When you are rich, there is Rheinmetall; when you are poor, there is Rheinsteel!

Chapter 291: Going against the character! (First update!)

Guan Yunqing moved quickly.

Lin Yu and him finished the phone call in the morning. When it was almost time for lunch in the afternoon, he took the car of Rheinsteel to and from the automobile manufacturing company and appeared in front of Lin Yu.

Appearing with him was a thin middle-aged man who looked about 50 years old.

Seeing this middle-aged man, Lin Yu instantly thought of the teacher described by Lu Shuren.

Wearing a long robe, with a small mustache and a long goat beard, he took a step and shook his head.

But this time he needed this person's help, so Lin Yu naturally didn't say much, but urged Guan Yunqing to take out the Shuanglong Jue so that he could see what it looked like first.

At his urging, Guan Yunqing took out the briefcase from his armpit, and then took out a flat box that was not much bigger than a palm from the briefcase.

Then he took off his coat and put it on the table, smoothed the wrinkles on the coat with both hands, and then reached out, put the flat box on the coat, and carefully opened the box.

In the box, there was a pile of red cloth.

The red cloth was opened by Guan Yunqing in the next second, revealing the true face of the double dragon jade.

The jade is in the shape of a C, and its size is not big, only about the size of the circle formed by the index finger and thumb of an 18- or 19-year-old girl.

The double dragons on the jade coiled along the flat body of the jade, and finally, a beard stretched out at each end of the jade.

At the waist of this jade is a cloud-patterned belt made of silk and gold. It is not long and can just be hung on the waistband.

After staring at it for a while, Lin Yu found that this jade was slightly different from what he saw on the Internet.

However, the lifelike double dragons on it, with the help of the color of white jade, are constantly exuding a faint chill.

This chill is also constantly telling Lin Yu a message.

This is not a fake!

However, since I paid for it, I still have to ask clearly.

After a light cough, Lin Yu asked, "Why is this jade different from the round ones I often see?"

Hearing Lin Yu's question, the jade master that Guan Yunqing found stroked his goatee, which was less than five centimeters long, and explained:

"Boss Lin, this jade was made by Yao Zongren, a weaving official of the Sucheng Weaving Bureau in the Qing Dynasty."

"And he imitated the style of the jade from the Shang and Zhou dynasties, and then added some patterns from the Qing Dynasty."

"The jade from the Shang and Zhou dynasties is fundamentally different from the jade from other regions, that is, the jade from the Shang and Zhou dynasties is flat, not round!"

"Add the pattern, so you will naturally think there is a problem."

"But I, Zhuang De, can guarantee with my eyes that this jade is real, and the previous owner has done a good job!"

Zhuang... De?


Hearing the name of the jade expert, Lin Yu instantly lost interest in the jade, turned his head, and looked at this person who seemed to have walked out of the words of Zhejiang Shuren with curiosity.

Being stared at by Lin Yu, Zhuang De smiled and pointed at his eyeballs, repeating:

"I can guarantee it!"

"Moreover, I can also guarantee that every piece of raw stone that Mr. Lin buys next will produce good goods."

"I guarantee that Mr. Lin will make a lot of money!"

Listening to his extremely confident words, Lin Yu turned his head to look at Guan Yunqing. Seeing Guan Yunqing nodded slightly, he retracted his gaze and looked at Zhuang De again, asking very seriously:

"Can you... brag?"

"Bragging?" Zhuang De was stunned.

People in the jade industry like to brag, and they also need to brag, because jade is wrapped in stone.

People don't have perspective, and buying good or bad depends on experience and technology.

The better the bragging, the more you can fool people, and the more you can sell the things in your hands.

However, he has never seen a person who is obviously a buyer and says he wants to brag right away.

At this moment, he slowly turned his head to look at Guan Yunqing. He...seems to have been deceived by this bank president?

Just as he was about to ask, Lin Yu nodded to Guan Yunqing, signaling him to go out first.

After Guan Yunqing left, Lin Yu said, "I'm going to Afghanistan. There are many mines there. I need you to use your knowledge to brag for me."

"Bragging about buying gemstone mines in Afghanistan, I don't care how you brag."

"But my identity as a gemstone family depends on you!"

"If you brag well, there will be a reward."

"If you don't brag well, there will also be a reward!"

When the word "reward" came out, Lin Yu showed a gentle smile on his face.

But this smile fell into Zhuang De's eyes, but it made him feel cold all over.

He seemed to have entered a den of thieves for a high salary.

Just as he was still hesitating, an A4 paper appeared in front of him, full of words.

Look at the title of the A4 paper again.

[Personality of Lin Yu, executive director of Rhine Starlight Jewelry Co., Ltd.

Personality: smart but arrogant, likes to hear good words, doesn't like to hear bad words, and has to do anything that others don't let him do.

His hobby is planting flowers and plants. The harder the plants are to grow, the more he likes them...】

Looking at this strange A4 paper, Zhuang De wanted to ask a few questions, but it was obvious that the young man in front of him did not intend to explain more.

As a last resort, he could only take the paper, sit down on the sofa next to him, and recite silently.

Lin Yu next to him picked up the Shuanglong Jue and kept thinking about where to put it.

And time slowly disappeared in his thinking.

At night, north of Kabul, Afghanistan.

In the originally quiet Bagram Air Force Base.

The commander-in-chief of the Afghan battlefield, Brigadier General Robbie Scott, who is one level below Hanks, is giving instructions to the people in front of him.

The commander-in-chief, who is in his 50s, has a photo in his left hand and a thin wooden stick in his right hand. In front of him is the sand table of the entire country of Afghanistan.

The thin wooden stick in his hand pointed at the Zabul area, and he said loudly:

"My dear soldiers, we are here because of 9/11!"

"The purpose of our presence here is to attack the enemy, to destroy the enemy, and to tell the enemy that they cannot withstand our anger."

"Now, we have just received intelligence that in the southern province of Zabul, our intelligence officers have discovered an important member of the Taliban!"

"This person may know the whereabouts of their leader Mullah."

"And your mission is to enter the village marked on the map, find this person, and then take him away!"

"Also, the people in this village, regardless of age or sex, are die-hard Taliban terrorists."

"The only thing we can do to deal with terrorists is to send them to death and give them a happy life, regardless of men, women, or children!"

"Children, tell me loudly now, are you confident that I can catch this guy?"

In front of him were 17 members of the Delta Commando. These 17 people all belonged to the same enhanced tactical team.

Their captain is Gus standing in the middle.

Hearing Robbie's loud inquiry at this moment, Gus put his hands behind his back, took a step forward with his left leg, raised his head, and shouted loudly:

"General Robby, we promise to complete our mission and we will defend our honor to the death."

"Okay!" Robbie shouted with satisfaction, pointed the thin wooden stick in his hand at the sand table, and said:

"This village is an east-west village, so the 17 of you are divided into two groups, AB."

"Team A is led by Gus yourself, with a total of 9 people. Team B is led by Hancock, with a total of 8 people."

"During the attack, Group A attacked the village from the east and then knocked down the mountain to shock the tiger. At this time, the group will definitely take people and escape from the west."

"At this time, Group B, you will attack from the west and kidnap the people."

"Remember, you must move quickly and evacuate as soon as you grab someone. Also, repeat what I said just now. If you see anyone on the road, you must kill them all!"

"If you kill one now, we will have less to deal with in the future, do you understand?"

After a few minutes, the tactics were discussed.

Gus led his team members back to the equipment room, put on his favorite body armor and firearms, and made all preparations. A group of people boarded a C130 Hercules transport plane and flew in the dark toward the southern province of Zabul.

In the command center, I saw the transport plane and two F-15s leaving from the window, turning off the lights and disappearing into the night.

Robbie took out a cigarette from his breast pocket, slowly turned around and walked towards his office.

Returning to the office, he locked the door and took out a special walkie-talkie from the drawer, adjusted it to a special channel, and shouted into the channel: "My lovely soldiers have already set off. According to the time, it will take about two days." You’ll reach your destination in about an hour!”

"They all brought enough sedatives to deal with various situations."

"And you, my dear friend, what you need to do is make sure your information is accurate and make sure that there is what we need in that village."

"Make sure your people can attract the people around them and let our children take what we want!"

After finishing speaking, he hung up the communication without waiting for the person in the communication channel to react, and put out the cigarette butt in his hand in the ashtray.

He turned around and took out a cigar box from the drawer, took out a cigar, clipped off the cigarette butt, lit it with a lighter, smoked the cigar leisurely, and walked to the command center.

On the departing C130.

After an unknown amount of time, the red light in the cabin suddenly turned on, and it was time to parachute.

The rear hatch of the cabin opened, looking at the pitch black area below and the mountains that were vaguely visible in the darkness, Gus took a deep breath and shouted:

"Take a tranquilizer!"

As he shouted, the commando members took out a thumb-sized plastic bottle from their left chest pocket.

Take a white pill from a plastic bottle and pop it into your mouth.

The pill works quickly.

After a few seconds, the fear in the eyes of the group of people dissipated. Gus pulled the rope and was the first to jump out of the cabin, falling freely toward the valley below.

When the last delta disappeared into the clouds, the C-130 turned in the air and flew toward Kabul.


The 17 members of the Delta Commandos have separated, fallen to their assigned positions, and gathered together as quickly as possible.

After counting the number of people, they checked their bodies again.

After confirming that no one was injured due to parachuting, Gus immediately took out the map in his arms, opened it, and began to check his position with the dim light of the tactical flashlight.

Two minutes later, he found where his team was and where the enemy was.

Drawing on the map with their hands, a group of people moved quietly along the valley towards the target village.

By the time they arrived at the target village, it was already dawn.

They are very unlucky.

Just as they approached the village, a sheepherder who got up early and drove his sheep suddenly appeared in front of them.

Seeing each other through a bush, both sides were embarrassed.

The shepherd wanted to open his mouth to call for help, but Gus was quick and shot.

The sound of the M4A1 equipped with a silencer was not loud, and the shepherd rolled down the hillside with a dull sound.

The rolling speed was getting faster and faster, and at the same time, it also moved the surrounding rocks.

Hearing the increasing noise, Gus sighed and shouted: "Take tranquilizers! Then carry out the mission according to the plan!"

The order was issued, and the soldiers of the two teams opened the small bags on their chests, took out the medicine bottles, and took tranquilizers.

The tranquilizer took effect quickly, and Gus's team A quickly formed a search formation and continued to head towards the village.

Before approaching the village, a group of people saw the green plants in the fields.

In the team, a young soldier couldn't help cursing: "These damn terrorists! They actually planted these harmful things here!"

Just as he finished speaking, a woman walked out of the village not far away.

The cursing soldier raised his hand and fired a shot!

The woman who had just arrived at the farmland and suddenly bumped into this group of American soldiers fell straight down with a look of confusion on her face.

When his men suddenly opened fire, Gus did not scold them, but raised his right hand, signaled to move forward, and then quickly came to the woman, pulled the trigger at the woman who was not yet dead, and finished off the head.

Then his team A followed the direction the woman came from and slowly approached the village.

Not long after they walked out, several more people came out of the village. When the two sides met, one side chose to shoot and the other side chose to scream.

The dull gunshots and screams echoed in this village that had existed for who knows how many years, and these screams also kicked off the prelude to the gunfight.

Gus made a beautiful turn, kicked open the wooden door next to him, and then swarmed into the yard with his men.

The owner of the yard just walked out of the house, and before he could say anything, he was shot in the head by Gus, lying straight on the ground.

The next second, two offensive grenades flew into the room from the gate in the direction the owner of the yard came out. After a short cry, the grenades exploded.

There was a more intense cry in the room, the voice of a woman and a child. Hearing this sound, another grenade flew into the room following the sound. After this explosion, the sound disappeared.

After locking the door of the yard, Gus quickly made a gesture:

Come on, one person will go up to the roof with me, three people will guard the door of the yard, and the remaining two people will go out of the back door of the yard in a group and outflank the people outside.

The order was issued, and the tactical team acted quickly. Gus took one person and climbed onto the roof at the fastest speed, and began to command in the center:

"Violent boy, there is an enemy behind the alley on your left. Land in five seconds and prepare to counterattack"

"Catfish, there is fire suppression on the roof in the northwest direction, shoot it down."

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