As the captain, Gus's fighting skills are very sophisticated. Every time he issues an order, one person will die.

With his command, the initiative slowly fell into their hands.

At the same time, deep in the village, in a room that looks somewhat luxurious, a middle-aged man wearing glasses was hurriedly packing up.

While packing up, he complained:

"Before coming here, I have been saying, don't be arrogant, don't be arrogant, now it's good, the Americans are fighting."

"Hurry up and pack up, run from the west, run to Pakistan first, connect with the people of Al Qaeda, and then find another way."

Unlike him packing up, a man in a blue robe and a big beard opposite him, whose age is unclear, is constantly moving large boxes in the room.

There are seven or eight young people carrying boxes with him.

They are in a hurry. Some people move two boxes, some move one, and some simply throw the box away, reach out and grab the plastic packaging inside, and walk out in a hurry.

People walk so fast that they don't notice the threshold under their feet.

The next second, the toes of these anxious people collided with the door sill, and the whole person fell down because of the short-term loss of balance.

The white plastic bags in their hands also flew all over the ground.

Seeing this, the middle-aged man with glasses who was packing things quickly covered his mouth and nose with his hands, and cursed at the people who took things through his hands:

"Put down the things! Put down everything! Take weapons and food and get into the mountains quickly."

"As long as we are alive, we can make more things, understand?"

"Put it down!"

His urgent call finally made the panicked people react.

The people who reacted quickly put the boxes in their hands back to their original places, and then carried their guns and rushed to the gun battle scene outside in the smoke and dust formed by white powder.

In their brains, which were already high, there was only one idea, that is, to kill those damn Americans.

Defend their own achievements.

Looking at the man who was going crazy again, the middle-aged man with glasses sighed, turned around, and went out of the other door of the room, ready to draw a line between himself and the people behind him.

As soon as he walked out of the door, the man in a blue robe hurriedly followed him with a wooden box.

Sensing the movement behind him, the middle-aged man with glasses turned back quickly. When he saw the box on the shoulder of the bearded man in a blue robe, he sighed helplessly.

There is no hope.

I have to find the next boss to join!

He carried his money and tiptoed through the alleys composed of earth and stone houses.

Listening to the gunshots getting farther and farther away, looking at the last few houses in front, the middle-aged man with glasses smiled after surviving a disaster.

Behind the house is the hillside.

The hillside is full of shrubs and various rugged stones. Among these stones, the most abundant are various small caves.

Moreover, I have found several caves in the mountains and stored food there.

I just need to run out of the village, go into the mountains, hide in these caves, and no one can find me.

Twenty meters!

Ten meters!


Just when the middle-aged man with glasses was about to step out of the village, a black pistol suddenly popped out from the door of the yard next to him and pressed against his head.

Then a big hand stretched out, pressed his shoulder, and forcibly pulled him into the yard.

The next second, a fierce gunfight broke out in the narrow alley.

The blue robe was weak and was killed by Hancock and his men in just two or three minutes.

After dealing with the resisters, Hancock took out the photo, looked at the middle-aged man with glasses for a while, pressed the intercom switch, and said:

"The fish has landed, you can retreat!"

After synchronizing the message with his teammates, Hancock led his men to retreat quickly.

To the east of the village, Gus received the news and evacuated from the east with his men at the fastest speed.

The people in the village who were already bloodthirsty and high on drugs did not intend to let them go. They rode on motorcycles and drove old pickup trucks that were not sure how many times they were used, and began to chase these people frantically.

But they did not know that when the two gangs were chasing each other in the valley.

Another team, riding a CH-47D transport helicopter, appeared in the village quietly under the cover of a Black Hawk helicopter.

Compared with the special operations forces that raided, the people on these helicopters were more irritable and more cruel.

As soon as they appeared, they used heavy machine guns to clear all the creatures they could see.

Whether it was people or sheep, they were all swept once.

After the machine gun swept back and forth twice, the CH-47D transport helicopter landed next to the house where the middle-aged man with glasses escaped.

The hatch was opened, and people wearing gas masks and American uniforms rushed to the surrounding rooms along the traces on the ground.

Soon, they reappeared beside the helicopter carrying a wooden box stained with blood.

At the door of the helicopter, a man with thick eyebrows, big eyes and a hooked nose used a crowbar to open the wooden box, looking at the packets of white powder inside, and smiled happily.

Waving his hand to close the lid, he put on a gas mask and jumped off the plane, asking the people carrying the boxes to get on the plane so that they could neatly load the boxes in their hands into the plane.

As Hooknose watched his men packing boxes, he couldn't help but take out a gun and went through the village with his men, looking for boxes that were left alone.

They did find a lot of boxes.

Of course, they also found a lot of people hiding.

Hooknose laughed and pointed his gun at the people who were hiding.

Ten minutes later, the CH-47D transport helicopter took off with a full load of cargo and soldiers. Looking at the several tons of cargo in the cargo hold, Hooknose excitedly took out a satellite phone and dialed a number.

After a short wait, the phone was answered and Robbie's voice came out:

"Did you get the goods?"

Hook-nosed man excitedly patted the box beside him and said loudly: "Got it!"

"These are all rats. They made 8 tons of goods, but they didn't even take them out to sell!"

"They are actually stored here. Do you know? These things are enough for us to make hundreds of millions of dollars in Europe!"

"Give some to those big guys, and some to the subordinates. The two of us can get at least 20 million each!"

"Haha, we're making a fortune!"

"If I had known that Afghanistan was so profitable, I should have come here earlier. By the way, I have a few suspected news here. Please let the Air Force check it out. Once it is confirmed, we can proceed to the next operation."

"I think if we do two more deals, we can achieve financial freedom!"

Unlike his excitement , Robbie on the other end of the phone seemed very calm. He waited until the hook nose's excited words calmed down before he spoke:

"We have robbed too many things this time, and others will definitely covet them, so Afghanistan is not safe for you!"

"So, what you need to do now is not to continue to attack the next target, but to quickly deliver the goods in your hands to Europe, Russia, and the Mediterranean."

"Deliver them to every drug addict who needs them, so that we can make more money!"

"We can use this money to make more money if we get more money, understand?"

"I will send two F15s to cruise at high altitude, and you should hurry up and go to the air force base in Kandahar and evacuate from there!"

The communication was then hung up by Robbie on the other side, and the hook nose threw the communication equipment aside, looking at the cargo piled up in the cabin in front of him with joy.

8 tons!

These stupid Pashtuns!

Cursing in his heart, the hook-nosed man took out a small mobile phone, searched inside for a while, found a number marked as a reporter, and pressed the dial button.

Ten seconds later, a gentle female voice came from the phone:

"Hello, this is BBC, do you have any news to report?"

Hooked Nose pinched his throat with his left hand, held a mouthful of saliva, and said in a sissy tone:

"A hot news, 8 tons of heroin hidden by al-Qaeda on the Afghan border was snatched away by the Punjabis in Pakistan."

"This is a lot of fun."

Sure enough, after Hooked Nose finished speaking, the BBC female reporter on the other end of the phone immediately became excited and kept asking:

"Why do they want to grow drugs? How long did it take them to extract 8 tons of drugs?"

"All their arable land is used to grow drugs, how do they solve the food problem?"

"Also, how did the Punjabis in Pakistan cross the Afghan border, and how did you know..."

Faced with these messy questions, Hooked Nose chose to hang up the phone directly, remove the card, and then throw it away in one go.

After doing all this, he sat down on the fixed seat on the side wall of the cabin, and looked through the window of the plane quietly at the slightly glowing place at the end of his sight.

That was Kandahar, the largest city in southern Afghanistan.

The place where they robbed things was only more than 100 kilometers away from Kandahar.


The village on the ground in Zabul became completely silent because of a small-scale war. It was not until the sunset that the appearance of a group of people in robes broke the silence here.

These people first appeared around the village secretly, in groups of three, and sent out more than a dozen groups to search the village for a long time. The large force then walked into the village slowly.

Looking at the tragic situation in the village, a group of people lit torches and silently cleaned up the messy village.

It was not until the moon tilted its head to another direction that the leader of the team asked:

"How many casualties?"

No one responded.

The people behind him were licking their dry lips with their tongues. Above their dry lips, the eyes of different colors were burning with the flame of revenge.

Without waiting for a response, the leader was about to speak again, and the young man standing on his left suddenly spoke:

"There were originally 143 people in the village, and the bodies have been found. We left 57 people, and 32 bodies were found here."

"According to the traces left at the scene, there were two gangs attacking here, one of which was using light weapons to attack from the ground."

"This gang is very powerful, and our people mainly suffered casualties in the battle with them."

"Finally, this gang evacuated from the east and west sides, and the rest of us should still be chasing these people."

"As for the other group, they came by helicopter. Behind the house where the doctor works, we found traces of the helicopter landing and residual heroin powder!"

"This group of people came for heroin."

After listening to the report, the leader closed his eyes and took a deep breath, pointed his hands at both ends of the valley, and said loudly:

"Now, immediately chase to the left and right ends, the rest of the people, spread out, find people around, and ask clearly which direction the helicopter went!"

Listening to the words of his leader, the person who just reported the information wanted to slap himself.

Find people around?

It's easy to say, the mountains here are high and the valleys are deep. The straight-line distance between the two villages may be only 5 kilometers, but it takes dozens of kilometers or even hundreds of kilometers to actually walk to that village.

Unless the two villages are in the same valley.


They are airplanes, they can cross the mountains!

I wanted to say a few words, but when I met the murderous eyes of the boss, the person who reported the information immediately stood up and stretched out his hand:


I didn't say where to go.

However, their search did not last long before they were interrupted by an unexpected phone call. As soon as the call was connected, the person on the other end of the phone scolded them.

From head to toe.

The leader wanted to scold, but the person on the other end of the phone was the leader of their al-Qaeda organization, so he could only take the scolding.

"You bunch of rubbish, you can't do anything right."

"8 tons, do you know how much profit 8 tons can bring us? How much equipment can it exchange for?"

"You were robbed directly."

"Being robbed is fine, but you were actually reported to the BBC, did you know that?"

"Now the whole world knows that our Al Qaeda goods were robbed, our people were robbed, and the news was told to the BBC."

"I just received news that Pakistan has imposed martial law, especially for Afghans, and is preparing to drive them away directly."

"All this is thanks to you, you bunch of rubbish! Rubbish!"

"Because of your negligence, we have become the target of public criticism!"

"Rubbish! Come back quickly and prepare to move!"

Al Qaeda people were cursing, and in Qatar, 1,700 kilometers west, they received news from Afghanistan. Hanks hesitated for a moment, but still did not pick up the phone, and called Robbie.

What is important in this world is not fighting and killing, but human relationships.

Wait two days first. If this guy doesn't know what's good for him, then I can only say I'm sorry. If he knows what's good for him, then I'll just give him a token of my appreciation.

Turning his head, Hanks threw the intelligence aside, picked up the phone in his hand, and called Dana:

"Hello, my dear Mr. Dana, where are the equipment? It's been more than half a month, and it hasn't been shipped yet?"

"What? You bought armored vehicles?"

"Oh! Damn it, aren't you afraid that the equipment will fall into the hands of the opposition?"

"It's not a real armored vehicle? It's just a truck-turned-truck vehicle. You have received the drawings and are adjusting it?"

"Okay, then I'll wait a little longer."

"Also, what do you think of the profits from drugs? I think there's a way!"

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