When you are rich, there is Rheinmetall; when you are poor, there is Rheinsteel!

Chapter 266 Our ship will depart from here! (The third update!)

The voice was very low. As Lin Yu spoke, He Qingyang and Li Jiangang slowly turned around and looked at Tong Hua, who was one step behind them.

Sheng Majiagou Vocational and Technical College has research in the field of military equipment, but its core is not on the sea.

Although the core of Majiagou Men's Technical College is marine equipment, Li Jiangang is not a person in the relevant marine equipment research, or in other words, the poor marine equipment knowledge in his head is already slightly behind.

And Tong Hua is the leader sent by Majiagou Men's Technical College in the Seven Heroes Alliance this time.

Now, the two want to get an accurate answer from this expert.

Being stared at by the two, Tong Hua stood up and simply came to sit next to Lin Yu, staring at the island in the distance with a wandering look, and asked: "General Lin, ten years of army, fifty years of air force, and a hundred years of navy, have you heard this sentence?"

"I have heard it!" Lin Yu turned around, searched the ground for a moment, and finally found a stone under his buttocks, grabbed it in his hand, weighed it, and then threw it hard into the sea.

Because it was not the best posture to exert force, the stone did not fly too far, and fell into the bushes on the hillside due to gravity.

After throwing the stone, he said: "It is because I know that the navy is too difficult to build, so I decided to skip the navy construction."

"The first ship of the shipyard is a suction dredger, since we don't have a strong navy."

"Then turn the sea into the land we are used to, pull the cannon over, and then fight a positional war."

After explaining, Lin Yu wanted to find a stone to throw, but there was no stone under his buttocks. With a sigh, he stood up and waved to Qian Duoduo in the distance.

The young secretary immediately ran over with the drawings in his hand, and behind him, there were three young people.

When he came to the front, Qian Duoduo spread out the drawings wrapped in a roll in his hand, and the four people each pulled a corner and spread several drawings together in front of Lin Yu.

The drawings are the floor plan of the entire shipyard after completion, but only the location and size are marked.

It can give people a clear understanding of the buildings on site.

The entire planning map includes the land area and the sea area. The overall look is like a crab shell without eight legs.

After fixing the position, Lin Yu pointed to the left edge of the drawing and said softly:

"Starting from here, we will first open a dirt road to connect the urban area of ​​Liancheng City to facilitate the entry and exit of materials."

"Our entrance to and exit from the shipyard is also set up here."

"The first phase of the shipyard is the No. 1 yard on land, the No. 1 and No. 2 shipbuilding platforms on the water, and the breakwater in the northeast direction."

At this point, Lin Yu took out a pen from his pocket, shook it, and began to sketch on the planning map.

Soon, one-third of the area of ​​the planning map was outlined.

"The location I drew the line is the area we need to prioritize construction."

"Build this part first and manufacture our special ships. With the products, we can sell the goods while using the funds to roll back the manufacturing."

"As an independent enterprise, our biggest difficulty is the ability to generate blood. We don't have external blood transfusions. Do you understand?"

After a brief explanation, Lin Yu removed the first picture on the surface, revealing the second picture below the planning map.

Seeing this picture, He Qingyang and the other two had a strange expression on their faces, because they knew this ship.

A new generation of American destroyers, the Zumwalt-class destroyer...concept map.

After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the American Navy made a bold judgment on the direction of future wars, "from sea to land."

Then, based on this concept, they began to build a new type of destroyer to replace those old destroyers.

In the planning of this future destroyer, due to different opinions, two completely different routes emerged.

One is the arsenal ship route that does not require any disguise and can be regarded as a missile launch nest. In this concept, this arsenal ship will carry more than 500 vertical launch missiles, and no grass will grow wherever it goes.

The other is a real future warship, a future destroyer that completely subverts the design of modern ships in terms of hull design, motor power, command, control, communication, network communication, detection and navigation, and weapon systems.

Just when the two routes were in dispute, Admiral Burda, who supported the arsenal ship, committed suicide.

So the wind direction led to that future destroyer.

In the end, the demand for this future destroyer was officially finalized, and on July 4, 2000, the President of America announced that the name of this future destroyer would be adopted after Admiral Elmo R. Zumwalt, Jr., who died on January 20, 2000.

Zumwalt-class destroyer.

Later, manufacturers competed, modified the requirements, and manufacturers competed again.

During this period, the gold team of the competition, Litton Ingalls Shipyard, was also acquired by another veteran weapons manufacturer, Northrop Grumman Group.

Finally, on April 29, 2002, the competition between major contractors ended, and the American Navy announced that the team that finally won the order was the gold team composed of Northrop Grumman Group, Raytheon, and Boeing.

The other blue team, composed of Bath Iron Works and Lockheed Martin Group, can still undertake part of the process construction in the project manufacturing.

After completing the bidding, America released the appearance of the ship.

This time when they posted the picture, they didn’t hide it. They even marked some technologies on the picture.

As soon as the relevant shipbuilding plan was announced, it attracted worldwide attention. As a late follower, China naturally also focused on relevant news.

This attention was severely dealt a blow.

He Qingyang was also named at that time. He took several professors to the staff department for a meeting and conducted some demonstrations on related technologies.

The argument turns out to be pessimistic.

There is no technical reserve and we need to work hard to catch up.

Except for Lin Yu, all the people present at the scene were there.

Now seeing Lin Yu showing the appearance of Zumwalt, he naturally thought of these things.

It’s hard to describe in one word.

After staring at the drawing for a while, He Qingyang asked in a low voice: "Boy, you don't want to do this, do you?"

Holding the concept map in both hands, Lin Yu kept gesticulating at the bay in front of him. Finally, he found a position, raised the concept map in his hand high, pointed it at the sea in the distance, and greeted the three of them with a big smile:

"Look, if this ship is ours, it would be just right to park here!"

Hearing his words, He Qingyang did not continue to ask, but moved his steps, came behind his beloved disciple, and looked at the sea from Lin Yu's perspective.

To be fair, the appearance design of the Zumwalt-class destroyer is very avant-garde, especially the pure white hull docked on the blue sea. He Qingyang thought of a word for no reason.

The jade body lay horizontally.

Next to them, Tong Hua and Li Jiangang also slowly moved behind Lin Yu, looking at the sea in the distance through Lin Yu's raised hands, imagining that the ship on the concept map he held high was lying on the sea in the distance.

"The jade dragon chops the waves, travels across the sea, and sweeps away all the little ones in the world!" Li Jiangang said with emotion, and the next second, He Qingyang's words of disgust rang out.

"That's nonsense, this ship belongs to someone else, we have to make it our own!"

"Ignore this bullshit!" Li Jiangang immediately responded with his neck scrunched up.

While the two were noisy, Lin Yu handed all the drawings to Tong Hua, pressed his shoulder solemnly, and said softly:

"As latecomers, we need to set a longer-term goal to catch up."

"I believe that under the leadership of Professor Tong Hua, our ship will set off from here!"

"But Professor Tong Hua, you don't have to be too stressed. We have other departments such as weapons research and development, radar research and development, and materials research and development."

"Your mission is to build the shipyard and then build the ship!"

Opposite him, Tong Hua felt the strength on his shoulders and the weight of the drawing in his hand. He took a deep breath, nodded his head hard, and said in a deep voice:

"Director Lin, don't worry, even if I, Tong Hua, risk my life, I will build the ship well!"

Hearing this, Lin Yu patted the other party's shoulder hard again, and said with a smile: "There is no need to stay alive all day long."

"Some people say that life lasts only a hundred years. As long as you finish the hardships of the first hundred years, you don't have to worry about the rest of the life."

"I don't agree with this!"

"So, we all need to live well and live to see the future."

Next to them, Tong Hua and the others were preparing to listen to Lin Yu's talk, but none of them expected that Lin Yu actually spit out a math problem.

The three of them counted on their fingers, and then laughed heartily in unison.

"Haha! Once you have finished the hardships of the past hundred years, you don't have to worry about the days to come."

"He Qingyang, you taught me a good disciple."

"Then I, Tong Hua, will borrow Mr. Lin's auspicious words and strive to live to the day when I have finished a hundred years of suffering!"

"Ha ha!"

Amid laughter, several people returned to the roadside where they parked.

Standing next to Santana, Lin Yu raised his hand and pointed at the three young men following Qian Duoduo, and said:

"Professor Tong, the two children on the left were trained by our security department. They are very smart."

"From today on, they will be with you, responsible for your daily life and protecting your personal safety."

"If you need to run errands for the things you are doing, you can let them do it. However, no matter what happens, there must be someone by your side."


After speaking, he turned to look at the two young men and shouted softly: "Yu Haishan, Peng Ming, from now on, your task is to protect Professor Tong's safety."

"The new Santana behind me is Professor Tong's car."

After Lin Yu finished speaking, Yu Haishan and Peng Ming walked behind Tong Hua, with their hands behind their backs, like Qin Qiong and Yuchi Gong clinging to the door.

After taking in the appearance of the two of them, Lin Yu turned to look at the young man wearing glasses next to him:

"Chen Hai, come here this time. Your master Li Ping recommended you to take charge of the accounting work here."

"So don't let anyone down."

After arranging the work, he waved his hand and shouted: "Let's go! I will take you to eat seafood."

"Mayor Hao Jianshe took me to a very delicious restaurant last time. I will take you to try it."

On the way to the restaurant, Lin Yu casually dialed a number for Hao Jianshe.

It makes no sense to come to Liancheng to see the land without bringing local people with you.

After receiving Lin Yu's call, Hao Jianshe was a little surprised in his words, but after hearing clearly Lin Yu's purpose of coming to Liancheng, he only left a sentence of "I'll be there soon" and then hung up the phone.

Faced with the horse that Hao Jianshe mentioned, Lin Yu was very suspicious.

Because the restaurant where I ate seafood last time was on the port side, not in the city center. The distance between the two sides was more than 20 kilometers.

Plus the traffic jam at the end of the working day...

It's hard to describe.

But unexpectedly, less than 20 minutes after hanging up the phone, Hao Jianshe appeared in front of Lin Yu with sweat all over his head.

He stood in front of the air conditioner and opened his collar to blow for a long time. When his whole body cooled down, he sat down opposite Lin Yu and asked, "Have you heard?"

"What did you hear?"

"You don't know?"

"What do I know?" Lin Yu responded with a smile, pushed a teacup in front of Hao Jianshe, and said with a smile while pouring tea:

"Your words remind me of a joke. A man was arrested and beaten for three days and three nights. The person who beat him kept asking if he would tell the truth or not."

"Then the beaten man finally found an opportunity and asked the question he wanted to ask in his heart."

"What should I say?"

"Mayor Hao, you are now just like the man who whipped others with a whip. He whipped others for three days and three nights, but never asked what questions he wanted to ask."

After hearing the joke, Hao Jianshe also knew that he was a little anxious. He reached out and picked up the teacup on the table, blowing the cold tea while organizing his words.

After taking a sip of hot tea, he explained the whole story:

"According to the information I got, Xucheng held several secret business negotiations during this period, and the subject of the negotiations was Xucheng Machinery Manufacturing Company!"

"You should be very clear about the foundation of this company, Mr. Lin."

"Their technology is not good, nor is it bad. They have been seeking development in recent years."

"Then according to the information from my friend, before you intervened, the idea of ​​Xucheng Machinery Manufacturing Company within Xucheng was to attract investment and reorganize it."

"Therefore, they have been in contact with people from the Magic City branch of Kale Investment during this period."

"But After your ribbon-cutting ceremony, people in Xucheng changed their attitude and were more inclined to package Xucheng Machinery Manufacturing Company and sell it to Kalei Investment. "

"The meeting they had yesterday was the fourth intention meeting. The conditions of both parties were that Kalei Investment wanted 90% of the shares of Xucheng Machinery Manufacturing."

"Xucheng's price is 350 million US dollars."

"I heard from my friend that the intention of cooperation between the two parties has basically been reached, but there are some small differences in the shares and the amount."

Hao Jianshe said it very carefully, but the details were very clear, which made people doubt that the friend he mentioned was actually himself.

After repeating these words in his mind, Lin Yu smiled and shook his head.

Hao Jianshe is the deputy mayor of Liancheng. Although he and Xucheng are in the same province, the economic relationship between the two is almost a deadly enemy.

So, he didn't need to lie to himself about the intelligence.

Privately, Xucheng and Kalei Investment should have reached a preliminary intention of cooperation.

But the problem is that the duck that you like is snatched away from you by someone else. Isn't that a joke?

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