Listening to Yang Xue's words, Lin Yu spread his hands helplessly and asked back:

"Your people are holding my equipment, and you ask me if I have confidence?"

"Should I say I have no confidence, or should I say I have confidence?"

"Hurry up and do it. After finishing, we have to go to the No. 2 shooting range. After shooting at the No. 2 shooting range, we have to go back to the directorate. It's almost 1,000 kilometers back and forth, which is not so easy."

"You are worthy of being our staff officer Lin!" Yang Xue raised his right hand and gave Lin Yu a thumbs up. He turned around, took off the small red flag hanging on his waist, held the loud speaker, and gave orders to the people next to him.

"Everyone, rocket mortars, target area 5 kilometers ahead."

"Anti-tank missiles, fixed standard targets 3 kilometers ahead."

"Self-propelled artillery, standard targets 15 kilometers ahead, fire according to shooting parameters and map markings, two base ammunition."



As Yang Xue waved the flag in his hand, the tester started the fire support vehicle for the test and roared towards the starting line. The fastest one was the rocket launcher.

Five rocket launchers came to the white line sprinkled with lime.

The drivers in the car, like twins, almost stopped at the same time and pulled the handbrake.

The car closest to Lin Yu was car No. 1. Before the car stopped, the two people in the co-pilot jumped out of the car, climbed into the car, and began to adjust the angle of the launcher.

The driver of the main car also acted as an observer for range finding. He got out of the car with a rangefinder and observed the sandbags in the distance.

Two minutes later, the person in charge of calculating the distance reported the parameters, and the angle of the launcher was adjusted within one minute of him reporting the data.

At the same time, a loud voice came from three people.

"Car No. 1 is ready!"

After this shout, the drivers of the other four cars also reported the signal of being ready.

With just one order, the ready rocket launcher can spit its anger at the enemy.

In the maintenance area on the other side, hearing that Rheinsteel's equipment had begun testing, the person in charge of Factory 601 quickly put down his work, ran outside the maintenance area, found a suitable position, and started studying with a telescope.

Not long after he looked, the heads of several other arsenals also appeared behind him, doing the same operation, holding the telescope, and looking into the distance.

"His car looks very finished. Do you think we should copy it?"

"Can you please not say it so harshly? What scholars do is called borrowing. We are an arsenal, so ours is called reference. How can it be called copying?"

"What's the point of you copying? If nothing unexpected happens in this bidding, these equipments of Rheinsteel are basically a sure thing. The logistics department will frantically purchase them. With the same equipment as his, how can you compete with him?"

"No, you 3537 factory likes to boost others' ambitions and destroy your own prestige?"

The people of 3537 factory put down the telescope, looked back at the people around them, showed an expression that summer insects cannot talk about ice, shook their heads, and said with a smile. He said with regret:

"It's not that I want to boost others' morale and destroy my own prestige. For military equipment, a 200-kilometer run is basically a long-distance raid."

"When our car arrived here, everyone was busy repairing it, but what about the people from Rheinsteel? They were busy eating."

"I also peeked at the test group's recorded data just now. Their car data is very good. I even suspect that they have been researching this kind of equipment a long time ago."

"Not necessarily!" The person in charge of the Ordnance General Company suddenly spoke, and immediately drew the attention of the people around him. Then, he stretched his head forward, bent his waist, and slowly squatted down, as if he was going to tell a big secret.

Seeing this, several people around also squatted down.

Just when several people were about to squat, the head of the weapons company whispered:

"According to our boss's information, Rheinsteel's equipment seems to have been used in actual combat!"

After this, several people next to him could no longer sit still and exclaimed: "Fuck, this is not a joke, actual combat, where is it..."

"Can this be done? This tnd is not a joke, right?"

"You must be lying to me!"

Several people were talking at the same time, and their voices instantly exceeded 500 ducks, but there were louder voices than them.

"Fire!" It was Yang Xue.

As soon as the voice fell, the red flag in his hand suddenly waved down. After receiving the signal, the drivers of the five cars returned to the driver's seat and opened a black cover on the left side of the steering wheel, revealing the red button inside.

The thumb stretched forward and pressed the launch button hard.

The launch signal passed through the wire and drilled all the way to the launcher, igniting the rocket engine, which was ejected from the back of the launcher with bright flames.

Five cars, each with 24 107 rockets.

A total of 120 107 rockets, driven by the rocket engine, rushed out of the launcher and flew towards the distant target like a rainstorm.


These 120 rockets, from the first to the last, took less than a minute.

After the last rocket flew out, the three people responsible for operating the rocket launcher support vehicle divided the work again. Two people jumped onto the car to load the rockets, while the person responsible for measuring the distance jumped onto the driver's seat and moved to the next attack position.

During the gap between their transfers, the rocket had already reached the top of the sandbag in the distance.

With the help of the telescope, Lin Yu could see the sandbag in the distance very clearly, which was covered by the rocket and then exploded into yellow sand flowers one after another.

After looking through the telescope for a while, he tiptoed behind Yang Xue, tiptoed, and peeked at the data recorded by the head of the QA group.

"Distance of the landing point?"

"Explosion killing range?"

"Really? You don't think I will lie to you about these data?"

Listening to Lin Yu's question, Yang Xue looked up calmly, showing an expression of you know me, and whispered: "That's not necessarily true."

"Tsk——" Lin Yu rolled his eyes in disdain, and continued to hold the telescope to observe the second launch.

Five vehicles drove about 1 kilometer along the planned route, stopped the car to observe the distance again, adjusted the angle, aimed the rocket at the sandbag in the distance, and waved the red flag again, and another 120 rockets flew out.

No surprises.

The rocket launcher left, followed by the anti-tank missile vehicle.

Anti-tank missiles are a little more troublesome to use than rocket launchers because they use infrared laser guidance.

For safety, the anti-tank missile vehicles were tested one by one.

The driver did not stop, but kept turning in circles in the designated shooting area at a very low speed. The two people in the car, one was responsible for distance measurement, and the other was responsible for guiding the anti-tank missile with laser.

The person in charge of laser guidance held his breath and pressed the launch button hard at the moment the laser locked the target. The signal was transmitted to the launcher and the anti-tank missile ignited instantly.

The anti-tank missile on the far left was ejected. With the help of the guidance laser, it kept turning in circles, adjusting its posture and flight direction, and headed straight for the target.


With a violent explosion, the flagpole used as a target in the distance disappeared directly in the smoke and dust, and the smoke from the explosion formed a small mushroom cloud of about 10 meters.

Seeing this mushroom cloud, everyone else present couldn't help swallowing their saliva.

Yang Xue, who was standing in the distance and observing, frowned slightly, because in the information provided by Rheinsteel, the charge of this anti-tank missile was a full 6 kilograms of CL20.

In order to increase the charge, these people cut a lot of the propellant of the anti-tank missile.

With the success of the first test launch, the subsequent launches became a matter of course.

And this time, Yang Xue did not let the anti-tank missile vehicles fire one by one, but pulled all the remaining anti-tank missile vehicles together and fired them together like the rocket launcher vehicle just now.

Under the golden light cast by the setting sun, five red lines can be vaguely seen shooting into the distance. Behind these five red lines are anti-tank missiles like rain, dragging tail flames, constantly turning their butts, twisting their bodies, and crashing into the target.

Boom boom boom!

Hearing the last explosion, Yang Xue took a red pen and ticked a box on the file form of Rheinsteel's anti-tank missile vehicle.

After doing all this, he turned around and looked at Lin Yu beside him, frowning and asking with a strange face:

"I always feel that your anti-tank missile vehicle seems to be more suitable for hitting people."

"You can hit people, didn't you say you can't hit people? All anti-material equipment is very useful for hitting people, not to mention that our equipment has been through actual combat..." Halfway through his words, Lin Yu suddenly stopped talking, started whistling, and began to look around.

Next to him, staring at the young man in front of him for a while, Yang Xue picked up the horn again and shouted:

"Pull up the mortar vehicle and self-propelled artillery!"

Five 82mm mortar vehicles and two 155mm wheeled self-propelled artillery were neatly placed in the shooting area, with the same paint color and similar shapes, making these two types of equipment look like an old father and a son.

Yang Xue held the materials and asked Lin Yu with a strange look on his face:

"Can your wheeled self-propelled artillery fire directly?"

Lin Yu still looked casual, and spread his hands: "Don't ask me, you will know if you try it yourself. By the way, the first shot of the mortar is a cold start, so be careful."

After getting confirmation, Yang Xue picked up the loudspeaker and shouted:

"Prepare for the first cold start of the mortar!"

As he shouted, the tester responsible for controlling the mortar started the mechanical device, and the mortar base retreated, revealing the loading port.

The mechanical loading device next to it also rolled as the base retreated, loading the shells into the base.

The weight of the base increased, triggering the movable mechanism of the hydraulic rod, which moved and stuffed the base into the barrel, and the two fit tightly.

The tester put the firing rope on the breech block and stepped back far away.

As Yang Xue waved the red flag, the tester responsible for controlling the mortar pulled the firing rope hard, and the firing rope pulled the breech block.

The breech block drove the firing pin, which hit the mortar shell primer, followed by five consecutive crisp bangs.

The mortar muzzle ejected flames and fired the shell.

After confirming that all five mortars had fired, Yang Xue raised the small red flag again, then waved it down again, and shouted:

"All mortars, fire at full speed!"

As he shouted, the motor on the mortar support vehicle began to run at full speed, pulling open the base, inserting the shell, and then combining the base and the barrel, firing, pulling open the base again, inserting the shell again, combining again, and firing again.

Instantly, a clear and pleasant sound of "Tongtong" rang out on the vast grassland.

The shooting speed was very fast, and Yang Xue, who was standing next to him, became more and more satisfied.

After staring at it for a while, he picked up the horn again and shouted to the two self-propelled artillery in the distance:

"Everyone, take your positions, prepare for the self-propelled artillery to fire horizontally!"

Self-propelled artillery firing horizontally?

As soon as this was said, the people from the other arsenals could not sit still, for no other reason than to see how this self-propelled artillery fired horizontally.

Next to the mortar, the testers on the two self-propelled artillery heard the order, jumped off the car immediately, and began to follow the operating instructions, stuffing the shells into the barrel, putting on the firing rope, and retreating to the back of the bunker. After confirming that it was correct, they pulled the firing rope hard.

If the noise of the mortar firing was a minor incident, then the noise of the 155mm howitzer firing was a bolt from the blue.

As two thunderous explosions rang out, those who had been observing the self-propelled artillery could clearly see two balls of golden light gushing out from the artillery's retreat port.

After the thunderous explosion, the truck carrying the artillery did not move at all, standing there steadily, like a ten-thousand-year-old foundation stone.

Seeing all this, Yang Xue's face became even more excited.

Then, new orders continued to come out of his mouth.

"Deploy the artillery, 50 rounds of artillery shells, fire at full speed! Evacuate after shooting!"

After giving the order, he immediately looked down at the stopwatch in his hand. Next to the artillery in the distance, the testers responsible for operating the self-propelled artillery immediately got out of the bunker and began to deploy the artillery according to the operating instructions.

As the tester in charge of the firing order waved his hand vigorously, the two self-propelled artillery began to fire at full speed.

The split ammunition was stuffed into the barrel one by one, and then fired again, turning into a meteor in the sky, hitting the sandbag in the distance.

50 shells, it sounds like a lot, but it's actually very little.

It sounds like a small amount, but it's actually a lot, because Rheinsteel's 155mm anti-personnel grenade weighs 48 kilograms, 50 shells, that's 2.4 tons.

After firing 50 shells, the test team immediately put away the deployed self-propelled artillery, then started it, went to another shooting area 1 kilometer away, and continued to prepare.

It wasn't until the vehicle left that Yang Xue pressed the stopwatch in his hand hard.

The time on the stopwatch was fixed at 27 minutes.

He was very satisfied with this time.

In these 27 minutes, it took about 8 minutes to deploy the artillery, and about 6 minutes to put the artillery away, so it took a total of 13 minutes to fire 50 shells.

An average of 3.8 rounds per minute, which is four rounds per minute.

This shooting speed is not fast among 155mm artillery in the world, but it is not slow either.

But compared to other artillery, the deployment and folding speed of these two self-propelled artillery is very fast, ridiculously fast.

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