The house is a common mud house in Afghanistan. Its main function is to keep warm, so the windows on the wall are not big.

The afternoon sun shines in from the window, sprinkles on the center of the room, and sprinkles on everyone's face, making them look like gods in myths and legends.

However, the only person who spoke did not get much sun on his face.

He looked out of tune with the others.

The next second, he moved his butt forward into the sun, opened his mouth again, and said what he thought:

"We can grow poppies. As long as we grow poppies, all problems will not be problems."

Hearing his affirmative words, except for Abu, the rest of the people present subconsciously moved their butts and distanced themselves from this person.

As for Abu, who was sitting opposite, he slowly looked at his deputy Aulli in front of him.

As a resistance organization.

The Taliban is not a monolithic entity. The organizers of the Taliban in each region are strictly considered to be a separate faction. Under these separate factions.

There are more defectors.

Most of them joined the Taliban with villages and families as their bond.

Each village and family is a separate faction.

And Awul is the son of the leader of a larger family under him.

He is very smart.

But now, this young man's intelligence seems not to be used in the right way.

Looking at him, Abu lowered his head and thought about what words he should use to bring people back to the right path.

While he was thinking, Aulli on the opposite side stood up, bent over, and began to persuade others:

"Do you know how profitable this thing is? This time I led the team to attack Kabul, and our weapons were pitifully simple."

"But do you know how good the equipment of the Taliban and al-Qaeda distributed on the Pakistani border is?"

"They even have anti-tank missiles and anti-aircraft missiles!"

"Do you know what that is? That thing is used to shoot down tanks and planes!"

"Look at us! In order to get these broken guns from the Russians, our people are divided into several waves, sneak attacking Kabul, Kandahar, There are also people going to the north to provide support. "

"Many people died, and the guns they got all had problems and needed to be recalibrated!"

"Is it interesting?"

"No, we are now at a critical juncture of life and death. If we don't make changes, then there is only one way to go, death, waiting for us."

"According to the statistics yesterday, we can directly mobilize less than 3,000 people with combat effectiveness in several surrounding provinces."

"Mr. Abu, you are our religious leader and our leader. Tell me, what should we do?"

Auli became more and more excited as he spoke, and his whole body came to Abu.

As a person who has been preaching for many years, Abu can feel the anger in the heart of this young man, but he is also confused now.

He can't answer this question for the time being.

Licking his dry lips with his tongue, Abu turned around and walked towards the exit of the room. After opening the heavy wooden door, he turned back and whispered:

"I will think about your question carefully and seek the answer from God."

"But before I find the answer, I don't want anyone to act without authorization!"

Leaving a word, Abu disappeared at the door.

Walking on the road in the village, Abu felt that the weather, which was originally cool, suddenly became very sticky and very uncomfortable.

Returning to his residence, he took out a book with a faded cover from the bookcase, held it solemnly with both hands and walked to the window. In the light by the window, he opened the book that he had read countless times.

Starting from the beginning, he read it word by word.

He hoped to find the answer he wanted from it and find some solutions to the difficulties.

While he was looking for the answer, Awuri sat back on the carpet in the room he had just left and began to tell about his battle in Kabul this time.

"You don't know how dangerous our trip was this time!"

"I led my men north along the road, hiding during the day and moving at night, and finally reached the Balgam Air Force Base in Charikar."

"I divided the men into two groups, one responsible for cover and the other for attack."

"As soon as the rockets were deployed, they were fired out by us."

"After seeing our signal, the other group of people responsible for cover in the city also launched an attack and led the enemy to the west."

"Then, we ran east together."

"Not long after running east, we ran into the Panjshir rebels, just when we thought we were going to die."

"Our brothers in northern Pakistan saved us."

"They had brand new weapons, and they were even equipped with anti-armor weapons, instead of using the garbage in our hands like us!"

"As long as we start growing poppies, everything will be fine!"

"So, what we need to do now is to grow poppies on a large scale, extract them, and then sell them."

"By growing these things, we will have enough money to buy weapons, and at the same time, we can use the money to bring in officials from the new government."

"Then we can also show up openly, instead of hiding in the ravine like rats like now."

He became more and more excited as he spoke, and in the end, the whole room was covered with his saliva.

His saliva was not wasted, because after listening to his words, the other people all showed thoughtfulness on their faces.

It seemed that they were thinking about the feasibility of this matter.

Looking at the reactions of several people, Aulli knew that it was still a little short of the fire, but he also knew that there was no need to rush some things.

Being too anxious might cause problems.

Take a deep breath, he walked towards the door with a look of disappointment, walked to the door, opened the door, and turned his head to the people in the room and said:

"I know everyone is trying to find a way, but this is the only way at present."

"Also, in fact, the mullah leader also knows about the cultivation of poppies, but he did not object."

"So, everyone, please take the time to persuade Mr. Abu."

Leaving a word, Aulli closed the door and slowly walked into the village.

After walking around the intricate village twice, he returned to the house where his people were.

As soon as he entered the yard, the people inside couldn't wait to ask: "What did Mr. Abu say?"

"He didn't say!"

"This...are we really going to go to war with him?" Listening to Awuli's words, the person asking the question showed embarrassment on his face.

After all, they also brought a mission this time.

It was still a not-so-glorious mission-killing the old leader.

Hearing this, Awuli also showed an embarrassment on his face. Taliban means religious students, so the Taliban in a region are almost all from the same school.

And Abu is the highest-ranking person in their faction.

Killing him is not a big problem.

The problem is how to kill him quietly, quietly, without being discovered by others.

After thinking for a moment, Awuli walked around the two people in front of him, walked into the depths of the room, and then skillfully lifted the carpet on the bed and took out a satellite phone from the secret compartment under the carpet.

After thinking for a while with this stupid, big, black thing, he took out his watch, stared at the time on it, and then dialed a familiar number on the satellite phone.

The satellite phone was dialed, and Awuli was doing two things at once, looking at the watch and listening to the voice.

The watch went for two minutes, and he hung up the phone without caring whether the call was connected or not.

After waiting for another two minutes, he dialed again.

It was still the same operation method, hanging up the phone after two minutes, and dialing again after two minutes.

This time, the person on the other end of the phone spoke first: "Awuli, what's the matter?"

"Mr. Abu..." In a few words, Awuli told the argument between him and Abu, as well as some guesses.

After speaking, the person on the other end of the phone was silent for a moment, but after this short silence, the person on the other end said very decisively: "Give him a week. If there is no action after a week, you can only say sorry to him!"

The words "sorry" came out clearly from the phone, making Awuli, who was holding the satellite phone, flash with ferocity in his eyes.

A few seconds later, he put away the fierceness in his eyes, raised his head, and said to the phone: "Understood!"

The satellite phone was hung up.

Auli wrapped the satellite phone with cloth, put it back under the carpet, walked out of the room like nothing happened, and sat leisurely under the shade of the trees in the yard with his fellow villagers.

Preparing for the next dinner.

They were preparing dinner. Three hours to the east, a dinner party was going on in the square of the Rhine Steel Residential Area under the moonlight.

It was a celebration party for Rhine Steel.

A celebration party to celebrate Rhine Steel's success in the military industry.

As the old factory director and also a good guy, the host of this dinner party naturally fell on him.

He stood on the stage at the front of the square, holding a loud speaker and shouting:

"Everyone, today's celebration banquet is held for our Rheinsteel to win a city in the military industry, and it is also held for our factory director Lin Yu!"

"Now, everyone raise your glasses, no matter if your cups are hot water, cold water, soda, or wine, now, raise your glasses and shout with me!"

"Thank you for your hard work, Factory Director Lin Yu!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the people in the audience stood up one after another, countless hands raised, shook the wine glasses in their hands, and shouted:

"Thank you for your hard work, Factory Director Lin Yu!"

"Thank you for your hard work, Factory Director Lin Yu!"

"Thank you for your hard work, Factory Director Lin Yu!"

"Thank you for your hard work, Factory Director Lin Yu!"

After shouting more than a dozen times in a row, Qian Jianguo raised the loudspeaker again: "Now, please invite our Factory Director Lin Yulin to come to the stage and say let's start the banquet!"


"Okay!" Another sound like a tsunami, spreading far away in the night.

At the table in front of Qian Jianguo, Lin Yu heard this and reluctantly pulled out the shrimp in his mouth, walked slowly onto the stage, took the loud speaker, and said to the audience:

"Let me say a few words!"

As soon as these six simple words came out, the audience was stunned.

In their anxious eyes, Lin Yu coughed lightly and said:

"Really just two sentences!"

"First, we only won the first place in the bidding, but have not yet officially passed the design acceptance, so the next work of the fire support vehicle team is to take acceptance as the main goal."

"However, we don't do anything fake. If the acceptance is passed, we will come up with equipment. Therefore, the work of the R\u0026D department is very heavy, and the work of the purchasing department is also very heavy."

"Second, today is a big banquet, don't act like a starving ghost. If I see someone folding vegetables later, I will kill him!"

"With these two sentences, let's start the banquet now!"

As soon as the banquet was called, the people in the audience immediately started to move, reaching out their hands to the big elbows, big fat chickens, big shrimps and big fish on the table as fast as possible.

But halfway through reaching out, they all remembered what Lin Yu said, so they could only sit down with a smile and eat slowly with chopsticks.

It was very awkward.

On the stage, Lin Yu threw the speaker into Qian Jianguo's hand, jumped off the stage, and sat back down in his seat.

"Shrimp! I want that big shrimp!"

"Here you go crab!"

"The crab has no meat, give me the shrimp!"

"Here are the sea cucumbers for you. Sea cucumbers are more nutritious!"

"I want shrimp! Shrimp! Prawn!"

"Here you fish! This one is more filling!"


"Come on, Mr. Lin. I've been here with you for so long and I've been busy getting equipment. I haven't had a good drink with you. The people from the QA group are here. Let's have a drink together."

"Why is your wine steaming?"

"Why does your wine have no flavor?"

"Why is your wine... a little green? Why is there still half a bean sprout?"


It hurts, as if someone had hit my head with a hammer.


The mouth felt like it had been roasted by fire!

Lin Yu slowly opened his eyes, only to find that he was in a very strange room.

The room is very neat and clean, and you can still vaguely smell a light orchid aroma. It is completely different from my home on the first floor, where you can often smell a light musty smell.

As for the other layout in the room, it is very simple. There is nothing except a white European-style wooden bed and a white European-style wardrobe.

There were no familiar celebrity posters on the wall.

The door to the room is closed.

The door is not a common painted wooden door, but a very delicate solid wood door.

The only window that lets in light is not the common checkered glass of Rheinsteel, but a very, very unusual galvanized aluminum alloy window!

Looking at the window, Lin Yu pressed his head, which was still a little dizzy, and something he didn't dare to say came to his mind.

Could it be that he has traveled through time again?

Otherwise, why would you be in this room?

As soon as this idea came to his mind, his legs stood up uncontrollably, and he stumbled towards the window.

I haven't avenged my revenge, so why did I wear it again?

Do you want to go back to the previous world and listen to Gao Jun's verbosity?

As he pressed his hands on the glass window, the scenery outside the window came into view.

Outside the window, there are familiar red flags, familiar scenery, and energetic people.

Fortunately, I didn't put it back on.

After taking a few breaths of fresh air and stretching his stiff limbs and neck, Lin Yu opened the door and walked out of the room.

Outside the room is a living room.

On the sofa in the living room near the balcony, Qian Duoduo was sleeping slantedly, with his hair dripping all over the floor.

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