Qian Duoduo moved quickly. After returning to the hotel to prepare a little, he took people out again.

With a creak, a row of black Santanas stopped in front of the factory. The people from the defense company wore professional equipment, carried not-so-professional explosion-proof shields and explosion-proof forks, and got out of the Santana, neatly lining up in front of the gate of the machinery factory.

These people looked forward with resolute eyes, and their eyes were full of murderous intent, making the people who looked at them dare not look at each other.

After staying at the gate for a while, Qian Duoduo dispersed these people according to the plan and controlled the entire factory area.

And their actions also completely suppressed the ideas of some people who had ideas in their hearts.

Of course, this stroke of genius naturally fell into the ears of Chen Chunsheng and others.

"What is the background of that person?" A group of people from the Xucheng Municipal Government who had just returned to the office surrounded Chen Chunsheng, their eyes full of curiosity.

After all, in so many years, it was the first time that a young man was so disrespectful.

Very domineering, but they like the way of doing things, because they also want to do it this way.

"I don't know!" Chen Chunsheng spread his hands and sat on the chair with a helpless look on his face. Seeing that the group of people in front of him really didn't believe it, he took out his mobile phone and threw it on the table.

"Lanling City is right next to it. You can call them directly. It may be easier than asking me."

"Also, Liancheng City has reached an agreement with them to build a shipyard. 10,000 acres of land, Liancheng City directly gave it."

"Ask them, I guess I can get a pretty good idea."

Hearing this, the people surrounding Chen Chunsheng immediately lost interest, turned around, and began to inquire about the news in their own way.

"Help me check someone! The chairman of the Rhine Steel in Lanling, his name is Lin Yu!"

"Yes, yes, that's it!"

"What the hell? No information? I don't know where he came from?"

"Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! I understand!"

"You don't even know what the CEOs of the big groups in the city next door do? Our Xucheng? Of course we don't know, otherwise why would I call you to ask?"

"Nonsense, I also know that Rhine Steel produces steel, I just want to know where their CEO came from! What, they don't produce steel? Steel is produced by Lanling Steel Plant? Fuck!"

After a round of phone calls, a group of people were surprised to find that they knew nothing about this sudden behemoth next door.

And their CEO knew even less.

At this moment, Chai Zhigang's cell phone rang in the crowd. He took out the phone and found that it was from Jinling.

As soon as the call was connected, a hearty laugh came from the other side:

"Haha, Comrade Chai Zhigang, are you cursing? No one is reporting you, I'm just guessing."

"That resolution is real."

"Just now, the higher-ups and we have reached a consensus on your behavior this time."

"That means you went astray in the exploration process."

"Selling is fine, but not checking the buyer is a big problem."

"That's all I have to say, I'll hang up first."

Beep beep beep...

At this moment, the busy tone of the hang-up sounded like thunder in their ears.

After a long time, Chai Zhigang put the phone back in his pocket, looked at his colleagues around him, and said softly: "Everyone, go away, this matter is over."

"Everyone go back and have a good rest. We will have a meeting at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning to discuss the next development direction."

After that, he was the first to walk out of the meeting room.


Two days were very hard for the people of Xucheng Machinery Manufacturing Company.

Because everyone knows that two days later, the new factory director will hold a special meeting in the factory square.

At this meeting, everyone can compete for a position, and they can get the appointment of the corresponding position as long as they pass the assessment.

A better position means better resources, and also better wages.

Before that, more people are waiting, waiting for the city to respond.

Because there is an old saying that a strong dragon cannot suppress a local snake. Even the strongest dragon has to coil up when it arrives in a strange place.

However, after waiting for two days, they did not wait for the counterattack from the local snake.

Until standing in the square in front of the factory administrative building and seeing Deputy Mayor Chen Chunsheng standing with Lin Yu, the people of Xucheng Machinery Manufacturing Company still had an illusion of being in a dream.

After a brief shock, they showed ecstatic expressions one by one.

Because this means that the old saying is invalid.

Now, Lin Yu is the well-deserved controller of this factory.

In other words, he is the sky!

What he said two days ago can be fulfilled!

He can decide whether the heads of these departments stay or go!

As long as you do what he says, you can become a superior person!

Thinking about this clearly, the huge group of people went crazy in an instant.

Those who were worried that it was just another empty talk swept away the boredom on their faces, held their breath, and prepared to welcome the next registration and assessment.

And those who always like to take shortcuts are like bereaved parents at this moment, because their assumptions have a premise, that is, the city will be angry because this action was destroyed, and then vent their anger on this person who came out of nowhere.

But now, everything has become a bubble.

On the temporary stage in front, Lin Yu held the microphone and looked at these people with a smile. He was very happy to see their different expressions, especially those who looked disappointed.

After watching for a while, he handed the microphone to Chen Chunsheng next to him.

The other party came to participate in the event today, which means that at least they will not cause trouble for themselves for the time being. They should give him the face he deserves.

"Mayor Chen, please say a few words!"

Looking at the microphone in front of him, Chen Chunsheng smiled helplessly, reached out to take the microphone, coughed lightly, and said loudly:

"Everyone, today is the day of the rebirth of Xucheng Machinery Manufacturing Company."

"From today on, we will have a new machinery manufacturing company, from today on, we will step onto a new level, from today on, we will go to the world and the future!"

"Now, let us applaud together to spread the joy in our hearts and welcome our General Manager Lin."

"At the same time, let us officially start today's rebirth!"


Accompanying his shouts, thousands of people in the factory clapped desperately under the temporary stage, some of them were sincere, and some were fake.

The applause resounded through the world, and soon, the people present were divided into their original work groups, and the job recognition and assessment began.

"I think I can be the director of the production department!"

"What did you do before?"


"I'll sign up for you and get a test paper over there. You have 10 minutes to answer the questions. If there are blank spaces on the test paper, you will be eliminated directly. Those who answer more than 90 points will go to the back for practical training. If you pass the practical training, you will be selected according to the final score. If you are selected, you will be the director of the production department!"

"By the way, I want to remind you that don't look around and copy others' work. Someone is watching you!"

"I think I can be the director of the finance department!"

"Your original job was... Does anyone in your casting group know this guy?"

"No one knows him?"

"The security department, come over here and take this person to the side. I'll ask you later."


"After the forging of the excavator turntable is completed, what method is needed to remove the internal stress... What is stress? ”

“Which alloy should be used for excavator bucket teeth? This... Why are these all English words? ”

“If the average temperature of the target customer's location is higher than 30℃ throughout the year, what functions should be promoted when promoting the equipment? ”

“What is this promotion? It's up to him to buy it or not!”

“What is the maximum lifting mass of the company's nominal maximum lifting weight crane? How do I know?”

“Are the rectification opinions of unpaid users important? This...”

“An old customer made a lot of rectification opinions on a certain product. In order to thank him, the director of the marketing department invited him to a meal at the most luxurious hotel in the city. The meal cost 50,000 yuan, but there is no invoice. Please ask, how should this expense be recorded? ”

In the answer sheet area, looking at the people who were lying on the table frantically writing answers and looking around to peek at other people's answers, Lin Yu couldn't help but sigh.

Amid his continuous lamentations, those who peeped at other people's answers were pulled out one after another.

Then, under Luo Ping's guidance, they stood in a neat row.

Behind the answer sheet area is the foreign examiner hired by Lin Yu at a high price, Duerby.

This guy wears thick flat-frame glasses, and he hasn't shaved for several days. When he sits there, he looks very scholarly.

Sitting on the chair, he pretends to be a ruthless blow to the person who is challenging the position of the director of the production department.

"Look, with your dog-crawling handwriting and answers, you still want to challenge the director of the production department?"

"These parameters are all your factory's own parameters. We get these parameters in no more than 48 hours."

"We only have one requirement for the director of the production department, to know the front line, understand the front line, and understand the technology. If you don't even know the product parameters of your own factory, next one!"

"Next one!"

"Next one!"

Next to the competition position of the director of production is the platform of the director of the R\u0026D department. Shi Ling naturally became the examiner.

"Of the four improvement points of cost, comfort, performance, and continuous working time of the machine, you all chose comfort?"

"When asked how to improve comfort, you said to replace the seats in the car with leather?"

"Have any of you been on these construction machinery? Under the scorching sun, these construction machinery only have a little sunshade on the top of the head for vision, and leather is useless under high temperatures."

"Sweating a little bit is so smelly. If you have this idea, you might as well think of ways to strengthen the air conditioning equipment and glass sun protection."

"You put a black film on the glass sun protection?"

"In order to get customers to buy more equipment, you can reduce the life of each part and increase the replacement speed of parts? You are really gods!"

"Come on! Security department, come here and post this paper to the highest place for me!"

Amid the voices, Lin Yu stood in front of the bulletin board not far from the examination site with his hands behind his back, carefully studying the messy ideas on the bulletin board.

He didn't move, but Chen Chunsheng next to him was watching with relish.

After reading another new answer sheet, Chen Chunsheng turned around, gave the young man in front of him a thumbs up, and praised him:

"Boss Lin is really talented. He can manage people in a few words."

"Especially this public examination, it can definitely win over those who study technology seriously. With a little training, the company can be transformed and soar."

"As for those who like to speculate, this paper will reveal their true colors. Even if they want to make trouble, they can't make any flowers."

"At most, it's a bit disgusting. As long as Boss Lin can hold on, it's almost certain that Xucheng Machinery Manufacturing Company will become a large international enterprise!"

"I'm here to congratulate in advance!"

Lin Yu, who was looking at the answer sheet, was stunned when he heard this, but soon, he also tasted the meaning.

It's easy for people to go from frugality to luxury, but it's hard to go from luxury to frugality.

Those who can't return to their positions will definitely not give up and will definitely make trouble.

But... who cares?

Hayek's big hand will tell them that in addition to being able to control everything in secret, the big hand can also become an iron fist.

Time slipped away quietly. After lunch, the exam continued.

The sun also slowly set with the noise of a group of people.

After a day of noise, the exam results came out.

Along with it came a new list of layoffs.

Those who were laid off by drawing a line.

Those with less than 30 points will be dismissed!

Those with less than 50 points will be dismissed according to attendance records.

The rest of the people will return to their original jobs and enter a one-month probation period. If the production yield rate is not up to standard during the probation period, they will be dismissed.

After the probation period, everyone will be rated for their ability level, and new salary standards and rules and regulations will be implemented. Salaries and bonuses will be paid according to personal ability level and work efficiency.

Looking at this series of measures, as well as those workers who left in despair without making a fuss, Chen Chunsheng knew that this young man's power in the machinery factory had already been established.

Outside the factory, someone had strongly intercepted a foreign company and took over Xucheng Machinery Manufacturing Company. This news had spread throughout Jiangsu Province.

It even reached the Magic City.

At the same time, there was also a message about the so-called self-appointed positions and competitive employment.

So, the other twelve of the Thirteen Taibao sent out reporters of all sizes, not to see Xu Cheng embarrassed, but to report this news fairly and impartially.

They were waiting outside the factory gate, and when they saw someone appear, they immediately surrounded him.

"Hello, audience friends, we are now in front of the Xucheng Engineering Machinery Manufacturing Company. Behind me, there are a large number of workers walking out of the factory."

"We can see that they are all dejected. Now, let's go up and interview them."

"Excuse me, sir, have you been laid off? Did they find a reason?"

"Did you get 10 points in the basic production knowledge of your factory? The full score is 120 points?"

"Excuse me, auntie, what were you originally? Accountant? Then why were you laid off?"

"0 points in legal knowledge?"

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