"Because our car has no cab, our car, in addition to the car key, has another anti-accidental touch insurance."

"Under this steering wheel, just insert another anti-accidental touch key, and you can start it."

"Of course, we also have an emergency start mode."

"Use a hammer to smash the position below, take out the fuse box inside, pull out the red and blue wires in the fuse box, connect them, and you can start it in an emergency."

"A car can only be used once, and it must be returned to the factory after use."

Lin Yu and Tang Chuan stood by with people to guide the testers to use the equipment.

Behind him, Qian Duoduo glanced at the time, it was 11 o'clock.

He simply turned around and climbed onto the logistics support vehicle with the three chefs that Lin Yu had spent 3,000 yuan to dig up.

Start the car and prepare to show the logistics support vehicle.

But just as the chef's rice was put into the pot, the order from Lu Huaxi arrived.

[All equipment will quickly move to the No. 1 shooting range 200 kilometers west of the base, and strike the targets in the target area. After completing the strike, move west again for 200 kilometers to the No. 2 shooting range.

After finishing the No. 2 shooting range, quickly move back to the directorate. ]

Along with the order came the chief examiner of this test, the head of the QA group, Yang Xue.

He also brought a map.

Several heads of weapons companies gathered in front of the map, looking dizzy.

Lin Yu only took a glance and knew the general idea.

The No. 1 shooting range is about 220 kilometers southwest of the directorate, so the distance from No. 1 shooting range to No. 2 shooting range is about 240 kilometers.

There is a triangle between the three, and the No. 1 shooting range is at the tip of the triangle.

The total straight-line distance is about 920 kilometers.

After estimating the distance in his mind, Lin Yu shook his head at the several tracked armored vehicles in the distance.

During World War II, Germany blitzed Poland. From Berlin, Germany to Warsaw, Poland, it was only 400 kilometers, which was 520 kilometers more than Germany's blitzkrieg against Poland.

And it was next to an arid and semi-arid desert.

It is estimated that these vehicles will have problems as soon as they arrive at the No. 1 shooting range, and they will have to roll to the mechanics for overhaul.

More stable.


When the messenger arrived for the second time, the convoy set off.

Departed according to the time of arrival at the director's office.

The Ordnance General Company arrived the earliest, so their armored vehicles left the earliest. Behind the armored vehicles were trucks full of various repair parts and workers.

As long as there is a problem, they can be replaced at any time.

After sending the people from the Ordnance Corporation away, the head of the Ordnance Equipment Company stood directly on the front of the car, pointed at his colleagues who were leaving, and said loudly:

"Did you see that? The armored vehicles of the Ordnance Corporation have already set off. Now, it's our turn to set off. Can we be cowardly?"

"No! Set off!"

Behind these two, the armored vehicles of the Ordnance Electronics Company followed closely, but compared with the two extremely fast armored vehicles in front, this armored vehicle was a little slow.

Because the images of their progress need to be transmitted through the camera, but because it is a prototype, the fixed angle of the camera has a little problem.

Sometimes, you can't see the road.

The more you drive, the more irritated the testers in the car become.

The more irritated they are, the slower they go.

Even the tracked self-propelled artillery of Northern Heavy Industries surpassed them and creaked past them. The head of Northern Heavy Industries, who was sitting outside the self-propelled artillery and acting as a human explosive anti-armor, also held a loudspeaker and greeted them.

There were people from Northern Heavy Industries making samples, and people from Factory 601 and Factory 3537 passed by and greeted them.

"Brother, we'll wait for you at Range No. 1. Take your time. No rush."

After saying "take your time" and greeting them, the people from Factory 601 stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, and the truck roared, dragging their towed self-propelled artillery and began to run wildly on the Gobi Desert.

The person in charge of the Ordnance Electronics Company was about to curse, but more engine sounds came from the back. He turned around and found that it was the Rheinsteel convoy.

32 test equipment vehicles, a diesel transport truck, and a vehicle that looked like a container truck.

When the container truck passed by, the person in charge even smelled a fragrance of cooking.


Maybe there was something wrong with his nose.

After the large convoy passed, the person in charge quickly asked the engineers and maintenance workers to adjust the angle of the camera and confirm that it was no longer blocking the view, and then stepped on the accelerator to catch up.

"Chi Le Chuan, under the Yinshan Mountains, the sky is like a dome, covering the four fields, the sky is vast, the fields are vast, the wind blows the grass low and you can see cattle and sheep."

As Lin Yu began to recite this folk song from the Northern and Southern Dynasties, Qian Duoduo put his hands on his eyelids, used his index finger and thumb to force his eyes open at the same time, and asked with wide eyes:

"Director, why are the grasses I see different from what I imagined?"

"Look at these grasslands, they are all bare. If you didn't say it was grassland, I would have thought it was a desert."

Lin Yu tilted his head and glanced at the position of the logistics support vehicle, then rolled on the co-pilot, adjusted his posture, and said:

"Because of overgrazing."

"In addition, the area we are walking in has degenerated into a sandy area, so all you see is bare ground."

"With our cars, if we pass over the grassland, the green grassland will not grow grass the next year."


"Oh——" Qian Duoduo showed an expression of sudden enlightenment and asked back: "Then if I poop a big ball here, can the grass grow more luxuriantly?"

This is a serious question. Lin Yu lowered his head and thought for a long time, then shook his head vigorously: "No, if I want the grass to grow luxuriantly, I have to bury you here."

Just as the two were farting and bragging, there was a traffic jam.

Lin Yu stood up slightly and looked forward. On the bald grassland, a vague road stretched westward and finally disappeared at the end of the sight.

When it was about to reach the end, the tracked self-propelled artillery of Northern Heavy Industries stopped.

The track was broken.

Under the coordination of the staff of the director's department, the convoy slowly bypassed the wheeled self-propelled artillery and continued to move forward.

Throwing away this guy who was slowing down the speed, the new team suddenly sped up and officially started racing on the bald grassland under the scorching sun.



Every car passing by the tracked armored vehicle would subconsciously step on the accelerator, blasting out billowing smoke and black exhaust gas beside it.

Every time a car blasted, the person in charge of Northern Heavy Industries would curse.

More than 200 kilometers of grassland dirt road is not far for a group of people moving at full speed.

They set out at around 11 o'clock in the morning, and arrived at the No. 1 shooting range at around 2 o'clock in the afternoon.

Seeing the so-called No. 1 shooting range, Lin Yu thought of a person, Xu Sanduo.

Because the station of the grassland squad 5 where Xu Sanduo was in the soldier assault was similar to the station of the No. 1 shooting range in front of him.

A house that was probably in the shape of a letter "目" (a square), originally with a red roof and white walls. Because of the blowing of the wind and sand, the red roof revealed a little pink, and the white walls also turned gray and yellow.

In front of the house was a wooden flagpole with a red flag fluttering on it.

The barracks faced west and east.

Next to the southern wall, there is a wooden electric pole with a black iron wire on it, like an umbilical cord.

It just stretched out from the top of the wall and broke at the position of the third electric pole.

Thirty-four soldiers stood neatly at the door of the barracks, looking at the incoming convoy with resolute eyes.

When the convoy stopped, the soldier standing on the far right quickly came to the front of the convoy, raised his hand and saluted the leader Yang Xuejing, and shouted:

"Zeng Yuan, the platoon leader of the 2nd platoon of the 2nd company of the 3rd battalion of the 9th Border Defense Regiment, was ordered to guard the No. 1 shooting range of the director's department. Now report to you! Please give instructions!"

Yang Xue raised his hand and saluted in return, saying loudly: "Squad leader Zeng, we brought you supplies this time."

"Please be responsible for signing for it, and please provide a map of the shooting range. We need to shoot and shoot to test the performance of the weapons."

Zeng Yuan saluted again.

Turning around, he shouted to the people standing at the door of the barracks: "Everyone is ready, squad one and squad two, step out, take out the map, and lead the test team to the shooting area."

"Squad three, move the supplies."

While they were busy, Lin Yu jumped off the self-propelled artillery and walked towards his own logistics support vehicle.

As soon as he arrived in front of the car, the highly paid chef gave a thumbs up and said with a smile: "The braised lamb is ready, should we start cooking now?"

Hearing this, Lin Yu raised his hand and pointed at Yang Xue, and said to the driver of the logistics support vehicle: "Drive the car to Captain Yang, I will go and talk to him."

Rush to the No. 1 shooting range, almost everyone in the company was inspecting equipment.

The scene was very quiet.

Yang Xue was explaining the shooting sequence and precautions to the testers, and the roar of the car came to his ears.

When he looked up, he found that it was the strange-looking car in Lin Yu's convoy.

At the same time, with the arrival of the car, there was a burst of fragrance.

The aroma was very light and fresh, a combination of carrots, peppers and mutton.

One sip made one's mouth water.

Just as he was about to ask, Lin Yu, wearing a 87-style camouflage uniform, came to him and asked with a smile:

"Captain Yang, do you want to eat first and then slowly test the performance of the weapon?"

Yang Xue did not look at Lin Yu, but locked his eyes on the camouflaged "container truck" next to him.

"What is this?"

"In our factory, it is code-named the 03-style logistics support vehicle. The supplies it carries can meet the needs of a company of 200 people for three days of hot food--"

He deliberately dragged a long tone on the word hot food.

While Yang Xue was thinking, Lin Yu took two steps back, came to the side of the truck, reached out and pressed the buckle on the bottom plate of the truck, turned it to the left, and then twisted it gently.

The left half of the truck cargo box was opened.

At the moment when the cargo box was opened, a stream of white steam gushed out from the cargo compartment. After that, a stronger aroma followed the footsteps of the steam and rushed into the noses of the people around.

Take down the support rod on the bottom of the truck, prop up the side panels of the cargo box, and the situation in the cargo compartment is completely revealed in front of everyone.

A huge steamer, a steamer for steaming rice, and a stainless steel deep barrel iron pot.

The aroma of buns, the aroma of rice, and the aroma of braised lamb came from the compartment.

Along with it came the chef's question in the compartment: "Is the meal ready?"

Hearing this, Yang Xue took a breath and couldn't help asking Lin Yu: "I remember that this time the bid is to increase the firepower of the team, right?"

On the opposite side, Lin Yu pointed his right index finger at the logistics support vehicle, showing his big white teeth, and asked back:

"Eating a hot meal on the battlefield can increase morale. Do I need to say how much? Isn't that a disguised firepower?"

"And aren't the firepower of the cars next to me enough?"

These words made Yang Xue unable to refute. He scratched his head and turned his eyes to the other people in the test team.

It was 11 o'clock when they went out. The group of people just had breakfast in the morning.

In the initial plan, when people arrived at the shooting range, the equipment of several companies were tested separately, and then they cooked and ate separately.

The first one to shoot would eat later, and the last one to shoot would eat first.

After shooting, they would almost finish eating.

Then they could continue on the road, go to the No. 2 shooting range, and then finish shooting, collect data, and return again.

It was perfect.

Then, there was the accident of Lin Yu. I never thought that this young man who had once pitted Gao Jun half to death would actually cause a small problem for himself today.

But...it did not violate the regulations.

The director's office did not stipulate that the test team was not allowed to eat on the road.

After rubbing his face vigorously, he sighed and picked up the loud speaker beside him and shouted: "Everyone gather! Line up according to the company and company to prepare for dinner. After dinner, shoot in order!"

"Hurry up, we need to continue to maneuver after shooting!"

At the command, people who were repairing equipment came out from all corners and followed the smell to the front of the truck.

Lined up in a neat line, got food, and ate.

After these few days of fooling around, the group of people got to know each other.

Several company leaders came to Lin Yu with food, eating mutton and saying:

"Boss Lin, you are a genius. You actually thought of a different way to get a logistics support vehicle."

"Hey, this is a question of unique vision. We are competing for firepower support in the physical sense, and Boss Lin is directly supporting us spiritually."

"Why didn't the people in our company think of this?"

"Don't think about it. Even if you go back now, it's too late. This time, Boss Lin's logistics support vehicle will definitely occupy a quota. As for the rest, we probably don't have any."

"Forget it, I'll go get another bowl of rice and eat first!"

"Leave some for the people from Northern Heavy Industries. There is a convoy behind them!"

"I saw that there are noodles in the cabinet. I'll give them some."

After being busy for more than half an hour, the three chefs finally served the more than 100 people.

After a short break, they started to clean up after the meal.

And Lin Yu and others officially delivered the equipment to the designated location and started live-fire shooting.

The first to appear were several armored vehicles from the Ordnance General Company, the Ordnance Equipment General Company, the Ordnance Electronics Company, and the 3537 Factory.

Four armored vehicles of different shapes, about 500 meters apart, then all thought of the distant mountain... small sandbags charging.

Lin Yu stood aside and suddenly thought of Don Quixote.

That downtrodden, bored, and mentally ill knight, probably rushed towards the windmill like this.

The armored vehicles fired while moving forward, hitting the sandbags in the distance and making dust fly.

Yang Xue stood by, tilting his head, with an indescribable look of disgust on his face.

After firing a base amount of ammunition, the four armored vehicles returned.

The people from the corresponding companies immediately stepped forward to check the wear of the corresponding parts.

And Yang Xue also came to Lin Yu and pointed to the sandbags in the distance:

"Are you confident?"

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