Hearing Lin Yu's invitation, the dozen or so gem merchants present looked at each other and fell into silence.

Gem merchants generally do not appear in groups, because they are like mobile wallets in the hands of some reckless desperadoes.

If aggregation occurs, it's a moving money chest.

If it weren't for Lin Yu's appearance that was completely different from theirs, as well as his knowledge of gems and his generosity, these gem merchants would even suspect that he was a spy for the bandits.

Seeing the embarrassment on their faces, Sahe stood up at the right time, clapped his hands vigorously, and said loudly:

"Since the gems in everyone's hands today have been sold at the appropriate price, then, as the organizer, I am here to make an announcement."

"Today's gem fair is over. Everyone, put away the gems first and let's eat!"

"After dinner, let's go home!"

"If Boss Lin still needs it, I will contact you, but next time, everyone will bring some really good things."

"After all, Boss Lin has come all the way, so we just bring these goods. It won't sound good if we tell them."

When Sahe spoke, the people in the room quickly picked up the stones in front of them.

After the stones were collected, Pakistani-style hand-picked rice was also served by the hotel staff.

A big plate full.

After the meal, the gem merchants left one after another, with only old man Musha walking at the end.

He took the jade pendant that Lin Yu tied to his waist and was about to return it when Lin Yu raised his hand to stop him and said softly:

"Consider this jade pendant as my gift to Imam Musa."

After Larry finished translating, old man Musha looked down at the jade pendant, thought for a moment, and then took his hand back, but did not put the jade pendant back into his pocket.

Instead, he held the jade pendant and looked at Lin Yu curiously with his brown eyes, waiting for his next words.

On the other side, after confirming that the other party was waiting for his words, Lin Yu said softly:

"I'm here to do business. I've come a long way and I'm not familiar with the place here."

"If you're not familiar with the place, there must be someone who likes to do things behind your back."

"So, this jade pendant is a price. Please ask Imam Musa to help you look at the price of the business."

"I don't know about this deal, what do you think of it, Imam Musa?"

After Lin Yu finished speaking, Larry's translator immediately followed.

Larry was translating, while Lin Yu looked at Sahe with his peripheral vision. When the translation was completed, Sahe nodded slightly to Lin Yu.

On the opposite side, after listening to Larry's translation, old man Musa pondered for a moment, put the jade pendant back into his pocket with his backhand, stretched out his right hand, nodded his head with a smile, and then said in Mandarin with a slightly strange accent:

"This dragon and phoenix auspicious jade pendant is pretty good, so I'll accept it first."

"It's a good thing for us that you come to do business. As long as you are sincere in doing business and sincerely making the local people's lives better, I can guarantee that no one will dare to touch you."

"When you go to Afghanistan and you are questioned, just report it to Musha Imam in Peshawar."

"In the north of Pakistan and the east of Afghanistan, anyone who has listened to the teachings of the Quran should give me some face when they hear my name."

"Little Sahe, you are good at catching food with your hands. I will go back first."

With a wave of his hand, old man Musha took out the jade pendant from his pocket, tied it around his waist, declined the help of others, and walked out of the room in a hurry.

Then, on the street, he caught a few children stealing from the roadside, stood under the scorching sun, and began to teach these children.

Watching all this from the window, Lin Yu slowly turned around, only to find that Sahe's face was also full of shock.

Looking at his expression, Lin Yu couldn't help but ask: "You couldn't tell me that you didn't know that Imam Musa can speak Mandarin, right?"

"I don't know!" Sahe replied very loudly, very sonorously, and even a little proud.

"He was in that mosque when I was a kid. He looked like this at that time, except that his hair was not white."

"I grew up and his hair turned gray."

"I haven't seen him speak Mandarin either!"

"Also, I have never seen him so happy and sincere..."

Halfway through the words, Sahe slowly turned his head and asked guiltily: "He won't..."

"Are you lying to us?" Lin Yu asked first, blocking the rest of Sahe's words.

After Sahe stopped what he was saying, he turned to look at Larry again and asked in a low voice: "I saw your expression was a little strange just now. Do you know Imam Musa?"

Upon hearing this question, Larry tilted his head and asked, "If you are talking about Musa Imam in Peshawar, then I don't know."

"But if you're talking about Musa bin Mohammed bin Ibrahim, then I've heard it."

"As a Pashtun, he became a candidate for Afghanistan's Sharif at the age of 30."

"Later, because there was something wrong with Sharif's campaign, he couldn't bear to see his compatriots hurt each other, so he withdrew from Sharif's campaign, which made Sharif succeed."

"He has not been seen since."

"Some people said that he was dead, but they didn't expect that he would be here, changed his name, and regained his prestige."

"As a representative of kindness, anyone who has heard his name will choose to listen to his words."

After listening to Larry's explanation, Lin Yu tilted his head, looked at Sahe with confusion on his face, and asked, "You don't know?"

"I don't know!" Sahe shook his head repeatedly.

"Then why did you invite him to come and testify?"

Finding that Lin Yu still didn't believe it, Sahe jumped to explain:

"As I said, he was there when I was a child, and he is still there when I grow up. Anyway, my father respects him quite a bit."

"I called him naturally."

"Who knew he had a hidden identity?"

"But!" Sahe stopped his movements and words of explanation, slowly turned his head, looked at Larry stiffly, and asked with a sly smile:

"Those gem merchants just now have been operating in Peshawar for many years, and basically they don't know the identity of Imam Musa."

"how do you know?"

As he asked, Lin Yu's gaze also fell over.

Being stared at by two pairs of eyes, Larry reached out and touched his nose and said awkwardly:

"In Chinese terms, I am a junior of Imam Musa, who ran against Sharif for the first time. When I was studying, I saw his photo. According to his seniority, I should be called Master. "

"With his name, boss, if you go to Afghanistan, then even if we encounter trouble, as long as it's not a big problem, it won't be a problem."

"What about you?" Lin Yu took half a step back and asked his own question.

"Me?" Larry pointed to himself and said softly: "In our group, a few relatively radical young people established an organization called the Taliban."

"Now call the street rat."

Having said this, he raised his finger and pointed at himself, and said with an awkward smile: "I used to think that they and I were comrades, but later I found out that we were not. They just wanted to kill people."

Hearing these words, Lin Yu had a surprised expression on his face, but he was on full alert in his heart.

Because he had no way of verifying the authenticity of what these two guys said.

But the problem is not big. This time I went to Afghanistan, mainly to explore the other party's tone.

Then, buy some more gems and come back.

Go faster, two days is enough.

The less you show up, the safer you will be.

Having made up his mind, Lin Yu put away the surprise on his face, reached out and patted Larry, and said:

"We have an old saying in China, which is to put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately."

"Although you can't become a Buddha, I think you should be good."

"Don't think too much, go back and have a good rest. When everything is ready, we will go to Afghanistan."

Leaving behind a few words, Lin Yu and Zhuang De gathered up the rough stones on the ground.

The two of them cleaned up very carefully.

It wasn't until each stone was put into a box with a combination lock and locked that the two men breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, Sahe naturally suggested that he had a safe that he could lend to Lin Yu.

Just like that, several people carrying boxes appeared on the top floor where Sahe kept the safe.

After driving Larry and others out and closing the door, Sahe kept twisting the safe door lock and whispered: "I suggest you give up the trip to Afghanistan."

"This translator of yours has such a weird origin."

The safe door was opened. Lin Yu held the stone and squatted next to Sahe. He shook his head and whispered, "I've been here since I came. It's not my style to give up halfway."

"Giving up suddenly can also put you in danger."

"If you have a problem, it will be almost impossible to have similar cooperation with Pakistan in the future."

"What's more, we now have an opportunity, that is, the leader of the western Taliban in your mouth breaks with the mullahs."

"They are definitely very busy internally right now. If we take advantage of Rabbi at this time, the success rate will be greatly improved."

"And, I trust my people."

Lin Yu put the last stone into the safe, locked the door, and adjusted the password. Then he stood up, straightened his expression, and walked out of the room where the safe was stored with Sahe.

Back in his room, Lin Yu informed Luo Ping of the relevant news via text message on his mobile phone.

Luo Ping was also a person who had seen strong winds and waves. After telling the news, he stopped talking and continued to stand there with a straight face, acting as a backdrop.

After wandering around Peshawar for another two days and collecting two more rough stones that looked pretty good, Lin Yu took the people and drove towards the Khyber Pass.

Seeing the majestic canyon, he introduced this canyon that he had only seen in geography books.

"Thousands of years ago, during Alexander's Eastern Expedition, he took the wrong path and went along this valley to the South Asian subcontinent."

"Actually, if the Indians had defended this valley, maybe..."

"Well, maybe there won't be any Indians anymore."

Putting these aside, he continued: "You must have read Journey to the West. The frail Tang Seng in it was scared half to death when he saw a monster."

"He once walked through this valley where we are, and he talked to people along the way, but I don't know if he ever hit them with his fists."

"Back then, he left Yumen Pass in the west, entered the vast desert, marched along the southern foot of the Tianshan Mountains, and finally climbed over the mountains and ridges before entering Afghanistan."

“He recorded a lot of shit along the way.”

“Like the grottoes in Bamiyan.”

"The original text is that there is a standing Buddha statue on the mountain northeast of the royal city, which is one hundred forty to fifty feet high, with shining golden light and resplendent jewelery. To the east is Jialan, which was built by the ancestors of this country. To the east of Jialan is the standing stone statue of Sakyamuni Buddha, which is high. More than a hundred feet, they are cast separately and the whole is established."

"It's a pity that I can't even see it."

After passing the inspection at the pass, we climbed over the mountains and entered Afghanistan. When we left the pass, we saw a seasonal river.

Summer is the season of rising water, and the turbid river water flows wildly across the land along random river channels.

At the end of the river, the road suddenly turns, and the scenery that catches the eye is no longer the same gray and yellow, but a green one.

It's farmland.

Compared with the somewhat shabby road below, the farmland in the distance looked very neat, but after looking at it for a while, Lin Yu withdrew his gaze.

Because, near the roadside, in the relatively poor fields, there are poppies growing.

This thing is so carelessly planted in the field.

There are also knife edges on the round fruits, which are the knife edges for extracting pulp and cutting.

Slowly, the scenery on both sides changed again, turning into a combination of farmland and buildings. Except for the sky full of dust, everything else looked normal.

Children on the roadside looked at the vehicles curiously, seeming to be thinking about whether to get a ticket.

As they walked, five America Hummers appeared in front of the pickup truck.

Seeing the person, Larry shrank subconsciously.

But unlike him, Lin Yu and others seemed very excited.

As the vehicle drove past, several American soldiers naturally stretched out their hands to stop the vehicle. Looking at their faces, they asked in English: "Chinese?"

"Ah? How did you tell?" Lin Yu was shocked.

There is actually an American soldier who didn't admit the wrong person. This is simply outrageous. He opened the door for outrageousness. It's outrageous.

Seeing the surprise on Lin Yu's face, Da Bing pointed to his eyes proudly: "Eyes!"

"Japanese people feel groveling, and Korean people feel the same way. You are the only one who has two eyes."

"One is curiosity, the curiosity of examination."

"The other kind is to please, but it's not the kind of groveling."

"Are you here to do the gem business?"

When asked, the soldier who spoke stretched his right hand slightly forward and made a movement that Lin Yu was very familiar with.

Rub your thumb and forefinger together and ask for money.

While making this movement with his hands, the soldier was still looking left and right, as if he was worried that others would look over.

Seeing this, Qian Duoduo quickly took out the prepared banknote roll from his pocket and handed it over naturally.

The soldier rubbed the banknotes skillfully.


He was very satisfied, but after putting away the money, his eyes naturally passed over Qian Duoduo.

Without holding back, he licked his dry lips with his tongue.

He waved to his teammates and shouted: "You two cars, take our lovely friends to Jalalabad."

"We must protect their safety. They are the hope of Afghanistan's prosperity."

When the two cars in front heard this, they all smiled kindly at Lin Yu and others.

Not long after, the vehicle set off again. Qian Duoduo looked at the two vehicles driving ahead and whispered, "They are quite nice people."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Yu looked at Larry and asked firmly: "Are they robbing?"

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