

"the last one!"

After knocking the last person who jumped out of the window to the ground, Cavani put away his modified sniper AK47 and quickly left the sniper point.

He retreated so quickly that he left several bullet casings at the sniper spot.

As he left, the sniper spot fell into darkness. It wasn't until dawn the next day that several heavily armed American soldiers cautiously appeared at the sniper spot.

Captain Mandler, who was walking at the front, bent down, carefully picked up a bullet casing with tweezers, and put it in front of his eyes to study carefully.

After a long time, he expressed his judgment.

"Standard 7 rifle bullets, reloaded bullets, or modified bullets."

"It was fired using an AK47."

"However, the modification skills of these bullets are a bit poor. Not only did they not improve the power of the bullets, but the power of the bullets was reduced due to the poor air tightness."

"This corresponds to other weapon fragments we collected."

"The useful weapons and equipment in the hands of these people seem to be in a state of decline after being used for a period of time."

"This is good news for us."

"By the way, have the identities of the people in the other houses been determined?"

While speaking, Mandalay turned around and looked at a young man behind him. The young man was carrying a communication device and was talking to someone who didn't know where he was.

After a while, the young man put down his communication device, nodded his head, and said:

"A total of five houses were attacked last night. In addition to the house of the Kirkuk police chief, there were four others."

"Among the four houses, two are owned by officials from Kirkuk. These two officials were not at home when the attack occurred, so there were no casualties."

"The other two buildings, one is a CIA house, they arranged some people inside to monitor and listen in on the surrounding Iraqi officials."

"There is no one in the last building. The owner is said to have gone abroad last year and has not come back. The CIA is checking."

Hearing this, Mandalay turned to look at the slightly dilapidated house on the opposite block, frowned, and asked:

"Is this an attack on us?"

"Probably so." The young man replied and continued to add:

"Kirkuk Police Chief Jalim Azzi Bamul was born in the northern mountains and is a Sunni."

"His father, Aziz Bamul Alamud, was a young officer in the powerful army of the former Iraqi president."

"He disappeared while fighting with us, and this young man returned to his hometown and was depressed for a while."

"It was people from Baghdad who found that this young man had stronger abilities, so they pulled him out of the mountains."

"Forced the other party to become the police chief. Judging from the current public security situation since he became the police chief."

"He's doing a pretty good job, but of course it's useless in a big crisis."

"Because their small pistols and weapons that have been used for who knows how many years are useless when facing the AK47."

"Here are several descriptions of their handling of large-scale accidents. Take a look."

The young man raised his hand and handed Mandalay a small post-it note. On the post-it note, there was written the code name of the task that the Kirkuk Police Department was involved in handling in America's intelligence library.

Looking at these familiar code names, Mandalay felt very sick.

Because all these missions failed, as a special operations personnel, he had seen them all, found out these failure cases, and taught his team members to learn from them.

Therefore, he also knows the final results of these tasks.

This group of police officers, who are not very good at fighting, are very skilled at eliminating the aftermath.

very talented.

Taking a deep breath, he took out a lighter from his pocket, lit the sticky note in his hand, and continued to ask the young communications soldier:

“Have you counted the casualties of our soldiers from the port of Basra to here?”

The word casualty made the young man silent for half a second.

Soon, he spoke again and reported cold statistics: "23 people at Basra Port, 7 people at Ukri Village Pier, 12 people at Badra the first time, and 7 people at the second time."

"But the special forces we were chasing had 0 casualties!"

"If you count the four people in the CIA here..."

Before he finished speaking, Mandalay raised his hand and interrupted the young man: "The CIA's casualties have nothing to do with us. Don't bring them in."

After finishing speaking, he paused for a few seconds, turned his head to look at the center of the city, and said softly:

"To be honest, every time I see casualties, I ask myself in my heart, is it worth it?"

"Now, I think it's time to ask this question in front of those commanders."

"Let's go!"

"It will be written in the report later that this was a terrorist attack targeting high-level officials of the new Iraqi government. Those people from the CIA simply forgot about it. Don't write it in. We have been out for more than half a month and it's time to go back and resume our duties."

Hearing the meaning of the captain's words, the others threw the evidence they were holding on the ground, turned around, and followed Mandalay down the roof.

Get into the car on the street on the first floor.

The car had just started and walked some distance towards the city center when a trash can on the roadside suddenly exploded.

The arrangement of the trash cans was very clever. After the explosion, all the fragments and garbage, mixed with manure, hit the Hummer.

In an instant, the so-called bulletproof Hummer was overturned...


At the Qatar Front Command, Hanks sat on the sofa in the joint command center, staring at the ceiling with lifeless eyes, wondering what he was thinking.

Beside him, there were staff officers from various branches of the military, as well as colonels and major generals.

Although everyone was a major general, there was a difference between a major general and a major general.

Looking at Hanks with an unhappy face, no one on the scene spoke, but just watched quietly, ready to wait for this old man to speak first.

After a long time, Hanks suddenly jumped up from the sofa, and began to play the accordion frantically with both hands, while roaring loudly:

"Everyone, can you tell me where your fighting power has gone?"

"Without planes bombing and tanks clearing the way, will you not fight?"

"In just these few days, our soldiers have suffered more than 100 casualties in Iraq!"

"But the problem is that people died, the oil pipeline was not saved, and even the special forces sent out to pursue were attacked by roadside bombs just now, but they didn't die."

"All of them are disabled."

"This... what are you going to do?"

"You can't even win the security war, right?"


Faced with the questioning, the staff officers, colonels, lieutenant colonels, and major generals present looked at each other, and finally, they all chose to shut up and play dead.

But Hanks didn't intend to let them go. Instead, he stared at them with his hawk-like eyes, and said with gritted teeth:

"Today, if you don't come up with a plan for me, no one will have a meal."

Under the threat of this sentence, a group of officers scratched their heads, turned into clever ghosts, and began to come up with all kinds of bad ideas.

"We can increase the number of troops stationed!"

"We can hire criminals from all over the world to become mercenaries and let them control Iraq."

"We can increase support for various factions in Iraq..."


Hearing the same old three things again, Hanks couldn't help but let out a wail in his heart.


This is America's army. Forget it, while I'm still in office, I'll make money quickly and then get out of here quickly.

He rubbed his head with both hands, raised his eyes, looked at the people who had just spoken, and said in a cold voice:

"Go down and calculate the plan you just mentioned. Within 24 hours, come up with a feasible plan. I will report it to the Ministry of National Defense and ask the Ministry of National Defense to increase the budget."

After explaining, he was about to get up and go back to the room to sleep. A communicator sitting next to the communication equipment suddenly turned around and his eyes crossed with Hanks.

Seeing the eyes of this communicator, Hanks knew that the shit was coming again.

The next second, the scream of the communicator sounded:

"General Hanks, our four patrol convoys stationed in Kabul and Kandahar were first attacked by car bombs when they were patrolling out of the city."

"Then they were attacked by the regular troops of the Taliban, and then the air force bases stationed in Kandahar and Charikar were also attacked by rockets."

"Fortunately, the anti-aircraft missiles were powerful and stopped all the rockets."

"According to the information synchronized from the command over there, it seems that there are many Taliban who launched the attack this time!"

A lot of Taliban?

Hanks walked quickly to the military map and cast his eyes on Afghanistan, Kandahar and Kabul.

After staring at it for a while, he couldn't help but frown.

The two cities are 480 kilometers apart in a straight line.

There are countless high mountains and rivers in between, and the Taliban has just been driven out of the city, and they are in chaos internally.

Under normal circumstances, launching an attack at this time is almost like digging up your own roots and cutting off your own retreat.

So, there is definitely something wrong with this group of people launching an attack.

But there is too little intelligence in hand, and after staring at the map for a long time, he can't find out the other party's intention.

But Kandahar and Kabul absolutely cannot allow any accidents.

After thinking for a long time, he could only order the Afghan headquarters to let the external defense team shrink the defense, and at the same time let the CIA go out to find more clues.

In the afternoon, these quick-handed officers came up with corresponding plans, and when Hanks saw these plans, he wanted to knock all these people to death in front of him.

"Support the Iraqis with 100 Abrams tanks? No, can you use some brains?"

"Support 10 Patriot air defense missiles? Against whom? Against ourselves?"

"Support...get out!"

After scolding everyone away, Hanks picked up their plans and began to select the useful parts and re-copy them.

After more than half an hour, it became a new plan.

Holding the plan in his hand and looking at the time, he called Raffield.

"Dear Mr. Secretary of Defense, I hope I didn't disturb your lunch time. Because of the chaotic situation in Iraq during this period, I think it is necessary to take some targeted actions."

"I have made a targeted plan here. Do you want to take a look?"

"Send it to your email? Sure!"

"Goodbye, my dear Mr. Secretary of Defense."

After hanging up the phone, converting the plan into a scanned copy and transmitting it back to Washington through the military communication network, Hanks picked up the phone, found Dana's number, and dialed again.

"General Dana, how are you? I have a business that I want to discuss with you."

"Yes, about the situation in Iraq."

"I think we should increase support for the Iraqi government forces, but we can't let them be too strong, so a batch of cheap and easy-to-use near-expiry equipment is very suitable for them."

"In this way, they can't pose a threat to us, but they can stabilize the current messy situation."

"So, I need your help."

"Help to speak in front of Lafield, and then get a batch of suitable equipment."

After talking to the person on the other side, Hanks hung up the phone casually, turned around and threw the plan on the table into the shredder, breaking the paper into pieces.

After shredding the last piece of paper, he walked out of the room, walked to the balcony, and looked at the bay scenery outside the window in fascination.

Washington, which was a few hours behind him, had just hung up the phone when Dena turned his head and looked at Lafield next to him, and asked softly:

"Well... do you want to cooperate?"

Across from him, Lafield, who was busy at his desk, raised his head, thought for a moment, and said:

"Go find some cheap equipment internationally and throw it over. The price... you decide for yourself, just control it."

"Don't be too harsh."

After saying that, he lowered his head and continued to work.

After hearing what Dena said, he did not choose to leave, but walked to Lafield in small steps and comforted him softly:

"Mr. Minister, if you and I don't take this money, how can the president take it? If the president doesn't take it, how can the people behind the president take it?"

"What we can do is to try to dilute it, reduce the loss, and then try to use some of the money where it can really be used."

"Otherwise, one of us will definitely have a brainwave, or both of us will have a brainwave."

These words made Lafield stop, he opened his mouth, and finally chose to lower his head and continue the so-called busyness.

Seeing that he didn't want to say more, Dena had to turn around and walk out of the room.

But at the moment when the door closed, a smile suddenly appeared on Raffield's face.

Back in his office, Dena began to think about where to go and get the right equipment.

After thinking for a long time, he wrote down two names in the notebook in front of him.


Lin Yu.

After thinking for a long time, he decided to find Lin Yu and meet this partner.

After all, this partner has an opportunity for him to become a general of the United States of America.

He is still young. As long as he is cautious, careful, and not deadly, according to the current international situation and the strength of America.

He can definitely live to see that day.

Then, he can be crowned as a general of the United States of America and become a real president who is not controlled by anyone.

A person above ten thousand people, the king of all kings...

Tian Khan!

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