Seeing him, Lin Yu narrowed his eyes, slowly turned his head, and began to look at the layout of the room.

At this time, some familiar things also appeared in front of him.

An enamel teapot that had been used for who knows how many years, but had a red flag printed on it that said "Serve the People" and was issued in 1970, was placed carelessly on the walnut display cabinet at the entrance.

There is also a sheepskin coat hanging on the hanger next to the display cabinet. There are several holes in the back of the sheepskin coat.

Lin Yu was very familiar with the origins of these holes.

Look at the apron hanging at the kitchen door again...


Well, it’s Uncle Qian’s home!

When did he decorate it?

Just when Lin Yu was confused, the door to the house was opened from the outside. Qian Jianguo and his wife Tang Ying walked in from the door carrying large and small bags of food.

Seeing Lin Yu, he stretched out his hand to lift the thing he was carrying, and said with a smile:

"Look, I got up early to buy the roast chicken, steamed dumplings and millet porridge. They taste delicious. I'll wait for you, Aunt Tang, to get a plate to put them on."

"The two of us will eat slowly."

While he was talking, Tang Ying reached out and took the brown paper bag, turned around and walked towards the kitchen.

Hearing this, Lin Yu pointed at Qian Duoduo lying on the sofa and asked, "Where's Xiao Duoduo's?"

Following the direction of Lin Yu's finger, Qian Jianguo turned his head stiffly and looked over, and then he saw clearly Qian Duoduo lying reclining under the pillow of the soft cloth sofa.

The moment he saw his son clearly, Qian Jianguo let out a loud roar.

"Honey! Go buy another bun, my son is at home!"

The next second, a clanking sound came from the kitchen. Tang Ying poked her head out of the kitchen with a face full of horror, and asked with wide eyes: "Is your son here too?"

After receiving his wife's horrified look, Qian Jianguo nodded slightly.

The two voices woke up Qian Duoduo from the sofa.

The man who had just woken up looked at his factory director and his father in confusion, and asked in confusion: "Dad, where is my mother?"


On the balcony, Lin Yu poured warm millet porridge into his mouth to soothe his stomach that was empty from drinking last night.

The warm millet porridge went into his stomach. In just a few seconds, Lin Yu had the illusion of being a human being again.

He raised his head, breathed a long sigh of relief, and murmured to himself: "I'm alive."

Putting down the bowl, he looked at Qian Jianguo with curiosity and asked, "Why did you forget Xiao Duo?"

Upon hearing the inquiry, Qian Jianguo picked his scalp in embarrassment and responded:

"It can't be said that we have forgotten him, we must say that he has forgotten us!"

"Ever since we called him back from school, he has rarely been home. He has been at the automobile manufacturing company."

"After becoming your secretary during this period, he never came home."

"So, when we renovated the house, we didn't put much in his room because we didn't know what he liked."

"As for last night, it was mainly because I was too busy."

"Yes! I can explain this!" Tang Ying suddenly appeared from the side, took over Qian Jianguo's topic, and said quickly:

"Because Xiaoduo was wearing a black suit last night, and he looked completely different from what he used to be...just the difference in temperament."

"Plus, I had to take care of you first last night, so I forgot about him."

After explaining, Tang Ying reached out and picked up a chicken leg, put it into the bowl in front of Qian Duoduo, and comforted:

"Son, hurry up and eat the chicken legs."

Looking at the plump chicken legs, Qian Duoduo rolled his eyes and muttered: "I like chicken wings!"

Faced with her son's lack of respect, Tang Ying stretched out her hand to hold down the drumstick: "I remember you like drumsticks! So it's absolutely impossible for me to remember it wrong!"

"Fast food."

Next to him, Lin Yu raised his eyes and glanced at the decorated room. Before he could speak, Qian Jianguo immediately said:

"Since they got rich, many people have chosen to renovate this old building."

"In order to maintain confidentiality, the construction is being carried out by a construction team affiliated to our group."

"But don't worry, when approving this matter, I asked people from the marketing department to calculate the costs in the market and make several plans."

“Letting families who want construction work choose among them is not like letting people work in vain like before.”

"Is it much?" Lin Yu suddenly asked during Qian Jianguo's explanation.

Qian Jianguo was a little confused. Before he could ask, Lin Yu spoke again:

“I mean, are there a lot of people redecorating?”

"Oh!" Qian Jianguo suddenly realized and nodded: "More! There are 764 households in total, more than a hundred have been installed, and about one-third are waiting. The remaining two-thirds are because there are too many people. No renovations.”

Listening to these words, Lin Yu picked up a piece of chicken and stuffed it into his mouth, saying:

"In this case, you ask the construction company to make a budget for repairing the old buildings in the residential area."

"It will be approved after the review is passed. Let's take care of the old building."

“It’s a comfortable place for everyone to live.”

"Xiaoduo, I'll give you half a day off today. Report to my office tomorrow morning!"

After explaining, he quickly stuffed the chicken in front of him into his mouth, stood up, grabbed the coat that had fallen on the sofa, and strode towards the door.

Because he was not completely awake yet, Lin Yu was sweating profusely while walking the few hundred meters from the residential area to the office.

Sitting on the chair, he gently pressed his temples with his hands, which were constantly swelling and aching, and kept inhaling and exhaling.

Until the swelling pain in his head disappeared, Lin Yu got up, walked to the safe, entered the password, took out the brown paper bag inside, and then took out the letter and envelope inside.

He put the letter with the words "A gentleman should be upright and live" next to him and opened the envelope.

In the envelope, there were two people's information.

One was named Sah Jager, a big landlord in Peshawar, Pakistan, and also a member of the Pakistan Muslim League.

He owned a lot of land in the Khyber Pass, which is the border between the South Asian subcontinent and the West Asia region.

The land in his hands is very suitable for the agricultural display project mentioned by Lin Yu.

The other person, Ahmed Rabi, is also a big landlord, also in the Khyber Pass.

But he is an Afghan and a Taliban.

The distance between the two people's land is not far, and even in the information archive, the two people have a little blood relationship.

Of course, the relationship between the other party is closer now.

The two people joined together to trade some things that the other country lacked.

Including but not limited to arms, food, gems, oil, anyway, anything that can make money, these two people will trade with each other.

Moreover, there is a code to meet with these two people.

Has Sah eaten? Answer: I ate a little in the morning.

Rabbi: Are we talking while eating? Answer: Let's talk while eating!

Recalling the location of the Khyber Pass, Lin Yu put the file aside, sat in front of the big head computer, and searched the Internet for the activities of the Afghan Taliban and Al-Qaeda.

The Khyber Pass is a huge gap in the Hindu Kush Mountains between Kabul, Afghanistan and Peshawar, Pakistan.

It was a key point from South Asia to West Asia in ancient times.

Unfortunately, the ancient Indians did not defend it and were swept away by the Aryans.

If you want to rush, there will naturally be many people. If you want to go there, you must be prepared.

God once again favored him.

In the Yahoo forum, he quickly found a news from the BBC.

The time was yesterday.

[The leader of Al-Qaeda formally met with the leader of the Taliban in Zabul Province, and the two sides reached an agreement to jointly attack the American garrison. ]

Below the news title is a color photo. In the photo, two bearded men in gray-brown robes reached out and shook hands, smiling very happily.

In their background, Lin Yu saw something familiar, but not very familiar.


The leaves have already curled!

Calculating the time, it will be harvested soon.

Seeing this thing, Lin Yu felt relieved.

This is an important source of funds for Afghan militants. At this critical moment, they will not notice that a Chinese appeared in Peshawar, Pakistan.

Even if they noticed, they would not pay too much attention.

With an idea in mind, Lin Yu closed the Yahoo page and began to search online for which airport in China could go to Pakistan.

Just go to Peshawar for a few days, chat with the locals, and run away after the chat.

After searching on the Internet for a long time, he finally found the corresponding information in the vast amount of information.

There is a route from Shanghai to Islamabad, which takes off from Shanghai, stops at Urumqi, and then transfers to Islamabad. There is only one flight per week for the time being.

If it goes to Urumqi, the number of flights will increase to three.

According to this information, Lin Yu continued to search the route information of Shanghai-Urumqi-Islamabad on the Internet, and finally confirmed the time information of this flight.

Every Friday at 3 pm, it takes off from Shanghai, then lands in Urumqi for two hours, and then takes off again and goes directly to Islamabad. If everything goes well, the whole flight time is about 8 hours.

Arriving in Islamabad, you can have a good sleep, and then go to Peshawar early the next morning.

After confirming the flight time, Lin Yu turned around, wrote down the time, and then picked up the notebook next to him and started to implement the plan.

Going to someone else's territory to cause trouble, you naturally can't use your real identity.

You need a false identity to cover up and tell the outside world the legitimacy of your appearance in Afghanistan and Peshawar.

And the identity that Lin Yu chose is a jeweler.

Lin Yu has many considerations in choosing a jeweler as a cover identity.

The first point is the specialty of Afghanistan.

The Hindu Kush Mountains, as a giant mountain range as ancient as the Himalayas and Kunlun Mountains, has a lot of gem veins.

Moreover, because of the sparse population, many gems that are lacking in other regions can be found.

For example, high-quality tourmaline, emerald, ruby, sapphire, and agate for making Dzi beads.

It is normal for a jeweler to appear here.

The second point is naturally the national conditions of Afghanistan.

Afghanistan is located on the ancient Silk Road and is a key point for cultural exchanges between the East and the West. It has also experienced conflicts between Buddhism, Islam, and Christianity.

They naturally developed their own gem culture.

And those who can master the gem culture are definitely the rich in Afghanistan.

And these people have inextricable relations with various forces.

Dealing with these people, even if you can't make money, you can get some news that you can't get normally.

Even if it is a small message, when there is enough data, it can clearly and effectively feedback some important events.

Identity selection is the personality.

Lin Yu customized a character for himself, a young man from a jewelry family who had just inherited part of his family's business.

The reason for appearing in Afghanistan is also very simple.

The jade in Myanmar is not very good, and the diamonds in Africa are faked by people's farts.

Then India's policy on rubies and sapphires is extremely deceptive, so he decided to go to Afghanistan.

It just so happens that there is its own gem culture here, so I can take this opportunity to collect some better raw ores here, plus some gem relics with an ancient atmosphere, bring them back to China, open the eyes of others, and make a small profit.

Gem company, this is easy to do.

Make a call to Lanling City, and the business license will be delivered in the afternoon.

Go to other stores to take a few photos, and then you'll be done.

But the trouble lies in the knowledge of gems and jade.

Also, the young man of a jewelry family must have something to weigh him down.

When Lin Yu thought of something to weigh him down, he couldn't help but feel troubled.

Bullets are quite heavy, but he can't bring this thing with him.

He wanted to find it for a moment, but...

As he was thinking, his eyes suddenly lit up. He thought of Guan Yunqing. This old uncle could get Da Hong Pao from others, so it shouldn't be a big problem for him to get a jade pendant that he had nurtured for many years.

If you want to do it, do it. Reaching out to grab the phone, Lin Yu called Guan Yunqing:

"Uncle, can you help me get a jade pendant that can be worn on my body."

"What kind do you want? Of course, the kind of mutton-fat white jade. By the way, get me a jade expert who won't swallow the goods and knows the properties of various gemstones."

"What do I want to do? This is a secret. Just answer me directly whether you can get it and when you can send people and things to me."

"Do you want to make a phone call to ask?"

"Then please ask quickly and send me a message after you ask!"


After hanging up the phone, Lin Yu began to search for some recent news on several domestic jewelry websites, and then began to memorize them.

A jewelry family must have some understanding of international jewelry information.

Otherwise, it will be exposed.

However, he also has a killer weapon, which is artificial diamonds.

For people nowadays, artificial diamonds are more troublesome, but for him, it is just a matter of sketching a few times with a pen to explain the principle and mechanism clearly.

As for why he remembers it clearly, it is naturally because the diamonds needed to build space stations, lunar bases, and Mars bases in the future must be transported by 10,000-ton cargo ships.

It is guaranteed to be better than natural ones.

Of course, if you want to add some impurities in it, that's also possible.

While he was browsing the news, the phone on the table rang. It was Guan Yunqing.

"Xiao Lin, I found someone for you, but the mutton-fat white jade pendant you wanted was not found. I found a double dragon jade from the early Qing Dynasty, from the Sucheng Manufacturing Bureau, imitating the style of the Shang Dynasty."

"It was made by Yao Zongren."

"The other party doesn't want to prostitute, and wants 2 million. I have seen that jade several times, and I can guarantee that it is real."

Double dragon jade?

Lin Yu lowered his head and was silent for a moment, and replied: "Five hundred thousand, you bring the person and the jade directly to our company!"

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