At first, the reporters just thought these people were talking a little outrageous, but when more and more people said that they got a failing score, the reporters knew that the fun was coming.

So, they couldn't wait to ask more questions, record more information, and then, with this information, return to their units and start publishing news.

[Shocked, employees of well-known companies don't know the parameters of their own products. Is this the extinction of humanity or the decline of morality? ]

[Shocked, our company is full of such people? ]

[Working in a vacant position, corporate reform is imminent. ]

[Corporate reform? How to reform, after the reform, will it be comparable to the present? ]

[Where is our future...]

As these reporters released the news in their hands, more and more people participated in this discussion.

Just as the safest place is the eye of the typhoon when a typhoon breaks out, at this moment, Lin Yu is leisurely sitting in the office chair of the director of Xucheng Machinery Manufacturing Company, enjoying the tranquility of the eye of the typhoon.

In front of him was Hong Fu, who had just come from Rhine Steel, and two other managers who had just been promoted from the Rhine Steel workshop.

And the three of them were the factory directors that Lin Yu had selected for Xucheng Machinery Manufacturing Company.

Picking up the seal and the registered name signature and throwing them to the three people, Lin Yu told them:

"Hong Fu, you did a very good job at Rhine Steel. Now you are the factory director here, I hope you can keep it up."

"I have only one requirement for the work here, that is, to develop and upgrade step by step according to my requirements."

"Make the machinery and equipment I need, and don't worry about the rest."

"If you are short of people, technology, or equipment, just tell me directly and I will coordinate and find them."

"Finally, it's about factory control."

"In our hands, although Xucheng Machinery Manufacturing Company is still a state-owned enterprise, market rules have been applied to personnel appointments."

"Those who should be cleared out should be cleared out quickly Get out, don't waste time."

"Also, don't worry about face, it's not your concern. What you can consider is how to make what I want according to the time node."

"So, if someone comes to you for personnel appointment and asks you to give face, you don't need to give it."

"If there is anything, just make it clear publicly. We don't cause trouble, but that doesn't mean we are afraid of trouble!"

"You should take care of the relevant personnel recruitment work yourself, and don't let people stuff garbage in."

"When I go back, I will ask Lao Tang to train more people in the security department as soon as possible, and then send them here."

"That's all I want to say, you go down and get busy!"

Holding the seal, the scenes of the past few years kept flashing in Hongfu's mind.

There are people who work slacking off in the factory, doing odd jobs in Lanling, and being chased for stealing corn when hungry.

There are people standing on the roadside, wanting to eat a pancake but finding that they have no money in their hands.

There are also people who take their children to the big market during festivals, and the children look at the sugar man pitifully and want the sugar man.

Tears slowly blurred his eyes.

He took a deep breath, tears parted, and his eyes focused on the seal in his hand.

The red plastic seal was very hard and red.

Holding the seal tightly, Hong Fu slowly raised his head, looked at Lin Yu in front of him with tears in his eyes, and choked loudly: "Director, I promise to complete the task!"

Behind him, the two deputy directors, Wang Xiangfeng and Fang Yanshan, who had just been promoted from the production workshop and were not quite used to their status, heard this shout and immediately stood up and shouted: "I promise to complete the task!"

Listening to the shouts of the three, Lin Yu gently waved his hand: "Go and get busy!"

"I still have something to do here, and I need to stay for two days. If you have anything in these two days, just tell me. When I leave here, your burden will be heavy. At that time, don't tell me that you can't do it!"

"I'm going to mess with people at that time!"

After Hong Fu and the other two turned around and left, Lin Yu took out a notebook and began to organize the technology about engineering machinery in his memory. While his memory is good now, he quickly wrote it down.

Let Hongfu seize the time to upgrade the engineering machinery to a higher level, and then seize the development dividends of the next decade, seize the next overseas market, squeeze the profits of the corresponding industries abroad, and make them have no money to pay welfare.

Then these poor people will find ways to make money in other places.

Naturally, they will fight.

He was busy making money. On the banks of the Amu Darya River, known as the umbilical cord of the Aral Sea, in the Afghan town of Hairatan, several Taliban hid in a house by the river, thinking about how to send the supplies given by the Russians back to the southern cities.

There is no way. After being driven out of Kabul, the Taliban's sphere of influence in the north has been greatly reduced, coupled with their inhuman behavior during their rule.

Other ethnic groups in the northern region will naturally not have a good attitude towards them.

Not beating them to death in the street is already a great blessing, as for transporting supplies back to the southern cities?

Don't joke.

You actually stole my supplies from my territory?

Staring at the crude map in front of him, Sari, who was sitting in the main seat, suddenly said:

"I think we should just go, go with a swagger!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a hand came from the side and hit him on the head, and at the same time there was a scolding voice:

"Do you believe it or not, as soon as we get the supplies, the news will fall into the ears of others?"

The person who reprimanded was Surrey's teacher and his superior.

Nikka, a veteran soldier who had dealt with the Soviets.

Looking at the map in front of him, he sighed and said: "As far as the current situation is concerned, we can only bring supplies from Uzbekistan, cross the Amu Darya River, and then drill into the desert."

"Enter Mazar-i-Sharif from the desert, disperse the supplies in this small city, and then disperse and transport them to Bamiyan."

"Use Bamiyan as the core and spread out the equipment in your hands."

"As for the overall transportation, don't even think about it. The Americans, the wealthy puppet government, and the rebels from other ethnic groups will definitely go crazy when they see these weapons."

With a certain route planned, there is only one question left, that is how to cross the Amu Darya River.

After all, this river is the umbilical cord of the Aral Sea. The current is not too fast, but it is relatively wide.

The relatively narrow location was guarded by troops from both countries.

A group of people looked at each other, and in the end, it was Nika who spit out the relevant plan:

"Let our people launch a large-scale attack in Kabul. If Kabul is attacked, there is a high probability that the Americans on the border will be transferred away for safety reasons."

"No matter how strong the puppet government is, we are not afraid!"

After listening to the teacher's plan, Sari scratched his head and raised his right thumb: "Okay!"

So, after a slight adjustment by Nika, a plan came out from the radio station in their hands and landed in a small city nearly 300 kilometers southwest of Kabul.


This is Abu Abiq's new nest

Hearing the news from his compatriots, the Taliban's senior leader suddenly had his head turned upside down.

He knew that the Russians had bad intentions.

Supplies enter from Uzbekistan. For the supplies, they have to go to the weak north, and then compete with the northern ethnic groups there.

Whether it is killing the northern ethnic group or the American people, it will be beneficial to the Russians.


Is there a choice?


They are now extremely short of food, guns, ammunition, and various medicines.

Now is their most dangerous time. If they can survive the present, they will still have a future. If they cannot even survive the present, there will be no future.

After thinking for a long time, he decided to agree to Nika's plan, but he made some modifications to the plan.

For example, his soldiers were divided into three parts, and one part carried out the order to fight in Kabul.

Part of them went south along the highway to attack Kandahar.

It is the second largest city in Afghanistan.

The first and second largest cities were both attacked. There was no reason for America and the puppet government not to shrink their troops.

The largest part went north to receive supplies with those operating in the Bamiyan area. After receiving the supplies, they immediately armed themselves on the spot and then launched surprise attacks on surrounding cities.

Draw some of the firepower for those fighting in Kabul, and in doing so, you can maximize the number of personnel.

After making a decision, Abu called his servants and asked them to take out the last grain from the warehouse, give each person a little, and then take action.

After leading the people away from the house where they lived, the Taliban executive stood at the mouth of the valley and looked into the distance, taking a deep breath at the setting sun, then stepped on the accelerator, and the pickup truck rushed towards Kandahar.

Under the setting sun, their pickup truck was speeding on the mountain road, its tires rolling up clouds of smoke and dust, blocking the sky.

Further to the west, in the Fertile Crescent, as the sunset slowly set, Cavani grabbed the mutton buns at hand and stuffed them into his mouth, chewed them twice, and then swallowed them hard.

The next second, he grabbed the water at hand and swallowed it in big gulps.

After eating and drinking, he turned his head to look at the team members around him and asked, "Have you all eaten? After eating, I will go over today's mission."

As soon as he finished speaking, the team member on the left immediately stood up and repeated in a low voice:

"Our mission this time is to attack the evil, America's lackey, Kirkuk Police Chief Jalim."

After saying the first sentence, the person who was retelling couldn't help laughing, but when he saw the serious faces of the others, he continued to speak with a straight face.

"Several of our team members will be shot, and at the same time, people from the police station will also be shot, but those people whose names we got must die."

"And the Americans who were monitoring Jalim must also die."

After listening to the team members' retelling, Cavani applauded gently and explained at the same time:

"So, Akaba, you and Mott will be responsible for playing the oboe later. The big trumpet belongs to you, and you will be responsible for shouting later."

"I am responsible for using the sniper rifle to show off our people, and the others are responsible for taking advantage of the chaos to deal with the people we need to deal with."

"Check the watch now. The time is now 7:23 pm. We will wait until 9 o'clock to start taking action."

"Finally, I would like to remind you that you should not show off your professional qualities, but show yourself to be somewhat capable but very arrogant."


After the explanation, the group of people fell silent again.

As the sky slowly changed, the room became completely dark.

At nine o'clock exactly, Cavani's watch on his left hand vibrated. He opened his eyes suddenly, shouted softly, led the people and weapons and walked out.

He opened the gate to the yard and pulled off the camouflage cloth covering the pickup truck. He got into the car, whistled, waited for others to get in, and stepped on the accelerator.

The Toyota pickup truck roared out of the yard and began to run wildly on the street.

In the pickup truck, Akaba also picked up the horn and shouted to the sky: "Kill the running dog Kalim!"

After shouting, he picked up the gun again and fired at the sky.

Bang bang!

The sound of gunfire is always the best medicine to make people sober.

There were still a few people on the street. When they heard the gunshots, they immediately shrank into the corner like a quail.

In the first car, Cavani drove while paying attention to the surrounding houses. When he saw the small building where Americans lived in the intelligence, he pressed the horn hard.

In the pickup truck, after receiving the signal, several people in the car took out rocket launchers and pulled the trigger at the house they had seen several times.

Two explosive grenades and four anti-personnel bombs swarmed towards the house.

After six explosions in a row, several rockets flew towards the surrounding houses.

Amid the explosions, they arrived outside Kalim's villa.

Without any extra nonsense, several rockets flew out, blowing the house into pieces and sparks.

In the villa, the explosion woke up a group of people who were drinking fermented grape juice. They got their equipment as quickly as possible, and then stared out through the window gap with red eyes.

At this time, Jialim stood up with a gun and shouted to his subordinates:

"Everyone, these guys are too bullying and actually came to our house! Now, let's kill them!"

As he said, he clenched his pistol, rushed to the first floor angrily, and opened the door.

The next second, a gunshot rang out in the chaos, and the bullet hit his chest. The huge impact knocked him to the ground.

He rolled his eyes and stopped moving.

Seeing this, the people behind didn't want to go out, but they walked in front.

Behind them were Jialim's people.

These people swarmed forward and pushed out the few people who didn't want to go out at once.

The position was stuck, and there was only one way to survive, which was to move forward.

The person who was pushed out of the door raised his gun to fight back, and at the same time, he spread his feet and prepared to run to the yard to find a cover to continue fighting back.

However, what greeted them outside was not a sniper rifle, but several anti-personnel bombs.


The anti-personnel bomb exploded, and the fragments of the explosion flew everywhere, tearing the people to pieces wherever they went.

In the room, Jialim slowly raised his head and looked around carefully.

After a few seconds, he began to shout in a very weak voice.

Then, the only people who responded to him were the people he brought out from the mountains, and the rest were dead.

Especially one of them, who happened to be lying at the door with a disfigured face, looking at him with a pair of eyes that were not closed, as if questioning why he was not dead yet.

"Too cruel." With a sigh, he began to command others to get out of the villa from other locations according to the previous agreement.

On the roof of the small building opposite the villa, watching the people getting out of the window, Cavani began to play whack-a-mole.

One shot, one.

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