"Yeah! Robbery!" Larry said three words naturally, and then started counting on his fingers how much money it would cost.

Two or three minutes later, he had the results.

"You just gave that guy a thousand dollars. According to their habits, five cars with seven people in each car would cost at least $35,000."

"There won't be any risk to your life, but there will definitely be problems with your wallet."

"If you had given us $100 at the beginning, we would have only lost $200 in the end."

"That Mr. Chen Bin told me that I must remind you not to reveal your wealth."

"But now it looks like it's over."

After he finished speaking, Lin Yu looked at the receding scenery outside the car window and asked softly to Qian Duoduo, who was sitting in the passenger seat:

"How does it feel to spend tens of thousands of dollars to buy a lesson?"

There was a hint of joking in his words.

When these joking words fell into Larry's ears, he understood one thing instantly.

The boss next to me had other ideas when he asked his secretary to show off his wealth on purpose.

It seemed that he was training this young secretary with a childish look on his face.

Co-pilot, Lin Yu's words made Qian Duoduo couldn't help but look at the briefcase in his hand.

After watching for a while, he pulled up his briefcase and began to sigh: "Heartbroken! I can't wait to grab the steering wheel and kill them."

"But you can't kill me, so be careful next time." Lin Yu warned while shaking his head helplessly, but as soon as he finished speaking, there was a roar in front of him.


The moment the roar was heard, fire flickered on the road ahead, and the Hummer leading the way flew into the sky with the sound and fire.

The sound of the explosion made Luo Ping, who was driving, subconsciously turn the steering wheel to the left and step to a stop at the same time.

The pickup truck stopped, and the blown-up Humvee also landed on the ground at this time, and then continued to roll on the ground under the influence of inertia.

With no time to pause, Lin Yu raised his voice and gave the order as quickly as possible.


Hearing the sound, Luo Ping shifted into reverse gear and pushed the accelerator to the bottom. The old tires of the pickup truck rubbed against the dilapidated road, directly emitting streams of green smoke.

The tire damage was serious, but the effect was obvious. Their car was retreating rapidly.

But not long after he exited, he was blocked by a car coming up from behind. Looking at the overloaded Peshawar truck with no factory sign, Luo Ping stopped and returned the gear and steering wheel.

Watching silently the gun battle that broke out in the distance.

The two cars were not hit, but a few bullets were fired suddenly from the house on the left side of the road.

The soldiers in the second vehicle were about to step forward to rescue the soldiers in the first vehicle. When they heard the gunfire, they immediately relied on the bulletproof armor of the Humvee and stood on the road to fight back.

Then, a very strange scene appeared. America's soldiers fought back on the road, but no matter what, they would not get off the road, even if they died.

The people on the other side were hiding in the house and firing from time to time.

The people on both sides remained in a stalemate for a few minutes, and then there was no movement.

Larry stuck his head out of the car window, stared at the Hummer in the distance for a while, and said:

"Turn off the engine, get out of the car and get ready to cook. You may have to camp here again today."

Luo Ping didn't move until Lin Yu patted him on the shoulder, and then he turned off the engine.

With the shaking of the Toyota pickup truck, the world suddenly became boring.

At this time, Luo Ping turned around and asked Larry, "Why?"

"Because you don't know if there are roadside bombs on the road ahead."

After saying that, Larry got out of the car decisively, took out the pot in the car, carefully checked the roadside to make sure that the surrounding soil and rocks had not been dug, then set up the stove and started cooking.

When the drivers behind him saw this, they also got out of the car and started cooking next to Larry.

This skillful movement made Lin Yu's eyelids jump.

Sure enough, it is a universal truth that a dead Taoist friend will never die a poor Taoist.

While they were busy cooking, a Black Hawk helicopter came from the direction of Jalalabad, circled twice around the explosion site, and then slowly landed on the ground after confirming safety.

Those who survived on the ground rushed the wounded to the plane, and then climbed onto the plane together.

Then, evacuated.

They didn't care whether there were bombs on the roadside or the Humvee military vehicle. A group of people directly took a plane to evacuate.

This outrageous operation made people on both sides of the explosion point stunned.

However, after a brief moment of stunned silence, the group of people went back to cooking and sleeping.

It seemed that everything that had just happened was not in the same time and space as them.

Only the fact that no one dared to move forward made Lin Yu convinced that these people were still living in the same time and space as him.

After watching it curiously for a while, he took Larry's freshly baked naan and ate it with the tomato chili sauce he bought in Pakistan and fresh tomatoes.

With naan stuffed in his mouth, he asked Larry curiously: "Just... just blocked like this?"

After stuffing his mouth full of pancakes, Larry raised his head and glanced at the sky, then lowered his head and said:

"Wait a minute. If the people in the new government act fast enough, the bomb disposal crews will arrive before dinner."

"If you don't come today, then tomorrow morning, or noon tomorrow at the latest, someone will come and check."

"Of course, it is also possible that the person who planted the bomb will sneak over tonight and defuse the bomb."

"Anyway, just wait!"

Hearing that he had to wait for bomb disposal personnel to come over for inspection, Lin Yu naturally walked to a nearby truck and replaced the hammock that the driver tied under the truck with half a naan and a tomato.

It is very pleasant to hide in the shade with a little breeze.

The people in the new government were very efficient in their work. At around four o'clock in the afternoon, a truck drove from the direction of Jalalabad.

The truck stopped, and about ten people jumped out of the truck. Then they took out a frame with small wheels and iron sheets from the truck.

On the shelf is a telescopic pole that is more than ten meters long. At the front of the telescopic pole is something that looks like a rake.

Several people control the shelf, and then one person is responsible for controlling the telescopic rod, constantly sweeping back and forth on the ground. The sweeping position is very detailed, leaving almost no blind spots.

During the sweep, the shelf does not move forward, but stays in place.

When the shelf stops working, the person with the metal detector will search little by little where the telescopic rod has swept.

After the search, the rack moved forward, continued scanning, and then switched to a metal detector.

Very slow.

But it's better to be safe.

As they scanned, the man holding the metal detector suddenly let out a loud blast.

Immediately afterwards, the vehicle carrying personnel began to retreat, and the bomb disposal personnel also retreated.

After retreating to a safe distance, the group of people took out a piece of wood more than a foot long and as thick as an adult's head from the car.

Tie it up with a rope and start throwing wood.

After trying several times, I finally threw the wood to the right place, the moment it touched the ground.

There was an explosion on the ground.

Seeing the explosion, the people on both sides breathed a sigh of relief.

By the time the EOD team finished their work, the sky was completely dark. The people who were stuck on the road all turned into Takumi Fujiwara at this moment, driving their cars and running wildly on the narrow and not very good road.

There is only more than 20 kilometers from the explosion point to the city.

Without much effort, Jalalabad, the first city entering Afghanistan from Peshawar, appeared in front of everyone.

Probably because everyone has basically the same cultural group, the buildings here are almost replicas of Peshawar.

Except for commercial shops and warehouses that are obviously used for transit, the houses on the roadside are basically a yard, surrounded by high walls, and then a house is built in the yard.

The height of the wall cuts off the outside view, making it almost impossible to see what's going on inside.

Coupled with the lack of electricity, the city looks bleak at night.

Occasionally, one or two street lamps emit light that makes people question life.

After entering the city, Lin Yu also took out the address given by Sahe from his arms and handed it to Larry, telling him to go to the address on the note.

After looking at the address for a while, Larry stretched out his hand and pointed to the avenue at the intersection ahead:

"That horizontal avenue going south is called Sharif Street, and going north it's called Said Street."

"Then the house numbers of Sharif Street should be counted from south to north, with South Street on the left and North Street on the right."

"No. 274, Third Community, North Sharif Street, should be in the middle of the street."

"According to what Mr. Sahe said in the note, the other party's house is very good. We can recognize it when we see it. If we go to the approximate location first, we should be able to find out by asking more."

In the driver's seat, Luo Ping looked at the rough lines on the ground, controlled the vehicle, carefully followed the car in front that had the same idea, slowly turned at the intersection, and drove the car south.

The speed is relatively slow, which helps people in the car to see the house numbers on both sides.

However, God was destined to disappoint them.

There are no so-called house numbers on the doors of these roadside houses at all.

Everything can only be guessed.

Slowly, the vehicle drove to the middle position. Luo Ping pulled the car to the side of the road and stopped. A person happened to pass by the vehicle. Larry rolled down the window and opened his mouth, but the words had not yet been spoken.

An extremely violent explosion came from the building complex on their left.


The fireball formed by the explosion illuminated the surrounding area, allowing people in the car to see clearly the scene of the explosion.

It was a very nice-looking villa, originally surrounded by a wall and surrounded by trees.

However, due to the explosion, the wall collapsed, and the magnificence inside the wall naturally appeared in front of Lin Yu and others.

The fire only appeared for a moment, but later, there were more flashes, floating in the night.

It was the muzzle of fire.

After watching the explosion blankly for a while, Larry turned his head and wanted to ask the person he had just stopped.

But when he turned around, he found that there was no one else next to him.

The eldest brother whom he had just stopped had already run away and disappeared.

Just when he was about to ask what his next step was, Lin Yu, who was hidden in the darkness, said softly:

"Lao Luo, eat the note, scream together, and then slowly start the car."

"Larry, take us to the nearest hotel that doesn't accept foreigners first, and then deliberately quarrel with the hotel owner."

"Then take us to the nearest hotel until we find a place to stay."


As soon as Lin Yu finished speaking, Luo Ping reached out and grabbed the note in Larry's hand without any hesitation, put it directly into his mouth and ate it.

The fierce movement made Larry couldn't help but take a breath.

After calming down, he began to guide Luo Ping forward according to the map in his memory.

The vehicle started, turned right at the next intersection, and drove a few hundred meters forward, and the vehicle stopped in front of a hotel that looked pretty good.

Larry got off the car quickly and walked into the hotel with Qian Duoduo. A few minutes later, he walked out of the hotel in a crisp Urdu language, cursing, and slammed the door and got into the car.

The vehicle started again, and drove less than 300 meters forward. He got off the car with Qian Duoduo again and walked into the roadside hotel that looked more luxurious than the previous one.

This time, he came out faster than the last time.

The voice was also louder than the last time. Even though he didn't know Urdu, Lin Yu knew that the words contained a lot of "mother".

The vehicle started again. This time, less than 30 seconds after it started, Luo Ping whispered:

"There is someone behind us, a Hummer. When Larry first came out of the hotel, this guy followed."

As Luo Ping was talking, Lin Yu also glanced at the rearview mirror with his peripheral vision. In the rearview mirror, a Hummer followed not far away.

Lin Yu's two cars stopped, and the SUV also stopped.

After a glance, he stopped paying attention: "Don't panic, continue, go around two more times, and check in at the next hotel."

With the order, Larry continued to give instructions, shuttling around the city and circling.

After almost an hour, he went around several hotels and finally stopped in front of a hotel that welcomes foreigners.

Larry went in first, and two minutes later, he stood at the door, shouting as if he had found a treasure.

Lin Yu and his group heard the sound and hurriedly got out of the car with their luggage.

After showing their passports and customs documents, the hotel checked in very quickly.

As the hotel doorman went upstairs, Luo Ping held his stomach with both hands, and instantly acted like a drama spirit: "My stomach hurts, my stomach hurts, you go up first, Larry, tell me where the bathroom is."

The doorman had never seen this before, and pointed in a direction in a hurry. Luo Ping naturally held his stomach, bent over, and went to the bathroom.

Not long after Lin Yu and the others went upstairs, several American soldiers with painted faces appeared at the hotel front desk.

One person was asking the front desk, while the others were looking around impatiently.

After standing for a while, the soldiers turned around, walked out of the hotel, and stood at the door to get some fresh air.

At this moment, Luo Ping walked out of the bathroom with a comfortable but hurried look on his face, and went upstairs through the stairs.

Going up the stairs, Luo Ping found Lin Yu and his friends on the floor where they were staying. His expression was very solemn:

"Seven American soldiers with oil paint on their faces."

"If a fight breaks out in the corridor, we can kill them without any injuries."

"I just saw in the bathroom. There is an alley outside the bathroom."

"Just go inside and change clothes. Ordinary people can't find us."

After hearing this, Lin Yu's face sank. He grabbed a pistol from the suitcase and threw it to Luo Ping, saying softly: "Be prepared for battle!"

"If the situation is not right, kill them and grab the car and go directly to Peshawar. As long as we enter Pakistan, they can't do anything to us."

After explaining, he found that the faces of the people around him were very gloomy. Lin Yu couldn't help but twitching his face and said:

"Smile a little. We are gem merchants, not bandits. Don't be afraid. Let's lower the vigilance of the people on the other side first."

With a forced smile, he walked to the door and opened it so that people could see inside from the outside at a glance.

Just after finishing all this, a sound of footsteps was heard in the corridor, and the people in the room heard the sound.

Ten seconds later, the footsteps stopped in front of the room door.

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