"I went to see Deputy Mayor Wang Jianguo and told me that we want to create an education chain starting from kindergarten to junior college."

"Relying on the overall scientific research level of our company, this education chain can far surpass other cities."

"It can improve the overall level of scientific research and education in Lanling City, and it will be of great help to Lanling City in building its business card as a scientific research city."

"But to build all this, it takes a little bit of land..."

In the middle of speaking, Lin Yu stopped talking, pressed Qian Jianguo's shoulder hard with his hands, stood up, and slowly walked out of the office.

Behind him, Feng Lun followed quickly.

As soon as they walked to the lobby on the first floor, they saw two people standing at the door carrying backpacks. It was Jiang Yu and Qian Duoduo.

His eyes stayed on the two of them for a moment. Lin Yu first looked at Jiang Yu and said:

"Feng Lun just communicated with your father and he agreed to send you to the Army for training, so you go back to the base in the mountains in the next few days and train with the people in the security department."

"You can also refuse. This is your right."

After saying that, Lin Yu looked away from him and fell on Qian Duoduo:

"Xiao Duo, from today on, you are my personal secretary."

"Let's go!"

After speaking alone, Lin Yu walked out of the building.

Outside the building, Luo Ping's car was already in place, waiting for the two of them to get on.

Just as Lin Yu stepped down the steps, a figure quickly passed him and stood beside the Santana car. He opened the back seat door while bending down, looking like an old European butler.

Lin Yu sat in the car with curiosity in his eyes. When Qian Duoduo sat down in the passenger seat, he asked in a low voice: "Where did you learn these damn things?"

"I read it in a book."

"what book?"

"The Code of Etiquette among the Old Gentlemen of England."

"Don't look, you'll make people look stupid." Lin Yu couldn't help but cast his gaze out the window and return the favor to the old English gentleman.

Shouldn't it be an old ass from England?

Looking at the scenery outside the window, he whispered:

"Your first mission, a team of 147 people will be here tomorrow morning, coming from the northeast."

"You are responsible for booking hotels for them, arranging their food and accommodation, and research venues."

"We will go to Liancheng the day after tomorrow. You can make arrangements for the trip."

"If there is anything missing, boy, the artillery shell factory is short of a screwdriver. Come over there and drive the screws until they are smoking."

"Lao Luo, drop him off at the intersection ahead and give him your spare cell phone."

With a creak, Santana was stopped by Luo Ping at the intersection into the city. After digging in his pocket, Luo Ping took out his spare mobile phone, along with the charger and spare battery, and handed it to Qian Duoduo.

At the same time, he also cast an encouraging look.

Ten seconds later, Santana started up again and ran towards the northern mountainous area.

Watching the figure getting smaller and smaller in the rearview mirror, Lin Yu suddenly said:

"Lao Luo, in the past few days, you can find two suitable people for me and ask them to follow me in the future."

"Pack up your things, hand over the work of the security department to Tang Shouren, and take charge of the defense company."

"You will be the general manager of the defense company from now on."

Hearing this, Luo Ping subconsciously tightened his grip on the steering wheel, and then he let go, and then said in a relaxed tone: "Okay."

After arranging the work, Lin Yu closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep with a look of exhaustion on his face.

Seeing all this in the rearview mirror, Luo Ping relaxed his foot on the accelerator and slowed down slightly. The second-hand Santana became smooth in an instant.

Lin Yu slept soundly, but heading west across the Indian Ocean, across Egypt, to Tripoli, the capital of Libya, Kadazou didn't sleep well at all.

At this moment, he was hiding at the corner of the stairs of a villa with air leakage from all sides and a bright light above his head.

He was covered in gray hair, and his originally curly hair was trimmed with a razor, and the beard he was proud of was also shaved clean.

He is completely different from the tall, mighty, handsome and mighty Libyan president before.


There was a sound of people stepping on gravel, and his whole body subconsciously moved back, wanting to hide deeper.

But the villa he was in had long been riddled with holes by aerial bombs, and only the two walls connected to the stairs were still standing proudly in the wind.

There was no place to hide.

The only thing he could do was to use the broken bricks in front of him to block his way.

But after taking a look at the broken bricks next to him, he chose to close his eyes, lie on the corner and resign himself to his fate.

Love as much as you like!

Closing his eyes, these decades of career slowly emerged in Ka Dazuo's mind.

There are the deserts I saw when I was born, the small town where I studied, the excitement when I saw the sea for the first time, and the impassioned emotions in college.

He joined the army to defend his country and launched a coup at the age of 27, overthrowing the previous country and becoming the president of this country in one fell swoop.

As these memories passed through his mind, he wanted to look up to the sky and yell: He has obviously made a great contribution to Libya in the years since he became president.

But why do people in this country impatiently want to kill themselves after they are in trouble?


Two hours ago, he was sleeping in the villa where he was hiding, but suddenly there was an explosion in his ears, followed closely by the captain of his personal guard who rushed into the room and dragged him into the underground escape tunnel to escape.

When he came out of the escape passage, he was seen by some Libyans. Before the captain of the SS could tell them to shut up, the Libyans who saw him started shouting.

As a last resort, the group of people could only run in another direction.

But every time they arrived at a place, those who saw him would make the same choice, that is, shouting and calling for help.

So, the group of people could only continue to run.

After more than an hour of escape, the SS members died one after another, leaving only the captain of the SS and a few loyal people.

The captain sent the others away, used the knife he carried with him to shave the face of Colonel Ka, arranged him in this house with leaks on all sides, and then changed his pajamas to lead the pursuers away.

According to the captain, he also arranged other people. This is one of the contact points, and someone will come to pick him up later.

If the sun sets in the afternoon, he or the person who is picking him up has not arrived.

Go east through two blocks, go to the third block, and find the shop selling food in the middle of the street.

The shop owner is their man.

It's not sunset yet, and the captain hasn't come back yet, which means he's in danger.

I guess I'll have to die here today.

The rustling sound is getting closer and closer, until it stops in front of Colonel Ka.

Just as he opened his eyes and prepared to die calmly, a surprised voice sounded in front of him:

"Mr. President!"

The voice was very surprised, with genuine joy.

Hearing the joy in the words, Colonel Ka suddenly opened his eyes, but found that they were several people wearing Libyan national costumes. Because of their big beards, their real age could not be seen.

But from the skin on their faces, it can be seen that these people are not short of food.

It's just because they walked through these ruins that they are as dirty as him.

Holding a brand new AK47 in his hand, he was looking at him with joy.

His eyes swept over these people, and Colonel Ka tilted his head, trying to think if there were any familiar marks on these people, so as to get closer to them and confirm whether they were really the people who rescued him.

But before he could speak, the person on the other side couldn't wait to take out a certificate.

It was a certificate of the Libyan National Defense Force.

The person who handed the certificate to Colonel Ka also opened up and introduced himself:

"We are a logistics team under the National Defense Force. When the attack on America began, we were dispersed to prevent some unnecessary accidents."

"Two hours ago, we received a mission to pick up an important person here."

"We felt very strange when we received this mission, because this contact point was blown up the day before yesterday."

"We suspected that there was a problem, so we sneaked all the way here, but we didn't expect that the person we were going to pick up was you!"

"God bless you!"

"Mr. President, let's go, let's go to the next contact point."

The person who spoke was very anxious, and Colonel Ka was also very anxious, because his intuition told him that these people had a little problem.

But he couldn't say where the problem was.

He didn't want to go, but the AKs in these people's hands were not fake, and they would kill people.

After much hesitation, he decided to follow these people, because their appearance and teeth were all Libyan characteristics.

If he followed them, even if these people wanted to seize the power and money in his hands, they would give him a way out.

After thinking this through, Colonel Ka stepped on the broken bricks with both feet, exerted force on his feet, and slowly stood up. The majesty of being the president once again emanated from him.

"Let's go!"

The people who appeared nodded their heads, surrounded Colonel Ka and walked out of the damaged hut, and then headed towards the east block.

On the way, they saw several American soldiers, and they all shot without hesitation and solved the other party.

Seeing this, Colonel Ka was even happier.

This is definitely his own people.

Soon, a group of people arrived at the contact point they mentioned.

That is, the grain store mentioned by the captain of the guard.

The door of the target grain store leaned against the door frame at an angle, and a person was sitting at the door crying, but this person cried for a few seconds, and he would raise his head and look around, very alert.

When he looked up again, Colonel Ka and his group quickly crossed the street, passed the man, and entered the grain store.

The grain store is a standard "mesh"-shaped structure.

The first grid is a shop, the middle is a residential area, and the last grid is a warehouse.

The warehouse that should have been full of grain was filled with ammunition boxes. In the middle of the ammunition boxes, the captain of the guard was lying on the ground with gauze wrapped around his chest.

Hearing the noise, the captain of the guard raised his head with difficulty and showed an apologetic expression.

"Mr. President, I'm sorry."

Seeing the captain of the guard again, Colonel Ka slid to his knees and came to the captain of the guard. He held his hands with both hands and said softly:

"No need! You are the one who suffered."

"Where is the retreat you prepared? Let's retreat quickly. If we retreat to a safe place, we can also find a doctor to cure you."

"There... there!" The captain of the guard raised his hand with difficulty and pointed to the back door.

Colonel Ka looked up and saw a shabby bus parked there. He was about to ask when he noticed the wheels of the bus.

They were very wide, not ordinary bus wheels.

They were modified.

The windows were replaced by wooden boards, and you couldn't see inside from the outside.

Very good.

Cardano's tense heart relaxed at this moment. He once again showed the majesty of the president and directed the people next to him to bring the captain of the Guards. Then he was the first to walk towards the bus.

Pull the door open hard.

He froze.

A flash of light came out of the car the moment he opened the door. The bus was filled with soldiers wearing American equipment.

The moment he opened the door, everyone looked at him.

And the person at the front gave him a gentle smile.

The moment he saw the other man's smile, Kadaro wanted to slam the door and turn around and run away, but before he could make a move, the two soldiers closest to the car door grabbed him from the left and the right and dragged him to the car with force at the same time. superior.

During the struggle, he caught a glimpse of the Guards Captain lying on the ground out of the corner of his eye.

The guy who was supposed to be dying actually sat up.

He actually took the cigarette handed to him by the person next to him and started smoking it.

The Guards captain walked to the bus door, stepped on the boarding board with his left foot, and was about to follow him when a pistol was pressed against his forehead.

Before anyone could react, fire erupted from the black hole of the gun.


"This is Radio England Middle East."

"According to news from the Libyan front, Ed Ramsey, captain of Kadadozo's personal guard, launched a rebellion yesterday because he was dissatisfied with Kadadozo's rule and had no hope for the future of the war."

"The intention is to control Colonel Ka, and then use the power of Colonel Ka to order other armies."

"But in the exchange of fire with other local armed forces who wanted to snatch Kaduo Zuo, the Guards captain was shot and killed."

"Ka Dazuo was also hit by a stray bullet during the battle between the two sides."

"Finally, Cardano was rescued by SEAL Team 6 who arrived after hearing the news. He is now out of danger."

"According to information from America's frontline headquarters in Qatar, they will currently rescue Colonel Card. After the other party is out of danger, they will send him to Washington to face trial at the Federal Supreme Court of America."

"The above is the latest information on the Middle East, and we will continue to pay attention to it."


When the BBC's exclusive icon appeared on the screen, Lin Yu pressed the mouse to pause the screen. He leaned back and stared at the ceiling with his eyes.

have to.

Just a few days after the war started, Ka Dazuo was captured.

As for the words in the news about turning danger into safety, just listen to it.

If he fell into the hands of Americans, especially if he fell into the hands of Hanks, Cardano would definitely be treated like an earthworm, pinching his head and pulling out all the contents in his intestines.

The disappearance of Kadazou from the land of Libya means that the land of Libya is about to usher in real chaos.

If it's chaos that America can control, their profits will be huge.

But if the chaos is not under their control, then there will be a lot of chicken feathers left, and at the same time, they will continue to bleed.

Sitting upright, Lin Yu's hands flew on the keyboard. After a while, an email was completed.

Log in to Yahoo Mail and copy the text.

Find Jalim's email, paste it, and click send.

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