He walked quickly to the side, found the map of Afghanistan, carefully spread the map on the table, picked up a marker, and began to think about where Abu Abik, with his team, could go after breaking with the mullah.

The south of Afghanistan is the basic control area of ​​the Taliban.

After the break, if you want to take another road, you have to go in the opposite direction.

The north.

However, in the northern provinces, except for the areas controlled by the new government, other areas, slightly richer places, are controlled by ethnic groups other than the Pashtuns in Afghanistan.

For example, the rich central Bamiyan area is the base of the Hazaras. As the slave army of the Mongol army in the westward expedition in history, the Hazaras have forgotten the origin of their ethnic group.

However, they were able to take a piece of rich land in this chaotic place, and their fighting power can be seen.

Even if Abu claimed that he had broken with the mullah, no one knew whether the so-called break was a lie told by these two guys, preparing for a double act.

If this guy is allowed to enter Bamiyan rashly, it will definitely attract the attack of the Mullah faction. If Abu suddenly rebels at this time and a center blooms, the Hazaras in the Bamiyan area can declare that they will go to bed.

And this is what the Chinese people call "letting a wolf into the house".

Then from Bamiyan to the Amu Darya River area further north, there is a dry desert that stretches for hundreds of kilometers.

Unlike the Sahara Desert, there are few people in the desert here.

The map of Afghanistan, looking from above, looks like a leaf as a whole.

After moving his eyes on the map for a moment, Sunya looked to the northwest of the leaf.

There is a city nourished by the valley river - Herat.

Seeing the name Herat, the names of two ethnic groups flashed in Sunya's mind.

The Chahar Aima people, and the Tajiks.

The combat effectiveness is average, and they also believe in Islam.

So far, there has been no strong resistance in the Herat area, and only some small fish have appeared.

Abu's presence in Herat with his men was almost a dimensionality reduction attack.

The only problem was that Herat was close to Iran, where the Americans had stationed about 2,000 troops.

These 2,000 people could call on American air firepower at any time. If one of them was not good, Abu might face off against these people.

Then, raise your hands and surrender.

You have to find a way to operate it properly...

But after thinking for a long time, Sonia found that he had no food, no food.

Weapons, weapons were in short supply, and it seemed that it was not easy to operate Abu.

After thinking about it, he decided to look for foreign aid.

Find the lamp god from the East and let the lamp god fulfill his wish.

He took out a mobile phone from the drawer, took out a separate phone card and installed it, then recalled Lin Yu's number and dialed it.

A few seconds later, a gentle female voice came from the phone: "Hello, the user you dialed is out of service area or has been turned off. Please leave a message after the beep. The normal call fee will be charged for leaving a message."

Holding the phone, he slammed it to the ground: "Fuck!"

After smashing the phone, he reluctantly picked up the phone on the table and shook it to Petrov, who had asked him to be a middleman:

"My dear Mr. Petrov, don't you come out and say a few words at this time?"

"This is a good time for you to avenge your defeat in Afghanistan!"

"In fact, you can Ship the equipment to us, and then we will ship it directly to them from the desert!"

"Of course, I will not help you for nothing, I will take 20%."

"Expensive? Mr. Petrov, you are kidding, anyway, you have sold a lot of missiles and planes, there are so many Soviet heritages, what's wrong with selling more guns?"


"Well, you do your best."

Hanging up the phone with a hint of depression, Sonia was about to take a rest. The mobile phone that he had just thrown to the ground and had broken into two halves, but the battery was still connected, rang tenaciously.

Looking at the number on it, it was an unfamiliar number.

With doubt, he answered the phone casually and asked in Persian: "Hello, who are you looking for?"

The next second, a voice that he was very familiar with and a little expectant came from the phone.


"Lin Yu? Why did you change your number again?"

"I'm doing business abroad, so it's not convenient to use my own number. What do you want to do?"

"Something on credit!"

"Then I'll give you my number, you can just contact me directly, I'm hanging up."

"By the way, I have a piece of news to tell you. Wasn't there more than 20 tons of heroin robbed in Zabul a few days ago? According to my intelligence, the robbers are Americans. I'm hanging up first."

In Peshawar, holding the beeping cell phone, Lin Yu couldn't wake up from the terrifying number for a long time.

More than 20 tons?


Are these MB people going to steam and eat heroin? Also, what kind of people, what kind of brains, would hoard so much?

MD, we can't delay any longer here, we have to quickly enter Afghanistan, test the rabbi's mouth, and then return to China to follow up on the relevant follow-up arrangements.

Kill all those idiots.

Having made up his mind, he got up and walked out of the hotel room, went up to the top floor, found Sah in the collection room on the top floor, and asked:

"My dear Mr. Sah, when will the gem trade fair you mentioned start?"

Listening to his question, Sah handed over a glass of fermented grape juice and comforted him: "Don't worry!"

"I'm in a hurry too, but don't worry first."

"I'm now inviting people around who have gems to come and set up a persona for you."

"After you meet those gem merchants, they will spread your reputation."

"Then you can use this reputation to legitimately enter Afghanistan to find gems and do business."

"According to the time I agreed with those people, it is 9 o'clock tomorrow morning."

"At the earliest, the day after tomorrow, the rich people in Jalalabad, Afghanistan will know that a gem merchant from China appeared in Peshawar and is purchasing high-end gems."

"The day after tomorrow, you can go to Afghanistan with the resentment of not receiving good gems."

"Now, I think we can continue to discuss the exhibition."

"I think one of the steel smelting equipment can be replaced with a cable production line."

"What do you think?"


Without even raising his eyelids, Lin Yu defined Sah in his mind, and then he raised his head while holding the fermented grape juice and said:

"If Mr. Sah really wants it, I can get you a semi-automatic aluminum wire production line."

"Why not copper wire?" Sah asked subconsciously.

Then, he saw Lin Yu's rolling eyes, and then he slowly came to his senses.

Copper mine!

Pakistan has very rich copper mine resources, but these copper mines are located in the Chagai area in the west of Balochistan Province.

And the people in these places happen to be flirting with the Taliban and Al-Qaeda.

At the same time, some of them are America's dogs.

In this complicated situation, will the other party let you mine copper?

That's definitely not possible.

Secondly, the consumption level of people in Pakistan and other surrounding countries, can pure copper cables be afforded?

The rich can use it, but how many rich people there are, and enough poor people must be able to consume it to support an industrial factory.

The poor are very careful with their budgets.

Can aluminum wire be used?

It can be used, but the life span and safety are not as good. Will it delay its use?


Therefore, the market prospect of aluminum wire is better than that of copper wire.

Moreover... the source of aluminum wire is much more convenient than that of copper wire.

Every year, a large number of cans and beverage boxes imported from abroad are made of aluminum. They only need to be pulled back, melted, and most of the impurities removed, and then they can be stuffed into the rubber and made into aluminum wire for sale.

It doesn't matter if there are some impurities in the wire, as long as it can be powered.

After thinking about these, Sah nodded his head and said happily: "Then, as you said, Mr. Lin, we will replace it with a set of semi-automatic aluminum wire processing equipment."

"Rest early today, and we will start the gem trade fair early tomorrow morning."

"I guarantee that you will be satisfied."

"There is another news, that is, it has been confirmed that the leader of the Taliban in western Afghanistan has broken with the mullah!"

"Oh?" Lin Yu held the fermented grape juice, shook his right hand gently, and asked a question.


At nine o'clock the next morning, the gem trade fair was held on the second floor of the hotel as scheduled.

Unlike the information Lin Yu saw on the Internet, this private gem trade fair is not so formal.

It looks more like a group of people having a dinner.

People of all ages in robes sat on the colorful and intricately patterned carpet, holding the naan in front of them, dipping it in the yogurt in the bowl, and eating leisurely.

In front of them, there were some gemstones of different sizes, but they looked pretty good.

In the front of the carpet, in addition to the white-bearded old man and Sah who had already sat down, there were three empty seats.

With just one glance, Lin Yu knew that the seat was for him, Zhuang De and the other two.

Seeing Lin Yu appear at the door, Sah waved and asked them to take a seat in Urdu.

After Lin Yu and the other two sat down, he introduced them to the people next to him in Urdu.

At this time, Larry began to play a role and translated seriously.

"Mr. Sah said that this Imam Musa was a witness to this gem trade fair."

"The others present are all famous gem merchants from Peshawar, Jalalabad, and even Panjshir."

After Sah finished speaking, Larry sat calmly next to Lin Yu, but his eyes kept looking at the old man Musa, and his expression was obviously puzzled.

At the same time, he was also waiting for Lin Yu's reply.

Lin Yu saw Larry's reaction, and he smiled and nodded to the old man named Musa, and then swept his eyes over the other people present.

Then, he took out a box from his arms, opened it, took out the jade pendant and emerald ring prepared in China, displayed them in front of everyone, and said:

"We at Rhine Jewelry mainly serve high-end customers. This time, I also brought some finished products."

"This is not only a trade fair, but also a tasting, tasting each other's collections."


Larry translated the original words, and then under Lin Yu's instructions, he took out the jade pendant and emerald ring and sent them to the side for the people next to him to check.

The oriental gems fell into the hands of these people, giving them an illusion of witnessing history.

There are a few people who put the ring on their thumb without any instruction, and then gently stroked the white jade with the hand wearing the ring.

They acted like a big boss.

"Mr. Lin is indeed a jewelry family from China. The carving of this emerald ring is the best I have ever seen. It looks more comfortable and better than those ordinary rings. So, do you want to sell it?"

"Mr. Lin, can you tell me how to use this white jade?"

"Mr. Lin, do you only like this kind of big gems and don't like small gems?"

"Mr. Lin, I think we can cooperate. Our mine has enough big gems to make this unique decoration. It's great."

"Mr. Lin..."

After Larry translated their words completely, Lin Yu raised his hands and pressed them down repeatedly to suppress the rest of their words.

Then, he said to the people who asked the questions one by one:

"Because I have to go to Afghanistan in a few days, I have to bring these finished products to people for reference, so I won't sell them for the time being, but when I come back from Afghanistan, I can sell them to you at a friendly price."

"We also want small pieces of gems. We also make rings and pendants, but people in our country prefer big ones."

"For us, the bigger the jade, the more valuable it is!"

"Also, a friend just asked how to wear this white jade. I will demonstrate it now!"

After saying that, he quietly waited for Larry to translate.

When everyone's attention was on him, he stood up and exposed the jade pendant on his waist.

Then, he started to circle around the room in cooperation.

After walking around and returning to his seat, he pulled up the old man Musha again and put the jade pendant on his waist for the old man to experience.

The white jade pendant, matched with the old man's white robe, looked particularly pleasing to the eye.

While old man Musha was busy showing off, Lin Yu followed behind Zhuang De, picked up other people's gemstones, and pretended to look at them.

"This emerald is very transparent and of good size, but it's a pity that there is a crack inside."

"We have to make jewelry, so we can only cut it from this position, cut off the crack, and use it as a pendant inlay."

"This tourmaline is a little small. If it were bigger, it could be worth $1,000. What a pity."

"This agate..."

Lin Yu and his partner were busy from morning to lunch time, and they only finished looking at the gemstones in the hands of these people.

Lin Yu bought one or two gemstones from each of the dozen or so gem merchants who visited.

And they were all the best one or two gemstones in the hands of the other party. One hand paid and the other hand delivered.

Counting the green dollars, the gem merchants present all showed satisfied smiles on their faces.

Looking at the smiles on their faces, Lin Yu casually picked up the stone in front of him, played with it in his hand for a while, and then threw it away casually.

The stones rolled on the carpet, causing the gem merchants to gasp.

Those were all US dollars.

Facing the gazes of these people, Lin Yu said gently: "Everyone, I want to go to Panjshir, Afghanistan in a few days. Is there anyone who wants to go with me?"

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