When you are rich, there is Rheinmetall; when you are poor, there is Rheinsteel!

Chapter 265: The End and the Beginning! (Second Update!)

"My dear brother, I am glad to see you in person.

Colonel Kamagra is doomed to die. His death date depends on when he will give up all his wealth.

If he does not give up, he will be in a state of living a life worse than death. Therefore, in order to die more comfortably, he should cooperate happily.

Then he will die happily.

His death means the demise of the last political strongman in the Arab world. It is the end and a new beginning.

It is the end of the political strongman who relied on power politics to suppress chaos. It is the end of a new generation who uses tolerance and Thoughts, the beginning of people who use practical methods to solve problems.

No one can block our sight ahead.

I am not good at speaking, so I can only say one thing: I hope you and I can see the real sunshine rising from the east.

The equipment you need has been sent from the factory to the port for shipment, and will be delivered to you by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard.

The estimated arrival time is around May 23.

Be well! "

At Kalim's home in Kirkuk, after reading the email on the computer and confirming that there was no other information in the letter, Kalim deleted the email.

Then he continued to browse other information on the Internet.

After a long time, a doorbell interrupted his thoughts. He turned off the computer screen, got up, opened the door, and found that it was Rhodes standing outside the door.

The other party naturally raised the mutton in his hand and said loudly:

"Fresh mutton, I just brought it back from the vegetable market. Take out your charcoal brazier and we will roast the mutton. "

While speaking, the experienced businessman did not forget to wink, hinting at his nephew.

Seeing this, Kalim showed a trace of impatience on his face, then turned around, spoke impatiently, and then disappeared at the door:

"I finally got a vacation, why did you come here to eat roast lamb?"

"Of course I came to introduce you to girls!" Laughing and walking into the room, Roz turned around and closed the door, and said in a very low voice:

"You have been attacking too frequently recently. Americans are already suspecting that someone in the new government of Kirkuk is providing assistance to the opposition forces. The main suspect is the police."

"Because only you have the most informed information."

In the room, Kalim did not respond, but walked to the window first, turned on the record player placed by the window, and waited for the melodious song to come out of the record player before he walked to the blind spot outside the window. , leaning against the wall, holding his hands and said:

"It's not a big problem. Cavani has started to implement the tactic of reducing the number of stoves according to the plan given by several teachers."

After saying the professional terminology, he found the confusion on his uncle's face, and Jialim hurriedly explained:

"The so-called tactic of reducing the number of stoves is to use some traces of life to slowly create a tactic that our troops are losing."

"According to the plan, Cavani will take the disappeared people to the south, and then attack the oil pipeline and port in Basra."

"The main targets of the attack are Americans, English and French."

"Indiscriminate attack."

After listening to his nephew's words, Rhodes breathed a sigh of relief. He did not continue to speak, but carried the mutton to the kitchen, took the kitchen knife, and began to cut the mutton.

In a building more than 200 meters opposite the kitchen, two people with American red necks put down their telescopes, looked at each other, and then continued to look at the kitchen in the distance with telescopes.

After a long time, seeing the other party move to the balcony, sitting on the balcony and starting to barbecue, the two put down the telescope with a curse.

Turn around and go downstairs

In the room opposite the staircase on the second floor, three people were fiddling with equipment. When they saw the two people coming down, the person in the room who was directing the equipment looked up and asked curiously:

"Why are you coming down?"

"Our surveillance target is eating roasted lamb with his uncle. We came down to find something to fill our stomachs."

"Fuck!" The people in the room couldn't help cursing when they heard this.

After cursing, the man walked out of the room and went to the first floor.

Not long after, he went upstairs with a dozen dry naan and a large bucket of water.

He casually placed the naan on a device and said:

"Eat it. The surveillance mission is temporary. In order to prevent people around from discovering this safe house, we can't light a fire here."

"Only these things can be eaten."

The cold naan was a little hard and a little bit hard on the teeth.

But if they didn't eat it, they would be hungry again.

The group of people in the building could only eat while cursing and praying that this broken mission would end soon.

Unlike them, in Umm Qasr, a small town in Basra a few hundred kilometers to the south, Cavani and his men just wanted it to get dark earlier.

Because a dark moon is a good night for killing people, and a high wind is a good day for setting fires.

After several months of fighting, they have broken away from the previous Arab habits. They have learned to use the night to fight and to narrow the gap between the equipment of both sides.

What's more, the equipment gap between the two sides is not big.

Except for tanks, helicopters, bombers, and other functional aircraft, they have all the other equipment they should have.

For example, the clothes of American soldiers.

When night fell, Cavani, dressed as American soldiers, appeared in the port of Basra with his men.

Because the first phase of the port's oil transportation function has been basically completed, the port has refreshed a batch of American soldiers.

The Chinese workers on the scene have long been accustomed to these people and are too lazy to care.

The American soldiers patrolling the periphery of the port saw this group of people. Although they felt a little strange, they spoke fluent English and had a familiar way of greeting them.

It also made them let down their guard and greet each other.

"Hey, brother!"

"Hey, brother!"

While greeting him eagerly, Cavani led the team towards the station of American soldiers at the port.

The station is located next to the customs office and is an independent yard covering an area of ​​about 30,000 square meters.

There were only a few people in the yard, and the heavy equipment had not yet been deployed. There were only a dozen people who had prepared in advance, busy in the station.

The sentry on guard saw Cavani and others, glanced casually, and then cast his gaze into the distance.

With such proud and defiant steps and eyes, only the Americans can get out of it, not the Iraqis.

Walking into the resident room with great swagger, Cavani waved his hand, and the people behind him immediately took action, holding guns and quickly controlling the people in the resident room.

It wasn't until everyone was locked up together, their bodies tied into rice dumplings, and bombs hung on their bodies, that these American soldiers realized that these people were not their comrades.

But the Iraqis.

After planting the bomb, Cavani decisively led his men and retreated in America's Humvee military vehicle.

Before leaving, he said hello to the person at the door.

The gatekeeper also greeted and responded enthusiastically, but just when he turned around after saying hello, the newly built garrison behind him exploded.

Not a very violent explosion.

But dangerous enough.

Before the guard could react, the soldier who had just waved goodbye to him immediately pointed the machine gun on the roof of the car at him, pulled the trigger, and fired two long bursts. He and the sandbag fortification in front of him went to see God. .

In the Humvee, hearing the explosion, Cavani cursed, stepped on the accelerator with his right foot, held the steering wheel with both hands, and ran towards the desert area in the north.

Running and cursing.

The time bomb is set for 10 minutes.

10 minutes was enough for them to leave the port area and blend into the desert.

Coupled with the darkness, it would be extremely difficult for the Americans to find them.

But now, the bomb detonated early and the buffer time was gone.


We can only fight out.

They were cursing, and to the southeast, at the American Garrison Base in Qatar, Colonel Qatar was also cursing.

They are all scolding mothers in the face of threats to their lives.

Cavani cursed, and the Americans hadn't caught him yet.

And if Ka Dazuo in the garrison base curses, the person in front of him will shock him. If he curses, he will be shocked.

Therefore, Ka Dazuo stopped scolding.

"If you can, just kill me!"

"How can that be done?" the person in front of him asked. At the same time, he casually pressed the current switch with his left hand and fiddled with it lightly.


Ka Dazuo, who was sitting in the chair, sat up straight again. Two seconds later, the current disappeared.

When he slumped on the chair again, the person opposite touched the switch with his left hand and said softly:

"You don't need to be so excited. In fact, you don't have to die."

"Of course, if you want to die quickly, I can help you."

"You only need to sign these agreements, and I will let you go happily and decently now."

"Of course, I can also send you to the European Alps to spend the rest of your life."

As he spoke, the man raised his right hand.

Several documents were handed out from behind him naturally, fell into his hands, and then appeared in front of Cardano through his hands.

[Appointment letter of Libya’s Post-War Restoration Period Management Committee! 】

[Libya National Central Bank Loan Agreement! 】

[The National Central Bank of Libya has reached an agreement on currency exchange between the Libyan dinar and the US dollar! 】

[Libya National Central Bank Gold Storage Agreement! 】

[Libya Oil Export Trade Agreement! 】

[Libya rebuilds food import and export agreement! 】

Looking at these agreements, even the colonel who once wanted to control Africa, such as Ruka, felt that these agreements were too shameless.

By signing these agreements, the Libyans are almost equivalent to the black slaves who were trafficked to America by the English in the 16th century, and even worse than the black slaves.

After all, black slaves are the property of the slave owner, and the slave owner must take care of them and use them.

However, the Libyans who signed these agreements had to provide their own value, property, and tribute to the slave owners.

Can't sign!

As soon as he made up his mind about this idea, Ka Dazuo noticed that the person in front of him snorted disdainfully, and then, the other person signed the agreement in front of him.

He threw it to the person behind him, and then reached out to the circuit switch next to him.



"This is Radio England, quoting AFP."

"On May 9, 2003, Mr. Kadzo, the former president of Libya, died at 23:24 in the evening of May 9, 2003, Qatar local time, due to hemolytic adverse reactions after surgery."

"As the president of Libya, he has spent his whole life trying to surpass Nasser and making Libya a rich country beyond Saudi Arabia."

"Therefore, even on his deathbed, he still did not forget his mission."

"Even though my body is no longer allowed to work, we have still formulated many development policies based on the current situation in Libya, as well as cooperation agreements with European countries and America."

"It is precisely because of the open-minded cooperation of several parties that we, as a third party, can get a glimpse of the willingness of several parties to cooperate at this time."

"Having a glimpse of the cooperation terms between several parties will allow us to make some targeted plans so that we can gain some benefits in the reconstruction of Libya."

"Now, let's take a look at the agreements."

"Well...in order to ensure that the gold in the National Bank of Libya is not lost, Mr. Cardano decided to send more than one hundred tons of the country's gold to America, and the America Federal Savings Bank will keep it on his behalf?"

"This policy is good. Countries in the democratic world will never covet this little benefit."

"What's more, using this gold can also bind Libyan dinars and American dollars. This is a very good move."

"Libya Reconstruction Committee List... America's Commander-in-Chief in the Middle East, Hanks McCain?"

"Well... Various problems will definitely arise during the reconstruction process. A powerful military officer as the head of the reconstruction committee will be more constructive than some weak people."

"Let's take a look at the grain import and export agreement..."

"In order to ensure safety, the price and place of import of Libyan grain need to be reviewed by the EU and America."

"This is very necessary. In recent years, as the industrialization of various countries has accelerated, varying degrees of pollution have appeared in various places, and we have to eat seriously contaminated food."

"It is necessary to jeopardize the future of this country."


Reaching out to press the switch of the recorder, the female announcer's sweet voice was interrupted, and Lin Yu, who was holding the recorder, sat down on the grass next to him.

Next to them stood He Qingyang, Li Jiangang from Majiagou Men's Technical College, and Tong Hua, the professor in charge of the construction of the shipyard this time.

With the sea breeze blowing, He Qingyang kicked the stones under his feet and sat down next to the students. After him, Li Jiangang and Tong Hua also sat down.

Li Jiangang and Tong Hua arrived the day before yesterday.

Originally, several people were supposed to show up here the day before yesterday, but because news spread internationally the day before yesterday, it was said that Ka Dazuo was arrested.

In order to get first-hand information, Lin Yu changed the time until midnight yesterday, when he received an accurate report from England Radio, and his hanging heart finally died.

He didn't sleep all night, so early in the morning he took Li Jiangang and others and kicked off the accelerator to Liancheng.

Putting the tape recorder next to him, Lin Yu raised his hand and pointed to the Bamboo Island across the sea, and said calmly:

"Now, the island that can block us and attract firepower for us is no longer there."

"Next, America will definitely adjust its strategy and shift its strategic focus to the Asia-Pacific region."

"We don't have much time left, so Professor Tong Hua, you have a very heavy task."

"When will the shipyard be built? When will our cutter suction dredger be built?"

"It's all on your shoulders!"

"Our battle is about to begin."

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