Riyadh, looking at the battle report in his hand, Awad was so excited that he couldn't help himself.

He was glad that he listened to Lin Yu's persuasion and provided help to the Milk Tea Party. Just one action destroyed an Israeli artillery position.

If such actions were to happen several times, could the Israelis still withstand it?

He handed the battle report to his brother Said, and said excitedly: "See, I said that my vision is good. If I hadn't gone to the Pearl City Air Show, I wouldn't have seen this young man named Lin Yu, and I wouldn't have gotten his help."

"Look at this battle report, look at the road others pointed out to us, it's much smoother than our own way."

"Do you think we should continue to increase the bet?"

Looking at the results of the Milk Tea Party in his hand, Said's face was a little dark, because the rockets they fired at Israel did not achieve much results in the port of Eilat.

The group of pigs under his command all hit unimportant warehouses, and none of the important warehouses were hit.

In contrast, the Milk Tea Party's achievements are more brilliant, and Lin Yu's words to persuade them at that time are still increasing in value.

Throwing the battle report aside in annoyance, he lay on the sofa, staring at the ceiling with lifeless eyes.

After a long time, he said helplessly: "You can continue to raise the stakes on Lin Yu, but keep it secret."

"The Israelis will definitely retaliate after being beaten this time. You and I should be careful during this period."

As soon as Sayid finished speaking, there was an explosion outside the palace. The explosion woke up the two brothers. They jumped up from the sofa, then rushed to the corner of the palace familiarly, opened the door, and went into the basement.

At the same time, they cursed.

"CTMD! Let the milk tea party fight to death, I will pay after the shells are fired!"


In front of the International Village Railway Station, Mendoza, dressed in a suit and leather shoes, walked out of the station with a team of three people, looking at everything in front of him with curiosity.

Pedestrians were in a hurry, and people setting up stalls on the roadside were always hawking. He even saw some people who looked like him, but the other party's clothes were not what he often saw.

And these people's dress looked more like Iranians.

After observing for a while, he was about to walk over when a gentle voice suddenly sounded in his ears:

"Are you Mr. Mendoza Altobelle? I am the person who is responsible for receiving you. My name is Lin Yu."

It was the Arabic language he was familiar with!

In an instant, countless thoughts flashed through his mind. In the end, reason forced these thoughts to be suppressed, forcing him to slowly turn around and look at the person who was speaking.

When his eyes turned over, he found that the person standing in front of him was a young man who looked to be in his 20s, with black hair, black eyes, and wearing an ordinary black jacket. He looked very capable and handsome.

Feeling the sincere smile on the other person's face, he raised his hand first, signaling the person behind him not to act rashly, with a stern face, and nodded slightly.

After confirming the target, Lin Yu turned around, raised his hand and pointed to the Santana team not far away, and said, "Please come this way."

They got in the car together, started the accelerator, and the Santana rushed all the way towards the Army Command College. On the way forward, Lin Yu kept chirping like a sparrow.

However, Mendoza was very wary. No matter how Lin Yu tried to get him to talk, he remained silent. It was not until he saw the gate of the Army Command College that his stern face relaxed visibly.

He turned his head and said to Lin Yu in not very standard Mandarin: "If I were you, I wouldn't ask too many questions, because you are not qualified."


After a meaningful "oh", Lin Yu stopped the car in front of the administrative building with a smile, and continued to perform his duties, taking Mendoza to the conference room.

The conference room was not lit and it was a bit dark.

Tang Yuanshan was alone, wearing a black leather jacket, sitting at the end of the long conference table.

Except for the hair on his head, his face was completely invisible.

Hearing the movement of the crowd, he slowly raised his head, glanced at everyone, then turned his head to look at Lin Yu, and nodded slightly to Lin Yu.

After receiving the signal, Lin Yu sat down next to Tang Yuanshan, raised his hands in the air, and signaled several people to speak.

He was completely like a host.

Seeing these actions, Mendoza's eyes gradually turned cold, and his brain was working fast, trying to figure out the meaning of this young man's behavior.

Soon, he thought of a word called "showing off one's power", which means that when two people meet, one party will show off one's power to make the other party weak for some reason.

Now that I think about it, the young man in front of me is showing off one's power to me.

It seems that the Sudanese gang did not tell me the truth, and probably just wanted to see my fun.

After figuring this out, Mendoza took a look and pulled over a chair, sitting face to face with Lin Yu across the long conference table, and asked with a mocking face: "Giving guests a show of power when meeting, is this the so-called etiquette country?"

Hearing the mockery in the other party's words, Lin Yu began to search the room, he wanted to find a stick to teach this ignorant guy a lesson.

However, there was nothing else in this conference room except the sofa, the decorative landscape cabinet, and the conference table in the middle.

Helplessly, he could only give up this idea, turned his head, locked his eyes on the person in front of him, crossed his legs, and said calmly:

"The person next to me is Principal Tang. Mr. Troy Bateman told him that you... Mr. Mendoza will visit today."

"However, Principal Tang is very busy, so he handed the docking work to me."

"My last name is Lin, Shuangmu Lin, Yan Wuyu. Since you can speak Mandarin, it should not be a problem to understand these words."

"You can call me Mr. Lin, Chairman Lin, or just call me by my full name. Of course, most people call me Mr. Lin."

"At the same time, I am also a businessman."

"You are not coming here through normal diplomatic channels this time, and Libya is in trouble now, so I will receive you."

"You are not qualified!" After Lin Yu finished speaking, Mendoza did not even hesitate at all and directly denied the words of the person opposite.

Then he suddenly stood up and asked Tang Yuanshan: "Principal Tang, Colonel Troy said that you are a gentleman."

"Now it seems that the word gentleman has to be questioned!"

Next to him, several of his companions also stood up suddenly at this time, with unfriendly expressions on their faces.

Seeing them like this, Lin Yu was no longer in the mood to negotiate.

It can only be said that these people are worthy of being the subordinates of Colonel Ka, they are completely cut from the same mold. If it weren't for this group of people, they might have put eye drops on America.

Just like this, dare to appear in front of him, just beat him to death.

While he was thinking about whether to play tricks on someone, Tang Yuanshan raised his right hand, gently brushed off the non-existent dust on his collar, and said softly:

"Troy is a good boy, but a little naive."

"As for you, I can guess what you want, so I found Mr. Lin for you."

"My identity here is the same as Troy's, both of us are just middlemen, and some things are not up to me."

"So, you guys talk slowly."

Leaving a word, Tang Yuanshan pulled the leather jacket on his body with both hands and walked out of the meeting room with a cold face.

With a bang, the door closed.

Hearing the sound of the door closing, Mendoza and his companions once again focused their attention on Lin Yu. Being watched by a group of people, Lin Yu raised his hands, pressed them lightly at the people who stood up, and said:

"Sit down!"

"Here, repeat again, I am a businessman, I came here today just to do business."

"You only need to do two things now, the first thing is to make your intention clear, the second thing is to prove your value."

"Prove that you are worthy of cooperation."

After speaking, Lin Yu, who was originally lying on the chair, slowly sat up straight, and then leaned forward slightly, staring at the person in front of him gently, looking at his face, full of inquiry and playfulness, that expression is like looking at a piece of goods.

Being stared at by such eyes, Mendoza and his companions subconsciously began to twist their bodies, as if there were ants crawling on their bodies.

They felt uncomfortable all over.

After a while, he also imitated Lin Yu's movements, leaned forward, and stared at Lin Yu with his blue eyes.

In this way, the two stared at each other, motionless.

After staring at each other for a long time, a trace of disappointment flashed in Lin Yu's eyes.

Libya can produce a scum like Colonel Kadiz, why can't it produce more scum?

After all, I overestimated them.

With a regretful expression on his face, he slowly left the chair, patted his butt, walked out of the room without saying a word, and closed the door.

Outside the door, he said a few words to the security guard guarding the door, turned around and walked happily to the end of the corridor.

At the end of the stairwell, Tang Yuanshan stood there with his hands folded. Seeing Lin Yu coming, he couldn't wait to ask: "How is it?"

"Let's go eat." Lin Yu responded casually, passed him and went down the stairs directly.

Turning his head to look at the conference room,

"You didn't talk?"

"I asked that guy what he wanted to do, but he didn't say anything. He wanted to play eagle with me, so we had to eat. He begged us, if we begged him."

"If he wants to cooperate, he will definitely tell us his purpose in the end. If he doesn't really cooperate, there is no need to care about him."

"Okay." After sticking his head out to take a look and confirming that there was security at the door, Tang Yuanshan turned around and followed Lin Yu's footsteps.

In the conference room, Lin Yu's sudden action caught Mendoza and his three companions off guard.

It was not until the door was closed by two security guards at the door and the sound of the door lock was heard that Mendoza and his companions looked at each other.

As soldiers, they have not participated in negotiations, but they have learned about relevant news.

In the information they collected, there has never been a situation where one party in the negotiation has left the other party aside.

After a brief confusion, the older Libyan on the left gritted his teeth and asked in a low voice:

"How about we go to Russia to purchase equipment?"


Hearing this name, several people, including Mendoza, subconsciously looked at him with contempt.

A few seconds later, Mendoza explained: "Andrea, we followed the general's request and quietly took the Sudanese route to purchase equipment and prepare to do big things."

"Besides, the relationship between Russia and us is very bad."

"If we go to Russia to purchase weapons now, they will most likely kill us directly."

"Because no one dares to guarantee that we are not purchasing equipment for our president."

"Then will this batch of equipment appear on the Russian border again?"

"So, in order to solve the problem once and for all, they will definitely kill us."

"What about America? America is now attacking the country. If we get weapons from them, we should be able to get them!" Andrea still didn't give up. He was just despised.

He felt that his self-esteem was insulted.

If this was in Libya, he would have challenged the person who insulted him just now!

Libyan men are absolutely not allowed to be insulted.

Seeing that he still didn't give up, Mendoza sighed and looked at the ceiling in silence:

"The general has great ambitions. If at this time, we bring a bunch of equipment back from America."

"What will others think if they see it?"

"You know, the president is not dead yet, he is still alive now."

"Although we really want him to die."

"Traitor!" Before Mendoza could continue to explain, several companions next to him took the lead in spitting out a word.

Then, there were more words.

"You are the ones who planned this plane crash."

"Libyan criminals."


"The target of the firepower shift."

"Kill this son of a bitch first."

The continuous words also extinguished Andrea's thoughts. He became frowning and sat at the conference table, counting his fingers.

The action was very childish, which made Mendoza feel very annoyed.

He stared at the conference table for a while and said to himself:

"In fact, there should be no harm in cooperating with the young man named Lin Yu just now."

"If you pay attention just now, you can see that Principal Tang has anger on his face, and it is unwilling anger."

"That's not directed at us."

"It should be directed at that young man."

"In other words, that young man has a background in China that can even cover the sky with one hand."

"If we get in touch with such a person, then the future..."

Listening to his mumbling, Andrea and the others nodded their heads, indicating that they agreed with this view.

Then, the four people slowly raised their heads, looking at the ceiling with blurred eyes, as if imagining the future.

But after thinking for a while, several people lowered their heads again, their eyes staggered, and said in unison:

"We have to make the negotiation a little more difficult to prevent this young man from having too many ideas about us."

In the cafeteria, Lin Yu and Tang Yuanshan sat in a private room and ate a lot. While stuffing mutton into their mouths, Tang Yuanshan asked:

"Aren't you afraid that the duck in your hand will fly away?"

"If it flies, it will fly." Lin Yu didn't care, mainly because these people didn't look very smart and didn't look very rich.

In addition, the other party came over on their own initiative, and their purpose was questionable, so there was really no need to actively stick to them.

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