The word "layoffs" was like a thunderclap, echoing in the conference room that was quiet just now. A moment later, the conference room where you could hear needles dropping just now exploded in an instant.

"Layoffs? Why?"

"Who do you think you are? Are you laying off people right after you come here? Who do you think you are?"

"The city didn't even say anything. You, a guy who just jumped out of nowhere, started talking about layoffs? Who do you think you are?"

"I will leave my words here today. If you dare to cut me off, I will fight with you today!"

"Yes! Fight with them!"

"That's right, who do you think you are? Are you from Lanling City? Lanling City can be lawless and do whatever you want, right?"

"Ye Mingshan, you idiot is the factory director. Come out and say something. Is it you idiot who is causing trouble behind your back?"

"That's right, Director Ye, you damn fool, you have to say a few words!"

"Ding Wenwei, you are the deputy director of the factory. You were the one who asked me to let the meeting go. Now, please tell me clearly why this is a layoff meeting."

"Don't think about it. I just saw him and Chen Chunsheng talking so naughty. They are definitely in the same group."

Amidst the abuse, Ye Mingshan stood up suddenly and gestured with his hands constantly, trying to quiet the people present.

However, no one responded to his actions, and they all kept cursing.

Moreover, the abuse became more and more harsh, and it had already brought down the eighteenth generation of Ye Mingshan's ancestors, as well as his parents and sisters.

Hearing this, the factory director took a deep breath, picked up the chair at his feet, and slammed it on the table.


The chair was smashed to pieces, leaving only half of the stubbled chair legs, which were tightly held in Ye Mingshan's hands.

Furniture around 2000 did not have so many autoclaved boards, and was all made of solid wood.

This thing is no less lethal than a dagger.

Holding this thing in his hand, Ye Mingshan let out a loud shout: "If you have the ability, go to the city and don't make any noise here, do you understand?"

When the tiger does not show off its power, the monkey becomes the king. When the tiger shows off its power, the monkey can only stand aside.

This loud shout completely shocked everyone else present. Seeing that the conference room became quiet again, Ye Mingshan pulled up a chair and sat down. He put half of the chair legs in front of his eyes, looked at Lin Yu across from him and asked:

"Director Lin, Mayor Chen Chunsheng told me about your matter. I know you are very strong, but now, I need an explanation."

"Explain?" Lin Yu glared and waved to Qian Duoduo, who immediately started rummaging through the pile of documents in his hand.

In less than ten seconds, two documents fell into Lin Yu's hands. Then, these two documents passed through Lin Yu's hands and fell into Ye Mingshan's hands.

When the other party opened the file and looked at it, Lin Yu's words of explanation also sounded at this moment:

"The two documents in your hand, one is a professional accountant's statistical analysis of financial health based on the information disclosed by you."

"The other one is an analysis of the financial health of similar companies."

"Let me just say the conclusion, your finances are not healthy and you may go bankrupt at any time, it's that simple."

As soon as these words came out, except for Ye Mingshan, everyone present showed expressions of contempt on their faces.

There was a bit of contempt in Lin Yu's eyes.

You know, Xucheng Machinery Manufacturing Company is prospering in this three-thirds of an acre of land in Xucheng.

A lot of people want to work here, and then you suddenly come out and say that it might go bankrupt at any time?

Just kidding?

Ignoring these glances, Lin Yu continued to look at Ye Mingshan and said, "Actually, according to general rules, you should have had a financial crisis last year, but there was not."

"The reason is that your city took the lead and borrowed a sum of money from the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China. It is an interest-free loan of 20 million yuan. According to general rules, it is likely to be a bad debt again."

"As for the reason why your finances are not healthy, I've also seen it here."

"Just two points: blind expansion and overstaffing."

"To be honest, the high-end, high-tech, high-value-added policy you formulated from the beginning to focus on the large-tonnage crane market is very suitable."

"As long as we work steadily, we can definitely become an industrial giant one day."

"Then you suddenly accelerated in the past two years and started to get involved in some construction machinery for which you have no technical accumulation."

"We introduced some messy technologies, but they couldn't digest them and took up a lot of money."

"Just taking up these funds is not a big problem."

"The problem is that I found that the yield rate of the equipment you produce seems to have declined in the past two years."

"On this basis, your staff has become very bloated. To be honest, I don't understand why you have branched out into so many new fields."

"The funds invested in R\u0026D are still ranked behind personnel salaries. Can you explain to me?"

"And according to the information I have, the ones with the highest salaries among your staff are not the various R\u0026D departments and front-line backbones."

“It’s retirees and executives.”

"Director Ye, is your Santana 2000 easy to drive?"

After a long period of accumulation, Lin Yutu suddenly threw the ball into Ye Mingshan's hand. At the same time, the eyes of other people in the conference room followed these words and slowly fell on Ye Mingshan.

Because what the factory director uses most to others is that if you work harder, you can drive Santana.

"Then Santana..." Ye Mingshan opened his mouth and made a weak defense, but before he finished speaking, he fell silent again.

Looking at him, Lin Yu smiled and said, "In this case, I will announce the first layoff notice today."

"Factory Director Ye Mingshan, because there is a large amount of funds that cannot be explained, he will be fired and handed over to the Security Bureau for processing."

"Deputy Factory Director Ding Wenwei, because there is a large amount of funds that cannot be explained, he will be fired and handed over to the Security Bureau for processing."

"Deputy Factory Director Jin Shaobin..."

"Deputy Factory Director Liang Lijing..."

"Deputy Factory Director Ning Jingqi..."

"Deputy Factory Director Lin Xiaopo..."

"Deputy Factory Director Wei Shouyang..."

"Deputy Factory Director Bao An..."

"Deputy Factory Director Lu Hongyu..."

"Deputy Factory Director Zhong Wenjuan..."

In the conference room, other people were a little confused when they heard these positions and names.

Especially the front-line people.

The development in recent years is indeed as Lin Yu said, it has developed rapidly, involving many businesses, and some businesses need to be managed separately.

But they would never have thought that in just two or three years, there would be so many factory managers.

Are there so many businesses for them to manage?

According to the scale of the factory, this... about 300 people can be assigned to one factory manager.

What the hell!

Ye Mingshan was surprised to hear his name on the layoff list, but what surprised him even more was that he was transferred to the Security Bureau.

Other people whose names were called wanted to say a few more words at first, but soon they came to their senses.

This group of people were finally transferred to the Security Bureau for processing.

At this moment, they couldn't remain calm.

However, it was useless for them to remain calm.

Just when they were about to explode and question, the door of the conference room was pushed open.

Several young people appeared at the door and smiled and showed the handcuffs in their hands:

"Those whose names were called just now, please come with us, thank you for your cooperation."

The voice was very light, but very penetrating.

As soon as the voice fell, the people blocking these people immediately fell to both sides, and forcibly left a road for these young people in the crowd.

Just like the K-train during the Chinese New Year, passengers made way for the attendant selling peanuts and melon seeds.

This episode did not last long.

After these people were taken away, the crowd in the conference room was immediately relieved, and among the remaining people, those who had stools half-stuck their buttocks on the stools, fearing that Lin Yu would talk about them.

Those who did not have stools quietly moved to the back of the crowd, as if this would prevent Lin Yu from seeing them.

Lin Yu saw all this, and when these people were a little quiet, he stood up, clasped his hands in front of him, made a congratulatory gesture, shook his hand, and said with a smile:

"I congratulate everyone here for being safe for the time being, because the next work still depends on you."

"Next, it is the organizational structure adjustment of the factory."

"From today on, there will be only three factory directors, that is, general managers of the company, one principal and two deputy."

"One is in charge of production, and the other is in charge of logistics and sales services."

"The various departments below are divided into R\u0026D department, production department, marketing department, logistics service department, procurement department, and finance department, among which the finance department and procurement department belong to the factory Long straight pipe. "

"All R\u0026D work is assigned to the R\u0026D department. The R\u0026D department and the logistics service department cooperate to upgrade our products according to the problems and needs of customers during use."

"All production workshops are assigned to the production department, local sales outlets are assigned to the marketing department, and the maintenance department is assigned to the logistics service department."

"The head of the R\u0026D department has one principal and four deputies. The principal is responsible for coordination and overall management, two deputies are responsible for R\u0026D, and two are responsible for upgrading data adjustment."

"The head of the production department has one principal and fourteen deputies. Two deputies are responsible for managing one category of machinery. At present, we only have seven categories, and new categories will be added later."

" The person in charge of the marketing department has one director and four deputy directors. Their task is to run the market, both domestic and foreign markets. "

"The person in charge of the logistics service department has one director and six deputy directors. Two of them are responsible for personnel management, two are responsible for maintenance and processing in various parts of the factory, and two are responsible for the project payment recovery, maintenance, and collection of relevant data for the equipment sold."

"Security work is also the responsibility of the logistics service department."

"The purchasing department has one director and three deputy directors, who are responsible for purchasing materials. In any case, the entry and exit of production materials require the signatures of four people."

"The finance department has one director and two deputy directors, who are responsible for managing the purse."

"Then in your actual work process, the basic unit is the following operation team."

"Small I will not make any additional regulations on the number of team members and the selection of team leaders. Each department will decide for itself. "

"Except for the factory director, I will not make any decisions about the heads of the remaining departments today."

"Give you two days to think about it."

"Two days later, we will make a democratic decision in the company's square and conduct relevant business assessments at the same time."

"The test questions will not be difficult. They are all problems encountered in daily production."

"If you pass, you will have a bright future. If you fail, then I'm sorry."

After saying what he wanted to say, Lin Yu smiled at the people present, stood up, patted his clothes elegantly, and turned to walk towards the door of the conference room.

Behind him, Qian Duoduo hurriedly put down the factory restructuring documents in his hand and quickly followed.

The corridor was already crowded with people who heard the news. Seeing him and Qian Duoduo walk out of the conference room, some people subconsciously wanted to go up and ask.

But before these people put it into practice, they were stopped by the people around them.

After all, the scene of the factory director and others being taken away just passed not long ago.

A few minutes later, the two arrived on the first floor.

The open space outside the lobby on the first floor was already full of people, all of whom were employees of the machinery factory.

Seeing Lin Yu and the other two come out, the well-informed people began to point fingers at them.

Those who were not well-informed looked at the two with great curiosity.

However, when these people saw Lin Yu and the other two approaching, they all chose to make way for them.

Walking out of the crowd, Lin Yu said softly:

"Xiaoduo, I'll trouble you for a few days. Take people to block the production area of ​​the factory."

"I've given them a warning. Someone will definitely jump. Then I'll kill them directly."

"Yeah!" Qian Duoduo remembered Lin Yu's words in his heart, nodded his head, and quickly followed the people who left.

In the meeting room, after Lin Yu left, everyone locked their eyes on the not-so-thick stack of documents on the table.

Everyone present knew that their next way out was in this small stack of documents.

However, no one dared to be the first person to try it.

A group of people could only stare at each other, wanting others to go first.

At this moment, a young man who was closest to the file suddenly reached out and grabbed the file in his hand. This action was like a signal.

The people around him stood up in an instant and surrounded the young man.

"Look at what's inside?"


"It's true. As long as you feel that you are qualified to be the head of the department, you can sign up, and then all department heads will go through a round of assessment first. Only after passing the assessment can you take office! If the assessment results are the same, democratic evaluation will be conducted."



Slowly, the people who read the document slowly walked out of the meeting room, and at the same time, they walked out with the corresponding news.

The organizational structure of the factory was adjusted, and then the heads of various departments were all gone, and the department heads had to be re-elected.

And you can only take up your post after passing the assessment!

If you fail the assessment, you have to pack up and leave!

Hearing this news, tears welled up in the eyes of the people who had been working diligently in the factory. After years of perseverance, they had hope of getting ahead at this moment.

After a brief moment of joy, these people plunged into the team and asked for relevant information, preparing to take the position of person in charge in one fell swoop in this assessment.

Unlike these people, after leaving the meeting room, the original management personnel of the factory gathered together in twos and threes according to their own connections.

Discussing what to do next.

"Who is he, Lin Yu? He suddenly came here and directly demolished a factory. Who does he think he is?"

"Get him!"

"Driving to kill him!"

"I'll find a car!"

"I'll find out the route!"

"I'll go refuel!"

"I...RNM, you don't want me to drive to kill him, do you? Then I'll go to jail, and you'll get a promotion and a raise?"

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