

"But when the opportunity comes, there is no equipment and no use."

"However, he got acquainted with Colonel Troy of Sudan. The two parties exchanged opinions, and Colonel Troy suggested that he come to China."

"This is why we come here."

"It's just that I didn't expect it." Mendoza slowly raised his head, fixed his gaze on Lin Yu, and said with a hint of fear:

"It's just that I didn't expect that Your Excellency could analyze the entire incident with just a few words."

"Since there is no more secrets, I would like to ask you if you are willing to sell a batch of equipment to us."

"The equipment is simple." A bright smile appeared on Lin Yu's face, but the smile only lasted for two seconds before it turned into a treacherous one.

"You only have two tons of gold in your hand. I will suffer a small loss and exchange it for you at the price of US$340 per ounce."

"That's US$23.98 million. If I take a little more loss, I can give you a total of US$24 million."

"As long as you deliver the gold, the equipment worth 24 million US dollars can be given to you at any time."

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