As soon as they arrived at the entrance of the village, several people were stopped by a young man carrying a gun. The man looked at them for a moment, turned around, and politely raised his hand to point to the most luxurious house in the village.

That's a mosque.

"Guys, please come this way. Sir Sharif is already waiting in the temple. Please come with me."

After saying that, the young man turned around and left without any hesitation, as if he was not worried at all that the people behind him were fakes.

Unlike him, Sunia and the others were more vigilant.

Because according to general custom, acquaintances will be sent to receive the meeting, and strangers will be sent to receive the meeting. There are only two possibilities.

The first one is that Abu's loss is more serious than he said.

Secondly, this TND is a game from beginning to end.

Several people took out their pistols and loaded the bullets before starting their motorcycles again and followed the young man slowly towards the mosque not far away.

Under the apricot tree in the temple yard, a few bearded men were sitting there, telling each other jokes. If you ignore the guns beside them and the bullets hanging on their bodies, then this is a picture of an idyllic countryside.

When she reached the bottom of the stone steps, Sunia took off her boots, revealing her big feet that had been covered all day. She grabbed two handfuls of clean sand from the sandy ground under the stone steps, put them on her feet and rubbed them.

After rubbing it for a few times, I found that there was still a smell on my feet, so I simply ignored it and allowed the smell to spread.

Taking a deep breath, he took the box from his subordinate, stepped on the steps, stepped on the carpet, and slowly walked into the chapel.

At the end of the red carpet, two people were sitting, one old and one middle school.

The old man is naturally the imam of this mosque, and the other man is Abu.

The two people were sitting opposite each other, discussing something.

Sunia walked over in a swaggering manner, but before he got close, Abu, who was sitting on the ground, jumped up, pointed at Sunia's feet, and asked loudly:

"Can't you get some water and wash yourself before you come in?"

While Abu was talking, the old imam next to him was more direct and began to recite scriptures directly: "O you who believe! When you get up to pray, you should wash your face and hands up to two elbows, rub your head, and Wash your feet, up to your ankles..."

"If you are sick or traveling, or coming from the toilet, or having sex with women, and you cannot get water, you should go to the clean ground and rub your face and hands with part of the soil!" Suniya got ahead of the old imam. , finish reciting the following content.

Then he put down the box, sat down next to the two of them, and started to rub their fingers:

"To be honest, this mosque of yours should install running water, and at least make a hand-washing basin at the door so that people can clean themselves."

"If it was before, it might have been troublesome, but now, I don't think it's that troublesome. It's just that you are unwilling to do it."

Facing Sonia's troubles, the old imam glared angrily and thought of throwing the damn guy out if he disagreed with her.

Abu, who was next to him, seemed very calm. He looked at Sonia once and then turned his attention to the suitcase next to him.

Compared with the last time they met, this time, Sonia seemed to be completely transformed.

His face was radiant, and his whole body exuded an aura called confidence.

This was never seen before.

Sensing Abu's gaze, Sunia pointed her chin towards the imam next to her and asked in a low voice: "We are discussing confidentiality. Isn't he suitable here?"

"He is very suitable." Abu responded in a deep voice, then slowly moved his buttocks and stood in front of the old imam. He looked at Sunia and continued to ask in a low voice:

"Tell me, what is the purpose of your appointment with me?"

When asked about her purpose, Sunia said very calmly: "Nothing, cooperation!"

"According to our intelligence, the Americans and the new government have sent additional troops to the Bamiyan region and the northern Amu Darya region."

"To the south, the mullahs are expanding along the border with Pakistan and Afghanistan, moving closer to Iran."

"Their scope of control increases, and sooner or later they will discover the fact that you are strong on the outside but strong on the inside."

"And you, now, are like clay bodhisattvas crossing the river, unable to protect yourselves."

"The only way out is to develop yourself in a short period of time, but you lack the resources for development."

"And we happen to have the resources for development. Although they are not many, they are enough to support you."

"Of course, I won't help you in vain. I want you to eradicate every poppy in Afghanistan. Count one."

"How about it?"

The space of the chapel is very large, and Sunia's voice is very heavy, and his voice gradually rises with his words. By the last few words, his words have already formed an echo in the chapel.

It keeps echoing.

Coupled with his forward leaning body and the natural evil aura, it was extremely oppressive.

His oppression was only effective against the old imam.

Abu moved casually, ignored Sunia's extremely aggressive gaze, and immediately asked:

"The words you said are not the style you are accustomed to."

"Also, as far as I know, your Revolutionary Guards don't have many things in hand. I don't know, what can you use to cooperate with us?"

"Finally, what if your purpose of cooperating with us is to control Afghanistan?"

"How should I handle myself?"

After several questions in a row, Abu won the game back. Seeing the opponent's face slowly changing, Abu felt very comfortable.

It was true that he was at a disadvantage, but the weak also had dignity.

Being weak did not mean eating food given out of pity.

But his comfortable mood did not last long, because the expression on the other side's face turned into a playful one.

There was also a little bit of playfulness.

It was as if the other side had guessed the wrong bottom card and was playing before showing the bottom card.

The next second, Sonia folded his hands and said calmly: "That was in the past."

"But even in the past, our Revolutionary Guards were stronger than you Taliban and knew what they should do."

"Not like you, confused."

"Let me be frank here. The cooperation in combating drugs is a condition negotiated with a big country in the East."

"We provide manpower to combat drugs and terrorists, and they provide weapons and equipment, as well as some infrastructure facilities."

Sonia said proudly. He thought he would hear the name he wanted to hear from the other party, but he never expected that Abu was stunned for two seconds and directly spit out a country.


"You!" Sonia raised his hand weakly, then put it down weakly, waved his hand casually, and said:

"If you think it is India, then it is India!"

"I have already said the conditions. It is up to you whether to do it or not. You want to enter Iran for rest and recuperation. I can agree, but you have to agree to our conditions first. This is a token of loyalty."

At this point, he pressed the box next to him with both hands, gently pushed it forward, and pushed the box in front of Abu.

Then he opened the box and revealed the cover of the book inside: "A few days ago, after listening to your so-called declaration of breakup, I suddenly remembered that I have a secret book here, which you should be able to use."

"I came here today and brought it to you specially."

"If you want to read this secret book, then read it carefully. If you don't want to read it, then keep it and return it to me next time I come."

"I'm leaving today. Contact me when you think it over."

After leaving a word, Sonia stood up and left decisively. Not long after, she disappeared at the door of the chapel.

After another two or three minutes, the sound of a motorcycle going away was heard in the silent night.

When the sound was almost inaudible, Abu took out the books in the box in front of him with trembling hands.

On the red cover, the gold-plated patterns of sickle and hammer had dimmed, but the pattern was firmly printed on the cover.

At this time, the old imam next to him leaned over, saw the books in the box, licked his tongue slightly, and asked:

"This... reading this book... won't cause any trouble, right?"

"No!" Abu slowly stroked the cover with his left hand, and a faint warmth came from his fingertips. He smiled and said:

"Ali, you are the imam, and I am the Sharif of this western region. The right to answer questions is in your hands and mine. Whether this book can be read is a matter of our words."

"Moreover, we are at a critical moment now. Maybe this book can answer our doubts and save Afghanistan from the water and fire?"

Abu's words made Ali Imam suddenly enlightened. He sat down next to Abu, took a deep breath, and asked carefully:

"Then let's take a look?"

"Let's take a look!" Gritting his teeth, Abu seemed to have made a decision. He slowly raised his right hand and slowly turned the first page with the rhythm of his breathing.

Then, he found that this book was the original Chinese version!

There were some annotations on it, and the same Chinese characters were used.


Licking his lips, the Pashtun imam put down the book written in Chinese characters and picked up another book in the box.


"Persian-Chinese Dictionary"

A moment later, Abu's roar of cursing rang out in the mosque.

On the other side, Sonia had already ridden a long way on his motorcycle. Under the howling mountain wind, one of his intelligence officers suddenly asked:

"Commander, do you think Sharif can understand Chinese characters?"

Hearing this, Sonia waved his hand and said proudly: "It's okay, I left him a complete set of Persian-Chinese dictionaries, he can understand it almost accurately by comparing the translation."

"But he is a Pashtun!" The subordinate continued to ask.

Then, Suniya threatened: "There is no Pashto-Chinese dictionary, and the Chinese-Pashto dictionary was compiled by Huaxia for his own use. Can he understand it?"

Asking a question in return, he squeezed the throttle of the motorcycle in his hand, and the speed suddenly increased. Only in the wind, a sentence came:

"People who want to read, even if they are illiterate, will find ways to understand."

"People who don't want to understand, even if you put the book in his mouth, he won't understand."

"If he really can't understand, it means he is not our partner."

"Then we can't control it."

The three subordinates heard this, turned their heads to look at the village that could no longer be seen, and then twisted the throttle and accelerated to catch up.


More than 500 kilometers southeast of Doyat, Quetta, Pakistan.

Balochistan is the largest province in Pakistan, larger than Punjab.

There are mountains everywhere here, and Brazilian pine nuts are not produced. The western part of Pakistan that produces Brazilian pine nuts is the Federally Administered Tribal Areas of Pakistan, and there is also the Western Frontier Province.

It is located 500 kilometers northeast of Quetta, in the snow-capped mountains due west and southwest of Peshawar.

Because of the inconvenient transportation here and the connection with Afghanistan, the specialty here is terrorists.

In a villa in Quetta, Mullah sat by the window with a bunch of intelligence in his hand, reviewing it bit by bit.

[After investigation, the traitor Abu Abik did not choose to go north to Bamiyan, but according to some clues, some of them went to the eastern part of Kabul, and the main force was not found. ]

Comment: Trash, find them, they can't disappear without a trace!

[According to confirmation, the hidden personnel in Jalalabad area were betrayed and died, and our activities in the northeast region will be greatly reduced. ]

Other intelligence shows that after the American soldiers robbed the gems, they sold them all to a Chinese. At the same time, these American soldiers increased the number of activities and attacked the surrounding resistance forces and villages more frequently.

In addition, apply for $200,000 in funding! ]

Comment: Send people to kill the Chinese, and be prepared to attack the Americans to let them know that we will retaliate.

There is no funding.

[The poppies in Uruzgan Province have begun to mature. Please send people to assist in the harvest. In addition, a large number of unidentified people have been found wandering around the poppy fields. ]

Comment: Kill them!

[The poppies in Helmand Province have been harvested, but Iran has strengthened border patrols and penalties for drug trafficking, so additional transportation routes need to be opened. ]

Comment: Jumping back and forth along the border.

[The Turkestan Camp wants to carry out activities and applies for $200,000 in funding. ]

Comment: People can move, but there is no money. Go kill that Chinese man, they have money.

After completing the feedback and annotations on these intelligence, the mullah put down his pen, picked up a cup of black tea, and walked to the balcony next to him to see the scenery.

But after looking at it for a while, he sighed and walked back to the room.

When you are on the road of exile, don't make yourself unhappy.

It's better to hide in the room obediently, stay at home, and give orders, so as not to be deceived like Colonel Ka, and then the whole country is sold.

Put down the teacup, pick up the Koran on the table that has been polished to a shine.

Mullah read it with relish, the more he read, the more he felt that he was right.

In Peshawar, more than 500 kilometers northeast, after hearing what the person in front of him said, Musha Imam felt that his boast seemed to have a little problem.


seemed to have said something wrong.

Opposite him, Lin Yu saw the old man standing there in a daze, motionless, and he quickly stretched out his hand in front of him and waved it vigorously.

At the same time, he also pulled Sah next to him with his hand, saying repeatedly: "You have to testify for me when the time comes, I didn't touch him, I just said a few words, and he became like this!"

"He's just old, it's not my fault."

And Sah, whom he pulled, was more panicked than him at the moment.

Because the people outside watched him walk into the church with their own eyes.

If the imam has a problem, he can't escape the blame!

He will be hung up and beaten to death by the people around him!

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