Next to Abu, Nasat held the newly tuned AK74m in both hands, standing there like a stone sculpture, responsible for Abu's security work.

Now when I heard Abu's words, I was suddenly stunned on the spot.

He opened and closed his mouth, and after he hesitated to speak several times, he still asked with a puzzled look on his face: "Chief!"

Upon hearing the inquiry, Abu raised his hand to stop Nasat's follow-up questions, looked at the valley below where a contact war had broken out and said:

"Remember why we became the Taliban in the first place?"

very beginning? Why become a Taliban?

When asked this sentence, Nasat lost his mind for a moment.

After a brief period of confusion, he turned off the safety of the AK74m in his hand, stared blankly at the one-sided valley below, and said softly:

"I remember, that was 1995!"

After telling the time, Satre's eyes drifted and he slowly returned to a few years ago.

"I had just graduated from high school at that time, and I went from Herat to Kandahar with my family's expectations, a schoolbag on my back, and some naan bread."

"Because in the book, I knew that it was one of the best cities in our country. At that time, I was arrogant and felt that I could find a good job there based on my abilities."

"Then, bring out the other brothers and sisters in the family and let them have a good life."

"But when I got there, I realized that the city was very big and beautiful."

"On the clean and tidy streets, there are ethnic groups wearing completely different clothes from us. They look like they are completely different from us."

"Then I stood in the street, trying to hide my robe as carefully as a sparrow on a tree trunk trying to hide itself from an eagle."

"Amid their jeers, I went to find a job."


"Then I became an animal, but even though it was an animal's work, I did it."

"Because I believe that hard work can make you rich and bring hope to your family."

"But when I came home with the little money I had earned working as a cattle boy, I was robbed."

"The policemen just stood on the side of the road, holding a wooden stand and blocking the road."

"Those Beetles came over and they let him go."

"I was stopped by them, robbed and beaten."

"arrive home……"

"Haha - everyone in the family is dead."

"The reason was that the militants from the next town came to our village to collect food. They were a little slow and they were executed."

"Later, I met Molina. Molina died, so I followed you. My purpose was revenge."

"So later during the attack on Herat, I led a team to personally execute those militants."

His sad words made Abu slowly sit down. After waiting for a while, he said softly without waiting for his subordinate to continue speaking:

"Before I joined the Taliban, I was a teacher in a middle school in Kabul. During my childhood, I witnessed the abnormal prosperity of Afghanistan under the control of America."

"Growing up, I witnessed the Soviet Union's invasion of Afghanistan."

“When I started teaching, I met all kinds of students.”

"They are poor and rich. Rich people have only one identity, while poor people have only one identity."

"Later, I even went abroad once."

"After going abroad, I found that people in other countries, especially in developed countries, live a leisurely and contented life."

"Looking back at us, we find that our country is either under the control of others or will soon be controlled by others."

"At that time I was wondering why this was the case."

"This is not how our country should be."

"Later, the Taliban was born. Their ideas were very unique, and some of them matched my ideas."

"So, I joined them, and finally came to the western region alone to teach and develop."

“Later on, our power grew bigger and bigger, and we had more and more people, but what we did was further and further away from our original ideas.”

"Until now!"

"For the benefit of drugs, they actually began to openly attack compatriots and former comrades-in-arms."

"Now I really want to ask Maura what he is going to do, and I also want to ask myself what I am going to do!"

"Until we figure this out, this is our own dispute and has nothing to do with ordinary people. We cannot involve them."

"So, I need you to go to Malistan and speak to the villagers clearly."

"Go! After you finish explaining, we still have to think about where to go to avoid the sharp edge."

Abu's words were a bit nagging. After he finished speaking, he sat on the hillside and kept waving his right hand, urging Nasat to hurry to the village.

Looking at the leader's lonely face, the Satyr stopped talking. He stood up, ordered two people, put the weapons on his back, and galloped down the mountain along the sheep herding path on the hillside.

Soon, he arrived in the valley. After rummaging through the rocks by the river for a while, the three of them pushed out several motorcycles hidden among the rocks.

Two people push and one person controls the direction.

After a brief boost, the motorcycle started. The two people pushing the cart quickly jumped on the motorcycle. The motorcycle sank visibly to the naked eye, and led the three of them towards the village with difficulty.

Before entering the village, a dozen villagers appeared at the entrance of the village with weapons.

The murderous aura exuded by these dozen people made them walk out of a murderous aura.

Seeing the three people of Sartre, they hesitated for less than a second and pulled the trigger directly.

Fortunately, these people were not well trained and their shooting skills were not very good. In addition, the three people hid quickly, so they were not injured.

Next, it was the time for trash talk between the two sides.

After greeting each other, the misunderstanding between the two sides was temporarily resolved, and Sartre also saw the handwriting of Aulli.

And the names of these people were also said one by one by the villagers around.

"Grandma Debbie!"


"Little Shaya..."

As a name fell, a face appeared in Sartre's mind, including an elderly and respected old man and a lively and cute child.

When the last name was read, Sartre's eyes were already covered with tears, and at the same time, he roared in question: "Why didn't you stop it?"


After roaring, his eyes opened wide, and his blue eyes were already full of bloodshot.

Being stared at by him, the few people who had just given their names looked away and lowered their heads, not daring to look at him.

At this time, a voice came from the crowd:

"You are the Taliban! You left suddenly, and Awul suddenly took action. We don't know if you will retaliate!"

With his thoughts, others also spoke up:

"Grandma Debbie and the others are close to you, and they have all been arrested."

"If we take action and kill Awul, and you come back to retaliate against us, what should we do?"

"Yes, what should we do?"

"And it's not like you haven't done this before..."

The villagers' words made Sat completely lose the idea of ​​​​justifying and asking questions.

He turned and walked into the house, carefully searched the room for a while, and confirmed that there were no bomb traps. He then grabbed the carpet on the ground, walked out of the room, put the bones on the ground into the carpet, took it, and squeezed out of the crowd.

After squeezing out of the crowd and walking forward a few steps, he turned around and looked at the villagers expressionlessly, explained Abu's words again, turned around, and walked towards the mountain pass.

The motorcycle was scrapped.

They could only walk on their feet.

After walking two steps, several young villagers drove their donkeys and caught up in silence.

Without saying much, he just pushed the reins in his hand forward, waited for a few seconds, turned around and left directly.

Looking at the back of the departing figure, a little smile appeared on Sartre's dead face.

More than an hour later, he climbed to the top of the mountain again and appeared in front of Abu.

After telling Abu about the experience in the village, the confusion in Abu's eyes instantly dissipated, replaced by an indissoluble murderous intent.

After a long silence, he waved his hand weakly and said:

"You dig a few pits next to them and bury them. I will pray for them."

When all this was done, the sun had turned red, and the red sunlight sprinkled on his body, like blood.

Looking at the sunset, Abu pulled a few of his confidants over and said to them very seriously:

"I have now officially decided to break with the mullahs, but we are still the Taliban."

"It's just that we are different from their Taliban!"

"This will help us make a name for ourselves and help us correct this country."

"Put aside the religious issues, what we need to discuss now is where we should develop."

"Tell us what you think."

Under the sunset, the few people on the top of the hill were illuminated by the sunset, and their shadows were dragged far away. At first, there were only a few of them, but soon, all the soldiers under their command surrounded them.

It became a group of people's shadows.

After a long time, one person raised his hand: "We can go to Bamiyan, which is the territory of the Hazaras. If we can bring them in, it will also be a considerable force."

"No Hazaras!"

"Then let's go to Balkh in the north?"

"No Balkh either. The new government has always been strict on the banks of the Amu Darya River. If we have a conflict with the locals, they will definitely do everything they can to catch us."

"Faryab, or Badghis?"

Once this was said, the others fell silent.

Although Afghanistan has poor geographical conditions, it can be divided into slightly better, bad, and the worst.

These two places are the worst.

"That place can't support too many people, and there are not many Americans. If we go there, we can't do business with America." Abu made the final decision and cast his eyes on Nasat.

Sensing his actions, the others present also understood his thoughts and cast their eyes on Nasat with him.

Seeing this, Nasat took a deep breath and said:

"My suggestion is to go to Herat, which is close to the western and northern borders. Our business with Russia can continue, and we can even cooperate with the Iranians."

As soon as he finished speaking, Abu took advantage of the situation, clapped his hands, and said proudly: "Then let's move to Herat!"

"However, before the transfer, we have to issue an announcement to stir up the muddy water."

"Bring the satellite phone."

A moment later, the soldier in charge of carrying the satellite phone came to Abu, holding the satellite phone, and after a little hesitation, Abu called the Kabul TV station.

"My name is Abu Abik, the leader of the western region of the Taliban."

"Here, I officially announce that I have broken with the mullah."

"Our Taliban is an organization that aims to make Afghans rich and the country stronger, not an organization that sells itself to the devil, grows poppies, and kills its own people for survival."

"By the way, we are about to go north, you must be prepared!"

"That's it."

Throwing the satellite phone to the soldier, Abu grabbed a gun and put it on his back. Along the ridge, with a little moonlight, chanting the Koran, he walked northwest.

"Unless it is because of the transfer of positions or joining friendly forces, whoever turns his back to the enemy on that day will be punished by Allah, and their destination is hellfire, which is really bad..."

As he walked, suddenly, the chanting sound turned into an ouch.

The smear kicked the stone.

As the initiator, Abu turned off the microphone after issuing the notice and disappeared in the land of Afghanistan.

However, the Kabul TV station that received his message, after being busy, sent out the recording of the call with Abu without cutting it.

Because this is a great victory for the Afghan authorities and the American garrison.

Look, we have split the Taliban, and the next step is to kill them all!

Look, who said that we Americans are not good?

Then, a report on the performance of beating the Taliban into dogs flew from Kabul to Qatar.

Compared with the false performance of the Americans, the Mullah was more pragmatic. He contacted Awuri as soon as he heard the news.

Unfortunately, the other party did not respond.

After repeated confirmation, his face, which was robbed of 8 tons of drugs, became even more livid.

Because Abu is still alive.

If he died, Abu would almost be the best successor to the Taliban.

This feeling of stealing a chicken but losing a rice is very unpleasant.

Sitting on the carpet and thinking for a long time, he directly asked someone to issue another announcement.

[Allah said: Unless it is because of the change of position or joining the friendly forces, whoever turns his back to the enemy on that day will be punished by Allah, and their destination is Hellfire, which is a terrible destination.

Now the position has not been moved, and he has not joined the friendly forces.

And you, Abu Abik, are a defector.

For defectors, we must do everything we can to kill him! ]

However, not long after his announcement was issued, one of his father-in-law, Sama, the leader of the al-Qaeda organization, called him.

However, after learning about the announcement issued by the mullah, he could only hang up the phone with a long sigh.

In addition to the people in Afghanistan who were confused, other people who received the news from Kabul in the world were also confused.

The most confused person was Sonia.

He listened to the intelligence obtained by the agent several times, and finally confirmed that Abu, who had just met not long ago, had indeed fallen out with the mullah.

After confirming this, his operating soul that was suppressed by Lin Yu floated up again.

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