Sitting at the desk in the presidential room, Vega began to sort out the negotiation materials of the past few days. In addition to sending a copy to the company, he also had to send a copy to his superiors.

Because he was able to sit in the chair of the head of Kare Investment in Shanghai, in addition to his own ability, there was another small factor.

That is, in addition to his public identity, he was also a senior business spy in secret.

Except that he could not do the legendary spy 007, he was proficient in other frauds, door picking, data analysis, and intelligence analysis.

More than ten minutes later, a simple but effective negotiation proposal appeared in front of him.

[Xu Cheng accelerated the sale of Xu Cheng Machinery Manufacturing Company for some unknown reasons. As far as the current information is concerned, the reasons behind it are unknown.

After the business negotiation cooperation was completed the afternoon before yesterday, the other party made 21 consecutive calls within 48 hours to inquire about relevant information.

Based on the other party's mentality, I personally suggest that the negotiation price be lowered from the current US$350 million to about US$300 million.

At the same time, the other party is required to disclose relevant information about Xu Cheng Machinery Manufacturing Company.

At the same time, I suggest finding out the reason for the other party's change.

My intuition tells me that if we find the reason, it will only benefit us, and we can do more things...】

After sorting out the information and checking that there are no data errors, Vega opened his mailbox, found his boss and online, copied and pasted the text into the mailbox, and then clicked send.

Compared with emails with attachments, text emails without attachments are sent very quickly. In just two or three minutes, the file was sent out.

Seeing the words "successfully sent", Vega sat up straight, leaned back hard, and made a comfortable sound.

After doing all this, he got up and walked to the conference room in the next room, picked up the map on the conference table, and looked at everything on the map greedily.

As long as Xucheng Machinery Manufacturing Company is taken over, relying on the other party's original technology and introducing America's advanced technology, Vega is confident that within five years, this company will be made into the best industrial machinery manufacturing company in China.

Moreover, according to the current operating conditions, even in the first year of taking over, he is confident that he can achieve a net profit margin of 10%.

These people are really begging for food with a golden chicken in their arms.

It's really interesting.

After looking at the map for a while, Vega tidied up and lay down on the bed as the alarm clock rang.

The day after tomorrow, continue to bargain.

He went to bed happily.

Some people couldn't sleep.

Yanjing, State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Bureau.

Although it was already past 11 o'clock in the evening, the department was still brightly lit and bustling with people, and the staff had serious faces.

Shuttled back and forth between the offices, holding relevant laws and some past cases in their hands.

And in the end, these laws and cases were gathered in the director's office on the top floor.

A group of people in the office stared at the information sent from the Security Bureau on the director's desk in a daze.

As a newly established department, their responsibilities are to guide and promote the reform and reorganization of state-owned enterprises and supervise the realization of the preservation and appreciation of state-owned enterprises.

At the same time, it is also to change the past government's direct management of enterprises, and to achieve the separation of government and enterprises, and the separation of government and capital in terms of institutional settings, so as to ensure the preservation and appreciation of state-owned assets.

Although the responsibilities are clear, it is extremely difficult to implement them in practice.

Nothing else, just people.

"This information from the Security Bureau shouldn't be fake, right?" Director Zhao Hongchang suddenly asked. Then, he took out a cigarette from his pocket, took out a cigarette and lit it for himself, took a big puff, and then started to pass cigarettes to others.

At this time, this problem, only this cigarette can bring a little psychological comfort to himself, and at the same time, calm his brain.

On his left hand, Deputy Director Dongfang Dingyuan took a cigarette from him very skillfully, and lit it with a lighter.

He took a big puff, spit out the smoke, looked at the ceiling and said:

"It can't be fake."

"Just when you were reading the documents, I called the Security Bureau again."

"The Security Bureau replied that they are now investigating other people overnight, but the man named Vega invested by Carre is definitely a spy."

After speaking, he put the cigarette into his mouth again and puffed hard. A cigarette in his hand only lasted 20 seconds.

Looking at the burnt cigarette butt in his hand, on his left, Deputy Director Tan Ruofei, who held the same position as him, asked, "What should we do?"

Faced with the inquiry, Dongfang Dingyuan did not speak, but turned his gaze to Director Zhao Hongchang, and blew another whistle before Zhao Hongchang could react.

The whistle also woke Zhao Hongchang from his contemplation.

He waved at the two of them, and when Dongfang Dingyuan and the other two leaned over, he immediately said, "We have never seen such a thing, I think we don't need to care, after all, we are just guiding."

This sentence completely sprained the two men's waists.

Tan Ruofei's face twitched, and just as he was about to speak, Dongfang Dingyuan's disdainful voice sounded beside him:

"You think too much, the Security Bureau threw the file here, not for us to manage, we are just a mouthpiece."

"This is not an isolated case."

"They should have found other cases, but this time it involves the Pentagon in America, so they sent the file to us first."

"Probably to seek an opinion. If we have no opinion, they will directly submit the case."

The explanation was very clear.

After listening to the explanation, Tan Ruofei took out a document next to him.

Putting the document in front of the other two, he smiled like an old fox and asked:

"Then we submit it too?"

Looking at the document, the three people's eyes flickered, and at the same time, three strange laughs rang out.

In this document, there is another city's way of solving local state-owned assets.

It is very similar to Xucheng, and the price is very low.

But after the laughter, Dongfang Dingyuan held down Zhao Hongchang who was about to take action: "No hurry!"

"We need to form our own opinions first, so, Lao Zhao, you contact our people in Xucheng immediately."

"Ask about the relevant situation, at least we need to know the amount of internal negotiations."

"We need to have a general idea of ​​the whole thing."

"Besides, it's too late now, it's not appropriate to go to the leader, let's first unify the cause and effect, as well as the internal opinions, and then come up with one or two ways to deal with it, and send it over early tomorrow morning."

"Dongfang, you are worthy of being the Zhuge Liang of our management bureau, Lao Tan, let's go!" After praising Dongfang Dingyuan, Zhao Hongchang turned around, grabbed the phone on the table and started to call people.

And Tan Ruofei also walked out of the office and went to the office next door to contact people.

As soon as they were busy, it was morning.

Holding the results of a busy night, the three of them walked into the mist of Yanjing City together.

The fine mist was stirred by them, and a small storm formed in the center of the mist.

And the center of the storm, Xucheng, also welcomed a guest at this moment.

Lin Yu

After finding a decent hotel and letting Qian Duoduo book it, Lin Yu immediately began to arrange the next work.

"Luoping, put down your work first and bring 50 people here. You don't need to bring any weapons. I just need you to conduct some personnel investigations."

"Bring Li Ping and some people from their finance department here to pay wages? No problem. It won't kill anyone if the wages are delayed for two days. My work is more important."

"Hurry up, yes, come as fast as possible, because time waits for no one."


After arranging Luo Ping, Lin Yu put down the phone, looked at Qian Duoduo and said, "Go to the car rental company, rent a few cars, and then have someone drive the cars downstairs of the hotel."

"It's only four hours from Lanling to here. Luo Ping and his friends will need them in the afternoon."


Luoping and his friends were very fast. After hanging up the phone in the morning, they arrived at the hotel at 1 pm. After letting these people put down their luggage, Lin Yu handed them the task list he had just prepared.

"There are 50 of you here, now divided into 10 groups."

"Group 123, you drive around the construction sites in Xucheng, look for equipment produced by Xucheng Machinery Manufacturing Company, and then count the market share."

"Group 45, your task is to drive around in various large and small construction machinery repair and rental markets."

"The purpose is to get information from these operators about the durability of the equipment produced by Xucheng Machinery Manufacturing Company and the cost of repairs."

"Group 678, go to the gate of Xucheng Machinery Manufacturing Company and wait there to record their personnel and vehicles entering and leaving. "In and out of the situation, if there is a chance, go in and take a look."

"At the same time, collect some gossips from their workers, which are very useful."

"910 team, I have asked President Wu Guangming of Magic City to help me retrieve some financial information of Xucheng Machinery Manufacturing Company from the Xucheng Branch of Agricultural Bank of China."

"Your task is to assist and protect the people in the Finance Department and go to Xucheng Agricultural Bank to integrate these data clearly."

"Now, get started."

Accompanying his order, the people brought by Luo Ping and the people in the Finance Department swarmed out and began to look for clues in the streets and alleys of this city.

Towards the evening, the people in the Finance Department finished work first.

Because the bank closes at 5:30 and needs to count today's banknotes, they can only leave first.

However, this does not mean that their gains are poor.

Putting the collected financial data in front of Lin Yu, when Lin Yu picked it up to check, Li Ping stood by and explained softly:

"According to the data obtained from the bank, the funds of the manufacturing company, in your words, are very unhealthy."

"Their cash flow is very tight. Even three months ago, they borrowed 20 million from the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China in the name of salary payment."

"Interest-free loan."

"As for the deeper reasons, the bank is not clear."

Listening to Li Ping's explanation, Lin Yu took the public information of the manufacturing company in his hand and checked it bit by bit. Soon, his eyes locked on a sentence in the Xucheng newspaper.

[Xucheng Machinery Manufacturing Company will be expected to obtain a license for automobile manufacturing and sales. 】

Yes, another person who wants to fight in the automobile manufacturing industry.

Throwing away this information, he hugged a beef burger and ate it happily.

At the same time, Luo Ping also came back with people.

And he brought more news.

"Our people spent a day in Xucheng and came across 23 construction sites. There were 217 excavators of all sizes, 35 loaders, and 47 cranes in these 23 construction sites."

"Among these equipment, only 43 excavators, 11 loaders, and 9 cranes were from Xucheng Machinery."

"The construction sites that use these equipment are all small sites. According to our calculations, the construction costs of most of these sites are less than 15 million yuan."

"As for large construction sites, all of them are imported machinery."

"We also asked some additional information from some operators."

"According to them, Xucheng Machinery's equipment was quite easy to use in the past two years, but the new machines in the past two years are not as good as the previous equipment."

"This news was answered in the subsequent rental market."

"The team that went to the rental market found that the rental market was full of old machines. There were no new machines in the past two years, so they used the excuse that the old machines were easy to break down and saw if they could get a few new machines."

"As a result, the boss of the rental market said that the new machines released by Xucheng Machinery in the past two years could not be used, and the life of each part was very low."

"It can't be compared with the previous machines."

"If you want to rent a new machine, it doesn't matter. Everyone signs a rental agreement. If the parts of the new machine are broken, they don't care."

At this point, Luo Ping showed a helpless look, because he was the person responsible for asking questions in the rental market.

Now, as he was talking, he naturally thought of the words of the rental market bosses.

New machines must be better than old ones, and if others don't use new machines, then there must be something wrong with the old machines.

Looking at the expression on his face, Lin Yu smiled slightly and looked at the last few groups of people, that is, the people who went to the factory gate to wait.

Feeling the gazes of the crowd, the leaders of these groups smiled at each other and told the gossip they heard one by one.

"The gossip we heard was very explosive, including but not limited to cheating on someone's wife, having sex with someone else's husband, and breaking up other people's families."

"But let me get to the point."

"According to our routine, Xucheng Machinery has been expanding for several consecutive years since 1999, and the scale of the entire factory has almost doubled from the original basis."

"At present, the equipment they manufacture includes but is not limited to lifting machinery, earth-moving machinery, road construction and maintenance machinery, concrete machinery, drilling equipment, heavy trucks and special vehicles, coal machinery, railway equipment, mining equipment, and a car R\u0026D workshop."

"This car R\u0026D workshop is currently in a state of technical digestion."

"As for the expansion scale of workers, it has reached about 5 times the original."

"Then the most incredible thing we heard is that they have about eight or nine deputy factory directors."

This number made everyone outside the 678 group turn their heads subconsciously, and at the same time showed an incredible expression on their faces.

Eight or nine deputy factory directors?

Rheinsteel has several subsidiary companies so far, and the management of these companies is only one director and one deputy director.

There are eight or nine of them?

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