When you are rich, there is Rheinmetall; when you are poor, there is Rheinsteel!

Chapter 286 The key to breaking the deadlock! (Second update!)

As Lu Huaxi explained, Zhou Changyao, who was sitting next to him, handed a sealed brown paper bag to Lin Yu. There was no information on the brown paper bag, only a white seal.

Lin Yu did not take it, but looked at Zhou Changyao with curiosity. He did not quite understand why the two did not open the intelligence.

Facing his curious eyes, Zhou Changyao explained: "In fact, we already know the general mission, but you don't know, so in order to make you feel involved, we did not open this top-secret intelligence, and wanted to wait for you to open it."

As he said, he handed the brown paper bag in his hand forward a little. This time, Lin Yu did not refuse, but stretched out his hand, took the brown paper bag, and then opened it.

In the brown paper bag, there was a very brief intelligence, the main content of which was a detailed introduction to the current status of the Taliban in Afghanistan.

[Because the American and Afghan authorities have been killing the Taliban, after more than a year of struggle, differences have begun to appear within the Taliban, and a substantial split has been formed.

The Taliban in the west and the central and northern regions gradually raised objections to the actions of the mullahs.

However, at present, based on the name of the Taliban, they still form a certain degree of cooperation on the surface.

The Taliban in the central, eastern, and southeastern regions, especially those close to Pakistan, have put forward new demands, that is, for the sake of the great cause, they can retaliate and destroy all non-Pashtun people.

At the same time, a large number of poppies have appeared throughout Afghanistan in the past year.

The holders of these poppies include but are not limited to new government officials, regional resistance forces, the Taliban, al-Qaeda, and the American garrison. 】

Seeing the word "poppy", Lin Yu's mind appeared some data that he had seen in Gao Jun in his previous life.

In 2007, according to the International Narcotics Control Board, Afghanistan's poppy cultivation area was about 193,000 hectares, making it the world's largest producer of opium and heroin, producing nearly 90% of the world's heroin!

Two of the world's three major drug dens are around him.


After reading the intelligence, Lin Yu handed it to Lu Huaxi. After Lu Huaxi took it, he took a quick look and put it aside. Then he said softly:

"My idea is that you will use a group of manpower and material resources to enter Afghanistan and cut off the passage for those scum and drugs to go to our country."

"Then, we will increase our strength on the border, grab with both hands, and use both hands together, and we should be able to cut off these people's thoughts."

Listening to Lu Huaxi's plan, Lin Yu fixed his eyes on the Western Regions outside the snowy plateau.

He was thinking about how to break the situation.

After a thousand years of absence from the Western Regions, it was Islam when we saw it again.

In Jerusalem, where Islam originated, those Arab brothers have been flipping through the Koran and began to translate some classics in the Koran, and then used them to fit their current lives.

Let the ancient scriptures shine and emit divinity in their hands again.

And the Central Asian region where the doctrine is spread.

Especially Afghanistan and other countries, they are still holding on to the ancient scriptures.

The survival instinct under the harsh geographical and climatic conditions, the ethnic exclusive cognition formed by geographical reasons, and the commercial instinct generated by the location on the main traffic route.

Makes Afghans look simple, but in fact they are all profiteers.

The kind that kills people without paying for their lives.

So these people are almost at ease in planting poppies, refining drugs and selling them, without any guilt at all, and even feel that they have found a good business.

After all, drugs are easier to make money than other businesses.

After staring at the map and thinking for a long time, Lin Yu turned around, looked at Lu Huaxi and asked:

"Do we have anyone in Pakistan? The kind of people who have a good relationship with us, are willing to make friends with us sincerely, and are even willing to go to the battlefield with guns."

"Yes!" This time, the person who answered was Zhou Changyao. His answer was very sudden, but also very certain. After saying a word, he took the teacup next to him and drank tea leisurely.

After getting an answer from him, Lin Yu thought for a moment and said to Lu Huaxi:

"I need to make a few calls to Iran to confirm some things."

Lu Huaxi raised his hand and pointed to the phone on the table: "Encrypted phone, the identification code for Iran is 1147. Before dialing the number, dial 1147 first, then dial the number you want to dial, and you can make the call."

Lin Yu walked to the phone, but did not dial the Iranian identification code first. He called Qian Jianguo first. After confirming from the other party that the construction team to Iran had set off, and the corresponding construction materials had also set off, he picked up the phone, pressed 1147, and then pressed Sonya's number.

A few seconds later, a sneaky voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Lin Yu?"

"It's me!"

"Why do you change your number every day?"

"I want to ask you something. Are there large-scale poppy cultivation in the southern regions of Afghanistan, such as Uruzgan, Kandahar, and Zabul?"

"Um..." Suniya on the other end of the phone fell silent. Just when Lin Yu thought he was in a dilemma, a slightly serious voice came from the other end of the phone:

"According to the information we have received, it is not just the three provinces you mentioned, but also Ghazni, Paktika, and Bamyan further east, Helmand, Nimroz further west, and even the entire Afghanistan. , poppies appeared.”

"And some of them have been sold to Iran."

"Why are you asking? Did those dogs sell the poppies to you?"

"Congratulations on your correct answer, but why do I sound a little unhappy with them from your tone?"

"Nonsense. According to Islamic teachings, even smoking and drinking are not allowed. Do you think you can let them take drugs?"

"As defenders of the Islamic world, our slogan is to kill every poisonous insect we catch!"

"The day before yesterday, our special operations team of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards executed a group of drug dealers in the mountainous area on the border of Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan. Those bunch of bastards didn't even have enough to eat, and they even thought about taking drugs. If you call Come here, are you trying to attack them?"

"Congratulations, dear Commander Sunia, you have guessed my idea correctly again. Do you know any normal Taliban over there?"

"I revealed to you last time that it is normal for me to act as a middleman and introduce the Taliban to the Russians. Do you need my help to introduce you to them?"

"Let's talk again when we have a chance. I'll go and do other things first. Also, my construction materials and workers have already set off. You should pay attention to receiving them and pay attention to safety."

After explaining the precautions, Lin Yu turned his head, looked at Lu Huaxi and Zhou Changyao next to him, and said softly:

"If what Suniya said is correct, then the poppy growers in Afghanistan have become a climate change."

"It might be a little more troublesome."

After listening to his words, Lu Huaxi frowned subconsciously, but Zhou Changyao raised his eyes and looked at Lin Yu curiously. His head kept shaking, as if he was exploring Lin Yu's thoughts.

But after watching for a while, he found that he couldn't understand the young man's thoughts, so he simply asked directly:

"The plan you just made doesn't work?"

"It's not that it's useless, it's more complicated." After explaining, Lin Yu turned around, walked to the world map, picked up the red marker on the map, and circled Afghanistan, Iran, and Pakistan.

Finally, he wrote a few words on the maps of these three countries.

Food, clothing, housing and transportation.

Holding these four words with his fingers, he continued to explain: "Due to years of war and harsh geographical and climatic conditions, whether it is their government, the military armed forces, or ordinary civilians, there is no guarantee that they will be able to deal with the situation in front of them. When it comes to the interests of poppy cultivation, they will choose to directly embrace it.”

"If we want to destroy their poppies, they will fight us desperately. If we leave directly, we will be on the opposite side of them. Under America's instigation, they will become more natural and unscrupulous."

"So at this time, we need to take a two-pronged approach."

"On the one hand, we need to find a suitable and relatively normal Taliban branch from the Taliban side and cooperate with them."

"You two also heard what Suniya said just now. According to the teachings expounded in the Quran, smoking, drinking, and taking drugs are not allowed."

"As long as this branch of the Taliban quotes the teachings of the Quran, they can use their righteousness to severely deal with these guys who grow poppies."

"This is a big stick."

"Then the second step is the carrot. This carrot is divided into two directions. One direction is the Taliban branch that cooperates with us."

"How we established a country back then can teach these guys how to build a new country, but we must be careful not to conflict with their Koran."

"They have been scattered now. It is when they are weak and confused. We can just take advantage of it and let them know how to build a team and how to establish a suitable base."

"If they live well in their base areas, they will be in sharp contrast with the surrounding living environment, thus causing a siphon effect on the surrounding areas."

"They will slowly get stronger."

"The other branch is to take voluntary action among the people and send some bolder people into areas where opium poppies are not grown in various ways to help local people transform their living environment, transform their agricultural foundation, and help them grow more poppies. food."

"Food is the core of everything."

"With more food for ordinary people, do you think they will be beaten?"

"After being beaten? Will they be angry? Will they think after being angry?"

“When people start thinking, that means they’re looking.”

"At the point in time they were looking for, there was a qualified, official Taliban who seemed out of tune with the others."

"Religious identification and identification with the future will force them to follow this Taliban, because following the other party is protecting their own lives."

Lin Yu stopped talking and wrote the words "Taliban" on the map, and then used a marker to connect these words to other Afghan provinces with lines.

"People seeking normal life and the normal Taliban complement each other!"

"But other forces will never want to see this scene. They will fight. Then, if they find an opportunity to use these poppies, a group of people can beat the brains out of a dog!"

Looking at Lin Yu's hand, Lu Huaxi and others fell silent.

Very poisonous!

Because it is all about controlling people's hearts. If people are not so greedy, they will not be led by him. However, you can tell with your ass that there are few good people in that war-torn land? How many people can suppress their greed?

He looked at the map and stared at it for a while, then looked up and asked, "What about Pakistan?"

Although Lu Huaxi asked about Pakistan, the location of his finger was the Toba Gagar Mountains in southern Afghanistan, which borders Pakistan.

Looking at the broken mountains, Lin Yu nodded:

"Similarly, send agricultural experts to help them build new farmland water conservancy facilities, but don't get too involved in politics. There has always been a lot of opposition to us in Pakistan."

"There are still many terrorists who have been attacking our people."

"As long as we lay a good foundation and use the relationship between Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iran, we can kill all the terrorists who jump back and forth on their borders."

As he said, he picked up a red marker and drew a big x on the world map.

Seeing the big cross, Zhou Changyao let out a long breath, drank the last sip of tea in his hand, and said:

"You let your people go back first, you stay here, spend about a week to sort out this plan completely."

"It just so happens that we also need to compile a report on the results of this bidding and report it to the higher-ups, who will decide the final parameters and finally accept and finalize the design."

"When the equipment passes the acceptance and is completely finalized, you can have stable orders."

"When these two reports are submitted together, it will only benefit you, not harm you."

Hearing that he had to write a report again, Lin Yu was overwhelmed. He never expected that after graduating with a doctorate in his previous life, he plunged into the research institute, and was either doing research, writing papers, or on the way to writing reports all day long.

He changed his way of life in this life, and he didn't even go to study for a doctorate, but now he still has to write reports, and he has to write more and more serious reports!

His life is so miserable.

He turned around and sat on the sofa, picked up the tea on the table and took a few gulps, then he stood up and said goodbye to Lu Huaxi.

Since I'm here, I'll make the best of it. I'll arrange my work first, and then come back to write the report. I'll write it slowly, just as a way to keep healthy.

He walked slowly all the way to the barracks where Qian Duoduo and others were, and then he found that people from other companies were already packing their luggage and preparing to go home.

Compared with them, the people from Rheinsteel seemed calmer. They were all lying on their beds and sleeping like dead pigs.

Seeing this, Lin Yu walked out of the barracks again and went to the canteen in the garrison. He spent fifty cents to buy a string of firecrackers as long as his arm. He fumbled in his pocket for a long time, and took out a lighter that he didn't know who it belonged to, and walked back to the barracks happily.

He lit the firecrackers and threw them into the room.

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