Putting away the expression on his face, Lin Yu picked up the teacup with a smile, and with a slightly apologetic look on his face, he whispered to Hao Jianshe:

"Mayor Hao, your information is very timely. I am here to thank Mayor Hao for the information with tea instead of wine."

"Because I have to get some information later, so I can only say sorry that I can't drink today."

Hearing that Lin Yu was going to get information, Hao Jianshe also picked up the teacup, touched it politely, and said casually:

"It's a small matter!"

After saying that, he immediately leaned over, He whispered again: "I heard that Carre Investment is a large enterprise with hundreds of millions of dollars in cash."

"How does Director Lin plan to eliminate this potential competitor?"

"And how to convince the people in Xucheng?"

Looking into Hao Jianshe's inquiring eyes, Lin Yu pinched a orchid finger with his right hand, imitated the tone of Huangmei Opera, and sang: "The mountain man has his own tricks!"

Unable to get the inside story, Hao Jianshe smiled and blew leisurely with the teacup, waiting for the waiter to serve the dishes, and then had a full meal.

Picking up the chopsticks, Lin Yu also began to introduce Tong Hua and several other people, and then followed the process of using tea instead of wine, turning back and forth twice, and everyone had a full drink.

After eating and waving goodbye, Lin Yu took people to stay in the hotel. He first checked and confirmed that there were no cameras and eavesdropping devices in the hotel. He took out his mobile phone and found Nicholas' number.

Dial it.

After 30 seconds, he decisively hung up the phone and repeated it twice.

When Nicholas finally answered the phone for the fourth time, in addition to his voice, there was a rustling sound coming from the other side.

When the receiver was completely quiet, Lin Yu said softly to the phone: "I want to talk to Mr. Dena, please transfer it."

The words were very calm and sure, and there was a little bit of command in them.

Nicholas on the other end of the phone didn't say much, just hummed and hung up the phone.

Listening to the busy tone, Lin Yu threw the phone aside and began to think about how to negotiate with Xucheng Machinery Manufacturing Company and Xucheng's people.

After all, he was going to ruin their deal.

Compared with Liancheng's stable position as the Thirteenth Sister, Xucheng's GDP is not lacking, which is why they dared to sell the profitable Xucheng Machinery Manufacturing Company in a package.

Just as he was thinking about it, the phone on the bed rang.

After answering the call, a gentle old man's voice came from the phone. He used English, but his pronunciation was very clear and his words were also very clear:

"Mr. Lin, don't come to me for no reason. If you have something to say, please speak directly. There is no need for us to beat around the bush."

"Since Mr. Dena speaks quickly, I will speak directly!" After being polite, Lin Yu walked to the window with his mobile phone, looked at the sea outside the hotel through the gap in the curtains, and said:

"Mr. Dena, have you heard of Carre Investment?"

"Yes, Mr. Lin wants their investment?"

"No, I recently fell in love with a machinery manufacturing company, and then I found that the official and Carre Investment had some close contacts, and for Carre Investment, they actually kept it secret and conducted business negotiations separately."

"Oh? Interesting, what do you want me to do, Mr. Lin?"

"A piece of intelligence about Carre Investment's espionage activities, I know you can get it."

After listening to Lin Yu's request, a light snort came from the phone, and then there was Dena's response.

"Simple, but what's the price? I never do anything that hurts the world, I only do fair trade."

"Besides, I also know the people who invested in Kare. They are my dear relatives and friends, even brothers and sisters, so they have to pay extra."

The voice was very light, and at the same time, it also had a hint of devilish temptation.

Reaching out to cover the microphone of the mobile phone, Lin Yu shook his head in disdain.

What a pity.

It's a pity that the other party is an old man. If it was a blonde angel with blond hair and blue eyes, a smooth figure, and a soft voice, he might fall for the beauty trap and say more.

What a pity.

Shaking his head, he let go of the mobile phone microphone: "For the next batch of explosives, you will get an extra 10% discount."

As soon as he finished speaking, Dena's response came from the phone: "In addition to the discount, you also need to tell me what this machinery manufacturing company does."


Lin Yu let out a breath. He understood what this guy meant. He just suspected that this machinery factory had a big secret.

But it's a pity that the things in Xucheng Machinery Factory have probably been figured out by Kalei Investment.

And what I want is only the people, land, and basic processing equipment of Xucheng Machinery Factory.

After all, it's still a bit troublesome if I have to do these things myself.

After smiling into the phone and making sure that the person on the other end heard the laughter, Lin Yu explained:

"The factory I want is called Xucheng Machinery Manufacturing Company. Their business scope is mainly various cranes, excavators and other construction machinery."

"You also know the construction projects I have. If I purchase all those big-name excavators, to put it bluntly, the repair costs after damage and the wasted time alone will be enough to make me drink a pot."

"And recently I heard that Iraq has started fighting again, and I don't have that much money to waste."


Washington, in the Pentagon Staff Advisor's Office, listening to the name of the machine shop on the phone, Dana's eyes flashed with doubts, but he still patted his chest and agreed to the request.

Turning his head, he took a cup of coffee and strolled leisurely to the Intelligence Management Office of the Pentagon.

The Pentagon's Intelligence Management Office has the largest and richest intelligence in the world. Of course, if you don't have any, that's no problem. He can compile one now.

It won't take more than a few minutes.

And according to Lin Yu's request, there is no need to even have intelligence, just a cooperative recording or record to exclude the other party.

After handing the ID card to the staff at the management office and telling him the relevant information he was looking for, Dana stood nearby, shaking the coffee cup quietly, as if everything around him had nothing to do with him.

Soon, the departing staff member appeared in front of Dana with a thick stack of documents, put the documents on the table, and the staff member who looked like a Tiger tank panted and said:

"General, these are the people we invested in Carlei. You can check the information sent back from China and their use of funds at will."

"Of course, it doesn't matter if you want to take it out. These documents are not important, but they need to be registered."

After the explanation was completed, the management office staff stood nearby, lowered their heads, and continued busy with the work at hand.

"OK! I know!" Nodding his head, Dana began to rummage through the mountains of documents.

He turned over the documents one after another, and finally, a unique report appeared in front of him.

[A survey report on the production, use and development prospects of Huaxia Industrial Equipment! 】

Opening the report, Dana ran his fingers through it bit by bit. After reading more than a dozen pages, he saw a familiar name, Xucheng Machinery Factory.

Or, it would be more appropriate to call it Xucheng Machinery Manufacturing Company.

In the report, Carle Investments rated the company's technology and equipment very well. According to their classification, it received a full 4 stars.

No wonder Lin Yu chose to annex this machinery company.

The focus of this report is to finally give suggestions on how to control these high-quality companies.

He took out the report and the relevant funding information, rolled it up and stuffed it into his pocket. Dana took the coffee and turned around and disappeared into the corridor.

After a long time, the staff who had been busy raised their heads and piled back the documents that Dana had looked through. Regardless of whether they were registered or not, they walked back to the archives with this large pile of documents.

He did not register.


In Liancheng's hotel, Lin Yu sat in front of the computer, his big eyes staring at the download progress bar in front of him.

Looking at the 5kb download speed, Lin Yu felt that he was the Wangfushi who saw through the autumn water. He pressed his head with both hands and kept telling himself that this is 2003, not 2023, not 2033, and not 2043. .

You can't be angry with the current network download speed. This is because of basic reasons, so you absolutely can't be angry.

Can't be angry!

Forcibly suppressing the anger in his heart, he wanted to search for some international news, but as soon as he opened the Internet page, he found that the beating download progress bar immediately turned into a dead heartbeat.

With a sigh, he closed the web page, pulled up a chair and sat by the window in a daze, while thinking about the next development of Xucheng Machinery Manufacturing Company.

After thinking for half an hour, he decided to copy the other party's development path in his previous life.

According to the development route of Xucheng Machinery Manufacturing Company in the previous life, we only need to eliminate some unnecessary troubles during the development process and make the development smoother, which can greatly reduce the waste of funds and time in the development process.

Turn your head and glance at the progress bar on the computer monitor.

The progress is very gratifying.

Because in more than half an hour, the progress bar finally went from 23% to 24.5%.

Turn the air conditioner to 16°C and sleep.

After sleeping until noon the next day, Lin Yu jumped up from the bed and rushed to the computer like a vicious dog. He turned on the monitor and looked at the download completion prompt. Tears of excitement flowed from the corners of his eyes. down.

A 132MB compressed package!

It rained all night!

Dragging the compressed package to the desktop, Lin Yu took a deep breath, then opened the camera next to him, made sure that everything was ready, and then unzipped the compressed package.

In the compressed package, there are documents scanned by the printer scanner. They are crooked, and some documents have a lot of creases on them.

These creases are very clever, occasionally covering up half of an English word, but with the context, the meaning of the English word can be found out.

Lin Yu dragged the mouse with his right hand, taking photos while looking at documents.

This is a report, a record report of Carle Investment, investment in China, and public investigation of various industrial manufacturing.

The content of the report is very detailed, even starting from the simple lathe cutting process to the final finishing of special steel, everything is recorded in detail.

What frightened Lin Yu even more was that there was some industrial information on it, which even he, a man of two generations, didn't know very well.

When he saw the words Xucheng Machinery Manufacturing Company in the report, he smiled.

Smiling like an old fox who stole a chick.

It took him more than two hours to finish reading the document.

After sorting out the logic of the entire report in his mind, he started from the beginning again, took photos of all the documents, and confirmed that there was nothing missing. He turned on the computer.

The hotel computer has a reset system. After turning it on and off, it will automatically restore the original data.

It doesn't matter if it doesn't recover. Just change hotels in the afternoon.

He called Qian Duoduo in the next room, handed the camera to him, and said, "Go and develop the photos in the camera."

While Qian Duoduo was developing the photos, Lin Yu took out his mobile phone, found Yu Ming's phone number in the safe, and dialed it.

Hearing the sound of the other side answering the phone, he immediately said:

"Captain Yu? I report that someone is making trouble in our territory. Really, I'm not lying to you. It's not the boring activity last time."

"It's my partner in America. He revealed a piece of information to me."

"It's the information that some people are messing around in our country under the guise of commercial investment."

"It's a bit big! It involves Xucheng!"

"What? You happen to be in Liancheng? That's a coincidence. I'm also in Liancheng. Let's meet later?"

"Then I'll wait for you!"

Less than 50 minutes after the phone was hung up, Yu Ming brought people and appeared in front of Lin Yu in a hurry. As soon as they met, he couldn't wait to reach out his hand.

"Where are the things?"

Faced with the question, Lin Yu calmly handed over a thick stack of photos in his hand.

There were a lot of photos, but looking at the neatly arranged lines of English, all the pride in Yu Ming's heart turned into bubbles at this moment.

He...is not good at English. He can only communicate in some simple ways and can hear some simple words. It is too difficult for him to read the exclusive report.

He can only ask Lin Yu to translate.

When Lin Yu repeated the contents of the document, Yu Ming's eyes were full of murderous intent, and he looked like he was ready to eat someone.

Forcibly suppressing the anger in his heart, Yu Ming stood up, sorted out all the photos on the table, took the film, and then hurried away.

After sending people away, Lin Yu sat on the chair, closed his eyes, and hummed Good Luck leisurely.

After Good Luck came, he picked up the phone and shook it to Lu Huaxi: "Director Lu, our large industrial machinery can't be taken away by outsiders!"


Xucheng International Hotel.

Vega, the head of the Magic City branch of Carre Investment, leaned on the balcony and drank red wine leisurely.

He was very happy.

Because he could soon complete an acquisition, an acquisition of a factory with an annual income of nearly 10 billion yuan and a profit of up to 20%.

As an American, in the wave of deindustrialization in America, he keenly captured the signals of the country across the ocean.

So, he became the general manager of Carre Investment in China.

When he came to this land, he found that the people of this country lacked the ability to evaluate various resources from a financial perspective.

In America, if there is a highway in front of a factory and a river for transportation, then in asset evaluation, the value of this factory will skyrocket because of the existence of these two transportation channels.

But the people of this country are different.

They only calculate the actual output, and some people even deliberately do not calculate the equipment and the land under their feet.

Vega knows the purpose of these people doing this.

But for his own benefit, he can not know.

Who would dislike that their money is small?

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