As the footsteps stopped, people inside and outside the door also saw each other.

They also saw surprise in each other's eyes.

Because what appeared in front of Lin Yu was an American soldier without weapons and equipment. The clothes on his body were very thin. Lin Yu could tell at a glance that this guy had no weapons on him.

Even if there is, it is still behind the butt, and it takes two seconds to draw the gun.

As for the people the soldiers saw, they were seven half-naked men who were taking off their clothes or had already taken off their clothes.

When Lin Yu and Da Bing looked at each other, Luo Ping and others who were talking in the room also slowly stopped talking and looked at the door slowly and confusedly.

In the room, Lin Yu stood at the entrance to the bathroom door on the left hand side of the entrance. There was a small angle between the bathroom door and the door of the room. You could see the corridor about 30 degrees diagonally from the bathroom door.

In other words, at this location, the corridor on the right side outside the gate can be blocked.

With the help of turning around, he also saw the people in the corridor on the right through the gap.

America Private, but these guys are loose.

Although their hands were on the guns, the muzzles were not raised, but lowered, and they kept talking in low voices.

As for the soldiers at the door, they were still immersed in confusion.

Seeing that the other party didn't speak, he was thinking about whether to continue taking off his clothes, because his hands were still in his sleeves, and hidden in his sleeves was a loaded pistol.

The others were pretty much the same, they basically took off their clothes and held them in their hands.

There were pistols in the tightly held clothes.

Seven steps away, the gun is fast.

Within seven steps, the gun was fast and accurate.

Based on the distance between him and the man at the door, he was sure to hit him between the eyebrows with one shot, and then rush out to kill him before the men outside raised their guns.

However, the other party made no movement.

The most important thing is that the soldier standing at the door seems to be sizing people up.

It's like confirming someone's appearance.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Yu shook his head and glanced at the person outside the gap. He released his right hand holding the gun first, took out his right hand, gathered his clothes, and then took out his left hand.

This time I changed to the regimental clothes on my left hand. I sent the regimented clothes to my right hand. I held the gun inside the clothes with my right hand. I looked at the soldier in front of me and asked in English:

"can I help you?"

After asking, he turned his head and shouted into the room: "Hurry up and put on your clothes."

After he finished shouting, the soldier at the door also spoke with a standard Texas accent.

"Did you come from Peshawar today?"


"I saw your registration information. Are you here to do business and purchase rough gemstones?"

"Yes! But we only buy high-end products, not ordinary ones."

"Did you encounter five cars on the road, and two of them were, escorting you guys, and then one of the cars was attacked by a roadside bomb?"


"What are you doing in Sharif Street?"

"Isn't that Said Street?"

"To the north is Said Street. There is an intersection about three hundred meters north from where you parked your car. From that intersection, going north is Said Street, and going south is Sharif Street!"

The soldier's statement fell on Lin Yu's ears, and his eyes flashed slightly. The soldier's statement was consistent with Larry's statement, indicating that the soldier should be very familiar with the layout of Jalalabad.

Still need to test!

Thinking of this, a trace of anger appeared on Lin Yu's face. He turned his head, bared his teeth and walked back to Larry, shouting at him: "Larry, the road you mentioned is called Said Street." !

"Then I don't come here often, how do I know where exactly this is disconnected?"

Larry was defending in very poor Mandarin while looking at the people outside. Then he lowered his head and began to look for a map in the backpack hanging on his shoulder.

After only two or three seconds, he took out a huge map.

And his action of searching for the map still did not arouse the vigilance of the people on the other side. Seeing this, Lin Yu reached out and took the map from Larry. Holding the map in his left hand and clothes in his right hand, he came to the soldier and asked in English. :


The soldier standing in front of the door got the map and first glanced at the factory date of the map in the lower left corner.

When he saw the time in 1997, he handed the map back to Lin Yu, then breathed a sigh of relief and said:

"Sir, I need you to answer something truthfully now, that is, whether you need rough gemstones, and how much you can eat."

"This... this is not good! This is a business secret." Lin Yu smiled awkwardly, then took two steps back, acting naturally.

Seeing what he wanted to express, the American soldier said softly: "We have a batch of rough gemstones of good quality, but we can't find a suitable buyer."

"Our people at the customs called us after checking your passports."

"I just didn't expect that a little accident happened."

"A car was hit by a roadside bomb, and the rescue plane moved too fast and forgot about you."

"We asked along the way and caught up with you on Sharif Street. However, Sharif Street is dealing with some unexpected events, so we must be careful. This accident can be ruled out now."

"So, let me ask again, how many rough stones can you eat?"

Hearing this, Lin Yu scratched his right forearm with his left hand, leaving white marks on his sweaty arm with his nails.

His handsome face also became very tangled at this moment.

After several minutes, he bit his teeth hard, and at this moment, the bulging muscles could be seen on his whole face.

His teeth opened as soon as they touched, and he asked: "Is the origin of your gems okay? I didn't buy the gems and someone rushed up and beat me to death right after I bought them?"

"Today, your people were blown up by a roadside bomb. I don't want it to be like that!"

Who would have thought that as soon as he finished speaking, the soldier shook his head and said: "There is no problem with the gems! I can guarantee this. If Mr. Lin is afraid, we can personally escort you out of Afghanistan after the transaction is completed."

"There is an old saying in China that a man who knows the times is a hero. I think Mr. Lin should be able to think this through."

Lin Yu looked embarrassed and tangled for a while. He nodded reluctantly, agreeing to the transaction.

Seeing that he agreed, the soldier outside the door was very satisfied, nodded his head, and said:

"Then Mr. Lin, we will leave first. We will meet here at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning."

Leaving a word, the soldier and his men turned around and left decisively. A few minutes later, a group of people appeared on the first floor.

He seemed to know that someone was watching him at the window, and he waved to the floor where Lin Yu and others were.

Until the car left, Lin Yu closed the door, took out the pistol, and turned off the safety.

Before he sat down, Larry asked: "What are you doing?"

Lin Yu didn't even turn his head: "Gem merchant!"

"Whose gem merchant carries a gun?"

"Didn't those guys just now?"

The righteous words made Larry speechless for a while.

Without waiting for his response, Lin Yu raised his head and asked, "Can you tell me where the gemstones in the hands of these soldiers came from?"

This question instantly diverted Larry's attention. He lowered his head and thought for a long time, and then said in a deep voice:

"It is likely that they were snatched from the rebels in Jitral."

"Jitral also produces gemstones, but the quality is worse than that of the Panjshir Valley."

"Anyway, no matter which situation it is, it is troublesome for us."

"These Americans who are greedy for money will probably force us to buy and sell!"

Listening to his analysis, Lin Yu walked into the bathroom with his change of clothes, and after a while, he poked his head out again:

"Lao Luo, take someone with you, go out to buy some food, and take a look around."


On the other side, the soldiers who left also returned to the military camp stationed in the south of the city.

The military camp is not big, and a wall separates itself from the city. The lights of the military camp also appear brighter in the night.

After settling his teammates, the soldier went straight to the office building in the center of the military camp, where he met his superior.

Will Smith, commander of the 225th Support Battalion, 25th Division, America.

Seeing his beloved general return, Will picked up the cigar on the table with a smile, clipped off the cigarette butt with a clip, lit it, handed it over, and then asked:

"Sergeant Mike, is the news from the customs true?"

Mike took the cigar skillfully and put it in his mouth, took a deep puff, and nodded his head vigorously: "It's true!"

"Those people are indeed jewelers who came from China and transferred to Afghanistan via Pakistan. Moreover, the first sentence that person said after hearing what I said was that they only do high-end business, which is consistent with the intelligence we received yesterday."

After getting the answer from his subordinates, Will was so excited that he began to circle around the room. After two circles, he turned around, looked at Mike, and asked in a low voice:

"How much goods can they eat?"

Seeing that his boss didn't take his words seriously at all, Mike once again had an epic lung-sucking move, and reluctantly repeated: "They said they only do high-end business!"

Hearing this, Will's face showed a fierce look: "He has to buy it even if he doesn't want to!"

Seeing this, Mike sighed helplessly and said, "I think it's better to sell it to other people."

His suggestion attracted a roll of eyes and words of disdain:

"What do you know?"

"Chinese people do business in a give-and-take manner. If they can come here, it means that the other party has enough funds."

"The rough stones in our hands are originally a no-cost business. The only thing we have to do is to quickly pocket them. We want cash."

"If we give it to those Afghan dealers, they will definitely drag their feet in paying. Once the news leaks, we will have to give extra shares to other people."

"Do you understand?" Will shouted in a low voice and waved his hand gently:

"Okay, Mike, go down and get ready. Tomorrow morning, we will sell the things. After getting the money, you can go to treat your mother and pay off your student loans and your sister's student loans."

After these words, Mike rarely responded. He just took the cigar and left in silence.

Time passed quickly. The next morning, Will waved his hand and Mike drove a car with several large boxes of raw stones to block the door of the hotel where Lin Yu was staying.

In the room, until the other party opened the box in his hand, Lin Yu was sure that the other party really wanted to sell the stones.

It’s just that the number of stones is a little bit more, it doesn’t look like they were mined, but more like they were robbed.


He wanted to curse, but years of quality education told him that he couldn't.

He came here to mess with people, and being a gem merchant was just an identity, but he never expected that this layer of skin would actually come true.

Reaching out to pick up a piece, and looking at it with a special small flashlight for a while, Lin Yu couldn't help shaking his head and said:



"Mr. Smith, most of the rough stones in your hand are not good. We only make high-end goods, so we... won't want these bad rough stones of yours."

"It's not much, you take them all!"

His face wrinkled into a bitter gourd, and after a little entanglement, Lin Yu nodded slightly and reluctantly agreed to this request.

Next, it was Zhuang De's performance time.

"This piece has no jade..."

"This piece is $1,000..."

"This piece..."

"This piece is not an emerald, it's just a piece of crystal inside..."

From morning to dinner time, Zhuang De was busy until he finished looking at the more than a thousand stones that Smith brought.

Half of them were the kind of waste that he didn't like, and the rest were good materials and ordinary materials.

The final price was $5.272 million.

After calculating the total, Lin Yu put down the calculator, sat in front of Smith, and tempted:

"Mr. Smith, do you need cash or direct remittance to your special account for the more than 5 million?"

"We can't provide such a large amount of cash. The only place that can provide it is the Federal Reserve of America, but at that time, you can't explain the source of the funds."

"Moreover, these funds appear in your account, and the IRS should find you before the FBI."

"If you are targeted by those vampires, then..."

The word IRS made Smith, a ruthless man, shiver. His subtle movement, in Lin Yu's eyes, made him understand the IRS to a higher level.

Smith on the opposite side thought for a moment, and took out a note from his arms. On the note was a bank account.

And the bank's opening bank is Swiss Bank.

After repeatedly confirming that there was no mistake in the bank account on the note, Lin Yu took out his mobile phone, edited a text message, and sent it out.

About an hour later, another text message came back, with only a few simple words.

"The money has been transferred successfully!"

Seeing these words, Lin Yu put away his phone, leaned back on the sofa, and said to Smith with a smile:

"Mr. Smith, the money has been received, you can check it at any time."

His frank action made Smith's eyes flash, this efficiency...

Although he was full of doubts, he still stood up patiently, took his phone to the side and started to make a call. A few minutes later, he appeared in front of Lin Yu again, sat down on the chair, and asked:

"How many gems can you eat?"

Facing his eager eyes, Lin Yu shook his head slightly, and said with regret: "I can't eat more for the time being!"

"First, because my quota has been exceeded."

"Second, because this place is not safe. According to my plan, we should have arrived in Kabul yesterday."

"Then go to Panjshir from Kabul."


"The two explosions completely disrupted my plan..."

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