Pah, pah, pah!

The 50-cent firecrackers were only as long as an adult's forearm. It took no more than 10 seconds from the time they were lit and thrown into the room to the time they exploded.

After the crackling explosions, a strong smell of gunpowder came out of the room.

Along with the gunpowder came Qian Duoduo and others.

Lin Yu stood at the gate, smiling at these people. Those who came this time had basically seen the training of the security department.

He also knew that he couldn't take off his clothes during lunch break, so he didn't see the naked buttocks he wanted to see.

Shaking his head in disappointment, Lin Yu clenched his right fist and put it to his mouth, imitating a megaphone and said loudly:

"Comrades, we have won the bid this time, but don't be too happy."

"Because before the formal large-scale purchase, we still need to undergo an acceptance inspection."

"After the acceptance inspection, our equipment will get a model and name."

"After getting this name and code, we can walk outside and say loudly to other arsenals that we have also got a model name for our equipment!"

"We are also powerful people!"

"So! Qian Duoduo!"

Hearing the suddenly raised voice, Qian Duoduo subconsciously shouted: "Here!"

But his shouting, coupled with the messy hair and the face temporarily blackened by gunpowder smoke, is ridiculous no matter how you look at it.

Lin Yu forced himself to be serious, suppressed his laughter, and began to assign tasks:

"This bidding work has been completed. I still have some work to do next, which will take about a week."

"You, let the escort go back first, you stay here with the technical staff."

"Wait for Tang Chuan and Captain Yang to connect the test data, and then take them back quickly."

"Tang Chuan, after you go back, quickly correct the test data this time, and then adjust a new set of technical standard documents."

"Then the confidentiality level of this technical standard document is level one confidentiality!"

"Then it's the production department. Let the production department quickly produce a batch of new vehicles according to the new technical standards."

"Let the weapons test team quickly test and make corrections while testing."

"Because Director Lu said that when the report from the director's department is uploaded, the people from the acceptance team may go down with us."

"Do you understand?"

After listening to the work arrangement, the other people from Rheinsteel also straightened their backs and shouted loudly: "I understand!"

"Go to rest!" Lin Yu waved his hand, turned around, and walked towards the dormitory assigned to him by the director's department. The conditions there were better.

It was also quieter.

Back in the dormitory, lying on the bed, Lin Yu closed his eyes and began to look for Afghan celebrities in his memory that he had seen in the materials in the future.

Two minutes later, he fell asleep.

When he woke up again, it was already late at night. He moved his body, which felt useless, pulled the quilt over, ignored his rebellious belly, and continued to sleep.

The next day, when he was still lying in bed, the door of the dormitory was kicked open from outside, and Lu Huaxi walked into the room like a crab:

"Young man, how can you sleep? How can you sleep at your age?"

"You actually wasted your good time on sleeping, it makes no sense!"

"Get up!"

On the bed, Lin Yu opened his confused eyes and turned his head to look at the alarm clock on the bedside. It was 5:12 in the morning.

And the well-known wake-up call time is 6 o'clock in the morning.

Lying on the bed and sighing, he could only leave the bed reluctantly, grab the washbasin and go into the public toilet, wash up quickly, and appear in front of Lu Huaxi in a half-asleep and half-awake state.

It was too early, and even the water for cooking porridge in the kitchen had not boiled yet. As a last resort, the two could only sit on the steps at the entrance of the canteen, holding their chins and looking at the early sunshine in the sky.

Because of the latitude, the early sunshine on the northern grassland is very bright and dazzling.

After staring at it for a while, Lu Huaxi suddenly asked, "I heard from your teacher that you are building a shipyard?"


"Are you interested in building an aircraft carrier?"

"No money, no materials, no people, and we can't do it for now."

"Do you have the skills?"


"Then you should say that you have no money, no skills, no materials, no people, and we can't do it!" After correcting the mistake in Lin Yu's words, Lu Huaxi stretched and leaned against the painted steel pillar in the cafeteria behind him.

When his head was stable, he asked softly, "Lin Yu, what do you think will happen to our country in 20 years?"

"20 years later?" Lin Yu leaned back and lay directly on the cement floor at the entrance of the cafeteria.

Twisting his body, he whispered:

"At that time, we will definitely be stronger than we are now, and the bloodletting therapy we performed on America should have worked at that time."

"Therefore, America's military strength will definitely weaken, and we will catch up with them."

"By then, our voices will no longer be ignored."

"When we speak, even if others don't want to listen, they must stand by and listen to us completely, and then they can express their opinions."

"By the way, we will also have our own space orbital space station and lunar base station."

"That is something that belongs to us alone, big and spacious, we can even raise fish and grow crops in it."

As a Chinese, it took Lu Huaxi only two seconds to catch the blind spot in Lin Yu's words. His body bounced up like a spring, and he tilted his head and asked, "Can crops be grown on the moon?"

Faced with doubts, Lin Yu tilted his head expressionlessly and responded seriously, "You can use manure mixed with lunar soil to grow crops!"

"Oh!" After listening to the explanation, Lu Huaxi nodded repeatedly.

After the reform and opening up, a large number of science fiction works from home and abroad poured into China, and around 2000, it was in a blowout period.

Many science fiction films and literary works have descriptions of using manure mixed with lunar soil to grow crops. As a director, Lu Huaxi sometimes couldn't find inspiration, so he would study these science fiction works and naturally understood what this meant.

However, there is a core problem.

That is how to send manure to the moon.

Send people there to produce it slowly, or use rockets to transport manure from the earth directly.

Just when he was about to delve into it, the canteen door behind him opened.

The squad leader of the kitchen team walked behind the two men, squatted down, and whispered: "Two leaders, the steamed buns are ready!"

"The steamed buns are ready?" The words of the squad leader of the kitchen team made Lu Huaxi unusually excited. He stood up quickly and went into the cafeteria at a speed that was not in line with his age.

Not long after, he came out with a plastic bag of buns and a bucket of porridge.

Nodding to Lin Yu's head: "Let's go! Overtime!"

Looking at the people leaving quickly, Lin Yu hurriedly followed. As the two disappeared at the gate of the small white building, the dark overtime began.


Looking forward to it, looking forward to it, the plane came, and the person who delivered the information arrived.

In Lu Huaxi's office, Lin Yu held the teacup in both hands and drank tea leisurely, but his shaking left leg betrayed him severely.

"Don't shake! After all, you have seen the world. How can a CEO with hundreds of billions a year be nervous at this time?" Zhou Changyao sat next to him, also holding a teacup.

He said with contempt.

However, just after he finished speaking, he received Lin Yu's disdainful gaze and words.

"Why did the tea in your hand spill out?"

Zhou Changyao continued to hold the teacup, stopped shaking his legs, and asked back: "Yes! Why?"

During the conversation between the two, the office door was pushed open, and Lu Huaxi walked into the office alone, put the two sealed brown paper bags in his hand on the table, raised his finger, and said to Lin Yu:

"Look for yourself!"

Lin Yu did not take it, but trembling with his hands, pushed the two documents in front of Zhou Changyao: "Director Zhou, help me take a look!"

"Look at your bear! It's almost like my grandson looking at the college entrance examination results!" Finding a suitable analogy, Zhou Changyao picked up the brown paper bag on the table, carefully tore off the seal, and took out the contents.

An envelope and a folded piece of letter paper.

Zhou Changyao didn't even look at it, and handed it directly to Lin Yu. He took the letter paper and opened it. There were only a few words in it.

[Comrade Lin Yu, in the envelope are some things you need.

As an old man, there is a sentence I hope you will remember.

That is, a gentleman should keep integrity and survive! ]

After repeating the last sentence several times, Lin Yu shook his head helplessly.

A gentleman should keep integrity and survive, which comes from the Biography of Liu Xiang in the Book of Han. The original words are that a gentleman should be alone and keep integrity.

The meaning of the paraphrase here is to let oneself stick to the bottom line of principles in the heart, stick to the rules and regulations of words and deeds, so that one can have a clear conscience and feel at ease.

At this moment, Zhou Changyao quietly appeared behind Lin Yu and said cheerfully:

"It seems that the higher-ups think highly of you. Even for us, it is difficult to get the title of gentleman, let alone a gentleman who should keep to the right path and survive."

"As long as you don't mess around, you will have a promising future!"

"Quickly take a look at what's in the other file bag? To be honest, I'm looking forward to the code name of your equipment."

After saying that, he turned his head to look at Lu Huaxi, but found that the other party was holding his chin with his hand, as if thinking about something.

So he simply asked directly: "What are you thinking about?"

The questioning sound made Lu Huaxi come back to his senses. He held his chin with his left hand and responded seriously: "I'm thinking about whether I should show my calligraphy attainments and copy this sentence."

"I can write it myself!" Lin Yu suddenly interrupted and opened the second kraft paper bag.

Inside the kraft paper bag was a thick stack of technical parameter documents.

When he took out the technical documents, Lu Huaxi and the others immediately looked at the main title of the technical documents. Seeing the rather domineering name, they breathed a sigh of relief.

[Codename: Snow Leopard All-terrain Firepower Vehicle Technical Design Finalization Parameter Description Document]

With a little saliva on his right index finger, Lin Yu gently turned to the first page, which was the prologue description.

Very short.

[Congratulations to Rheinsteel Group for winning the championship in the Army Equipment Bidding initiated by our Military Equipment R\u0026D Steering Group (formerly Equipment Development Group) and organized by the Three-Service Directorate and the General Logistics Department. ]

[In order to ensure that weapons and equipment can keep pace with the times, we now officially issue the relevant all-terrain firepower support vehicle design parameter description documents to your company to facilitate your company to develop according to parameter requirements. ]

[At the same time, after discussion, it was decided to issue the code name Snow Leopard to your company for subsequent Army equipment research and development work. ]

[According to the classification, the Snow Leopard series equipment is temporarily divided into Snow Leopard all-terrain light fire support vehicle, Snow Leopard all-terrain heavy self-propelled artillery, and Snow Leopard all-terrain logistics support vehicle. ]

[In this document, the Snow Leopard all-terrain light fire support vehicle specifically refers to a light armored unit with (or without) overall curb weight of 3 tons or less, which can effectively pass through grasslands, mountains, deserts, and soft sandy areas, and can provide fire support and transportation support for soldiers (the requirement for passing through swamp areas is to replace special tires or special swamp models). ]

[Curb weight: 3,000 kg (including at least two base ammunition)]

[Base ammunition: rocket launcher support vehicle, one base is 48 107mm rockets, and the warhead charge must not be less than 4kg.

Mortar support vehicle, one base is 120 artillery shells.

Anti-tank missile vehicle, one base is 12 anti-tank missiles.

Air defense missile vehicle, one base is 12 air defense missiles.

12.7mm heavy machine gun support vehicle, one base ammunition is 1000 rounds. 】

[Other models: In order to meet more combat needs, we hope that each unit will develop more models, such as anti-artillery radar models, air defense radar models, electronic warfare suppression models...]

[Special requirements: 1: It is required to be equipped with airdrop and lifting functions to meet the needs of airdrop and helicopter lifting.

2: The vehicle speed must not be less than 70 kilometers per hour.

3: Radar reconnaissance...


[In this document, the Snow Leopard all-terrain heavy self-propelled artillery specifically refers to the wheeled self-propelled artillery with an overall curb weight of 35 tons or less, which can effectively pass through grasslands, mountains, deserts, and soft sandy areas, and can provide fire support for soldiers...]

[Curb weight: 35 tons or less. ]

[Base ammunition: 120 rounds, of which the grenade type configuration is detailed in the subsequent parameter list. 】

[Other requirements...]

[In this document, the Snow Leopard all-terrain logistics support vehicle specifically refers to a logistics support vehicle with an overall curb weight of 35 tons or less, which can effectively pass through grasslands, mountains, deserts, and soil areas, and can provide hot meals for soldiers...]

[Curb weight: 35 tons or less. ]

[Special requirements: 1. Please develop targeted models according to the different geographical conditions of our country.

2. Try to simplify the cooking process, but do not reduce the quality of the dishes.

3. Have countermeasures...]

After a rough look at the document, Lin Yu's heart was relieved. The technical requirements in the document were troublesome.

But that was only troublesome for others, not for himself.

Now Rheinsteel has become a climate. For these requirements, he only needs to put the documents on the table and call the people from the R\u0026D department over, and the people from the R\u0026D department can easily solve them themselves.

According to the requirements above, if it's faster, the improvement can be completed in two or three months to meet the technical requirements of the design documents.

In other words, at the end of the year at most, the name Snow Leopard will be his!

But when he thought of the young people in the future who liked to call him Cheese Snow Leopard, he couldn't help but have a headache.

This code name... doesn't seem... so nice.

As for the more troublesome thing, it's Afghanistan!

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