When you are rich, there is Rheinmetall; when you are poor, there is Rheinsteel!

Chapter 269 Your story has been exposed! (The third update!)


This was the thought that came to Lin Yu and his subordinates at the same time. Then, the people from Group 678 handed him an additional document.

It was photos of vehicles entering and leaving Xucheng Machinery.

The photos that were developed in a hurry had not been plasticized yet and were still a little sticky to the touch.

On the back of each photo was the brand, model, price and owner of the vehicle in the photo.

And there was a suffix behind the names of these owners.

Factory director.


Section chief.

Of course, there was also a preliminary introduction to the family situation of these people.

Some of it was hearsay and was not authentic.

But it could basically explain the financial acquisition situation of these people.

The more Lin Yu looked at it, the more painful it felt. You know, the Santana under his butt was still a second-hand car worth 50,000 yuan.

It was just that the original owner took good care of it, so it looked newer.


He threw these things aside with a painful look on his face and began to arrange the work for the next day.

"Based on these photos, further verify the situation..."

When he finished making arrangements, it was already 11 o'clock in the evening. Just as he was about to go to bed, someone knocked on the door of the hotel room.

The person was Yu Ming.

Holding a kraft paper bag with a seal and a stamp in his hand, he handed it to Lin Yu. He leaned back in his chair with a tired face and spoke weakly:

"Thank you for your information this time, but don't deal with such high-level information in the future, it's easy to be exposed."

"In the kraft bag is a joint document from the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Bureau and higher authorities. In a word, Xucheng Machinery is in your pocket."

"They will hold a new round of negotiations tomorrow, and we will go together then."

"As for Su Province, don't worry, there are several additional documents that will be sent directly to them."

"Is there anything to eat? Give me some first. I've been busy all day and haven't had time to eat a bite. I'm starving."

"Qian Duoduo! Take two people and go downstairs to buy a roast duck!" Lin Yu shouted to the outside of the door, resisting the urge to tear open the kraft paper bag and put the kraft paper bag into his briefcase.


South of Xucheng, in Jinling, which was guarded by several cities in Hui Province, a group of people sat down at the conference table in a hurry, staring at the things on the table in a daze.

There were three documents on the mahogany conference table.

One was from the Security Bureau, and two were from Yanjing.

[Report on the identity of Vega Kasner, the head of the Magic City branch of Carre Investment Group, and the relationship between Carre Investment Group and the Pentagon. ]

[Opinions on the investment and restructuring of Xucheng Machinery Manufacturing Company. ]

[Resolution on the entry of Rheinsteel Group into Xucheng Machinery Manufacturing Company. ]

Holding these three documents, a group of people fell into silence.

The sun rose from the east, and it was a new day, but it was very unfortunate that a dark cloud floated from nowhere early in the morning, and it was drizzling all the time.

It was not big, but it was enough to wet people's clothes and make people very irritated when walking on the road.

But in Vega's view, all this was a sign of their successful negotiations.

The dark clouds represent the gloom and darkness before the sun appears, and now they are at the crossroads of negotiations.

They are putting pressure on the other party to the limit.

Once the pressure is successful, they will get the desired result. At that time, the wind will stop and the rain will stop, and the sun will break through the dark clouds and fall on their faces.

At that time, everything will be worth it!

In the hotel's underground garage, he raised his hands and clapped them vigorously, drawing the attention of the negotiation team members to himself, and then whispered:

"Lavli, your task later is to hand me the information. I wink at you, and you hand me the information, and then explain the source of the information."

"Drak, your task is to use the advanced technology and solutions of other countries to devalue the other party's assets."

"Chaudhry, every time Drak devalues, you calculate the corresponding costs and benefits, and then state them. Remember, you must emphasize every time that our technology is the best."

"Finally, Alyssa, your task is to hold your mobile phone and keep calling me across the ocean, and then repeatedly report and convey the news from the other side of the ocean."

"But you know, our dear bosses will never go to work at this time, so what you need to do is to perform a non-physical performance according to our plan last night."

"So as to tell the other party that we value this negotiation, but not so much."

After the instructions were completed, after several subordinates nodded seriously, Vega walked to a black Toyota Corolla sedan next to him.

Compared with America's sedan, this car is more fuel-efficient and lighter, and it is a perfect choice for traveling in the city.

The remaining four people also stepped into their own cars, and the drivers started the engines and drove out of the underground garage.

But they didn't notice that as soon as they left the underground garage, a white Jinbei also quietly drove out and followed the team.

"Drive slower! You can't even learn to track, you are really interesting!"

"The key to driving and tracking is to let the other party know that your car is not the same as his."

"The first way is to track alternately, which is simpler. Just change cars and people and follow slowly."

"The second way is to pretend that there is something wrong with the car or the people in the car."

"Did you see the blond guy in their second car? He stepped on the accelerator and passed him, drove side by side for a while, and then I opened the window to tease him."

In the Jinbei car, Yu Ming rambled on about tracking secrets. Lin Yu, the driver, took a deep breath and pushed the accelerator to the bottom, and the Jinbei car began to roar.

Amidst a weird roar, the Jinbei car flashed in front of the second Corolla. Then, Yu Ming slowly rolled down the window, stuck his head out towards the person on the opposite side, and shouted:

"Beauty, can you give me your mobile phone number?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the speed of the Corolla team suddenly accelerated, leaving the Jinbei car behind in a flash.

Jinbei Che followed up again, and Yu Ming continued to teach his skills to others.

The two gangs chased each other and soon arrived in front of the Xucheng Machinery Manufacturing Company.

The Jinbei car drove away. In the Corolla fleet, Vega looked at the Jinbei car leaving and breathed a sigh of relief. He was really afraid that these guys were coming for them.

I still have a lot of years to live, a lot of money, and a lot of beauties to enjoy. If I get entangled with these people, it will be a complete waste of time.

When the driver parked the car, he got out of the car and looked at the machinery manufacturing company in front of him, feeling proud in his heart.

Today is the last chance for these people. If they do not agree to their conditions, then there will be no need to discuss future cooperation.

Taking a deep breath, holding the briefcase in his hand, Vega walked towards the office building not far away.

The entrance to the six-story white building was already full of people.

They were all workers from the machinery manufacturing company, as well as middle and lower-level managers. They looked at Vega and others with curiosity, hatred, doubt, and hope.

After meeting the eyes of these people, Vega snorted, ignored them, strode into the hall, and turned to the stairs next to him in a familiar manner.

Two people were standing at the door of the conference room on the top floor. One was Ye Mingshan, the director of Xucheng Machinery Manufacturing Company, and the other was Chen Chunsheng, the deputy mayor who had previously appeared at the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the Rhine Satellite Manufacturing Center.

Both of them were holding cigarettes in their hands, looking at the conference room for a while and then at the stairs at the other end of the corridor.

Noisy people on the stairs.

The negotiators have arrived.

Ye Mingshan took out the cigarette in his hand and threw the cigarette butt on the ground. Ye Mingshan stepped on it with all his strength. At the same time, he gritted his teeth and asked Chen Chunsheng:

"Mayor Chen, is there really no chance?"

"What can I do?" Chen Chunsheng also threw the cigarette butt on the ground, stepped on it, rubbed his ankle twice, and the cigarette butt turned into a painting.

A hook kick kicked the cigarette butt into the corner. He let out a long breath and tilted his head towards Ye Mingshan: "Don't think about it. Go in and prepare to hear the final result."

"Anyway, you will still be the director of Xucheng Machinery Factory by then, so what are you afraid of?"

"Hey!" With a resigned sigh, Ye Mingshan followed Chen Chunsheng's footsteps and walked into the conference room one after another.

Everyone else in the conference room had smiles on their faces. When they saw the two people coming in, they also shouted:

"Manager Ye, don't be downcast. You will be the director of a foreign company in the future, and you will be much better than you are now."

"In the future, our GDP in Xucheng will still depend on you."

"I don't know if I can rely on it. I heard Mr. Vega say that after getting the factory, he will first adjust the process and then organize people to learn the technology. There will be no profit for at least five years."

The voice was loud and noisy, and of course, more harsh.

But soon, these voices stopped suddenly, as if someone pressed the pause button.

Then, there were very clear footsteps, and at the same time, there was a mandarin with a strange accent.

"Good morning everyone, have you eaten?"

After asking politely, Vega walked to his seat and sat down. He put his briefcase on the table, leaned on the chair, crossed his legs, and silently looked at the people across the conference table.

Next to her, Lovely performed her duties and took out the complete business negotiation information of several people, and then sent the corresponding information to everyone on the opposite side. After the other party read it, she took the information of the person opposite in her hand. One portion was distributed to several people in Vega.

After holding it and looking at it for a while, Vega put the document aside casually, leaned against the chair, rested his elbows on the armrests of the chair, crossed his fingers, squinted, and looked to the opposite side playfully.

After watching for a while, he said: "Everyone, I hope you understand that the only valuable thing that Xucheng Machinery Manufacturing Company can get."

"It's actually the land underneath the factory."

"But the problem is that the manufacturing process of this factory is backward. Environmental protection issues were not considered at the beginning of construction, causing a large amount of toxic and harmful substances to sink into the land."

"Thereby polluting the land and causing immeasurable and irreversible damage to the city's ecology."

"Don't rush to refute it. The European Union and America just passed some environmental protection-related bills some time ago."

"Some of these projects, such as heavy industrial production plants, must ensure that their production is harmless to the land, otherwise they will be heavily taxed."

"So the only valuable thing in this factory is gone."

"Then we can only find some other things to fill your price."

"Such as technology patents and labor."

"However, your technology patents are too old. Even if there are new patents, they are based on the development of old technologies and cannot pass the latest environmental audit."

"The same goes for your workers."

"After we get the company, the first thing we have to do is to identify and transform these technologies, and the workers will also be transformed."

"During this period, no income can be generated, and we have to maintain investment during this period."

"So, based on these conditions, I think the price of 350 million US dollars is unacceptable to me!"

Hearing that the other party didn't even want to pay 350 million US dollars, Ye Mingshan was angry.

But before he could speak, the person from Xucheng Industrial Department spread out his notebook and whispered:

"So, Mr. Vega, what is your psychological expectation?"

As soon as the voice fell, Vega slowly raised his left hand, and his middle finger followed the index finger and slowly raised it, making a yeah gesture.

Seeing his two fingers, the irritable people stood up directly.

And those with a slightly better temper raised their eyes and searched for something around, as if they were ready to come.

Their actions naturally did not escape Vega's eyes. He put down his legs and gently hooked his fingers at Levli, and Levli immediately understood.

Send the price-cutting plan that had been prepared long ago to the people on the other side.

At the same time, Drake's voice of explanation also sounded at this moment: "According to EU Law No. 75 this year, any product that uses unqualified processes in the production process will be subject to an additional 15% environmental tax."

"In America and related cooperating countries, the amount of this tax is 17%!"

"Everyone, I want to ask you, a new product, plus a 15% tax, is it still competitive?"

Without waiting for others to answer, Drake answered decisively: "No!"

"Lack of competitiveness means that the factory cannot survive."

"A factory that cannot even guarantee its own survival, I don't think it needs to exist, let alone buy it."

After Drake finished speaking, Chaudhry immediately took over the topic, and at the same time he took out the computer at hand, his fingers jumped on it rapidly, pressing one note after another.

Beep, beep...

After more than ten minutes, he stopped and said softly: "Everyone, if you want to avoid paying the 15% and 17% environmental protection tax, the only way is to adjust the technology."

"According to the relevant anti-pollution treatment plan of the International Industrial Building Association, just the ground treatment process, each square meter will cost about 300 yuan."

"The entire factory covers an area of ​​1,230,000 square meters, and the cost of transformation is about 369 million yuan."

"If technical transformation and equipment replacement are added, according to the price of relevant equipment in America, it will cost about 5 billion yuan."

"This is a big number..."

Before he finished speaking, the door of the conference room was pushed open, Yu Ming led people into the room and sat down. Next to Yu Ming were Lin Yu and Qian Duoduo.

After entering the room, Yu Ming stood at the door for a while, then took out a pair of handcuffs, walked to Vega, and handed them out with a smile:

"Your incident has happened."

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